How to quickly lose weight after the holidays: how to start eating right after a food binge - a gentle diet

What does stress want from us?

First, let's clarify what stress is and what we really want when it happens to us.

Stress is a state of the body when all resources are mobilized to act as efficiently as possible. This is a high functionality mode.

Stress (if experienced from time to time) is beneficial. It makes the brain work more efficiently, makes us physically more resilient and helps us develop more actively. If there were no stress, there would not be the level of development at which you are now.

Stress becomes a problem when we experience it constantly - chronically. Then the body begins to frantically search for resources for further functioning in this mode and decides that it is time to create reserves (of course, fat) in case the situation gets even worse. Plus, all systems begin to wear out, since in the mode of increased functionality there is more wear and tear.

We subconsciously understand: this cannot continue for long. And then it makes sense that what we want when we are constantly stressed is to relax. What we really want is not to eat another 1 kg of candy, but to get relaxation. And at the same time, protection from future stress - at least for a couple of hours.

How to lose weight after the holidays?

So, let's tell you the principles of an effective diet after the holidays and how to stop overeating?

Diet: how to start eating right after binge eating

So how to quickly lose weight after the New Year? What are the rules for losing weight from scratch?

To quickly lose weight after the New Year or any other holiday, you need a few days after the holidays, it’s really better to follow a recovery diet, but a gentle one. Since the stomach is irritated after feasts, especially if there are any gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, cholecystitis, kidney disease).

So for about a week, to help the body recover, it is better to choose enveloping foods .

For example:

  • vegetable puree soups,
  • porridge with milk or water (but without butter),
  • fresh vegetables, but ideally steamed,
  • to a lesser extent - fruits


  • Instead of fatty meat and fish, choose steamed beef, veal, chicken or fish.

Eat meat no more than once a week, chicken - 1-2 times a week, fish - 2 times a week. Let the portions be small: 100-120 g.

We remind you that small meals will not help you lose weight , but if you have problems with the stomach or intestines, it is better to switch to small, frequent meals.

A restorative diet excludes fried, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee and strong tea.

Remember that the most important criterion for nutrition is completeness, more details in “Daily Diet for Weight Loss” .

Nutrition after a binge is a very important element of your weight loss and restoration of good health. How should you eat if you overate at night, you feel bad and your stomach hurts a lot? Every day, your diet should include six food groups:

  • grains (this also includes potatoes),
  • fruits, berries, dried fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • liquid dairy products,
  • protein foods (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese),
  • fats (vegetable oil, seeds, nuts).

How much and what to eat depends on your initial and desired weight. For example, a person weighing 60 kilograms who wants to lose a couple of kilos can be recommended the following daily diet:

  • 400-500 gr. vegetables, vegetables
  • 300 gr. fruits,
  • 400 ml. liquid dairy products,
  • 180 gr. proteins,
  • 180 gr. porridge or pasta from durum wheat + two potatoes,
  • 2 teaspoons of oil or 1 spoon and 6 nuts or 1 tablespoon of seeds.

Get into the habit of mentally dividing your plate into thirds to properly distribute all the macronutrients. You will feel much more confident if you fill a third of your plate with meat, a third with vegetables or salad, and a third with something carbohydrate. Remember that protein and vegetables will fill you up quickly.

By the way, it doesn’t matter what exactly you enjoyed tirelessly - the essence is the same if you ate too much sweets, pancakes or nuts on a diet.

Such a diet after the holidays is also important for its psychological effect: by turning to it, we seem to draw a line, put an imaginary but decisive end to food excesses.

Instead of counting calories: the Danish palm diet for the lazy and busy, which will make people crazy about losing weight!


What comes quickly goes quickly. There is no need to force the body by loading it too much after the holidays . You need to start training gradually.

In the first week, for a person with an average level of fitness, it is better to limit training to every other day: from 30 to 60 minutes of cardio exercise, 5-10 minutes of abdominal exercises, 15-20 minutes of stretching exercises. Starting next week, you can switch to the regime of 2 days of classes, 1 day of rest according to the same scheme.

Bye, vacation: start of training after the break

At the same time, rest is important: the body must be allowed to recover. Another caution: during this period you should not put a lot of force on your muscles or start strength training, especially if you have not done it before.

By the way, don't think that you have gained just one fat. Most likely, you are simply swollen! Stop panicking. It’s simply unrealistic to “eat too much” even in 10 days.

According to nutritionists, a person of normal weight with increased nutrition can gain only about a kilogram of fat per week. During one party or feast you can gain 300-400 grams, if the next day you see +1 kg on the scales, most of this weight is water.

Read more about how to start exercising after a break .

So we move on to the next point:

Drinking regime

The human body, depending on weight and age, consists of 50-75% water. If a person loses more than 20% of fluid, he will die. Therefore, water is necessary for the normal functioning of a healthy body.

For a person struggling with extra pounds, water is extremely important. It helps normalize the water-salt balance, which is usually disturbed in overweight people. A sufficient amount of clean water helps to get rid of swelling, which almost everyone always has after the holidays.

To relieve swelling, especially if you have eaten too much salty food or drunk too much strong drink, start the day with a cup of chamomile tea or any other natural diuretic: it will remove excess moisture.

Gastric distension

Stretching of internal organs - for example, the stomach, if you overeat, or a malfunction of the intestines (bloating, etc.). can visually spoil the figure.

But : physiologically it is unrealistic to achieve a lasting change (i.e. increase/growth or decrease in size) of the stomach by eating. Read about this in the article “Can you stretch your stomach by overeating? How to reduce a distended stomach? .

In fact, people especially often think that they have stretched their stomach during feasts and holiday dinners, although in fact, they have banal bloating !

Of course, this is not very pleasant or aesthetically pleasing, but don’t worry: our article will tell you everything you need to know about solving this problem!

The secret ingredient to success

Of course, on New Year's holidays the entire daily routine breaks down: we go to bed late, get up late, sleep poorly, especially after drinking alcohol. The best solution in this situation would be a gradual transition to a 7-8 hour sleep pattern. After all, healthy sleep means the absence of stress and low levels of the hormone cortisol.

The latter, when nervously excited, leads to a “miscalibration” of the entire hormonal system and contributes to obesity .

In addition, when a person sleeps little, his metabolism is disrupted, nervousness increases - and this contributes to weight gain.

Sleep is the key to health. Meditation and relaxation

Why do you want to eat stress?

Why do we have a desire to eat something, and not go for a massage, for example? Everything is explained by childhood experience.

In infancy, we did not experience much stress and anxiety. The most powerful of them was the feeling of hunger. When it was satisfied and my mother took us in her arms, she calmed us down, consoled us, fed us, and after that she checked our diapers and put us to bed.

Thus, all our needs were satisfied, and a neural connection (anchor) arose in the brain: food = relaxation, comfort, protection.

It is worth noting that the issue with parents is one of the key issues that we resolve during consultations. And very often, when clients dot all the i's for themselves, soon after that they begin to lose weight.

Throughout life, our relatives (especially grandmothers) tend to maintain in us the anchor “food = relaxation and protection,” so it is not surprising that we tend to eat away any stress.

But there is another, safer way to relieve stress.

Relapse on a diet or after a diet. Next steps

In the initial stages, the 80/20 rule will be very useful. That is, of course we try for 100, but we remember that 80 is also gorgeous. We put perfectionism aside with all our might. The “all or nothing” principle will not give the desired result. Willpower is a relative concept, you don’t need to compare yourself to athletes or fitness bikinis, they have a completely different story. Even the smallest achievement is valuable for us at the start. We take small steps towards a high goal. And, oddly enough, the result will be of such high quality and comfortable that the desire to turn into a fitness bikini may disappear at some stage

The competitive moment and the need for accountability provide good motivation. That’s why work in paid groups and streams has proven itself so well (but you need to choose them very carefully, according to the principle “we don’t believe in quick weight loss”). - Is it possible to accelerate metabolism for weight loss? They often say about thin people: he/she has a good metabolism, eats and doesn’t get fat! But what is hidden behind this magic word “metabolism” and why is it “good” for some and “bad” for others? In this article, we will look at whether we can initiate an acceleration of metabolism to lose weight?

And most importantly: we set ourselves up to the fact that this is not a diet, not temporary discomfort, which will then need to be compensated. And this is the beginning of a new life, this is the building of a healthy body and spirit, and this is work that, once it becomes a habit, will bring pleasure no less than a shawarma cake. You will really begin to enjoy the process and the reflection in the mirror, your physical and emotional state, and the realization that “I can do anything and I’m great”! A breakdown on a diet or after a diet may be less likely if you try to learn to control your cravings for “harmful things.”

Exercise 1

You can do it sitting or lying down - whichever is more convenient for you.

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a three year old child. Your mom and dad are next to you (it doesn’t matter whether they were with you at that age, whether they are alive now or not). Imagine them giving you what you really want: love. They stroke you, hold your hand, kiss you, you are happy and laugh.

Feel the warmth, care and love that fills you through your parents. Curl up in one of their laps while the other one strokes you, and feel all the tenderness they feel for you.

Stay in this state. Try to “add” to yourself through this image everything that you once lacked and are now trying to compensate for.

Thank your parents for everything bright and beautiful that happened in your life thanks to them. Wish them good luck and happiness (even if they are not with you now).

You'll make yourself feel warm and cared for without relying on food as an anchor. There is a high probability that after this exercise you will want to eat much less.

Craving for harmful things

Today in a coffee shop I observed the following picture: two clearly overweight women each took a hot dog and 2 cakes. Moreover, while the hot dogs were being prepared, they had already started eating the cakes, and then, after a bite, they finished both of them together... I thought for a minute about how delicious they must be now, then I took my empty coffee and decided to write about some psychological reasons cravings for "harm"

So it could be:

  1. stress (both positive and negative) and the extraction of positive emotions
  2. habit of drinking tea with sweets after meals
  3. psychological reaction to a ban (I want what is not allowed)

How can I try to eliminate the causes?

One option is to gradually reduce the portions of what we eat and add some things from the list:

  • The favorite music
  • meditation (if you practice)
  • an episode of a funny TV series or a stand-up routine
  • buying something necessary and useful for yourself (online or in person)

First, try replacing candy and cookies with fruit: for example, you can cut half an apple and half a pear into slices, sprinkle with cinnamon and add 1 tsp. honey; the next level would be simply delicious tea or coffee with various natural additives. While eating, try to eat as slowly as possible so that the signal of satiety has time to reach the brain and by the end of the meal you would no longer be so eager to “catch up with sweets.” Eat protein and complex carbohydrates in the right quantities, this will also help you feel full.

Don't demonize harmful products! If you absolutely can’t do it without baking, try making it yourself, controlling the ingredients. If you can’t live without chocolate, allow yourself one small chocolate bar a day, the main thing is not to buy a big one, otherwise you might eat it all. Can't live without sausage? Look for the healthiest ingredients possible and eat small amounts. With the introduction of correct eating habits, taste preferences will gradually change, as our body gets used to everything, especially what is healthy for it.

We eat well at least three times a day

One of my friends who is always losing weight says that she keeps herself busy 24/7 in order to take her mind off food. She is in soap during the day, and at night, and throughout the day. However, since the beginning of such downloads, she has gained 10 kilograms. And the reason for this is the completely destroyed regime. Instead of eating normally and on a schedule, she eats everything she can get her hands on on the go.

To get rid of gluttony, you need to organize yourself a balanced lunch, breakfast and dinner . Healthy snacks are allowed throughout the day. But skipping meals leads to constant overeating.

We refuse diets

You probably know the singer Anna Sedokova. Her photographs often appear on the Internet and in the media. A sultry beauty, isn't she? You just have to look at the same pictures without Photoshop, and the envy immediately disappears.

Cellulite, huge sides and a prolapsed belly - that's the whole model for you. Even though Anyuta is constantly on various diets, it’s hard to call her experience successful. True, recently the girl was still able to pull herself together and lose a couple of extra pounds. The new fat burning program is based on proper nutrition and exercise.

Remember, strict gastronomic prohibitions will only encourage you to overeat. After all, any abstinence leads to another breakdown. Instead of suffering and starving, focus on eating in moderation. It's not difficult to find nutritious and healthy foods that satisfy your appetite. The main thing is not to overdo it with dosages.


  1. grit your teeth, clearly plan your day and join in the upcoming workdays. Of course, on holidays you want to sleep off all of last year’s early wake-ups, but it’s worth remembering that your reluctance to get up and go to bed as scheduled will negatively affect the time it takes to get back into shape.
  2. It's probably worth remembering that there are not only summer but also winter sports . If you are not very good at skating or skiing, then anyone can go sledding or play in the snow - it’s much more fun than sitting with a plate of cakes on the couch and watching all the New Year’s programs in a row.
  3. There is another tradition that should be faithfully observed: for the New Year, Christmas or the old New Year, it is worth doing general cleaning and washing .
  4. And also, dears, do not forget that you need to change your body in a good mood. You will definitely lose those holiday pounds, but just remember how tasty and fun these days were.

    All these problems are temporary. Love yourself, be calm about small and temporary problems, and then you will be able to get rid of the extra pounds you gained during the holiday quickly and without much effort.

  5. Do not set yourself the goal of urgently getting rid of cellulite and lose 5 kg..., don’t tell yourself that from Monday or from this day and from this hour you are going on a strict diet. Our body and our subconscious do not like such ultimatums.

    Any strict restriction causes a response, and in the fight with oneself it is easy to lose. Therefore, we will not dramatically change our habits, but will gradually and painlessly return to our previous active and healthy life.

In fact, extra pounds gained on New Year's or any other holiday go away quite quickly on their own as soon as the weekend is over. When normal life begins - with work, study, affairs, meetings and responsibilities, the weight returns to normal.

Thin does not mean ideal: top 11 stars with cellulite, stretch marks and flabby bodies

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