No forces? Simple ways to increase vitality and energy for women and men

How to increase energy and performance using folk recipes?

Eating wheat germ

Wheat sprouts are a living product that stimulates metabolism, reduces susceptibility to colds, and serves as a source of energy.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the wheat grains thoroughly with water several times;
  2. discard any floating grains;
  3. after washing, pour water over the grains so that it covers them completely;
  4. Cover the container with a paper towel and place in a warm place for 24 hours;
  5. After a day, rinse the sprouted sprouts under running water and use for food.

Sprouts can be consumed in their natural form, adding to salads and side dishes. You can cook porridge from them: to do this, you need to finely chop them and pour hot milk.

Sprouted wheat is consumed once a day in the morning, immediately after preparation.

Drinking tonic herbal teas

Toning herbal teas will help increase energy, strength and tone. Drinks based on rose hips are champions in vitamin C content.

Tea with rose hips, currants and rowan:

  1. take rose hips, rowan berries and black currants in equal quantities, for example, 1 tablespoon each;
  2. pour 3 cups of boiling water over the berries and leave to steep under the lid until they cool completely;
  3. Strain the drink, add honey to taste and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Tea with rose hips, lingonberries and nettles:

  1. pre-prepare a mixture of dried rose hips, lingonberries and nettle leaves;
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for at least 40 minutes;
  3. Strain the tea and take half a glass 3 times a day during periods of loss of strength and energy.

Adding 10-20 drops of Eleutherococcus or Rhodiola rosea tincture will help increase the tonic effect of any tea.

Eating tonic foods

To increase your vitality, you can include in your diet foods that give you vigor and overcome fatigue.

Useful products include:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries: carrots, lemon, apples, dried fruits, sea buckthorn, black currants, raspberries;
  • drinks: green tea;
  • as well as honey, walnuts, natural cocoa powder.

By mixing these products in various combinations, you can prepare new delicious dishes every day.

How to increase energy: 8 simple steps

The issue of increasing energy is of interest to everyone without exception. High energy is the key to success in all areas of life. No matter how pathetic it may sound, without energy we are nothing. Even basic visualization works better for those who have strong energy.

Why? Because the result depends on the strength with which your body and soul are able to send a signal to the universe. After all, when you passionately desire something (or are afraid!), the signal is very strong, and then it really comes true. If you dream languidly in the style of “it would be nice if it HAPPENED...”, then the results will be corresponding. Imagine that when you desire something or imagine something, at that moment you send a ray carrying a request-message into the Universe. And if the beam is not powerful, then it will get to the “order table of the Universe” in the style of a child’s balloon - chaotically, slowly, and it is not at all a fact that it will reach its destination, because it could easily run out of air...

It’s another matter if you sent your order at the speed of light, pushing it towards the office of desires with a powerful energy flow, as if it were a spaceship. Then your wishes will come true faster.

The second reason to increase your energy is your ability to enjoy life. If you always want to sleep, or just sit on the couch in front of the TV, then what kind of life is this? In this case, it passes by, and there is a high probability that in retirement you will be upset that you never managed to do this and that. Plus, remorse may be added to this because you want so much, but don’t have the strength. I just don’t feel like leaving the house and meeting my friends! And what can we say about serious achievements...

Many of us dream of our own business, a beautiful home, many loyal friends, travel and wealth. But! To get all this, you have to work and work. On yourself, on relationships, on business... But how to work when sometimes you only have enough strength to serve your duty at your main job, drag yourself home, feed seven people in the shops and... What kind of self-development is there when you don’t have enough strength for more? What new business? What movie with a friend? What are you speaking about?

There is a third reason why you need to increase your energy: health. The rate of cell renewal and your body's ability to recover directly depends on your energy level. If you don't have enough energy, you will age faster and get sick more.

Convinced? Let's start increasing energy? Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

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Step 1: Remove Factors That Steal Your Energy

These include:

  • Coffee lowers your blood sugar, and as a result, you will be forced to live a roller coaster-style day: rise - fall - rise. In addition, the takeoff each time will not be as high as the first time, and so you will gradually turn into a zombie. Just please don’t try to persuade me that coffee invigorates. I lived both ways, and I responsibly declare: without coffee, the energy level is much higher than with it. Verified.
  • Sugar (and all sweets) also lowers blood sugar (pardon the tautology) with all the ensuing consequences, as is the case with coffee. As a “bonus” - a bunch of other nasty things like early wrinkles, excess weight, insulin resistance, high cholesterol ... All this won’t fit in this article. So stop with this white poison.
  • Alcohol puts stress on the liver, disrupts sleep and makes you sluggish. Do you still believe that it is good for the heart? Then you better eat grapes, honestly! I'm currently going through the Mini-Detox program , where alcohol is prohibited (naturally!). I lived wonderfully without him for three weeks, but one bad day my mother called me and said that she suspected cancer... I was very, very upset, there was no one at home, and all my friends, as luck would have it, did not pick up the phone. Out of old memory, I decided to drink a glass of wine to calm down a little. The glass turned into two, and the next morning a very unpleasant surprise awaited me: not a trace remained of the lightness that accompanied my early rises! I CLEARLY felt how much damage just 2 glasses did to my body. When you drink a little every day, you don’t feel the consequences, because they are habitual. But they exist, and they are big ones. So save alcohol for special occasions.
  • Nutritional additives in food load the liver and, instead of removing toxins and waste products, it urgently evacuates chemicals. This can also lead to headaches.
  • Medicines put unnecessary strain on the liver. Of course, there are life-saving medications if you are seriously ill. But if you just have a headache or stomach ache, isn’t it better to be patient a little and/or take other measures? vitamin C help against headaches , and magnesium helps against menstrual pain.
  • Step 2: Start getting enough sleep

    We needlessly underestimate the amount of sleep we get. Good sleep is the BASIS of high energy. You can do everything else on my list, but if you don't get enough sleep, your energy won't improve. If you sleep a lot, but are still always tired, then move on to other points of the program. There is an excellent book on the topic of sleep, “The Sleep Revolution - How to Change Your Life Night after Night.” Just about what consequences of lack of sleep threaten you, and what to do about it.

    Step 3: Drink more water

    Offering advice that has set teeth on edge. But I won’t leave you alone! Some headaches and weakness may simply indicate basic dehydration. Lots of tips on how and when to drink water - here .

    Step 4: Minimize Foods That Are Difficult to Digest

  • Red meat requires not only a lot of time to digest, but also energy, because its absorption requires good stomach acidity and the presence of all enzymes. In addition, modern meat, unfortunately, is full of various additives that overload the liver. I'm not encouraging you to become a vegetarian . No. Simply reduce the amount of red meat in your diet and, whenever possible, buy only meat from animals that are raised without hormones and antibiotics.
  • Dairy products (all, including yogurt and kefir) - they are also difficult to digest, lead to the formation of mucus in the body, increase allergic reactions and can themselves cause allergies. If you can’t give them up completely, then reduce them in your diet as much as possible. There is nothing healthy in dairy products. Calcium ? It can also be obtained with other foods. About this in detail - here .
  • Gluten - I haven’t written about this beast yet. But in short, I will say this: gluten deprives the intestines of internal protection (intestinal permeability). All this leads to you getting sick more often. This is only one side of the coin, but it is the one that relates to your energy. If you get sick often, your body will have to work hard to get back to normal, not to mention the medications that your liver will then have to remove (you take pills to get back on track faster, right?). Simply put, your body spends energy on recovery, but it no longer has the strength to realize your dreams.
  • NOTE: The side effects of gluten are not related to gluten allergy (celiac disease). Gluten has this effect on any person - whether he is allergic to gluten or not.

    Step 5: Finally exercise

    There is a slight paradox here: in order to increase energy, it must be spent on something. Strange, but scientifically proven fact. I think the whole point is that exercise supplies cells with oxygen, toxins are actively released through sweat, and muscle mass improves cell sensitivity to insulin, which means increases your energy levels. Bonus - the energy is distributed evenly, even if you ate something too sweet.

    The emotional side of the issue is also important here: after working out, you are filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself. And positive emotions increase energy! That's the whole secret.

    You don’t need to take Everest right away, just start with something simpler. For example, promise yourself to go to the gym twice a week, or start with seven minutes of exercise in the morning. Here's a good mobile app to help you get started if you're a complete beginner.

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    Step 6: Support Your Liver

    The topic deserves a separate article. I'll be brief here:

  • Introduce bitter herbs into your diet - they stimulate the liver and gallbladder.
  • Minimize your medication use
  • Think about it - do you really need birth control pills? Or is there another way out? They are the reason for the excessive load on the liver due to the hormones they contain (for those who don’t know, the liver is also involved in the processing and release of hormones from the body, both its own and those received from outside)
  • Cut out the alcohol (yes, I know I already wrote about this)
  • Increase the proportion of green vegetables and herbs in your diet - they help the detoxification process
  • Step 7: Introduce energy-boosting foods into your diet

  • The right fats protect cells from aging and improve the condition of the cell membrane through which nutrients penetrate into cells.
  • Brightly colored vegetables and fruits, rich in antioxidants , protect cells from damage. Plus they are unusually rich in all the necessary microelements that provide us with energy.
  • Energy is not glucose, as we are all accustomed to thinking. No! After glucose enters the cells, a whole chain of chemical reactions must occur there, as a result of which the cells receive energy. And in this chain there are many microelements. For example, vitamin B12. That is why, if a person has chronic fatigue, he is prescribed a vitamin B complex.

  • Products rich in fiber clean our intestines like a brush, freeing it from toxins and waste. In addition, fiber feeds beneficial bifidobacteria, which process vitamins so that they become available to us. And, as you remember, without vitamins, cells (and us) cannot see energy. This is also why fast food, despite the incredible amount of glucose and calories in it, makes you want to sleep. These products include: all vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grain products, bran.
  • Step 8: Find something you love, a purpose in life

    Whatever one may say, the main engine of progress (your life) is your goal. Inspiration. Vision of your path. The desire to do and create something. If you clearly see the goal, then it will be easier for you to plan, eat right, and find time for all this. Inspiration gives you the energy to act. Actions charge you with self-confidence. Faith gives strength. Strength is transformed into action and you are filled with happiness and pride in your successes. Even if they are small.

    I’m not saying that you can only be happy about a million subscribers or a very large salary. No. You can and should always rejoice, even at small successes. Because every new action that you finally decide to take is a small victory over your fear. I remember going for three (!) years and still wanting to start a blog. And then I just took it and started it. (You can admire it here - I still haven’t deleted it). Ugly, unfashionable and with the number of subscribers equal to zero. My first post was not chic or shiny. But it was a delight! Delighted that I DID it. I still haven’t removed this note that no one understands . Let it remain as a keepsake. After all, I could not even imagine that this post would one day be read by thousands of people. But the happiness from what I had done, from seeing my path, filled me with energy. Because I suddenly realized what exactly I want to do and what I should do with my life.

    So please don't put off your dreams until later. Do something today. Finish reading right now, and go do at least something. When you take a small step towards your dream, you will have so much energy that no proper nutrition can compare with it! Although... I still don’t recommend celebrating successes with a glass of wine :-)

    I will be very, very glad to hear from you, what exactly do you lack energy for? What long-postponed things are on your list?

    See you again!

    Source - author's blog

How to increase vitality and energy through exercise?

Moderate physical activity gives you vigor and strength, while excessive physical activity tires you out. Even light exercise for 20-30 minutes circulates blood throughout the body, saturates the body with oxygen and increases vitality.

Physical activity options for the very busy:

  • walk 2-3 stops;
  • go up and down the stairs at home and at work, refuse the elevator;
  • at the grocery store, choose a basket rather than a cart and carry it in your hands;
  • walk with your children every day for at least half an hour;
  • perform simple exercises while watching TV;
  • do squats or leg swings while brushing your teeth;
  • while still lying in bed, do stretching exercises;
  • dance to your favorite music.

If you've never exercised before, don't start with a heavy load right away. Let your muscles get used to the new sensations. At first, even a simple half-hour walk will be beneficial.

Separately, it is necessary to say about yoga. Contrary to popular belief, practicing yoga not only helps you relax, but also fills your body with energy. Exercises remove blocks and clamps in the body, muscles relax, and the body receives strength and a charge of vigor.

Limiting Beliefs

Both housewives and businesswomen complain about a lack of energy. They have limitations that reduce their life efficiency. Established beliefs develop stress and cause situations that simultaneously drain the flow of strength.

If you impose an opinion on the hostess and convince her that her culinary skills are far from ideal, she will abandon further attempts to cook. She will begin to look for flaws in herself, which will certainly lead to a bad mood and disappointment.

A typical female belief is that she should be superior to a man in everything. This leads to constant dissatisfaction and desire to become better.

If you feel a loss of strength and lack of energy, you should think about your beliefs: perhaps there is something among them that leads to energy losses.

A woman will not be satisfied with just the awareness of this fact. She has two options: continue to act as before, or change. Each of the beliefs must be carefully considered.

How to increase the body's strength using relaxation techniques?

Those who know how to relax properly cope better with stress, maintain energy, strength and tone.

Neuromuscular relaxation method

It is based on relaxing certain muscle groups by focusing attention on them.

During the relaxation process, you need to imagine how the muscles become soft, pliable, how warmth spreads through them:

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair. Relax your torso muscles (abdomen, chest, back). Stay in this position until you count to 10;
  2. move on to the head muscles. Feel how they relax and the tension goes away from top to bottom. Hold this position;
  3. feel the relaxation of the muscles of your neck, shoulders, arms;
  4. after 10 seconds of relaxation, proceed to gradual relaxation of the leg muscles;
  5. finally, at the end of the exercise, feel lightness throughout your body, vigor, and clarity of mind.

During the session, it is important to be able to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and affairs, and concentrate only on the current sensations in the body.


This ancient relaxation method has several options: yoga body positions, breathing techniques, certain sounds, prayers. Meditation helps to calm the body and soul and increase the vitality of the body.

A simple meditation technique that is suitable for beginners:

  1. Find a quiet, secluded place. For example, a river bank, a field or a secluded place in an apartment. The background can be natural sounds of nature (the sound of water, rustling leaves, birdsong) or calm music;
  2. take a comfortable position;
  3. focus on breathing. Imagine how the air enters the nose, then into the lungs, and then comes out again. Don't think about anything extraneous. Concentrate only on the current state and environment;
  4. come out of meditation smoothly, gradually, over several minutes.

How to increase a woman’s vitality and energy: advice from psychologists

Advice from psychologists on how to increase a woman’s vitality and energy:

  1. communicate only with those people who share your hobbies, interests, and life position. Avoid communicating with those who constantly criticize and ridicule your dreams, aspirations, and desires. Do not communicate with “energy vampires.” That is, in general, use positive thinking methods;
  2. Take care of yourself regularly and with pleasure - treat yourself to a trip to the hairdresser, a spa treatment, a massage. Make a weekly ritual of self-care at home (face mask, hair mask, hot bath with candles);
  3. practice contrast showers, dousing, hardening;
  4. watch your diet. If possible, eliminate harmful foods. Try not to overeat, always eat fractionally and in small portions;
  5. drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Even if it’s cold outside and you feel like you’re already taking in enough fluid;
  6. find a hobby, hobby, maybe 2-3. Find time for them, at least half an hour to an hour a day. If you feel like you don’t have any hobbies, consider maybe cooking delicious meals, driving a car, walking with your child is your hobby;
  7. Don't accumulate unfinished tasks. Make to-do lists with a step-by-step plan and complete one small item every day. Such a consistent plan will help avoid stress and will gradually bring you closer to your dream;
  8. If your everyday life is spent in a city office, regularly arrange field trips (on weekends, holidays). Clean air and bright colors of nature will fill you with energy and strength;
  9. eliminate negative emotions (envy, anger, resentment, anger). They take away vitality and energy. Try to pay attention only to joyful events;
  10. do not be influenced by bad habits (alcohol, smoking). They not only have a detrimental effect on physical health, but also form psychological dependence, and, therefore, create a stressful situation for the body;
  11. do not give up proper sleep and rest. Sleep is a reboot of physical and mental strength, a real medicine for the nervous system.

What is vital energy, why is it necessary to increase it?

Life energy is an invisible force embedded in the human body and controls it throughout its life. It cannot be seen or touched, it can only be felt.

The energy of life can be compared to a vessel filled with liquid. For some it splashes over the edge, while for others it only “gurgles” at the bottom. Not everyone is given the same amount of energy potential.

We've probably all met active and purposeful people who are ready to move mountains in their path. They are cheerful and energetic, bursting with various ideas and plans - and it seems that they are completely unfamiliar with the feeling of fatigue. Such people are identified by their burning gaze, confident gait and proud posture. That’s what they say about them: “life is in full swing for them.” Figuratively, we will classify them as the “sunny” type of people.

And, on the contrary, there are sluggish, uninitiative people who have a clear lack of vitality. They are easy to identify by their dull gaze, sleepy gait, mechanical actions, and absorption in their own world. They are not confident in themselves and are easily influenced by external influences. We will call them people of the “lunar” type, because they cannot be called pessimists. They are not like that, you just need to wake them up and shake them.

Agree, people of the “sunny” type charge everyone with positivity and are the favorites of life. They have a more capacious energy potential, they confidently move towards their goals. It is “sunny” people who have many friends; they are chosen when applying for a job, as a life partner, etc. In addition, they have fewer health problems.

Life energy must be increased and correctly directed in the necessary direction to achieve your life goals. Our physical and spiritual health, as well as our future life path, depend on its presence.

Important : coffee, tea and energy drinks do not increase vital energy, but only create a short-term illusory effect of a surge of energy!

We’ll talk about ways to increase vital energy a little later. First, let's find out the reasons for the outflow or lack of vital energy.

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