Gym classes for beginner girls without a trainer for weight loss. Exercises

High-quality fitness classes conducted in a gym are considered much more effective than home workouts. Regardless of the goal, to lose weight or gain muscle mass, in the gym a person will be able to quickly achieve visible results due to the presence of a large amount of additional equipment there.

Understanding how to independently create a training program, as well as knowing which exercises will be most effective in a particular case, an athlete will be able not only to transform his body in the shortest possible time, but also to avoid injury during exercise.

Training program

Exercises in the gym aimed at reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat should be carried out under the guidance of a professional fitness trainer.

The specialist will not only competently draw up a training program taking into account the athlete’s state of health, physical fitness, as well as the desired result of the athlete, but will also monitor his compliance with the exercise technique. This will reduce the risk of injury and the likelihood of having a “backward result” as a result of exercise.

To ensure results in the gym, you need to work out with a fitness trainer.

If it is not possible to use the services of a professional, a person can independently create a training regimen for himself, following the basic recommendations for performing physical activity for weight loss:

  • include exercises for various muscle groups in a complex planned to be performed in one day (this will help to work the entire body evenly, avoiding overtraining of individual areas);
  • within one workout, it is recommended to alternate exercises that differ in their focus (strength and cardio; “pull-push” and so on. This will help to avoid premature overwork of the body and do the maximum number of approaches);
  • as the final part of the workout (cool-down), you should use high-intensity cardio (helps accelerate metabolic processes, which play a major role in the process of losing weight);
  • It is important to follow all stages of the lesson (cool-down, main part, warm-up, stretching exercises), since this is the only way to work out the whole body evenly, without putting a harmful strain on the cardiovascular system.

Despite the fact that cardio exercises are considered the most effective for weight loss, it is not recommended to include them alone in the program.

The same intensity maintained throughout the entire workout leads to rapid adaptation of the body and lack of results.

If there are contraindications that prevent full training (strength and cardio exercises), the athlete should arrange a training plan so that exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular system have different intensities within one workout.
To achieve this goal, those losing weight need to exercise in the gym at least 3 times a week for 2 – 2.5 hours. The number of approaches to performing each exercise should not exceed 3.

If the specified number of approaches is significantly exceeded, the athlete runs the risk of overtraining the muscles, which will subsequently lead to pain in the body due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the body.


The warm-up should consist of exercises, the intensity of which usually increases as the introductory part of the complex is completed. At this stage, the athlete’s goal is to maximally prepare the muscles for further training, accelerate metabolic processes, and also set the breathing rhythm for subsequent load.

The most effective warm-up exercises are:

ExerciseNumber of repetitionsExecution algorithm
Neck muscle stretch3*101. Stand up straight; place your feet shoulder-width apart; place your hands in the waist area; move your chest forward slightly; stretch your neck.
2. Slowly tilt your head towards your right shoulder and, having felt the stretching of the neck muscles as much as possible, smoothly return to the starting position (IP).

3. Repeat step 2, tilting in the opposite direction.

4. Repeat step 2, tilting your head forward.

5. Repeat step 2, tilting your head back.

6. Turn your head to the right, as if trying to touch your shoulder joint with your chin. Hold the position for 3 seconds, then return to IP.

7. Repeat step 6, turning your head to the left

Head rotation5 for each side1. Stand up straight; put your legs in a free position; raise your chin; Place your hands on your belt.
2. Draw a circle with your head in the air (left shoulder - forward - right shoulder - back)

Circular swings of arms2*101. Take a vertical position;
move your chest forward slightly; place your hands along the body. 2. Perform rotational movements with your arms, using the shoulder joint
Lateral core stretch201. Stand up straight; place your feet at a distance equal to shoulder width; Place your hands on your belt.
2. Tilt the upper body to the right, while making sure that the pelvis remains motionless.

3. Return to IP and repeat step 2, performing a similar tilt to the left

"Lock"30 sec.1. Stand up straight; move your chest forward slightly; clasp your hands behind your back, bending your spine forward in the thoracic region.
2. Fix the position for the specified amount of time, stretching the chest muscles as much as possible.

3. Slowly relaxing, return to the IP

Circular movements of the knees20 times for each direction1. Place your feet as close to each other as possible;
close your knees; place the backs of your hands on your knees, slightly bending your lower limbs; back straight. 2. Without spreading your knees apart, make the required number of rotational movements with your knee joints, while making sure that the upper part of the body remains motionless

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Cardio exercises

Classes at the gym should include both strength training and cardio exercises. Theoretically, you can strengthen the cardiovascular system with any exercise performed with minimal weights at a fast pace.

One of the most effective cardio complexes for weight loss is training on the most popular exercise machines, which includes:

Exerciselead timeExecution algorithm
Running on a treadmill20 minutes.The intensity of exercise should be chosen taking into account the weight of the athlete. If a person’s body weight exceeds 85 kg, you should not exercise vigorously on a treadmill, thereby injuring joints and bones, as well as negatively affecting the cardiovascular system. If you are overweight, it is enough to walk at a moderate pace, controlling the frequency and depth of breathing. If the athlete’s body weight is relatively normal, transformation in his case will require running, which involves a gradual increase in speed and inclination angle (the indicator is set by the functionality of the treadmill)
Walking on a stepper20 minutes.The stepper is suitable for people who do not have diseases of the joints and skeletal system. Exercises in such a simulator involve energetic alternating bending of the legs, resting the feet on the pedals of the device.

The resistance is adjusted independently by a person or an automatic program is selected that changes the load after a certain period of time. The stepper not only helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also helps reduce subcutaneous fat in the buttocks, thighs and legs

Riding an exercise bike20 minutes.Exercises are the safest, since the load on the heart during their implementation is as close as possible to natural (for example, during a light jog in the fresh air). Modern exercise machines that simulate cycling allow a person not only to independently set the level of resistance, but also to control the pulse range, which when losing weight should vary from 120 to 140 beats per minute.

Cardio training is recommended to be performed in a well-ventilated area to ensure full access of oxygen to the body. Otherwise, during the exercise, the athlete may experience dizziness, nausea, a sharp drop in blood pressure and a feeling of lack of air.

Where should a woman start training in the gym?

The best solution for a beginner on his first visit is the help of a trainer. Not only does he know exactly where a woman should start training in the gym, but he will also create a training program for the new woman and ensure that the movements are performed correctly. If this is not possible, then train according to the plan: warm-up, strength training, cardio exercise, cool-down.

The purpose of the warm-up is to prepare the muscles for work, increase blood circulation, and feel the desire to move. The total duration of the warm-up is 10 minutes; the beginning of the workout for a woman in the gym is walking on a treadmill. Focusing on your well-being, it is enough to walk at a speed of 6-7 km/hour. At the very first lesson, you should not force the workout and try to overtake your neighbors on the treadmill.

Strength exercises

Classes in the gym, in particular their main part, must include strength exercises. Depending on the equipment of the gym, as well as the characteristics of a particular workout, this type of load can be performed using weights or with your own weight.

Bodyweight training

ExerciseApproaches*number of repetitions.Execution algorithm
Walking on the forelimbs3*45 sec.1. Place your feet at a distance equal to the width of the hip bone; straighten your back.
2. Bend forward and rest the backs of your hands on the floor, placing them in front of your feet.

3. Smoothly transfer the main part of the weight to the forelimbs and, alternately placing them forward, take several “steps” until a straight line is formed passing through the entire body.

4. Without pausing, in similar “steps”, but in the opposite direction, move your hands to the IP.

Torso rotations from a sitting position4*201. Sit on a hard surface; bend your legs at the knees and place them in front of you; place your hands on the back of your head; straighten your back.

2. Slightly move your body back without changing the position of your back; lift your feet off the supporting surface.

3. Turn the body to the right and at the same time pull up the lower limb of the same side of the body, while stretching the other as much as possible.

4. Return to IP, then repeat step 3, turning in the opposite direction

Squats followed by a jump4*151. Place your feet at a distance equal to shoulder width; straighten your back; move your chest forward slightly; fix your hands on your belt.
2. As you exhale, bend your knees, bringing your buttocks closer to the floor until a parallel is formed between the floor and the back of the thigh.

3. Straighten your lower limbs with a jerking movement and, without stopping in the IP, jump as high as possible.

4. Repeat steps 2-3 as many times as necessary

Weight training

Weight training is recommended only under the supervision of a professional fitness instructor who is in the gym during the training period. He will be able not only to monitor the correctness of the exercises, but also to provide insurance in the case of an athlete working with heavy weights.

ExerciseApproaches*number of repetitions.Execution algorithm
Dumbbell bench press3*151. Sit on a horizontal surface, pressing your back as tightly as possible against it; take dumbbells of the required weight in your hands and press them to the chest area; rest your feet on the floor.

2. Inhale deeply, and then “squeeze” the dumbbells with a powerful force so that at the top point they are above the chest area.

3. Without stopping in the upper position, slowly bend your arms at the elbows, returning them to the IP

Deadlift (using a barbell)4*301. Stand up straight; place your feet shoulder-width apart; fix the barbell with the required number of weights in your hands; stretch your neck; bend your back slightly forward in the thoracic region.
2. Lean forward without bending your knees and back.

3. Touch the barbell to the floor in the area of ​​the tips of the toes, then immediately, avoiding jerking, return to the IP

Lunges with dumbbells4*20 for each leg1. Position yourself vertically; hold sports equipment of the required weight in your hands; straighten your back; place your feet together.

2. Take a step with your right foot; bend it at the knee, then lower your body to the floor until the knee of your left leg touches the support. The weight when a person is at the lowest point should be equally distributed between both limbs.

3. Return to IP, avoiding sudden movements, then repeat step 2, taking a step with your left foot

Other women's exercise equipment[edit | edit code]

Smith machine

Smith machine[edit | edit code]

A universal simulator that allows you to safely and separately work out a large number of muscle groups. In particular, you can use it to:

  • bench press (including a narrow grip on the triceps) - for the development of the pectoral muscles (1);
  • squats, lunges, deadlifts - to shape the buttocks and work the quadriceps (2);
  • calf raises;
  • chest/head presses – to shape the shoulders.

Platform trainer[edit | edit code]

Platform trainer
is also a universal trainer (1), but only for legs. It allows you to focus on: buttocks, quadriceps (various bundles), calves, inner/outer thighs - all this is determined by the position of the feet relative to the platform. Various variations (lightweight designs, 2) of this simulator are also possible in the gym.

Gravitron[edit | edit code]

One of women’s least favorite exercises is pull-ups. The Gravitron allows you to perform pull-ups and work a large number of muscle groups (back, arms, shoulders) at once.

Tips and mistakes to avoid:

  • Before getting on the simulator, check its condition, i.e. whether the cable has fallen off, whether the roller has moved out, etc.;
  • if you cannot adjust the machine for yourself or set the required weight, then ask for help;
  • When performing exercises, concentrate on technique, not the number of repetitions;
  • always feel the working muscle - for this, always say before sitting on the exercise machine - “which muscle will I work now.”
  • If your future simulator is busy, then monitor the execution technique and note the main points for yourself.

Exercises on simulators

Classes in the gym, especially those aimed at reducing a person’s body weight, involve performing a number of exercises in simulators and complex installations. During the first lesson, it is recommended to set the minimum load, gradually increasing it in the future as the body gets used to it.

ExerciseApproaches*number of repetitions.Execution algorithm
Leg press3*201. Be located in the structure of the simulator; press your back to the supporting surface; rest your feet on the moving block; Grab the metal handles with your hands.
2. As you exhale, straighten your legs, using muscle efforts to lift the moving block.

3. Return to IP and, without resting during one approach, repeat the exercise the required number of times

Upper block pull3*251. Stand facing the side of the simulator structure; grab the handle with your hands, having previously selected the required level of weight; Place your feet shoulder-width apart; Bend your back slightly forward, moving your buttocks back.

2. Releasing the air that was previously drawn into them from the lungs, pull the handle towards you until the hands are at the level of the lower abdomen.

3. Avoiding jerking, slowly relax your arms, thus taking the original position.

"Butterfly"3*201. Sit on the supporting part of the simulator; fix your hands in the movable platforms; rest your feet on the floor.
2. As you exhale, bring the moving platforms together, using the chest muscles as much as possible. The back and legs should remain motionless.

3. After holding for 2-3 seconds, slowly return to IP, relaxing the pectoral muscles as much as possible

Breeding legs in the simulator3*151. Sit in the exercise machine, placing your legs in the movable blocks and pressing your back to the supporting surface.
2. Using a powerful force from the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh, move the movable blocks to the sides. Take a pause of up to 5 seconds.

3. Gradually relaxing the muscles, allow the legs to slowly accept the IP

Leg abduction in the simulator3*15The principle of performing this exercise is similar to the above. The only difference is the direction of movement of the moving platforms. In this case, the athlete needs to bring his legs together (using the muscles of the inner thigh), preventing the resistance set by the simulator
Pull the lower block towards you4*201. Sit in the simulator; straighten your back; press your feet firmly to the floor; Fix the movable handle in the hands.
2. Simultaneously with exhalation, pull the lower block towards you, making sure that the position of the body remains unchanged.

3. Without pausing during the exercise, return your hands to their original position as slowly as possible. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary

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Abdominal exercise equipment[edit | edit code]

Abdominal exercise machines
The following exercise machines will help you get a flat tummy and get rid of your sides.

Straight crunch machine[edit | edit code]

Aimed at working the largest abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominis. Allows you to perfectly load the entire abdominal region. An analogue of this simulator, a regular inclined bench (Roman chair) and weights in the hands.

Hyperextension machine[edit | edit code]

A machine that allows you to perform two exercises: hyperextension - to strengthen the back muscles and lateral twists - to work the oblique abdominal muscles (removing the sides, reducing the waist).

Exercise machines for abdominal muscles

Stretching and flexibility exercises


ExerciseRepetitionsExecution algorithm
"Reverse hitch"2 minutes.1. Stand up straight; place your arms and legs in a free position; raise your chin slightly; stretch your neck.
2. Bend your right arm and lower your forearm behind your back, placing your palm on the shoulder blade area.

3. Bend your left hand and place it behind your back from below, trying to touch the fingers of your right hand with your fingertips.

4. After stretching the muscles in this position for 30 seconds, switch hands

Front thigh stretch2 minutes.1. Stand up straight; place your feet as close to each other as possible; move your chest forward slightly; place your hands in a free position.
2. Bend your left leg and move it back, securing it with the hand of the same side behind the ankle. Gently pull your leg up, thus stretching the front of your thigh.

3. Repeat step 2, stretching the right leg

Stretch from the wall2 minutes.1. Stand facing the wall, leaning on it with the backs of your hands; bend your right leg slightly at the knee and place it close to the wall; Move your left foot back a distance equal to 1 step.
2. Increase the bend angle in the knee joint of the right leg, while making sure that the heel of the left leg remains pressed to the floor and the left limb itself is straight.

3. Repeat step 1 – step 2, swapping the right and left legs

Sports activities carried out in a gym not only contribute to the athlete’s weight loss, but also to the overall health of his body, as well as strengthening the muscle corset. In order to avoid injury during exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with their technique in advance, and also make sure that the training set used is correct.

Article design: Mila Friedan

First workouts for women: losing weight

Based on the principle of “do no harm,” a weight loss training program should be adapted to the physical and age characteristics of the body. To do this, a test load is given in the first lessons.

If completing the planned number of repetitions is difficult, you need to reduce one approach at a time in the entire complex or in those exercises that are especially difficult to cope with.

In the first month of training, aerobic exercise should be given after performing exercises on simulators.

In this case, it is necessary to control that the pulse does not leave the fat-burning zone. To calculate the lower and upper boundaries of the zone, you need to subtract the age from 220, and then calculate 60 and 70%.

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