Where to get “working” collagen that maintains skin tone: 7 products

What does the body need?

Widely known in cosmetology, found in cosmetics and products. Can be taken in capsules, tablets, powder or liquid solution. Helps compensate for the lack of protein compounds, minerals, and vitamins. Additional benefits:

  • stimulates natural rejuvenation processes;
  • increases the protective properties of the dermis;
  • retains moisture in the skin;
  • prevents dryness and flaking;

  • smoothes out small wrinkles.

Protein synthesized by connective tissue makes the skin elastic. If fine wrinkles appear, it means collagen production has decreased. In the body it is concentrated in the skin, nails, hair, joints. After 25 years, production decreases and forced stimulation is required. It is acceptable to take dietary supplements, use special cosmetics, and introduce collagen-rich foods into the diet.

Elastin and collagen are the main components of beauty and youth.

But protein is not only responsible for external attractiveness. It prevents microtraumas on the skin, the appearance of fungus, and infections. Responsible for the flexibility of joints and ligaments, prevents the occurrence of arthritis. Indirectly affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. You can increase the level of protein compounds without beauty injections by simply adjusting your diet and choosing a complex of vitamins.

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Natural sources of protein compounds

In addition to dietary supplements, medical experts recommend eating foods rich in collagen. This way it is absorbed faster, the body is saturated and immediately “introduces” the active components into work. There are four main foods high in collagen.

Dish, productBenefitPeculiarities
Bone brothOne of the richest sources. When taken daily from 170g, it will smooth out wrinkles and restore skin elasticity. Jellied meat contains a bioactive form of protein that does not require processing and is used immediately.
GelatinQuickly eliminates protein deficiency, affects the mobility of joints and ligaments.Partially processed substances from animal tissue. Does not lose properties when cooked.
SoybeansSaturates the body with protein compounds and is easily digested.It contains a small amount of protein, but it is quickly and easily absorbed in almost full volume.
EggsA relatively cheap source of protein compounds. Stimulates production, activates detoxification. It contains both collagen itself and sulfur, which is necessary to stimulate the production of protein compounds.

If you properly take collagen in foods, adjust your diet, and establish a normal supply of minerals and amino acids, you can delay skin aging by more than 10 years. No hyaluronic acid injections or special invasive procedures will be required. Experts advise combining taking vitamins, normalizing your regimen, and adjusting your diet.

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Powder and capsules vs products

The active component in capsules and powder is absorbed much worse than when consuming products. But if it is not possible to adjust the diet for normal production, then it is permissible to use dietary supplements and fortified complexes. Basic principles why the body needs collagen:

  • good condition of skin, hair, nails;
  • strengthens joints, bones, tooth enamel;

  • reduces inflammation, pain;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Collagen prevents the formation of stretch marks, fights cellulite, heals wounds and skin lesions. It is sold in powder or capsule form in online stores, pharmacies, and salons. Unlike products, it can cause digestive upset and allergic rashes.

Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance. In these cases, preference is given to products that contain the necessary protein.

When taking powder or capsules, daily water consumption is increased to 2-2.5 liters.

It is better to purchase dietary supplements from trusted manufacturers. Consumers highly appreciated the complex from Solgar, Vital Protein, and Country Life. It is important to study the instructions on how to take collagen powder, age restrictions, possible side effects, and daily intake dose. It is useful to pay attention to the number of days the packaging is designed for.

And remember: collagen needs to be absorbed

It is not enough to simply eat foods containing a large supply of collagen - it is important to learn how to create conditions in which protein will be well absorbed. To do this, you need to combine collagen products with plant foods.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greens, help absorb collagen due to their vitamin content. Collagen products go well with dairy products, legumes and seeds.

And here is another important condition for the easy absorption of collagen by the body - healthy, sound sleep. It is not without reason that regular lack of sleep is considered one of the main factors that provoke early skin aging.

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Collagen-rich foods

Consumers doubt whether there is any point in drinking collagen capsules if it can be obtained from foods. But while choosing a complex is easy, putting together the right diet is more difficult. Some products are used as a source of finished collagen, others are suitable for its stimulation. A balanced diet should include both types. Popular Products:

  1. Salmon
    . Fish rich in easily digestible protein compounds. If ingested, the active ingredient can be used by the body on the first day.

  2. Green leafy vegetables
    . They act as a strong stimulator for the production of protein compounds, helping protein compounds not to disintegrate and remain in the skin.

  3. Citrus
    . Fruits with a high content of vitamin C are used as stimulants for the production of protein bonds.

  4. Tomatoes
    . They contain lycopene, which acts as a stimulator for the synthesis of protein compounds. To compensate for the lack of collagen, it is better to replace tomatoes with tomato juice.

  5. Avocado
    . A natural source of vitamin production that prevents the breakdown of protein compounds. Significantly enhances the properties of protein compounds.

There is no clear answer to the question of which collagen is best to take for the skin. An integrated approach is important. They combine diet, cosmetics and vitamin complexes, dietary supplements. If you use only cream or serum, the effect will be short-term.


It has long been proven and tested by the experience of millions of women that the best food source of collagen is ordinary gelatin. You can buy it at any grocery store for mere pennies.

Gelatin is a product similar in composition to collagen, but with a modified spatial structure. Simply put, gelatin is the same collagen extracted from animal tissue.

Of course, you don't need to eat gelatin directly from the packets. You can include it in your diet as part of jellied meat or delicious jelly.

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Stimulation of the production of protein compounds

Smoking, environmental pollution, negative effects of ultraviolet rays, excess consumption of fried foods or refined sugar lead to rapid breakdown of collagen in the body. It is not enough to just drink vitamins; it is important to consume foods that stimulate the natural processes of protein synthesis. These include:

  • turkey meat;
  • seafood;
  • red fish;

  • gelatin;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • blackberries, cranberries, raspberries.

Green vegetables, yellow bell peppers, and green apples have similar properties. Stimulation is facilitated by the use of fortified complexes. Collagen synthesis occurs with the participation of amino acids, vitamins and microelements. The body needs vitamins C, K, PP, B6. It is beneficial to consume foods high in zinc, iron, copper and omega-3.

It is advisable to avoid the use of tobacco and alcohol and use special creams to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Stress and depression negatively affect the stimulation of protein synthesis. The main sign that there is enough collagen in the body is beautiful, elastic skin, the absence of stretch marks and pronounced cellulite.


Several types of amino acids, an excellent supply of vitamins (A, E, B), Omega-3 and a large supply of collagen - all this is found in chicken eggs (mainly in the yolks). Among other things, the product contains a lot of sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis and easy absorption of collagen.

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Contents in cosmetics

The main advantages of cosmetics are ease of use, but in terms of digestibility, such a low-molecular component is much inferior to what is contained in products. Foundation and serum work only on the surface of the skin and do not affect natural synthesis. Among the popular ones are:

  • "Mizon" Collagen Power Firming Enriched Cream;

  • "Esfolio" Collagen Daily Cream;
  • "Soraya" Collagen & Elastin.

The creams penetrate deeply into the dermis and stimulate existing collagen. No matter what the manufacturer indicates, the cream does not stimulate production. Serums with a high content of hyaluronic acid are capable of this. Consumers highly appreciated “Bio Collagen” from “Mizon” and “Superlifting Serum” from “Belita”.

For women over 35, it is better to purchase collagen in ampoules.

When selecting a cosmetic product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition, study the principle of action, and possible adverse reactions. An allergy test is performed before use.

The most popular are economical products from and “Novosvit”. Easily absorbed and penetrate deeply into the skin. The effect of use is noticeable already in the first 7-10 days.

Recommendations from specialists and cosmetologists

For normal collagen production, women under 25 only need to normalize their diet. After 25, synthesis weakens; a simple change in diet is not enough. You will have to adjust your lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, add stimulation products, cosmetics, and fortified complexes. General recommendations:

  • the cream has minimal contraindications, but only works in the upper layers of the skin;

  • the serum has a pronounced effect on the deep layers of the dermis;
  • the powder contains compounds that are difficult to digest;
  • ampoule products are suitable for mesotherapy, but have a large list of limitations.

Collagen is a quickly replenished compound. Therefore, an integrated approach will allow you to see the results of the procedures within 7-12 days.

Cosmetics work on the surface, products stimulate natural synthesis, vitamins reduce the risk of collagen breakdown. This approach will preserve the youth of your skin and joints, the beauty of your hair and nails for years to come. It is important to maintain a drinking regime, consume at least 2 liters of water per day, otherwise protein compounds quickly disintegrate and therapy will be useless.

Liver (pork and beef)

Liver contains a lot of collagen, both beef and pork. Yes, the product is not for everyone, but if you want to preserve youth and skin tone for a long time, you definitely need to take a closer look at it.

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All pork liver is valued, but beef liver should be given preference to the large and small intestine.

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