Lemon diet: how to quickly lose weight and cleanse the body

Published: 07/21/2020

Lemon has a whole bunch of different beneficial properties. It is not surprising that confectioners, doctors, cosmetologists, and housewives love it. Even Indian manuscripts from the 12th century mention the healing properties of citrus. From India, the golden fruit was brought to Italy, Spain, Africa and the Middle East, and then came to us.

Diet (diet therapy), a menu specially selected in terms of quantity, chemical composition, caloric content and culinary processing, is used for therapeutic or preventive purposes. There are different versions of quick weight loss using lemons. The lemon diet is low-calorie. Acid, more precisely vitamin C, dulls hunger, accelerates fat burning, tightens skin, improves hair structure, strengthens the heart and restores the digestive system. Today, the lemon diet is the fastest extreme weight loss program. Its goal is not only to stabilize weight, the main thing is to maintain health. Hollywood stars and top models often go on the lemon diet to quickly lose weight.

General rules

The lemonade diet is an excellent way to completely cleanse the body or prepare for an important event.
The most famous case of the successful use of detox lemonade is the weight loss of the world famous singer Beyoncé for the filming of the film “Dreamgirls,” who used lemonade according to Stanley Burroughs’ recipe and lost 9 kg in just two weeks. An American healer invented the recipe for lemonade back in the 50s and described it in the book The Master Cleanser. Initially, this technique was supposed to help patients with digestive problems, for example, with gastritis and ulcers , and also be used to treat skin diseases, but it turned out that it is great for an emergency reboot of the body and weight loss. In 5-10 days of cleansing you can lose up to 10 kg, you can repeat it up to 3-4 times a year.

The weight loss mechanism is based on the principle of cleansing internal organs of toxins, unwanted deposits and eliminating swelling. After all, the body stores fats and forms fat folds not only in case of starvation, but also to neutralize existing toxins. Thanks to intensive consumption of lemon water drinks, the acidity of the circulating blood and the pH of gastric juice are reduced.

The main rule is to consume 6-12 glasses of lemonade per day, and you can drink it at the first feeling of hunger.

An additional condition for successfully completing a detox diet is preparing the body. 3 days before the start, you need to stop eating processed foods, then switch to fresh fruits and vegetables and the day before try to last the whole day on fresh orange juice.

The effect of the components of detox lemonade on the body

  • lemon juice – detoxification, blood thinning and blood pressure reduction, additional laxative effect;
  • cayenne pepper helps speed up metabolism and increase blood circulation;
  • the components of maple syrup are an excellent source of all essential microelements, incl. calcium and magnesium, as well as the main energy component and calorie content of the daily diet - 600-1200 calories.

Lemon miracle - weight loss in two weeks

Almost all options for losing weight with lemon are extreme: they quickly cleanse the body, remove toxins, and are useful in preventing diabetes. As a basis, you need to take a lemon-honey drink, which is easy to prepare: dissolve a little honey and lemon juice in boiled water at room temperature until a pleasant taste is obtained. Drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach helps you wake up, starts the digestive system and dulls the feeling of hunger. The menu is formed depending on the chosen method, and it will have to be changed completely.

Classic rules:

  • be sure to reduce total calories;
  • the menu includes fruits, vegetables, and another source of fiber;
  • we practically exclude “harmful” carbohydrates, fats, salty, spicy foods;
  • We must neutralize the intake of lemon juice using a cocktail straw or a soda solution (rinse the mouth)
  • Smoking, like alcohol, is extremely undesirable.

It is best to start eating this way shortly before starting the diet to get used to it a little. After sufficient preparation, they begin directly to lose weight. The most common technique is quite simple: adding lemon juice to your diet. A two-week period is preferable to gradualism and allows it to be completed smoothly. If you break it down by day, the picture will look like this:

  • Day 1 - on an empty stomach, an hour before meals, drink one lemon and a glass of water.
  • Day 2 – double the volume: two lemons and two glasses of water, by 3 – 3, etc. (all this time the diet is varied and balanced).
  • Day 7 – fasting, drinking only: three liters of water, three lemons with the addition of a spoonful of honey.
  • From the 8th day - start of release: the usual diet on the sixth day, each subsequent day gradually reducing the amount of drink.
  • On day 13 we come to the beginning: a glass of water and lemon juice.
  • Day 14 - unloading.

During this period, the body receives severe stress, so the main thing is to take advantage of the results obtained and not break down. For those who find this method harsh, you can try the seven-day miracle diet. During this period, drink a lemon drink in the mornings before breakfast and in the evenings instead of dinner. These measures will help you lose at least a couple of kilograms.


The action of the lemonade diet is aimed at completely cleansing the body, dissolving and eliminating all types of fatty tissue, as well as removing toxins and allergens, so it is suitable for patients suffering from:

  • colds, flu, asthma, hay fever ;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • diseases caused by calcium deposits in joints, muscles, glands, cells or cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • the entire list of skin diseases, including furunculosis , carbunculosis , abscesses and rashes.

In addition, as a general cleansing of the body, the diet helps dissolve and remove blood clots, cleanse the excretory and digestive systems.

Side effects and features

It should be noted that the delights of the diet are available to an ideally healthy stomach; citrus can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but excessive consumption greatly increases acidity. Contraindicated for stomach diseases, urolithiasis, allergies, so you should first consult with a specialist.

This diet causes physical fatigue and weakness as it slows down the body's metabolism. Mood swings and difficulty concentrating may occur. Risk group: people with allergies, chronic diseases (pancreatitis or enterocolitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers).

Diabetes is a serious disease that causes frequent hunger pangs. This diet will not satisfy you and will make you irritable. In this case, you need a different diet, a more suitable one that will help you gradually cleanse yourself and lose weight.

Be careful! A long-term diet is a difficult test for the stomach. The lemon diet is not suitable for people with high acidity and can cause cramps and severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Before you start fighting for a beautiful figure and extra pounds, you need to consult a nutritionist.

Authorized Products

Maintaining water-salt balance is the basis for successful weight loss, so we must not forget about the rate of water consumption - 1.5 liters of non-carbonated clean water will be enough for an adult. In addition, drinks such as green and mint tea are perfect to maintain tone and restore strength.

The main source of energy is suggested to take maple syrup or molasses - rich in all necessary macro- and microelements, pure glucose , which stimulates the pancreas and effectively cleanses the body.

Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and flavonoids . Make lemonade only from fresh fruits. For a different taste, you can replace lemon with lime.

Cayenne pepper has a special biochemical composition and the amount of hot capsaicin ; only ripe and bright fruits give the necessary physiological effect. It is best to stock up on a mortar and use freshly ground pepper.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
cayenne pepper0,70,29,843
maple syrup0,00,167,4260
green tea0,00,00,0
lime juice0,00,08,225
lemon juice0,90,13,016
* data is per 100 g of product

Niira Diet Options

There are several variations of the lemonade diet that differ in duration.

7-10 days - Full diet . For the specified period you should refuse food, at the first signs of hunger turning to lemonade from concentrate, juice and pepper. You are also allowed to drink plain water.

3-5 days - Reduced diet . Same rules, but for a shorter period.

Once a week - Fasting day Niira . One special day is chosen every week, during which the person losing weight does not eat anything, but only drinks weight-loss lemonade and plain water. On other days the diet is normal.

Spanish version - when following it for one month, it is recommended to replace breakfast or dinner (not both meals!) with two to three glasses of lemonade with Madal Bal syrup. To lose weight, for the entire duration of the Niira diet in the Spanish version, you must give up bread, alcohol, salt, processed foods, fried foods, coffee, sweets, dairy products, and red meat.

Eat and lose weight - a version of the popular diet for the lazy, but with syrup instead of water. Three times a day, half an hour before meals, you need to drink 300 ml of weight-loss lemonade, and also replace one of your meals with it from time to time. The duration of following the Niira diet in this variety is 3 months.

Fully or partially limited products

The diet is very meager, it is rather just a complete cleansing of the body and drinking only freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup and water.

If we only concern the recipe for making lemonade, then the following are prohibited:

  • artificial, synthetic and processed sugars;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • salt or other spices, with the exception of hot cayenne pepper;
  • honey.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens






Cereals and porridges


Flour and pasta


Bakery products



candy caramel0,00,196,2362
fruit and berry marmalade0,40,076,6293

Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189



Raw materials and seasonings

red pepper tabasco sauce0,80,51,112
balsamic vinegar0,50,017,088



Cheeses and cottage cheese


Meat products




Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899

Alcoholic drinks

mint tincture0,00,06,4250
* data is per 100 g of product

Exit from the lemon diet

Normal nutrition is gradually restored. It is harmful to immediately increase your calorie intake, since the body is not able to quickly adapt to increased loads and it will be difficult to digest a lot of food at once. Therefore, you should not overeat.

What is allowed in the diet during the diet:

  • Fruits - apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi, watermelons and melons.
  • Vegetables - carrots, beets, tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage and zucchini.
  • Greens - in various varieties.
  • All kinds of nuts.
  • Plant-based protein - soybeans, beans, peas, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, as well as lean meat and fish.
  • Drinks - fruit juices, buttermilk and green tea.

Prohibited products:

  • Fruits - mango, date, plum, apricot, papaya.
  • Various sweets.
  • Potatoes.
  • Beef and pork.
  • Drinks: alcoholic, sweet and sparkling, coffee.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • cleansing the body;
  • the menu is simple and does not require calorie counting;
  • lightness and good mood;
  • improvement of skin condition.
  • after drinking salted water in the morning and evening, it is better to stay near the toilet;
  • it is difficult to survive completely without food;
  • You need to stick to a special diet for several days to prepare for and then exit the diet.

Results and reviews of the lemonade diet

Reviews about the lemonade diet are mixed. Although many people note lightness after several days of drinking lemonade, there are still cases when it does not help and the weight simply stays the same.

In addition, the morning and evening consumption of salted water adds to the negative impression of the detox course. Many people give up on this aspect and admit that the weight loss is worse as a result.

How long to stay on the lemonade diet?

This question comes up quite often. Girls note that the kilograms disappear from the first day, and on average you can lose up to 1 kg per day, that is, in about 10 days and a few days of preparation and exit from the diet, you can lose the 9-10 kg stated by the author.

However, most often in reviews they indicate that they sit on lemonade for 4-5 days - they lose up to 6 kg and are happy with even this result.

Should syrup be replaced with honey?

It is believed that if you find it difficult to get maple syrup, you can replace it with honey. But the author of the book “The Master Cleanser,” Burrows, considers it unfairly overrated, because it does not contain enough calcium and may contain preservatives. Honey, entering the blood too quickly, requires emergency production of insulin , which, unfortunately, is most often produced more than necessary, and a feeling of hunger arises, which is undesirable with such a strict diet.

According to the author, the only product that also has the correct balance of sugar is fresh cane juice.

Benefits of the Lemon Diet

In general, the lemon diet has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Still water with lemon juice removes toxins, improves complexion and helps fight extra pounds. Of course, if you continue to eat high-calorie foods, there will be no benefit. Many experts recommend this diet to those who care about their health and want to lose weight. If you follow it at the turn of the seasons, when the body is most vulnerable, then no diseases are dangerous. Citrus is rich in vitamin C, which successfully fights many different heart diseases such as strokes and heart attacks. Lemons and grapefruits with the addition of honey treat rheumatism, diabetes, and many other diseases. Weight loss is a consequence, the main effect of the diet is detoxification of the lymphatic system and reduction of fat reserves. As a result, the structure of the skin, hair, and nails improves, and the body gets rid of warts.

Diet is a great time to think about your appearance. Lemon pulp and zest that remain in large quantities will also be used. In the evening, while watching an interesting movie, dip your fingers in halves of lemon peel - this procedure whitens and strengthens your nails. Tonic for washing and rinsing hair cleanses the face and tightens pores. After rinsing with an acidic tonic, your hair will become silky and shiny. Frozen ice cubes refresh and tighten the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Dedicating half a month to yourself to your beloved is, in principle, not so much. And the diet is not too strict. Of course, you need to exclude baked goods, as well as heavy meats, sweets, and solid foods. If you think that lemon burns fat and you can continue to enjoy cakes and pastries, this is not so. Visible results will only occur if the menu is correctly selected, if you include simple physical exercises: light running, stretching to music.

By the way! Famous ballerinas keep themselves in shape thanks to various diets.

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