How to wear and apply a bandage after a caesarean section

Before answering the question of what type of bandage is needed after a cesarean section, you need to understand what a bandage is after a cesarean section and why it is needed. The postoperative abdominal bandage "Intex" is an elastic support belt in the form of a wide tape with Velcro fasteners (that is, Velcro) that secure the bandage to the lower back.

The external pressure that the bandage puts on the scar stimulates blood flow to the wound area. Since the scar area receives more oxygen and nutrients, within 1-2 weeks connective tissue forms at the suture site and a durable, inconspicuous scar is formed. The bandage supports abdominal muscles weakened by surgery. This allows you to maintain the proportions of the figure as before the operation.

How to properly put on a bandage after a caesarean section?

Put on a thin tank top or T-shirt, then spread the bandage on the bed and lie down so that the middle of the abdominal bandage is adjacent to your stomach. Holding one end of the bandage, pull the other end taut and place it over the first until the Velcro fasteners meet. The fastened bandage should place light but noticeable pressure on the scar and abdominal muscles.

How to put on a bandage after a caesarean section if you feel pain when trying to fasten the Velcro fastener? If you feel pain while putting on the brace, you should immediately contact your doctor . This will help ensure that the wound does not become infected.

Belly tying after childbirth

What is postpartum swaddling, why is it needed, how to do it yourself, how it differs from a bandage and why it is more useful. Why do you need to tie up your belly? First: the fixation apparatus of internal organs includes, among other things, intra-abdominal pressure. After childbirth, it decreases and organs are displaced. In addition, the tone of the pelvic floor muscles decreases. It recovers in about 14 days.

Tying solves these problems. This is the prevention and relief of hemorrhoids, organ prolapse, constipation, poorly contracting uterus, divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, etc.

In addition, the stomach does not sag, it tightens, the appearance and condition of the muscles improves.

Every time I come for diapering, I can see by the belly whether the woman has been tied up or not

This should be done immediately after giving birth, as soon as you start to get up. About 2 weeks, sometimes longer. The criterion for when you can remove the sling is when you feel the same with and without it.

What do you need?

You need fabric - linen or cotton, quite thick. For the first time, just to feel how it’s done correctly, a sling scarf is very suitable. Then you can use it or fabric about 3 meters long and 50 cm wide.

Always tie up lying down. In the photo the girl is standing, but this is solely because it is easier to see. But in reality it should be lying down.

So, lying on your back, put the fabric on your waist.

Cross it behind your back

We bring the ends forward again.

We get two layers. The first is a wide and straightened fabric. It will serve as a pocket where we will “fold” the belly. The second layer will serve as support so that the stomach does not fall down.

We tie a knot. It is better from the side so that the node is not on the uterus. In this photo, the hand indicates that there are two layers. And they are different. Wide and narrow. It should be comfortable, you can't tighten it too tight because when you stand up the fabric will become even tighter.

After this, still lying down, we put our hands under the fabric, deep into the stomach. And - we “lay out” the entire belly on top, in the pocket, above the second layer, which serves as a retainer. Don’t be afraid to put your hands as deep as possible; often the belly that has given birth is a bottomless sack.

Here, let's pull the stomach up. It’s not visible on Masha, because she’s a young girl, she just happened to be a model for me. That is, she has nothing to “post”.

Masha diligently inflates her belly so that at least something can be seen. In the end it all looks like this.

And just like that.

If this were a real model, then the belly would lie quietly in the pocket, and sometimes even above it.

Now about the sensations, about the criteria that the stomach is tied up correctly.

This is how it should feel. Imagine that a person comes up to you from behind, hugs you under your stomach and slightly lifts it up. It's very comfortable. Nice. It doesn't press. It becomes easy for you to stand - that is, keep your back straight - and breathe easily. This is the main thing.

It is important not to overtighten!

It was very funny when I showed this thing at the courses, and then the girls in the maternity hospital tied themselves up, and the nurses, looking at them, went to tie up everyone else


I add: about the bandage.

IT'S NOT THE SAME! The bandage, one way or another, acts on the principle of tightening. And it turns out that since the pelvic floor is weak, the organs, when they are tightened by a bandage, sink even further down into the “hole” “formed” by weak muscles. Here. And this, as you understand, has very, very unpleasant consequences. I'm surprised who came up with it.

Author Victoria Ripp specialist in postpartum recovery Source

What is the best bandage to use after a caesarean section?

The best bandage after cesarean section allows you to regulate pressure on the abdomen , does not provoke sweating and does not cause allergies. The best post-cesarean bandages can be worn discreetly under clothing. If you are thinking about how to choose a bandage after a caesarean section, we recommend considering a Russian abdominal bandage.

The Intex bandage allows you to regulate the pressure on the abdomen using Velcro fasteners. The bandage is made in the form of an elastic belt consisting of dense strips alternating with intervals of sparse fabric. Thanks to this, the belt removes moisture from the surface of the skin, ensuring normal air exchange. The “Intex” abdominal bandage is woven from materials that do not cause an allergic reaction , and has a thin texture, so it is not visible under clothing.

What is a postpartum bandage for?

A bandage is a wide belt, often in the form of a corset, made of elastic fabric, with a mandatory tight insert in the abdominal area. It applies moderate pressure and supports the muscles and skeleton of a woman who has recently given birth.

A bandage after childbirth is needed to:

  • support the stomach;
  • help the abdominal muscles get into shape faster;
  • help the uterus contract faster;
  • prevent prolapse of abdominal organs;
  • after a caesarean section, help fix the sutures;
  • relieve stress from the spine and back;
  • reduce pain during the postpartum period.

Well, a nice bonus of wearing a bandage is that the clothes that fit over it will fit better.

What is a postoperative bandage for?

A postpartum bandage performs several functions simultaneously. It supports the pelvic organs well, has a positive effect on the abdominal muscles and prevents their stretching. The bandage causes contractions of the uterus, due to which its original size is quickly restored. The bandage prevents the seam from coming apart during physical activity, for example, when a mother picks up her baby.

If used correctly, the bandage can reduce pain after a caesarean section. Using this device, you can support the spine, which is extremely important during recovery after surgery. Thanks to the bandage, you will be able to return to your previous shape as quickly as possible.

Many women have already appreciated the benefits of this product. They note that recovery after childbirth and surgery actually goes faster. At the same time, the stomach is tightened in a short time, and the likelihood of complications is reduced.

Types of bandages

In order for the bandage to sit comfortably, not interfere with movement and perform all the necessary functions, you need to choose a model that is suitable for your figure and qualities:

Universal model

– combines the functions of a prenatal and postnatal bandage; it will be useful for back pain.

  • What it looks like: a tape made of stretchy material, one end is wide, the other is narrow, there are inserts made of perforated material that allow the skin to breathe.
  • How to wear: during pregnancy - with the narrow end on the stomach, after childbirth - with the wide end, fixed with Velcro, worn over underwear.
  • Minus: not indicated for long-term wear.

Postpartum bandage tape

– indicated for wearing after cesarean section (excellently fixes sutures) and for postpartum hernia.

  • What it looks like: an elastic band no more than 30 cm wide, there is an insert on the stomach, secured with Velcro.
  • How to wear it: with an insert on the stomach, no higher than the waist, Velcro helps to secure the tape tightly around the body, while you need to make sure that the bandage does not pinch the stomach too much, but does not dangle either.
  • Minus: often slips when walking.

Tightening bandage panties

– comfortable to wear, invisible under clothes, perfectly tightens the stomach, does not interfere with blood flow and tightens internal organs.

  • What it looks like: panties made of dense stretch material with an insert on the stomach; in different models, the fasteners and clamps are located differently; there are models with a fastener at the bottom - for the convenience of going to the toilet.
  • How to wear: Briefs can be worn over underwear or used instead.
  • Cons: Frequent washing.

Bermuda bandage

– a type of panties that perfectly tighten the stomach and sides, helping to improve the appearance of the buttocks and thighs.

  • What it looks like: High-waisted, knee-length leggings.
  • How to wear: Wear over underwear.
  • Cons: Frequent washing.

Bandage corset

– in addition to tummy tuck, it relieves stress on the back.

  • What it looks like: a corset with additional inserts on the lower back; many fasteners allow you to optimally adjust the tightness of the fit to the stomach and back.
  • How to wear: Can be worn over underwear or directly on the body.
  • Cons: Frequent washing.

Types of bandage-corset:

  • The corset-belt is not wide, has side inserts, and can ride up with active movement;
  • corset-panties - worn like a bandage-panties, it is inconvenient to go to the toilet;
  • Bermuda corset - similar to briefs, but the length of the legs is up to the knees, also inconvenient in the toilet;
  • corset-pants - everything is the same as in shorts and bermuda shorts, but the legs are below the knees.

Bandage skirt

– helps restore muscle corset and abs after childbirth.

  • What it looks like: similar to a bandage belt, but wider - from the stomach to the middle of the thighs.
  • How to wear: Can be worn over underwear, clothing or directly on the body.
  • Minus: when walking, it either rides up at the waist or rolls down under the stomach.

How to surgically remove a sagging, flabby belly and stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth?

Surgical intervention is the only truly effective method of returning an aesthetic appearance to changes in the soft tissues of the abdomen in the postpartum period. There are several options for making such corrections:

  1. Laparoscopic.
    It is used for low severity disorders - it does not involve correction of the navel, and in this way it will not be possible to get rid of skin that has stretched during pregnancy. But laparoscopic surgery has the least trauma, and patients recover as quickly as possible after it.
  2. Minimally invasive.
    This option allows you to correct moderate violations, but it can only be used if the navel is not displaced to the side. This type of abdominoplasty involves removing any amount of excess skin (and fat deposits if necessary) while tightening the soft tissue.
  3. Classical.
    Such plastic surgery on the abdomen after childbirth includes skin tightening, removal of excess fat deposits through liposuction, strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, excision of hernias, navel transfer, removal of stretch marks, etc. But such wide possibilities for restoring your appearance also imply the longest recovery period of all three options.

The total duration of interventions depends on their type and usually ranges from 1 to 4 hours. Any abdominoplasty is a full-fledged plastic surgery. To carry it out, the woman is hospitalized in the inpatient department of SM-Plastic, and the intervention itself always takes place under general anesthesia. Plastic surgeons at our clinic choose a specific surgical option individually for each patient, guided by their professional experience.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that it makes sense to eliminate stretch marks and remove sagging soft tissue on the abdomen surgically only if you are not planning any more pregnancies. Indeed, if the child is carried again, all the results of the previously performed correction will be spoiled.

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