Biceps exercises in the gym: how to pump up your arms

Working with the biceps muscles of the shoulder has a number of features, since the muscle tissue of this section is restored very quickly.

Experienced athletes try not to pump up their biceps, so as not to spoil the proportions of their arms and upper body.

Often training this type of muscle is combined with work on the triceps, back or shoulder area.

How to pump up biceps and triceps for men and women

Most exercises for building mass, improving definition or strength are the same for both sexes. The differences relate to the number of approaches, repetitions and working weights. Women do not pump “heavy iron”, since their main task is to create a beautiful and slender, rather than muscular and inflated silhouette.

For men it's the other way around. They attach great importance to muscle volume, which for many is an indicator of strength, as well as hard work in the gym.

Another feature concerns physiology. The male body secretes much more testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue. This hormone is secreted during active physical activity, but in women it is released in much smaller quantities. As a result, the increase in muscle mass in girls is lower than in men.

But women can boast of more active activity of another hormone - estrogen. He, in turn, is responsible for endurance and a higher recovery rate after any training.

This is why girls most often work with lighter weights but with more repetitions.

Important! As a result, men use heavy weights to pump up their biceps and triceps, performing short but powerful elements. Women, in order to achieve average biceps growth, use long blocks of training with a large number of repeated sets.

Be sure to check out: Exercises and programs for weight loss in the gym Circular training: basic rules of training for girls Effective program for men in the gym: tips for beginners The most effective complexes for working out the hips and buttocks

Basic loads for effective training

The biceps training program includes both basic and isolating elements. Beginning athletes should focus on the “base” as the basis of training. More experienced athletes also start with the basic elements, adding 1-2 isolation exercises to their program, which improve the definition and appearance of the biceps.

Lifting the barbell (standing)

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This biceps exercise is performed in the gym and is considered a basic one, since several types of muscles and joints are involved in its implementation. Changing the grip width also changes the degree of load on different bundles of the biceps muscle. To increase muscle volume, you need to work with significant weight.


  • stand up straight, holding the bar with a medium grip on outstretched arms;
  • as you exhale, lift the projectile to the shoulder line, smoothly bending your elbows, but without moving them to the sides;
  • while inhaling, slowly return the bar to its original position towards the hip line.

Important! If you run out of strength during the last sets, then allow a slight deflection in the lumbar region.

The number of approaches varies from 3 to 4, repetitions - from 8 to 12 times.

Dumbbell Raise

This is a universal element, as it allows you to work not only in the gym, but also at home. Men focus on weights, performing 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps. Girls can do 3 sets with 10-12 repetitions in each.


  • stand up, taking the projectile in your hands;
  • lower your arms, placing the dumbbells at your hips;
  • as you exhale, pull the projectiles to your shoulders without moving your elbows to the sides;
  • while inhaling, smoothly return the projectiles to the starting position.

In the middle of the lift, you need to turn your hands towards yourself, thus performing supination.

Pull-ups (close grip)

In this case, muscles such as biceps, triceps, lats, trapezius, forearms, as well as the elbow and shoulder joint will be involved.


  • fixate on the horizontal bar by grasping the bar with a reverse narrow grip;
  • as you exhale, begin pull-ups, trying to strain your biceps and trying to reach the border with the bar with your chin (do not strain your neck);
  • As you inhale, relax and lower yourself down.

All actions must be smooth, without jerking, otherwise you can easily get injured.

Important! The biceps work when doing pull-ups with a narrow grip.

The number of required sets for men is 4/8-12, for girls 3 approaches of 6-10 times are enough. Representatives of the fair sex can use an expander to facilitate the execution of the element. To do this, just attach it to the crossbar, and use the loop as a support for your knees or feet.

Arm curl while lying on an incline bench

To achieve the greatest effect in pumping the biceps head, you must strictly follow the execution technique. The element is performed on the base of a bench.


  • set the angle of the bench to 45°, lie down on it, hanging your arms with the apparatus;
  • exhaling, raise your left arm and, moving along the body, bring it to the shoulder line (do not spread your elbows);
  • inhaling, return to the starting position;
  • repeat with your right hand.

The weight of dumbbells is selected individually, the main thing is that all approaches are completed in full. Number of sets – from 3 to 4 with repetitions 8-14 times.

Arm curls on a block

Block exercises can be found in any gym. They allow you to effectively work out many types of muscles, including biceps. To work out the latter, the lower thrust option is used.


  • Having set up the simulator, grab the handle of the lower block with a reverse grip;
  • arms are bent, back is straight;
  • as you exhale, begin bending without moving your elbows away from your body;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position.

All movements must be smooth, without throwing. When lowering, your arms should not extend completely. This exercise can be performed with one hand. Number of sets: for men – 4/8-10, for women – 3/10-12.


The Scott Bench is named after the first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott. This exercise isolates the biceps as much as possible and prevents other muscles from helping it work with the weight, so curling will help increase the “peak” and shape of the biceps muscle. Traditionally, to perform this exercise, an EZ-bar (curved bar) is used, but you can also use a straight bar, it all depends on your preference.


  1. Take the barbell in your hands. Medium grip, supinated
  2. We sit on the bench, rest our elbows on the armrest, arms are bent at the elbows, the barbell is raised to the top
  3. Take a comfortable position, the seat should be adjusted so that your shoulders do not climb up and your feet are pressed to the floor. There is a slight arch in the lower back
  4. Straighten your arms, while exhaling, bend your arms and lift the barbell, in the upper phase, strain your biceps as much as possible
  5. As you inhale, lower the barbell, but do not fully extend your elbows, this will help avoid straining your joints.

The weight for the barbell should not be large, since the muscles and ligaments are under constant tension. Approaches for strength and mass 6-10, for relief and endurance 10-15 times.

Ready-made programs

Most coaches can offer ready-made programs with individual adjustments to the athletes’ level of preparedness and the goals they want to achieve.

For girls

For girls working on beautiful arm shapes, dumbbells are most often recommended as the main equipment.

The most effective are the following elements:

  1. Arm bending. One of the most effective exercises for increasing biceps tone.


  • stand up straight with dumbbells held in your hands with a reverse grip (elbows bent);
  • exhaling, bend your arms, bringing your hands to your shoulders (elbows pressed tightly together), and while inhaling, return to IP.
  1. The hammer is one of the arm curl variations.


  • take the shells in your hands so that they look upside down;
  • lower your arms and press them tightly to your body;
  • exhaling, pull the dumbbells to your forearms, inhaling - lower.
  1. Bending arms alternately. The exercise is performed with one hand with a heavy implement.


  • stand up straight, take the shells with a reverse grip and fix your hands on the hip line;
  • exhale and lift the dumbbell with one hand, inhale and lower it.

Can be performed with 2 hands at the same time. Limitation: Wrist injury.

  1. Pulsating arm curl. Work is carried out only with small dumbbells.


  • take dumbbells and bend your arms at an angle of 90°, press your elbows tightly to your body;
  • start lifting and lowering the projectile at a small amplitude.

Perform the element to failure, straining your biceps.

The number of approaches for all elements is 3-4, repetitions – 15-20.

Finally, you can do push-ups. Beginning athletes can use their knees rather than their socks as a fulcrum.


  • take a lying position with support on your toes (knees) and palms (located exactly under the forearm);
  • tighten your abs and buttocks (straight body);
  • As you inhale, lower yourself smoothly, touching your chest to the floor;
  • rise sharply and exhale.

Any program must begin with warming up and end with stretching.

For men

Training for men differs from women's by working with heavier weights and fewer repetitions. The best exercises are barbell rows or heavy dumbbell curls.

Exercise Working muscles Approaches Replays
Standing barbell row Biceps, triceps, elbow flexor, shoulder 3-4 8-10
Pull-ups Biceps, triceps, lats, trapezius, forearms, elbow and shoulder joint 4 10-12
Concentration raising arms Biceps, triceps, deltoids, brachialis 3 8-12
Hammer Biceps, brachioradialis, brachialis 3 10-12
Curling your arms on a block Biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis 3 12-15

Another exercise you can do in the gym is Scott Bench Curls. It refers to insulating elements and is performed as follows:

  • sit on a sports bench, grasping the bar with a standard grip (shoulder-width apart);
  • rest your elbow joint on the pillow;
  • As you exhale, raise the bar to your shoulder, while inhaling, slowly lower it.

The number of sets is the same as when lifting dumbbells.


This exercise got its name because the movement itself resembles working with a hammer. It is performed with dumbbells, and unlike previous exercises, it uses not only the biceps, but also the brachialis muscle. It is located under the biceps, we will not go into too much detail, since this requires a separate article. Hammers can be performed either standing or sitting. We bend our arms at the same time or one at a time.


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, elbows tucked in
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands, neutral grip
  3. As you exhale, bend your arm(s) at the elbow, but do not unfold the dumbbell, but also hold it with a neutral grip
  4. As you inhale, straightening your arm(s), return the dumbbells to their original position.

Approaches as in the previous exercise (For strength and mass, 10-12 repetitions, for endurance and relief, 15-20 repetitions).

Complex options

Men and professional female athletes often select specialized programs whose goal is to increase mass, strength, or contour contouring.

To ground

When training for mass, it is important to choose the correct weight of dumbbells or steel plates. The main condition is that on the last repetitions the element must be performed with maximum effort. However, heavy weight may not allow you to complete the entire program. This circumstance also needs to be taken into account.

Exercise Sets Replays
Standing barbell lift 4-6 8-12
Scott Bench Curl 4-6 8-12
"Hammer" 4-6 8-12
Scott Bench Curls with Block 4-6 8-12
Alternating dumbbell raises 4-6 8-12

The rest between sets should not be more than 45 seconds, and the pause in the case of circuit training should not be more than 2 minutes.

For strength

Strength training, as a rule, precedes mass-gaining programs. Its main principles:

  • heavy weight of shells;
  • extended rest between sets (3 minutes);
  • progressive loads, increasing every 7-8 days (average weight increase - 2 kg);
  • duration of the program – 1.5-2 months;
  • specially selected diet.
Exercises Sets Replays
Standing dumbbell curl 3 6-8
"Hammer" 3 6-8
Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench 4 12-15

Increasing biceps strength will allow you to implement other types of training more efficiently and effectively.

On the relief

You can achieve a beautiful and pumped-up relief with the help of isolation exercises. The best equipment for this will be dumbbells.

Exercises Sets Approaches
Lifting dumbbells on a Scott bench 3 12
Seated dumbbell curls 3 12
Bent over dumbbell raise 3 12

It is better to take collapsible dumbbells, which allow you to increase the weight over time. This is a necessary condition, since the biceps muscle has high adaptive properties; in other words, the biceps gets used to any load over time.

Standing biceps curl (Basic exercise)

The standing biceps curl is considered the main exercise for training the biceps.
For the most part, when performing the exercise, the load is placed on the internal muscle bundle of the biceps. Correct execution of the exercise:

  • To perform the exercise, we will need a rack with mounts for the barbell and the barbell itself. Before starting an approach to an exercise, you need to adjust the weight of the apparatus (barbell), and then start performing it.
  • The mechanics of performing the exercise are quite simple and consist of flexion/extension of the arms. Hands should be placed on the bar at shoulder width. At the top point, the arms are bent, the bar is located at the chin. At the lowest point, the arms are fully extended, the bar is at the level of the thigh muscles.

The exercise consists of 2-3 warm-up approaches and 3 working approaches. Warm-up approaches are done with light weights. The weight of the apparatus in the warm-up approaches gradually approaches the weight in the working approach, preparing the muscles and joints for maximum loads. Number of repetitions in warm-up and working approaches: 6-10.

For a visual representation of how to perform the exercise correctly, watch the video below:

Exercises for biceps. Barbell curls.

Recommendations from professionals

Stanislav Lindover, European champion, master of sports in bodybuilding

Stanislav’s training for pumping up strength and mass consists of 4 main exercises: curling arms with an EZ bar, combined pull-ups and curls on a Smith machine, curling arms in a standing crossover. This program allows you to achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

Ivan Vodyanov, silver medalist at Olympia Amateur Prague 2015, absolute champion of Russia 2015

The training plan for the biceps of the 2015 Russian champion, in addition to the standard lifting of the barbell from a standing position and elements on the upper block, includes a French press. Also, says Ivan, any training for weight and volume also implies a special diet.

Jay Cutler, American bodybuilder, actor, 4-time Mr. Olympia title winner

Carter is the author of a special program for pumping up the arms, or more precisely the triceps and biceps. To work with the latter, he recommends exercises such as alternate lifts, “hammer”, and Scott bench raises.


This exercise is very similar to the Barbell Curl, but is performed with dumbbells. Another difference of this exercise is that we work on each arm separately, and we can work out the lagging biceps and achieve a balance in muscle growth. There are several options for performing this exercise: standing or sitting, raising your arms alternately, or simultaneously. It’s better to try each option in your training, and then decide which one is best for you.


  1. Stand up straight (or sit on a bench)
  2. Hold the dumbbells in your hands with a neutral grip (palms facing in)
  3. As you inhale, bend your arms (or one of your arms) and supinate your palm (rotate counterclockwise)
  4. As you inhale, extend your arm and return the dumbbell to its original position.

The range of repetitions here is greater, since the weight of the dumbbells will be less. When working on strength and mass, 10-12 repetitions, on endurance and relief, 15-20 times.

Main conclusions

High-quality pumping in the gym allows you to use not only equipment such as dumbbells and barbells, but also a Scott machine, block and crossover. Such diversity will certainly affect the results:

  1. Biceps exercises for men and women differ not so much in the technique of execution as in the working weight and number of repetitions.
  2. Different physiology affects the pumping speed.
  3. The basis for working biceps are various types of arm curls.
  4. There are several highly specialized programs: for mass, strength and relief. The latter is intended mostly for performing athletes.

Any workout involves organizing a balanced diet, as well as the use of various sports supplements.

A set of exercises for biceps in the gym, final tips

A couple of tips if your goal is big hands.
You should practice this set of biceps exercises in the gym for 1.5-2 months. This set of exercises must be performed once a week. There is no point in loading your hands more than once a week. Because this is not a large muscle group and it does not need training more than once a week. The technical component is very important. Yes, we talked about these exercises, but since you do it in practice, it may be different. Therefore, it is necessary that there is some person who can look from the outside. Ideally, of course, it would be a coach. A qualified, knowledgeable person knows where to correct and direct. This is very important if the technique is not correct, all your work, and physical efforts will pass just like that. Therefore, technique is the basis, no technique, no result.

Always try to train hard. If you don't work hard in your training, you won't get results. You can perform this set of biceps exercises in the gym as technically as possible. But if you don’t try, don’t give your best, then you won’t get anything.

You have read material that will help you actually achieve results, but you, in turn, must do it as intensively and as technically correct as possible.

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