Maggi diet: menu for 4 weeks table, reviews and results, before and after photos

Important notes in the diet

  1. Drink as much clean, still water as possible.
  2. Cook vegetables in water, not in broths; you can add salt, onions, garlic, and seasonings to taste.
  3. Vegetable oil and butter are prohibited from being added to products.
  4. If you really want to, you can drink diet sodas, but it's best to avoid them.
  5. Tea and coffee are allowed to be drunk in any quantity, but only without sugar and milk (a sugar substitute is allowed).
  6. During a snack, you can eat raw carrots, cucumber or lettuce, but only two hours after the food prescribed by the diet.
  7. Strictly follow the diet. It is not allowed to swap dinner, breakfast and lunch.
  8. You need to weigh yourself in the morning after your morning toilet and before eating.
  9. If for some reason the diet has been disrupted, then continuing the diet is pointless. Start again from the first week of the menu.
  10. Playing any sport will benefit your figure.
  11. After finishing the diet, your stomach will be more quickly filled with food, this will help you monitor your weight and figure for several months, but only on the condition that your menu does not contain high-calorie foods and carbohydrates (chocolate, flour, etc.)
  12. If you want to repeat the diet after it ends, follow the first menu for two weeks, and after that, immediately follow the fourth week of the menu.

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Basic principles

Maggi's nutritional method is based on biochemical processes, so it requires strict adherence to the diet. Due to the large amount of eggs and other protein sources, the Maggi diet is called the egg diet.

First of all, this is a protein diet. The carbohydrate content in the products is extremely low. This is the main principle of this technique. It is this, together with biochemical reactions, that gives an excellent result.

But how do these same reactions occur in the body? The nutritional plan for the first two weeks includes eating boiled eggs and ladles of citrus fruit for breakfast. The diet is rich in foods containing fiber, especially in the third week of the program. As a result, some changes occur in the body, which ultimately contribute to weight loss:

  • The metabolic process improves;
  • In combination with physical activity, body weight decreases;
  • Thanks to quick and long-term satiety, you will not feel hungry;
  • Vegetables and fruits help remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • A large amount of protein in the diet forces the body to work harder and remove excess fluid;
  • You get enough vitamins from food;
  • Thanks to calcium, a source of energy, the diet goes well with physical activity and mental work;
  • Beneficial effects on the nervous system and digestive organs.

If you interrupt the diet, you will have to start again. Otherwise, the effect will be minimal.

First week


Lunch: fruits in any quantity (pears, apples, oranges, apricots, watermelons, melons, etc.)

Dinner: steamed, boiled, or fried meat without oil. It is prohibited to eat lamb.


Lunch: boiled (steamed) chicken, but always without skin.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad, 20 grams of bread, orange.


Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese, 20 grams of bread, tomatoes.

Dinner: steamed, boiled, or fried meat without oil. It is prohibited to eat lamb.


Lunch: unlimited fruit of your choice.

Dinner: steamed, or boiled, or fried meat without oil, salad. It is prohibited to eat lamb.


Lunch: boiled vegetables (zucchini with beans or carrots with green peas) and 2 eggs.

Dinner: boiled or steamed fish, salad, grapefruit.


Lunch: unlimited fruit of your choice.

Dinner: steamed, or boiled, or fried meat without oil, salad. It is prohibited to eat lamb.


Lunch: steamed chicken, but always without skin, vegetables, grapefruit.

Dinner: boiled vegetables.

Second week


Lunch: boiled or fried meat without oil, salad.

Dinner: salad, 2 eggs, grapefruit.


Lunch: boiled or fried meat without oil, vegetable salad.

Dinner: 2 eggs, grapefruit.


Lunch: boiled or fried meat without oil, fresh cucumbers.

Dinner: 2 eggs, orange.


Lunch: 2 eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables.

Dinner: 2 eggs.


Lunch: boiled or fried fish.

Dinner: 2 eggs.


Lunch: boiled or fried meat without oil, tomatoes, 1 orange.

Dinner: fruit salad (choose fruits according to your taste preferences).


Lunch: chicken, boiled vegetables, grapefruit.

Dinner: boiled or fried chicken without oil, but always without skin, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit.

Third week


Eat fruit in any quantity you need. Grapes, dates, mangoes, figs, bananas cannot be combined with other fruits and must be eaten separately.


Throughout the day, eat any boiled vegetables and salads in unlimited quantities. Do not forget that potatoes should be consumed separately from dry cereals.


Eat any of the above fruits, vegetables and salads throughout the day. You are allowed to eat at any time and in any quantity.


Unlimited fish, salad (cabbage or lettuce), boiled vegetables.


Steamed, or boiled, or fried meat without oil, or skinless chicken (lamb is prohibited), any vegetables.


During the whole day you are allowed to eat one type of any fruit in unlimited quantities.


During the whole day you are allowed to eat one type of any fruit in unlimited quantities.

How to exit correctly

The duration of the result will depend on the correctness of the diet.
You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Increase calorie intake gradually - 50-100 kcal for 14 days.
  2. In the diet, use more carbohydrates rather than fats (the latter may be present in the menu, but in limited quantities).
  3. Don't overeat. It is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  4. Chew food thoroughly and eat slowly.
  5. Do not add sour, salty or spicy dishes to the menu.

The best option is to use the same diet and only add new dishes 2 times a week.

Fourth week

The products that are included in the menu of the fourth week of the Maggi diet are distributed throughout the day, but without any additions.


  • 200 grams of steamed, or boiled, or fried without oil meat, or 200 grams of boiled chicken.
  • 3 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers.
  • 1 can of canned tuna without oil (if the tuna is in oil, rinse it with water).
  • 20 grams of bread.
  • grapefruit.


  • 200 grams of steamed, or boiled, or fried meat without oil.
  • 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers.
  • 20 grams of bread.
  • 1 fruit of your choice.


  • 1 tablespoon low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 300 grams of vegetables.
  • 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers.
  • 20 grams of bread products.
  • 1 orange.


  • 200 grams of steamed, or boiled, or fried chicken without oil.
  • 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber.
  • 20 grams of bread.
  • grapefruit.
  • 1 fruit of your choice.


  • boiled 2 eggs.
  • 3 tomatoes, 1 lettuce.
  • 1 orange.


  • 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet.
  • 125 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 20 grams of bread.
  • 200 grams of curdled milk, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers.
  • grapefruit.


  • 1 tbsp cottage cheese.
  • 1 can of canned tuna without oil (if the tuna is in oil, rinse it with water).
  • 300 grams of boiled vegetables.
  • tomatoes, cucumbers (2 pcs).
  • 20 grams of bread.
  • 1 orange.

Fifth week

The Maggi diet is designed for a four-week course, and the menu for the fifth week is designed to consolidate the effect.

Breakfast: breakfast is the same for the whole week - half an orange or grapefruit (choose according to your taste preferences), two boiled eggs.


Second breakfast: 2 eggs, tomatoes, herbal tea.

Lunch: 2 eggs, vinaigrette, grapefruit or orange, herbal tea.

Dinner: 2 eggs, orange.


Second breakfast: grapefruit, eggs.

Lunch: celery, tomato, cucumber, salad, lean meat (no more than 300 grams).

Dinner: 2 eggs, grapefruit.


Second breakfast: 2 eggs, fresh spinach, tea.

Lunch: 2 eggs, beets, cabbage, herbal tea.

Dinner: 2 eggs, orange.


Second breakfast: 2 eggs, spinach, coffee.

Lunch: boiled fish, salad vinaigrette (without oil), maybe coffee.

Dinner: 2 eggs, apple


Second breakfast: 2 eggs, fresh spinach, coffee.

Lunch: fish, vinaigrette salad (without oil), cabbage.

Dinner: 2 eggs, grapefruit.


Second breakfast: fruit salad.

Lunch: steak, tomato, cucumber, coffee.

Dinner: 2 eggs, orange.


Second breakfast: grapefruit, cold chicken.

Lunch: boiled chicken, cabbage.

Dinner: 2 eggs, apple

Principles of nutrition

The menu compiled for each day cannot be changed. It is prohibited to eat food at other times or to abstain from eating it. So, if the menu indicates that you need to eat a fruit in the morning, you cannot eat it in the afternoon or evening. During the day you will drink about 3 liters of water. Only pure liquid without gas is taken into account. The first and second weeks require three meals a day. Food is consumed at strictly defined times.

It is acceptable to drink unsweetened coffee or tea in any amount. The use of sweeteners is allowed. Do not use fat or oil when preparing food. You can also add onions, peppers, garlic and salt. 2-3 hours after meals you can eat fresh vegetables. A weight loss regimen needs to be supplemented with physical activity. It is recommended to do the exercises every day. Dinner is also allowed after 6:00 pm. However, the last meal should not be later than 3 hours before going to bed. Food is prepared in a slow cooker. If it is missing, you need to cook food in a dry frying pan. You cannot repeat the diet more than once every six months. Before you begin following a weight loss regimen, your body needs to be prepared. In another situation, problems may arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If a woman is not confident in her abilities, she should not give preference to this method. Violating the rules for following a diet or interrupting it in a short time will reduce all efforts to zero.

Maggi diet results

If you strictly follow your diet over the entire period of a strict diet, you will lose from 10 to 28 kilograms of excess weight, your body will look younger and slimmer, and your well-being will improve. Read about the results other people losing weight have achieved in reviews of the diet.

Before starting the diet, be sure to consult with your doctor, since the Maggi diet has a number of contraindications, such as pregnancy, liver and heart diseases, abnormalities in kidney function and many others.

Advantages and disadvantages

In fact, the Maggi diet is a protein diet with an extremely low carbohydrate content. It is suitable for people of all ages, but it is recommended to use it no more than once a year. The result of losing weight will last for a long time, but only if it is done correctly.

The Maggi diet is a fairly balanced system and therefore has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance or allergies to certain types of foods.

This diet is absolutely not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, anyone who suffers from an allergy to citrus fruits, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or those taking blood pressure-lowering medications.

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