Jump rope for weight loss - before and after reviews with photos

Losing weight with a jump rope - do you know anything about it? Most people understand that without physical exercise it is problematic to get the body into the desired shape, and regularly visiting a fitness center or gym is not always possible. A regular jump rope will help solve this problem. It will allow you to lose excess weight quickly, tone your body, without taking up much space, and without requiring special conditions for training. In this article you will find instructions on how to lose weight using a jump rope at home.

Skipping efficiency

Can you lose weight by jumping rope? Yes, the effectiveness of exercise is higher than from dieting, running, swimming. The effectiveness of skipping is confirmed by the fact that 200 kcal are burned in 15 minutes. Even with an average pace of exercise, gradual fat burning occurs.

A jump rope is an excellent cardio exercise machine that allows you to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

Skipping - get healthier and lose weight with a skipping rope.
Jumping allows you to:

  • lose weight;
  • pump up, tone muscles;
  • tighten the skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • get rid of toxins;
  • develop flexibility, endurance, coordination of movements.

The effectiveness of the jump rope in the fight against excess weight is confirmed by consumer reviews. There is a known case where a person jumped for 13 hours a day and lost 60 kg in 6 months, adhering to a normal diet.

Jumping rope - a simple way to achieve slimness

How much should you study?

How long do you need to jump rope to lose weight? The frequency and intensity of the exercises depend on the amount of extra pounds. If necessary, you can lose weight in a week, but you will need to exercise for a long time and often.

Jumping rope at an intense pace of exercise increases blood pressure and heart rate, so you should not try to lose weight quickly.

The duration and frequency of jumps are selected individually, focusing on the physiological characteristics of the body. The first week of classes should consist of short 5-minute workouts so as not to overload the body. Before classes, do a warm-up - 5-10 squats, bends, rotations with elbows, shoulders, and hands. You should start with simple jumps, performing them not too high and quickly, and most importantly correctly. Gradually the pace and height increase.

On the first day of classes, it is enough to complete 100 jumps. With each subsequent day of the first week, the number of jumps increases by 50, the second - by 100.

To track the effectiveness of the program, you can weigh yourself daily before and after training, and record the results in a table

From the second week, high jumps, figure eight, scissors, double jumps, and body stretching exercises are introduced, combining them with basic ones. Weight loss at this time is hardly noticeable, but the weight loss effect accumulates. After a two-week period, improvements in weight are already observed.

Don’t think that if you jump more often and faster, you will burn more fat and calories. Pronounced, lasting results from training will be ensured by regular exercise and a balanced diet.


The benefits of jumping rope are undeniable. Skipping allows you to:

  • get rid of excess weight, tighten your body and strengthen your muscles;
  • develop endurance, agility, coordination of movements;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of the body;
  • relieve fatigue and lift your mood.

This sports equipment is compact, which allows you to perform exercises anywhere (outdoors, nature, on vacation). A small rope with handles, purchased at a low price, will replace a whole series of exercise equipment, and the benefits from the exercises will be similar.

All you need to keep fit is a jump rope, sneakers and free space for exercise.

What is the first thing to lose weight?

When skipping, like running, your whole body loses weight. First, the sides and stomach lose volume, then the hips and legs. Minimal noticeable weight loss in the arm area.

Fat burning when jumping does not always occur evenly throughout the body. It is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight on purpose; it is better to seek help from a trainer to select a suitable training program.

Will it help you get rid of your belly?

Skipping promotes general weight loss and maintains body tone, but there are certain exercises that allow you to lose belly fat.

Exercise 1. Make yourself comfortable, sitting on the floor. One leg is bent at the knee, the foot steps on a rope folded in four, the other is straightened. The back is gradually tilted back. When it touches the floor, the bent leg is pulled to the chest using a cord. After this, the exercise is repeated from the starting point.

Example of an exercise with a jump rope while lying down

Exercise 2 . Position yourself standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. The double folded cord is held in hands raised up, tilting left and right.

Bendovers with a jump rope while standing

Exercise 3. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. The equipment folded in four is held in front of you in your hands, trying to reach your toes with it.

Repeat each of these exercises 20-30 times until you feel a burning sensation in the abdomen.

Abdominal muscle training

What about the legs?

During skipping classes, your legs will not only decrease in volume, but will become toned, trained, and take on a beautiful shape. The following exercises will allow you to correct the volume of your legs:

  • basic jumps;
  • movements to the sides, backwards;
  • running in place, moving forward;
  • double jumps.

Note: the choice of exercises for losing weight in your legs is arbitrary. It is recommended to start with simple jumps and gradually move on to running.

Muscles trained by jumping rope

How to jump rope to lose weight?

To see and feel the results from training with a skipping rope, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The workout should begin with warming up the muscles and joints. This is necessary to avoid possible injuries;
  2. In the first minutes of the main jumping part, set the pace not high, allowing the body to prepare for more intense work;
  3. The position of the elbows is as close as possible to the body, and the jump rope should be rotated by the hands;
  4. Keep your back straight with your gaze directed forward;
  5. Land while performing jumping movements on your toes, and in no case on your entire foot;
  6. At the end of the main load, all major muscle groups should be stretched.

An important factor for the effectiveness of training is the correct choice of rope length. To do this, stand up straight, holding both ends of the exercise machine in your hands, place your feet in the middle and stretch them up along your body. Chest level (armpits) is where the hands with the rope should be.

Skipping training program for 30 days

Experts say that when jumping rope, fat deposits begin to be burned after half an hour of intense jumping. Depending on the problem, an individual training program for weight loss is developed.

Class schedule for the first two weeks

The first 1-2 weeks of exercise should be light. Jumps are performed every other day, alternating with rest 1:1. Approximate sequence:

  • 10 minutes of basic jumps;
  • bending with a rope back and forth, to the sides (at least 3 minutes each);
  • 10-minute reverse jumps;
  • exercises for the abs;
  • alternate jumps for 5 minutes on each leg.

Class schedule for 3-4 weeks of training

During this period, jumping should prevail over intermediate exercises. Sample training program:

  • 15-minute basic jumps;
  • exercises to tighten the muscles of the legs and buttocks (10-15 min.);
  • 10-minute double jumps;
  • abdominal exercises (10-15 min.);
  • 15-minute single jumps.

The average person cannot perform more than 100 jumps/minute. This indicator should be your guide.

Beginning athletes can break the number of jumps into stages, performing sets of 30, 50, and 20 jumps.

Monthly skipping program for weight loss based on the number of jumps/day

How to jump rope to lose weight?

At the initial stage of skipping training, it is recommended to start in sets of 5 minutes, gradually increasing the training time to half an hour. After getting used to it, the duration of the jumps is increased to an hour, performing 4-5 approaches during this time.

On speed days, the emphasis should be on performing the exercises quickly, the rest of the time focusing on the duration of the exercises.

An example of the sequence in which to perform jumping rope for weight loss in the table

The benefits of jumping rope for weight loss

During skipping, most of the muscles of the body are trained. But if your task is not to pump up muscles, but to lose weight, you need to jump using a certain technology. The trainers have developed effective and simple jump rope exercises.

Even ordinary basic exercises are used for these purposes. The video will tell you about the main methods of weight loss using skipping:

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysZMdJJNa5w”]

But besides classic exercises with a jump rope for weight loss, there are also more diverse intensive courses. How to lose 8 kg in 2 weeks of skipping - video:

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZsrIf85Syw”]

Approximate training program for 2 weeks

Jumping rope is a real way to lose weight in 2 weeks up to 8 kg ! Sports lovers have found a way to jump correctly and how many times so that all the muscles of the body begin to tighten and fat is burned.

The training program for 2 weeks consists of the following set of exercises:

  • The elbows are pressed to the body, only the hands move. First you need to do 10 regular jumps in one place.
  • After this, jumps are made from side to side 10 times. The muscles of the abdomen and back begin to work well, due to which a waist appears.
  • Then jump forward and backward 10 times.
  • Next, they move on to the “scissors” exercise: the legs are crossed when jumping - the left leg goes back, the right leg goes forward, and vice versa. The task is repeated 20 times. The front and back of the legs and calf muscles work well.
  • Cross jumps are performed next. When jumping, the left hand crosses over the right, and the right hand crosses over the left, and vice versa again. The muscles of the back and shoulders are worked out perfectly. The exercise is repeated 20 times.

  • The set of exercises ends with jumping rope with high knees. Shoulders lean slightly forward. Due to this, the abs become toned and beautiful. The task is performed 20-50 times.

After this set of exercises, you are supposed to take a short rest, then everything is repeated. On the first day, one approach is done. On the second day - two approaches, by the end of the first - beginning of the second week, the training is increased to three approaches.

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Selecting training equipment

To make skipping sessions comfortable and effective, it is important to choose the right jump rope for weight loss. The product comes in:

  • ordinary, consisting of a cord and handles;
  • with a special weighting agent that increases the load;
  • equipped with a counter that records the number of jumps;
  • with a system for measuring the number of calories burned.

The standard diameter of the rope is 8 mm. It is chosen based on one’s own growth and ease of use.

This table will help you choose inventory of the appropriate length

How to choose a jump rope?

Skipping is a fairly simple device for playing sports, but you still shouldn’t take the first one you see. By following just a few rules when choosing a jump rope, you can maximize its benefits:

For best calorie burning, its diameter should not exceed 8-9 millimeters.

Length is also of great importance. To choose the size that suits you, you need to stand up straight and, pressing the middle of the rope with your feet, pull the handles to the maximum possible height. If they reach the level of the armpits, then this is the right option for you;

If you want to know exactly how many calories you will burn while jumping, then it would be ideal for you to purchase skipping equipment with a built-in calorie counter.

How does jumping affect the body?

Marina: I've been skipping for a month. I jump every evening, devoting half an hour of time to the activity, and in total I perform about 1,500 jumps. Did jumping rope help me lose weight? During this time, I lost 3 kg without denying myself my favorite foods. After 3 weeks of training, the volume of the hips decreased by 5 cm, the body became toned and slimmer.

Photos of Marina before and after a month-long skipping lesson

Ksenia: Two months ago I decided to jump rope, the reviews about these exercises are only positive. I worked out regularly, doing 2000 jumps per day. The body tightened, the sides became smaller.

Photos of Ksenia before and after skipping lessons

Photos of Ksenia before and after skipping lessons

Jump rope for weight loss. Results and reviews

Training with a jump rope
is considered one of the most energy-intensive.
Jumping quickly raises your heart rate into the aerobic training zone and launches the fat-burning process into space. This type of cardio exercise against the backdrop of a calorie deficit (healthy diet and reasonable food restrictions) gives a noticeable result - just a couple of weeks later, your body will delight you by losing all that excess weight. For the fastest results, it is recommended to exercise according to the interval principle, that is, alternating a high-intensity mode of jumping with a calmer pace.
We offer you ready-made training programs for jumping rope for effective weight loss . Choose the one that suits you based on your fitness level.

Description and recommendations for performing fat-burning training with a jump rope

The program involves interval training (high, medium and low intensity). You will have to alternately perform jumps (for example, any from this collection
), running in place with a skipping rope and walking in place. The intervals should be performed in a circle for the allotted amount of time. Every 5 minutes you need to give yourself a break of 1-2 minutes. Train according to the proposed plan 4-5 times a week, each plan is scheduled for 4 weeks.

It would be ideal to alternate between jumping rope and strength exercises.

Jumping rope. Level: beginner

1 Week

Jumping rope - 20 sec Running with a skipping rope - 20 sec Walking in place - 30 sec
Total training time - 10 min.
2 week

Jumping rope - 25 sec Running with a skipping rope - 30 sec Walking in place - 30 sec
Total training time - 15 min.
3 week

Jumping rope - 30 sec Running with a skipping rope - 40 sec Walking in place - 40 sec
Total training time - 20 min.
4 week

Jumping rope - 35 sec Running with a skipping rope - 45 sec Walking in place - 40 sec
Total training time - 20-25 min.
* Break - 1-2 minutes after every 5 minutes of classes.

Jumping rope. Level: prepared

1 Week

Jumping rope - 20 sec Running with a skipping rope - 20 sec Walking in place - 30 sec
Total training time - 15 min.
2 week

Jumping rope - 30 sec Running with a skipping rope - 30 sec Walking in place - 30 sec
Total training time - 20 min.
3 week

Jumping rope - 35 sec Running with a skipping rope - 40 sec Walking in place - 40 sec
Total training time - 25 min.
4 week

Jumping rope - 40 sec Running with a skipping rope - 50 sec Walking in place - 40 sec
Total training time - 30 min.
* Break - 1-2 minutes after every 5 minutes of classes.

Jumping rope. Level: advanced

1 Week

Jumping rope - 20 sec Running with a skipping rope - 20 sec Walking in place - 10 sec
Total training time - 15-20 min.
2 week

Jumping rope - 25 sec Running with a skipping rope - 25 sec Walking in place - 10 sec
Total training time - 25-30 min.
3 week

Jumping rope - 30 sec Running with a skipping rope - 30 sec Walking in place - 20 sec
Total training time - 30-35 min.
4 week

Jumping rope - 40 sec Running with a skipping rope - 40 sec Walking in place - 20 sec
Total training time - 35-40 min.
* Break - 1-2 minutes after every 5 minutes of classes.

If, after working out, you feel that the chosen program is not suitable for you, adjust some of its parameters, for example:

  • Total training time;
  • Frequency of jumps per minute;
  • Duration of approaches and rest between approaches.

Losing weight with a jump rope: results

* Before and after photos were taken from the Internet, so we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data.

Reviews about losing weight with a jump rope (from irecom)

And, for starters, we have selected three useful videos for you.

FitnessBlender: Sweatshop Fat Burning Cardio - Fun Jump Rope (7 min)

POPSUGAR Fitness: Jump Rope Workout (10 min)

Millionaire Hoy: home workout - nothing but a jump rope (20 min)

Bottom line

Skipping classes will help you lose weight and tone your body. Armed with the knowledge from our article, perseverance and determination, you can start losing weight with a jump rope. Regular exercise will allow you to get rid of extra pounds, reduce the appearance of cellulite, become slimmer, improve your heart rate, normalize your breathing, and improve your mood.

How to jump rope correctly? Specially designed programs will help with this. Their intensity and content depend on the individual indicators of a person.

How long should you jump? This indicator will be different for each person. On average, it is possible to lose 3-5 kg ​​in a month, but there are intensive programs that allow you to lose 8 kg in 14 days.

Skipping is used as an independent set of exercises and combined with other activities. A balanced diet will improve the effect of exercise.

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