Diet 5 tablespoons. Reviews from those who have lost weight, menu for the week, do’s and don’ts, before and after photos

Approximate daily diet ration 5 tablespoons

The menu for one day may look like this:

  • Morning, 7:00: oatmeal prepared with milk (5 tablespoons) and a glass of unsweetened tea.
  • Snack before lunch. 10:00: Eat a choice of fruit - orange, apple or banana.
  • Day, 13:00: buckwheat with meat (5 tablespoons), meat can be replaced with fish or chicken. It is important to ensure that the total weight of the portion does not exceed 0.2 kg.
  • Snack before dinner, 16:00: salad with vegetables with sunflower oil or sour cream dressing. A serving is equal to five tablespoons.
  • Dinner, 19:00: rice porridge or boiled fish.
  • Snack before bed: kefir or yogurt, but no more than 5 tablespoons. Fermented milk drinks can be spotted with a piece of fruit or a glass of water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The “5 tablespoons” diet has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • no calorie counting required;
  • you can continue to eat your usual food, only in smaller quantities;
  • the diet has no time limits;
  • the size of the stomach decreases;
  • metabolism and digestion improve.

The disadvantages include:

  • for the first 3-5 days you will constantly feel hungry;
  • constipation is often observed;
  • the ability to add almost any product to the menu leads to the fact that unwanted dishes often appear in the diet, which slows down the process of losing weight.

Menu for the week

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime
1 100 g omelette, 60 g tomatoes, 40 g cheese, a glass of unsweetened coffee 100 g soup with vegetables and chicken fillet, 80 g fresh vegetable salad, compote 0.2 l yogurt 180 g vegetables stewed with chicken fillet 100 g casserole with cottage cheese and apple
2 100 g sandwich with salted red fish, cheese and tomato, 100 g yogurt 100 g white fish baked with cream sauce, boiled egg 150 g salad with fruit Stewed vegetables 100 g, duck breast – 70 g, a glass of tea Pumpkin porridge 160 g, compote
3 170 g muesli with yogurt, a glass of tea Vegetable soup with croutons – 100 g, steamed minced fish cutlets – 60 g, fruit drink 150 g pancakes with apple filling 80 g durum wheat pasta, 60 goulash, 30 g beans in tomatoes, juice Soufflé with cottage cheese and apples – 150 g, a glass of green tea
4 Steamed cheesecakes – 100 g and the same amount of kefir Moussaka with vegetables 100 g, chicken pate with toasted bread – 50 g, tomatoes – 50 g, compote Fruits with a total weight of no more than 180 g Mashed potatoes – 100 g, terrine with chicken and vegetables – 100 g, a glass of tea Stewed zucchini – 150 g, a glass of green tea
5 Casserole with cottage cheese – 150 g, a glass of coffee 100 g sour cabbage soup, Chinese cabbage with chicken fillet in salad - 50 g, boiled egg 160 charlottes 100 g pilaf and the same amount of stewed cabbage, a glass of tea A glass of kefir
6 180 g omelette with cheese, unsweetened tea Rice with vegetables, 100 g portion, baked chicken fillet – 70 g 0.2 kg salad with Korean carrots and chicken fillet Puree soup with mushrooms – 120 g, a slice of hard cheese, a boiled chicken egg and a glass of tea Fruit salad
7 Oatmeal cooked with milk – 170 g, fruit and juice 100 g fish soup, croutons with cheese and garlic - 100 g, a glass of tea Apple 100 g boiled buckwheat, 100 g chicken wings baked with honey, a glass of tea Salad with cabbage and carrots


The entire description of the diet comes down to several principles:

  1. eating in small portions: 5 tablespoons = 150 grams of any dish at a time;
  2. strict diet: food should be taken at equal (approximately 3-4 hours) intervals;
  3. last meal - no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  4. you are allowed to eat everything;
  5. any alcohol is prohibited;
  6. salt and sugar - in minimal quantities;
  7. The time frame for losing weight is not limited: the diet can be continued until you achieve the desired results;

As the results of those who have lost weight show, about 3-5 kg ​​are lost in a week. The numbers depend on the initial weight and additional factors: whether there were any breakdowns, whether they played sports, whether they were physically active.

This diet is considered one of the best, as it not only reduces weight, but also changes eating habits. It is not necessary to take vitamins even during a long fast, since vegetables and fruits are always present in the diet.

Allowed and prohibited diet foods 5 tablespoons

The diet involves eating a wide variety of foods. A person should not limit their fat or carbohydrate intake to less than the prescribed limit of 5 tablespoons. In this case, you need to choose only those products that are considered healthy and do not contradict the principles of proper nutrition. Sources of carbohydrates should be cereals, vegetables, and fruits. They allow you to replenish the body's reserves of vitamins and microelements, as well as coarse fiber that is beneficial for the intestines.

Proportions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed per day: 20%:40%:40%, where 20% is allocated to fatty foods. An adult should not consume more than 110 g of fat per day, otherwise, it will not be possible to lose weight. A salad with vegetable oil dressing or 200 g of fatty sea fish fillet, eaten in a day, fits into this norm.

As for prohibited foods, the following drinks should be removed from the diet:

  • Drinks with sugar and gases.
  • Drinks containing artificial sweeteners.
  • Alcohol.

Table of prohibited products

Products Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Kilocalories
Jam 0,3 0,2 53 263
Jam 0,3 0,1 56 238
Candies 4,3 19,8 67,5 453
Ice cream 3,7 6,9 22,1 189
Granulated sugar 0 0 99,7 398
Sugar pieces 0 0 99,9 400
Coca Cola 0 0 10,4 42
Lemonade 0 0 6,4 26
Sprite 0,1 0 7 29
Fanta 0 0 11,7 48
Energetic drinks 0 0 11,3 45

Expected results

A nutrition system with a portion limit of 5 tablespoons leads to effective results. This occurs due to a decrease in gastric volume. The results of the diet are long-term, since the feeling of hunger is almost completely dulled, and satiety with a small amount of food lasts up to 5 hours.

A diet with a quantitative reduction in food intake returns impaired digestion to normal functioning and keeps new weight under control. Therefore, if you do not go back to overeating, the result of such weight loss will be prolonged.

The diet menu can even consist of sweet dishes, which prevents stress for the body after using this diet.

By reducing the amount of food you eat, weight loss begins in the first week. Then the stomach gets used to such changes and shrinks to normal size. Overeating stops, and excess weight loss continues.

In 7 days of the diet you can lose 5 kg, and in a month - almost 20 kg. Using the “5 tablespoons” system, it sometimes takes more than 30 days to lose weight. This is not forbidden, since nutritionists consider it the most balanced and easily tolerated.

When stable results appear, exit the diet by slightly increasing the portion size. But this is not considered a prerequisite, because during this period there is still a risk of returning to overeating. Interestingly, the higher the BMI, the more intense the weight loss will be with strict adherence to the spoon diet.

Weight loss then looks like this:

  • in the first difficult 7 days, 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight are lost without breakdowns;
  • in the 2nd week the plumb line will already be 6-7 kg;
  • from the 15th to the 21st day, 8-10 total kg are lost;
  • the end of the fourth week will please you with a weight reduction of 10-12 kg since the beginning of the diet.

Nutritionists consider the “5 tablespoons” method of losing weight to be the best, as it helps to get rid of overeating and also acquire good eating habits. This nutritional system can last as long as you like and even without the concomitant use of complex vitamins and minerals.

The “5 tablespoons” diet (reviews of those losing weight about it are always positive) is aimed at rapid weight loss. It can also be a preventive measure for re-obesity. To achieve positive results, physical activity is used together with the nutritional system to burn calories and keep the body and skin toned.

Pros and cons of the 5 tablespoon diet

Obvious advantages of the diet:

  • Diet teaches you to eat right.
  • During the diet, there are no sudden jumps in blood sugar levels.
  • A person's appetite becomes controllable.
  • The diet does not prohibit eating your favorite foods.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • The diet has a number of contraindications. Thus, it should not be practiced during pregnancy and against the background of vitamin deficiency, which often develops in the cold season.

What is the five spoon diet?

The diet suggests taking into account the volume of the stomach and not loading it with excess food. The daily diet should be divided into portions and consumed at certain intervals. This diet allows the stomach to digest food without stress. As a result, his condition normalizes, his volume decreases, and the extra pounds noticeably melt away without a chance of return.

The 5 spoon diet is not as strict as it seems at first glance. Don’t get hung up on measurements - better listen to your body and intuitively determine the portion that is optimal for you!

Nutrition experts are unanimous that reducing the serving size consumed at one time has a beneficial effect on weight loss. A survey of obese people revealed that in 95% of them the stomach is so stretched that its volume is comparable to a similar organ in large artiodactyl animals.

An enlarged stomach provokes a constant feeling of hunger. It is difficult for a person to cope with this; the desire to eat something constantly arises.

The technique based on fractional nutrition has the following advantages:

  • reduces the volume of the stomach;
  • normalizes the processes occurring in the digestive organs;
  • quickly removes extra pounds;
  • enriches the body with essential vitamins, enzymes, and minerals;
  • does not cause depression caused by food restrictions;
  • noticeable weight loss effect in the first week;
  • has no contraindications;
  • long-term preservation of the result, subject to constant adherence to the technique.

It is difficult to switch to the “5 tablespoons” diet from your usual diet. This is its only drawback. Failures are observed mainly in the first days of the diet. You need to switch to it gradually. Just a few days later, a person is surprised to discover that he feels full, does not break into chaotic snacks, and is sincerely perplexed as to how he was able to eat huge portions of food before.

The popular 5 spoon diet is one of the interpretations of the idea of ​​fractional nutrition, also known as grazing.

Reviews and results

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Evgeniy Petrovich, nutritionist: “In my opinion, the 5 tablespoons diet is one of the most correct and effective diets that allows a person to get rid of bad eating habits. It does not require additional intake of vitamins, since its menu is quite balanced and allows it to cover all the needs of the human body. The weight will come off from the first days of the diet, which is the best motivation for anyone losing weight.”

Antonina Evgenievna, nutritionist: “The diet is very easy to tolerate. The feeling of hunger can only bother a person in the first few days after starting a diet. Gradually, the stomach decreases in size, which allows you to moderate your own appetite and not gain excess weight even after completing the diet. I recommend drinking green tea and herbal infusions between meals, and 1.5 hours before bedtime you can eat a portion of bran. Be sure to drink enough water during the diet. This will avoid problems with stool and control the feeling of hunger.”

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Asya: “I stayed on the diet for a month, and the fat literally melted before my eyes. At first I was a little hungry, since it’s quite difficult to instantly get used to miniature portions, but then I got used to it. Moreover, you can eat anything - cakes, fatty fish, noodles, but in limited quantities. You can’t eat more than five spoons, but when I had soup for lunch, I ate 10 spoons. This did not affect the result.

It was especially difficult not to eat after 7 pm. I drank water and green tea and went to bed with an empty stomach. Sometimes I even woke up at night because I was hungry, but I overcame myself. In a month I managed to lose 15 kg. 3 months after completing the diet, the weight returned, but I no longer limited myself in anything, it was my own fault. Nevertheless, the diet is wonderful, I recommend it to everyone.”

Katerina: “I really liked the diet because it doesn’t force you to give up your favorite foods, you just need to eat them in moderation. It is best to trust kitchen scales rather than tablespoons. The volume of one serving should not exceed 200 g. In a month on the diet, I lost 9 kg. At the same time, I ate homemade dumplings, sausage, and sweets. I think that if you eat right, and not like me, the result will be even more impressive. I didn't have any health problems. It is important to drink a glass of warm water 20 minutes before meals to speed up metabolic processes. In general, the diet is useful.”

Nina: “Looking at myself in the mirror, I decided it was time to lose weight. At the same time, I am very glad that I chose the 5 spoons diet. She allowed me to get rid of 16 kg of excess weight that I gained while I was at home. I think the main advantage of the diet is that it not only helps you lose weight, but also does not require you to prepare dishes separately for yourself, but separately for family members. Obesity is a disease that needs to be cured. The 5 Tablespoons Diet is a great way to cope with this problem.”

Diet composition

Initially, the authors of this technique advised those losing weight to only reduce the amount of food they consumed. But, as practice has shown, the highest results can be achieved if you simultaneously change the composition of food by switching to a low-calorie diet. Thus, a list of permitted and prohibited products appeared.

Authorized Products

When eating the “5 tablespoons” diet, you need to give preference to low-fat foods with a low glycemic index. They promote a slow rise in glucose levels along with a gradual release of energy, which ensures you feel fuller longer.

Authorized products include:

  • vegetables, herbs, fruits, including bananas and grapes - but only in the permitted dosage, not exceeding 150 g. Various dishes can be prepared from vegetables with a minimum amount of vegetable oil;
  • dairy products, low-fat or low-fat (1%) - as individual dishes or for salad dressings;
  • porridge - they can be prepared from any cereal with the exception of rice and semolina;
  • oat bran as a source of fiber that helps cleanse the intestines - they can be added to fermented milk drinks, ready-made meals, or cooked pancakes in a dry non-stick frying pan;
  • lean meat - skinless chicken, rabbit, boiled or grilled veal;
  • vegetable oils in small quantities for dressing salads, as well as a little butter for porridge.

The diet rules allow the consumption of fried foods, high-quality smoked products, pasta, bread, and sweets, but then the number of servings must be reduced from 5 to 3 per day.

Prohibited Products

Following this diet, you must definitely give up fats of animal and artificial origin, as well as all products that contain them - overly nutritious confectionery, fatty meats, fast food. Liquid calories in sweet soda, packaged juices and other similar drinks are considered harmful to your figure. However, you don’t have to completely give up your favorite foods.

Nutritionists recommend replacing one healthy meal once a week with something you like, albeit in the recommended amount - 150 g or 5 tablespoons. Even if the calorie content of this portion is too high, it will help you not to break down and make it easier to endure the hardships of the diet.

Losing weight will become somewhat slower, but much more comfortable. In addition, there can be quite a lot of menu options from allowed products, however, you can achieve the best results only if you adhere to the recommended diet.

Rating of food delivery for weight loss

Delivery of food with calculated calorie content, ready-made diets. No more cooking and counting calories!




The 5 tablespoons diet allows you to effectively lose weight without harm to your health. It is suitable for almost all people who suffer from excess body weight, as it has no contraindications. In 10 days of such a diet you can get rid of 3-7 kg, the specific weight depends on the person’s initial weight.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

Tips and tricks

In addition to the established rules, nutritionists offer a number of recommendations that will allow you to achieve maximum weight loss results for the benefit of the body:

  1. You need to approach the preparation of your daily menu rationally so that it is complete, healthy and balanced. You should not take permission to eat sweets in small portions literally - buy a cake, divide it into parts and eat it in a day. You can have a small piece of this dessert for breakfast, and then, throughout the day, eat only healthy dishes and foods.
  2. To make it easier to eat according to the plan, you need to print or write the menu and keep it in a visible place.
  3. All necessary products should be purchased in advance, and it is better to completely remove harmful or inappropriate products from sight in order to prevent the temptation to eat something forbidden.
  4. To diversify your diet, it is better to steam or grill dishes, boil, bake, stew, but not fry, especially with added fat.
  5. For dinner or a meal before bed, you should choose easily digestible foods - fermented milk, lean white meat, fresh non-starchy vegetables, unsweetened fruits.
  6. You should not drink any drinks immediately after eating, so as not to stretch your stomach. They are recommended to be consumed after half an hour - to provide the body with the necessary fluid and dull the feeling of hunger.

In addition to the composition and size of portions, on the “5 tablespoons” diet you need to pay attention to the frequency of meals, eating them at least 5 times a day with a break of 3 hours so that the previous meal has time to be digested.

If the time period is shorter, you need to reduce the volume of the new portion so as not to reduce the effectiveness of weight loss.

Frequently asked questions regarding diet

  1. How can you divide a piece of meat to comply with the norm? Indeed, meat cannot be divided into tablespoons, but there are ways to solve this problem. The first way is to cut a piece of food that could fit on a spoon. Here everything should be done by eye. The second method is more accurate - you need to weigh the meat. A serving of 5 tablespoons is equal to 200 grams of product. The same procedure must be followed with chicken, fish, vegetables, etc.
  2. How to eat a sandwich? The answer is still the same. You need to remember that the weight of one serving should be 150-200 grams. And all food that is not in liquid form must be weighed.
  3. Can servings be measured in teaspoons? If you are comfortable measuring servings in teaspoons, then do so. But you should know that one tablespoon contains 3 teaspoons. Accordingly, one serving of food is equal to 15 teaspoons.
  4. How to eat fruits and vegetables? To do this, the product also needs to be weighed. But there is another way - it is recommended to grate the fruit or vegetable, then you can eat it with spoons.
  5. How many meals are recommended? The quantity is unlimited by the diet; you can also eat foods at any time of the day. You just have to remember about portions and that 3 hours should pass between meals.
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