Exercises for the lower abs for girls at home, in the gym with a roller, wheel, on a horizontal bar, static

Women are prone to the formation of unsightly fat deposits in the lower abdomen. This zone is usually called the lower abs, although, in fact, it is a continuation of the rectus muscle. The latter, together with the oblique muscles, with good training, forms relief cubes. You can train your lower abs on your own, and you don’t have to visit a fitness club to do this. Most effective lower abdominal exercises for girls can be easily done at home.

Rules and recommendations for performing lower abdominal exercises

Competent work on the press will definitely bring good results, for this you need:

  1. Tighten your abdominal muscles during workouts that are aimed at shaping your waist and abs. This nuance must be taken into account, since without tension, performing all the exercises will lose its meaning.
  2. It is important to focus your attention on the execution technique. If the exercise involves fixing the legs and shoulders, connecting the lower back to a flat surface of the floor, or vice versa, straightening it, then you need to adhere to these rules. It is recommended to initially identify exactly the muscle group that will be worked on so that the exercises bring maximum benefit.
  3. At the moment of maximum tension, you should exhale through your mouth to engage the abdominal muscles.
  4. Before you start doing strength exercises, you need to warm up your muscles with cardio exercises. This will not only get rid of excess weight and shape your figure, but also prepare your muscles for stress, preventing the risk of all kinds of injuries.

    It is recommended to start lower abdominal exercises after several cardio workouts, such as running on a treadmill.

  5. For beginners, it makes no sense to train only the lower abs. It is best to work on the abdominal muscles comprehensively, performing exercises for the entire body part. After a while, you can start training specific muscle groups.
  6. During exercises that work on the abs, at least 40% of the loads should be placed on the lower part of the abdomen. Understanding when exactly you should switch to working on other muscles is easy. Burning and fatigue in the muscles are the first signal to change perspective. To achieve this effect, perform at least 2 approaches.

Lower abs exercises for men

Surprisingly, in most cases it is more difficult for representatives of the stronger sex to pump up their abs. The reason is physiological characteristics. Girls have fat deposits not only in the abdomen, but mostly on the thighs. In men, it accumulates in the abdominal cavity, creating a hanging belly.

At the initial stage, the exercises intended for men are almost the same as for women. But with subsequent training, the load increases. For this purpose, weights are used.

Exercises for the male half of humanity that give good results.

Body twist, lower abdominal exercise

Lie on your back, feet remain motionless, it is good if someone holds them. Place your hands on the back of your head. Raise your shoulders without using your arms, lift your body. To train your abs, you need to keep your back straight. Exhaling air - rise, inhaling - take the original pose. Do 15 movements at first, increasing the number to 50 over time.

To properly train the muscles of the lower abdomen, you need to use weights. Do this exercise, but at the same time take dumbbells in your hands (hold the sports equipment in the chest area or lift it up). Repeat the movements 10-15 times.

Reverse twisting

Lie on the floor, press your back to the floor surface. Tightening your abs, smoothly lift your legs and keep them vertical at right angles to your body. Then raise your hips to their maximum height and hold your body for a few seconds. Slowly take your starting position. First repeat the movements 15 times, then increase to 40 times.

Raising your legs in the air

Hang on the bar and, without bending your legs, gently lift them. Fix them at an angle of 90 degrees, and then lower them down. Weights for the legs will help to complicate the exercise.

Men need to do four approaches. If you want to train your abs as well as possible, then you need to use weights. The number of repetitions of movements is individual in each case.

Gym program

Exercises for the lower abs for girls at home can not be performed in the gym. Classes can be made a little more difficult with the help of special exercise equipment. Before you start pumping up the relief on your stomach, you need to do cardio exercises. They will require an exercise bike or treadmill.

Once the muscles are warmed up and ready for stress, you can begin working on your abs. Beginners are recommended to perform simple exercises in the form of regular and reverse crunches on an incline bench for a couple of weeks. It is necessary to raise the lower part of the body or the upper one.

The best option would be to perform 15 lifts in 3 sets.

As soon as the muscles get used to such loads, it is recommended to move on to more complex ones:

  1. Hanging leg raise on a Swedish wall.
  2. On a horizontal bench, twisting the lower body.
  3. On an incline bench there is an incomplete crunch.
  4. Twisting on the upper block.
  5. On the top block "Lumberjack".

Why are we talking about this now?

Summer is coming. The season of short T-shirts and shorts is just around the corner! Many people are starting to think about getting in shape. Everyone has the right to look good. Everyone has the right to exercise for fun, no matter at home or in the gym. Everyone has the right to the energy boost that the following exercises for the lower abdominal and side muscles can give you.

Here you will find the best ways to get rid of cellulite on your thighs and buttocks yourself.

I hope that if you haven't started training yet, then after this article you will have the desire to perform a set or two. According to my wildest expectations, your desire to exercise will not disappear with the onset of autumn and will become an integral part of your life.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

To raise the lower body in a hanging position on the horizontal bar, you must:

  • hang on the horizontal bar, placing your hands at shoulder width;
  • straighten your back;
  • tighten your abs;
  • slowly raise straight legs 90 degrees;
  • after 5 seconds, lower your legs.

The exercise is repeated at least 15 times.

Raising your bent legs until you reach the “frog” position must be done as follows:

  • hang on the horizontal bar, place your hands shoulder-width apart;
  • bend your legs, pull them towards you as close as possible;
  • Initially, pull your legs towards your stomach, then towards your chest, and then towards your chin. The higher the legs are raised, the greater the efficiency;
  • You need to lower your legs to the starting position when a strong burning sensation begins in the working muscles.

The exercise is performed 26 times in 2-4 approaches.

When performing twists, you must:

  • hang on the horizontal bar;
  • do leg lifts left and right.

The exercise is performed for 21 repetitions in 2-4 approaches. You can increase the effect of exercise with the help of additional weights. There are special weights that are worn on the legs.

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Explosive crunches

The most difficult of the exercises presented here. This complexity comes from the speed of execution. The execution technique implies:

  • Take the starting position with straight legs on the floor;
  • With maximum speed and amplitude, approach your legs, directing your hands towards them;
  • Return to the starting position, after resting a little, repeat the exercise.

Perform for a minute or to the limit of your own capabilities. It will be difficult at first, but over time many people will enjoy this exercise!

In addition to this article, I would like to attach a video of exercises for the lower abs, so that each reader has a fully formed idea of ​​how to perform the exercises. In the end, getting a ready-made set of exercises is much easier than creating it yourself.

I would like to believe that this article was useful to every person who read it. It is also hoped that as many readers as possible will recommend this collection of exercises to their fellow athletes. Everyone will choose exactly the exercise or complex that this particular person will like!

Exercises with a roller

Exercises for the lower abs for girls at home can be performed with a special gymnastic roller, exercises with which allow you to use different muscle groups at once: the back, arms, abs and legs.


  1. You need to sit on a flat, hard surface (for example, on the floor on a gymnastics mat), bend your legs under you, and your heels should be under your buttocks. Straighten your arms and lower them onto the roller wheel. Slowly roll it forward, lowering the upper body to the thighs until they touch. In the same way they return to the opposite position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  2. Sit on a flat surface (for example, the floor), bend your legs under you, and your heels should be under your buttocks. Straighten your arms and transfer your weight to them, taking the roller. Roll the machine forward, straightening your knees. It is forbidden to bend your arms, and also to move your knees. You need to go back slowly. Do 16 repetitions.
  3. Sit on the floor with both knees bent. The roller is placed under the feet, grasping its handles with both hands. You need to straighten your legs as far as possible, touching your chest to your knees. Then they slowly return back, bending their legs again. Do this 15-20 times.

  4. Lie down on a flat surface with your back up. Stretch your arms forward, take the roller and press on it. You need to roll the machine towards you, lifting your chest off the floor and arching your back. The hips should be locked in place. After a few seconds, they come back. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  5. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward in front of you, move them. The roller is placed on the right or left side. Taking it with the appropriate hand, you need to tilt it as low as possible. Repeat the bends 10 times. Then they come back, change sides and perform the exercise again 10 times.

For maximum effect, you need to exercise daily for 20-25 minutes. If it is difficult to do the exercises at first, you can start with 5 minutes, and then increase the time period.

As a basis, you need to choose the most comfortable pace for doing the exercises. There is no need to rush so as not to harm your body. In order for you to be pleased with the results from your exercises, you must follow the correct technique, otherwise achieving sculpted abs will be problematic.

First - nutrition

Physical activity and an adjusted diet help you remove excess belly fat and become the owner of the coveted toned abs. Basics of a proper diet:

  1. Fractional meals - six meals a day, small portions.
  2. Drink plain, clean water, 2-2.5 l/day.
  3. The main thing in the diet is protein, obtained from lean meat and fish.
  4. Fats in products are in a minimal dose of plant origin.
  5. Carbohydrates – in minimal quantities (2 times less than proteins).

It is not recommended to completely give up carbohydrates.

To get elastic abs, you need to avoid eating fried foods and dishes richly flavored with spices and drenched in sauces.

Exercise stress

Effective exercises for the lower abs will need to be performed 5 times a week, take a break for two days, allowing the muscles to adapt and rest. It is worth understanding that pumping up the lower abs is much more difficult and takes longer than the upper abs. You shouldn’t expect lightning-fast effect and ease, you need to work hard.


The most effective exercise for pumping up the lower abs is twisting in the opposite direction. Required:

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  1. Lie on the mat, straighten your arms along your body.
  2. Raise your legs straight up, slightly raise your pelvis and stretch your hips towards your chest, do not bend your knees.
  3. It is important to perform the exercise using exclusively the abdominal muscles, and a strong tension should be felt.

Do twisting 10 rubles. 2 approaches each.

Let's use our legs

Lying on your back, extend your arms to your sides, keeping them straight, you can put them behind your head (relief for beginners). It is necessary to raise straight legs up perpendicular to the body. If it is difficult with straight lines, you feel a strong tension in your back, you can raise your legs with your knees bent.


A well-known exercise since childhood. Beneficial for the lower abdomen and upper abs:

  1. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, elbows apart.
  2. It is necessary to reach your left elbow towards your right knee, and vice versa.
  3. Keep your legs straight and parallel to each other during the exercise.

Cycling is a universal exercise that helps pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.


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Take a position as in the previous exercises, you can put your hands under your belt:

  1. Raise your legs from the floor at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  2. Make swings with straight legs, imagining them as scissors cutting the air.
  3. Keep your head straight.

The exercise must be performed at a fast pace. The number of approaches is the maximum, according to physical capabilities.


Doing this exercise daily will help quickly tighten your abdominal muscles and skin. It must be performed with straight arms. It causes a number of difficulties for beginners, so for the first 1-2 weeks the bar can be done standing on your elbows until the muscles get used to the load.

Hands are placed with elbows on the floor, straight legs rest on toes, back straight. The body should be smooth, taut like a string. It is recommended to stand in a “stand” for 5 seconds. Every day it is necessary to increase the duration of stay in this position.

When the body gets used to such a load, it is recommended to complicate the plank - standing on your hands, alternately raising your straight arms.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Advanced plank

The exercise is suitable for women with experience who know how to do a plank and who can stand on straight arms without severe tremors in the forearm. To train, you will need to stand in a plank position, work your legs one at a time - initially bend the right one at the knee and pull it to the chest, it should be parallel to the floor, repeat the movement with the left one.

When tidying up your lower abdominal muscles, you don’t have to waste time going to the gym. Spending 30-40 minutes daily. After a set of exercises, eating right, after 30 days you will be able to achieve a good, noticeable result.

When performing abdominal exercises, do not forget about cardio exercises that help tone the body - jumping rope, swimming, running, cycling or exercise bike. The choice of workouts is huge! It is recommended to exercise in the morning or evening; it is prohibited before bedtime (overexcitation and overstrain occurs, which interferes with proper sleep). It is important to remember to maintain the correct drinking regime.

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Exercises for the lower abs can be performed without using special equipment or performing active tiring movements. To do this, girls at home only need a desire to play sports.

Examples of static exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your unbent legs 30 cm from the floor. Hands are placed behind the slightly raised head, holding it. You need to lie in this position, looking at the ceiling, for as long as your strength allows. Each time the time spent performing this exercise will increase, as it allows you to train endurance.
  2. You need to lie on your stomach, place your hands as they are positioned during push-ups, stand on your toes with your feet, and straighten your back. Raise body weight above the floor, arms bent 90 degrees. You should only hold on to your arms and legs. Perform this exercise called a plank for 30 seconds. After the time is up, you can lower yourself to the floor, take a short rest and get back up. By gradually increasing the time period, muscles and endurance are trained.
  3. You need to lie on your stomach, straighten your arms in front of you, and straighten your legs behind you. Raise both arms and both legs at the same time, trying to stretch as much as possible in both directions. After 20 seconds they return to their original position. Perform the workout 2-4 times.

  4. Lay down with your stomach up. Raise the upper and lower parts of the body 45 degrees from the floor. The arms are straightened forward in front of you, fixed while sitting on the buttocks. The back and legs should be straight. Maintain balance without moving for at least 30 seconds. Place them on the floor again, rest for 20 seconds and return to the “corner”. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

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Secrets of effective pumping: loads on the lower part of a woman’s abdominal muscles

To significantly improve the condition of the lower abdomen, a girl needs to train every other day (3-4 training sessions per week will be enough). Each exercise begins with 15 repetitions in one approach. The starting number of approaches is 2.

Before you start performing fitness techniques for the lower abs, it is recommended to do a light warm-up to warm up the muscle tissue. Squats, bends, and leg swings will help stretch your muscles.

How to pump up your lower abdomen with exercises:

  1. Reverse crunches: Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your body. The lower limbs are raised so that they are perpendicular to the floor. The butt is slowly lifted off the floor, pulling the hips towards the chest. At the same time, the limbs remain straight. In this case, all efforts fall on the press, and at this stage they take a breath. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  2. Leg raises from a lying position: a person lies on the floor, stretching his arms “at his sides.” Straight legs are raised so that the peak point is perpendicular to the floor. Then, as you inhale, lower your legs to the floor, but keep them at a level of 30 cm from the floor. For beginners, you can simplify the technique by raising the limbs bent at the knee joints.
  3. “Scissors”: you need to lie on your back and raise your lower limbs 35 cm from the floor. Without bending your limbs, you need to make cross movements with them. It is important to ensure that the sacrum does not come off the floor.
  4. The “bicycle” is complicated: you lie on your back, and put your clasped hands under your head. The legs are straightened, raising them by 10 cm. Alternately, the left knee is pulled to the right elbow and vice versa. The back should remain straight and the shoulder blades should be apart.
  5. Leg pull-up: you need to grab the bar with both hands. After straightening the limbs, you need to bend slightly at the sacrum. As you inhale, pull your legs as close to your stomach as possible, trying to keep them straight. Slowly lowering your limbs, rest for a few seconds, and then repeat the pull-ups.

The number of repetitions and approaches depends on physical endurance. A sign of proper training is slight tension in the abdominal muscles. Nagging pain and tension in the lower back, severe tingling in the abdomen indicate a violation of the technique of performing fitness techniques for the press.

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises

To make the exercises as effective as possible, you can use weights. For example, put them on your legs if your workout involves lifting your lower body. The heavier the load, the more noticeable the result.

To shape the waist and beautiful abdominal muscles, it is recommended to wear a special belt on the stomach, thanks to which this part of the body will sweat. As a result, fat will be burned during training.

There are a number of special fat-burning creams that need to be applied to problem parts of the body before exercise. They have a warming effect, and their use in conjunction with a belt will give tremendous results. You can get good results thanks to special nutrition. It is worth giving up sweet and fatty foods, as well as baked goods, and the training will bear fruit.

Preference should be given to:

  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheeses;
  • fish;
  • fruits.

You need to drink a lot of clean water. To build muscle, you need to eat foods containing large amounts of protein.

In order for exercises for the lower abs at home to be productive, it is necessary to increase their quantity and quality. The more varied and technical the workouts are, the higher the likelihood of covering all muscle groups - this is important for girls, since working only on the abs will not bring the desired result.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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