Diet “Kremlin”: full menu for the week, recipes, photos of results, points table and reviews

How many kg can you lose on the Kremlin diet?

Each person has individual characteristics of metabolic processes, but despite this, the Kremlin diet is effective for most people. The results of a carbohydrate-free diet are visible very quickly. During the first week, weight can decrease by 5 kg, after a month - by 7-10 kg, and after 2-4 months the result is simply amazing - 10-14 kg are lost!

However, not everyone who loses weight can achieve such success. Sometimes less rapid dynamics are recorded - weight decreases in 2 weeks by only 3 kg, in 3 weeks - by 5 kg. Such indicators cannot be called excellent, although persistent weight loss is observed here too.

There are cases when, after intensive weight loss, his indicators simply stand still. However, in general, the results of the efforts please followers of the Kremlin diet.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors and nutritionists urge extreme caution regarding the visible effect of using the Kremlin diet and note its disadvantages:

  • Due to frequent consumption of foods rich in cholesterol, problems with the cardiovascular system may occur;
  • The functioning of the digestive system deteriorates, constipation and flatulence appear, resulting in skin problems and the development of insomnia;
  • Due to the limited amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, fewer vitamins enter the body and the immune system suffers;
  • Those losing weight often feel depressed due to the lack of usual sweets in their menu, feel a lack of glucose during intense intellectual activity,
  • Due to the fact that sausages of poor quality replace the share of meat in the diet menu, salt metabolism may be disrupted and increased sweating may occur, as a result of which nutritionists do not recommend over-consuming sausages and sausages.

Despite the negative consequences of a low-carbohydrate diet, nutritionists find positive aspects in it, and even provided a historical basis for the Kremlin diet. It turns out that our body is genetically adapted to a low-carbohydrate diet, because the only source of meager amounts of carbohydrates for our ancestors were plants and berries, and they ate mainly seafood, poultry and small animals. Cereals and dairy products appeared in the human diet only with the development of agricultural production.

Menu for the week

Menu for each stage of the Kremlin diet:

  1. Stage 1 of the Kremlin food system. Exclusion from the diet of fruits, starchy vegetables, sweets, and flour products. The first 14 days of restrictions must be strictly adhered to.
  2. Stage 2 of the Kremlin system. You can eat apples, vegetables and fruits in small quantities, greens, drink coffee, unsweetened tea. According to the point system, the amount must be increased gradually.
  3. Sample menu on Monday -19.5 points , consisting of boiled eggs, meat soup without potatoes, fried peanuts, chicken fillet, vegetable salad.
  4. Tuesday-20th point. Menu of carrot soup - puree, omelette, boiled sausage, mixed vegetables, walnuts.
  5. Wednesday - 20 points The menu consists of soup - cabbage soup (without potatoes), jellied tongue, carrot salad, meat sausages, coffee, tea.
  6. Thursday – 19.5 points. A menu of fresh vegetables, solyanka with mushrooms, fried eggs with cheese, salad with celery, nuts, tea, coffee.
  7. Friday - 20.7 points. The menu includes pork chop, seaweed salad, celery soup, omelet with cucumbers, herbal tea, boiled or stewed chicken legs.
  8. Saturday -19.5 points. Menu of low-fat cottage cheese, walnuts, chicken broth, mushrooms in sour cream sauce, fillet pieces.
  9. Sunday -20.6 points. Menu of steamed cauliflower, walnuts, low-fat cottage cheese, soup with processed cheese, mushrooms, herbal tea.

Celebrity reviews

Many politicians and famous media figures share the positive results of using the Kremlin diet.

  • Catherine Zeta Jones

    I excluded sweets and flour products from my diet and 3 months before the wedding I was able to lose 19 kg. These results impressed her so much that she also introduced her husband, Michael Douglas, to new eating habits.

  • Jennifer Aniston

    claims that only thanks to a low-carbohydrate diet was she able to overcome her tendency to be overweight and use the opportunities provided to her for a career in film.

  • Madonna

    I followed a low-carbohydrate diet on the advice of my personal nutritionist Ray Kybarts. Both he and the pop diva spread only positive reviews about this power system. True, Madonna sometimes allowed herself minor breakdowns by eating candy. The nutritionist believes that this weakness can be allowed from time to time so that the strict taboo does not affect the emotional and mental state of the star.

  • Boris Moiseev

    left not so rosy comments about the Kremlin diet, unable to give up his favorite pies. For him, the diet became a difficult test and did not suit him at all.

Results of the Kremlin diet

It is very interesting to get acquainted with the stories of people who have personally experienced the Kremlin diet. Below you will find reviews accompanied by comments from a nutritionist.

Ekaterina, 27 years old. I had never been on a diet; at the time of the decision to use the Kremlin diet, I weighed 91 kg. In the first week, I sharply reduced my consumption of flour and sweets and learned to count points. I lost 10 kg.

Then I included nuts, cucumber and tomato salad, and mushroom soup on the menu. After 2 months, the weight decreased by 25 kg. At the moment I weigh 55 kg, waist size 64 cm. Occasionally I allow myself deviations from the diet that do not affect my weight. Physical activity - walks and outdoor games.

Nutritionist's comment: Katya did everything right. During the first two weeks, the body adapts to a new diet and the intake of carbohydrates is limited. Due to their deficiency, fat cells receive a signal about a lack of sugar. Therefore, at the initial stage of the diet, it is better not to eat apples, oranges, and starchy vegetables.

Katya does not suffer from a lack of sweets, she eats meat products with pleasure, and diversifies her diet with fruits and vegetable salads to enrich her body with vitamins. Perhaps it would be a good idea for a girl to do some exercise to create an even slimmer figure.

Olga, 24 years old. During the first 2 weeks, when I gave up sweets and starchy foods, I became very irritable and felt constant weakness. During this time, my weight decreased by 7 kg, but I don’t want to continue on this diet.

Comment from a nutritionist: this diet is contraindicated for Olga, since giving up sweets causes her serious psychological discomfort. This is highly undesirable and she should try other low-calorie, high-carbohydrate diets.

In general, people with a sweet tooth can be given the following advice: foods with fast carbohydrates are consumed 2-3 hours after meals and in very small quantities, then subcutaneous fat will not form. However, this technique is prohibited at the first stage of the Kremlin diet.

Anastasia, 26 years old. I used the diet for a month and a half. It was especially difficult in the first 2 weeks. I did recreational jogging in the morning, but I became so tired that I had to give up running. At the first stage I lost 5 kg.

Then I began to like the new diet, but after losing 3 kg, I seemed to stop. My waist size decreased from 64 to 62 cm. And although I completely gave up sweets, I could not get used to eating meat in large quantities.

Comment from a nutritionist: while running, Nastya’s body did not receive glucose from the blood; due to the low sugar content, the girl quickly got tired. Given her low weight and active lifestyle, there is no particular need to go on any diet. To achieve slimness, a diet with a high content of healthy carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals) and a minimum content of meat is optimal for her.

If a girl is concerned that the weight will return, she is advised to run not only in the mornings, but also in the evenings.

Vasilisa, 28 years old. I decided to lose excess weight (I weighed 95 kg) using the Kremlin diet. I ate neither sweets nor starchy foods, but included meat and broth in the lunch and dinner menus. The result is that in 6 weeks I lost 10 kg, but my waist size remained 80 cm. The weight loss was most intense on days of fitness.

Commentary from a nutritionist: the girl’s possible mistakes are that there are few vegetables in the diet and not enough liquid is consumed during the day. These are the key points in the Kremlin diet. During excessive physical activity, vegetables are necessary to saturate the body with vitamins.

Drinking plenty of fluids stimulates the removal of toxins and energy products from the body. Metabolism is activated, fat deposits in problem areas are reduced, and the body is cleansed. It is important to remember that excess protein consumption leads to intoxication.

Marina, 30 years old. I gained up to 90 kg during maternity leave. At the end of breastfeeding, on the recommendation of a doctor, I decided to try the Kremlin diet. In the first 2 weeks, I excluded sweets, bread, cereals, and potatoes from the diet. I began to actively cook fish and chicken, and often drank mineral water. Weight decreased by 8 kg, waist size - by 2 cm. There was no discomfort.

Then I included vegetables, nuts, fruits in the menu, and drank fermented milk products. After 3 months, the weight decreased by 25 kg, reaching a result of 57 kg. I worked out at the fitness center, doing a set of exercises.

Nutritionist's comment: Marina ate right and lost 33 kg. She followed the principles of the Kremlin diet: she drank a lot of water, limited carbohydrates, trained intensively, and consumed low-fat dairy products. In the future, she is advised to eat less sweets and continue training.


To lose weight, you need to go through a program containing 4 stages of the Kremlin nutrition system:

  1. Stage 1, lasting 2 weeks , with a gradual reduction of carbohydrates from the diet to 20 USD, excluding flour, sweet, cereal products, sugar, chocolate, potatoes, corn. It is allowed to eat unlimited quantities of fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, that is, protein foods. Stage 1 allows you to start the fat burning process, get quick results and adapt the body to a new diet. In just 2 weeks you can lose up to 10 kg, but everything is individual, and everyone is different.
  2. Stage 2 of the diet is intended to establish the required amount of carbohydrates per day, and at the same time introducing foods containing carbohydrates into the diet, but not more than 5 cu. e per week. If, when adding points, the process of losing weight has slowed down, then carbohydrate intake should be reduced to 3 USD. The effectiveness of stage 2 is weight loss up to 4 kg.
  3. Stage 3 – gradual introduction of high-carbon products up to 10 cu. e per week, adding 1 ingredient to food every day, thereby expanding the diet. If the weight loss has stopped, all carbohydrates must be eliminated from the diet again. Stage 3 is designed to maintain the newly acquired body shape and improve the result up to 4 kg.
  4. The last 4th stage of the diet is designed to maintain the results obtained and, if possible, continue to eat a diet with a minimum amount of carbohydrates throughout the rest of your life. At stage 4, you can already decide on the benefits of certain products, but counting points and carbohydrates must be continued daily, otherwise body weight may begin to increase again.

Changing your usual diet following only one stage is not enough; it is important to constantly exercise, thereby stimulating intestinal function and speeding up metabolism.

What to do if the Kremlin diet does not help?

Sometimes those losing weight complain that their weight stays the same after a relatively high rate of weight loss. The best tactics in such circumstances:

  • For a week, sit on a strict limit of 15-20 USD;
  • Temporarily, completely avoid consuming dairy products, any fruits, maybe cheese - no more than 100 g daily;
  • Season salads with linseed oil;
  • Increase physical activity by walking, running, exercise;
  • If these measures do not help, you need to give up tea, coffee, alcohol, nuts, and do not use sugar substitutes.

Perhaps the reason for stopping weight loss was problems with the thyroid gland. If the body temperature measured in the morning remains below 36.6 for several days, this may be a sign of hypothyroidism. Additional symptoms: frequent headaches, brittle bones and nails, depression, problems with libido. A doctor's consultation is required here.

The cause of the problem may be the use of oral contraceptives.

Contraindications to the use of the Kremlin diet are pregnancy, diseases of the kidneys, intestines, heart, and stomach. People who become depressed without eating sweets cannot use this diet. To use this weight loss technique, you need to be in excellent health.

Mistakes made on the Kremlin diet

Without properly thinking through the strategy of their behavior while following the Kremlin diet, people make mistakes. The consequence of this is that weight loss is too slow, or it just stays the same.

Mistakes that make the diet ineffective:

  1. The diet changes dramatically, meals become rare, and their calorie content is greatly reduced. Meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between. The menu must fully comply with the diet. The consequence of this will be a high metabolic rate, maintaining good health, and the absence of hunger.
  2. All fruits are excluded from the diet. A complete refusal of fruits leads to an increase in the craving for their consumption. It is allowed to include fiber-rich berries and fruits in the menu: raspberries, grapefruit, peaches, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries.
  3. Fat intake is sharply limited. Limiting fat leads to weight gain, not weight loss. According to the canons of the Kremlin diet, you need to consume healthy fats such as olive oil.
  4. Those who are losing weight hide all sorts of goodies from themselves in order to avoid breakdowns. Habitual snacks like cookies, sweets, gingerbread should be replaced with cucumbers, cheese, sausage, and yogurt.
  5. The diet is maintained only at home, and outside of it a person eats everything. Compliance with the principles of the Kremlin diet under any circumstances is a prerequisite.
  6. Those losing weight eat foods with sweeteners. If the body is not able to absorb sugar substitutes allowed by the diet, weight will not decrease, but increase. For some people losing weight, sweeteners can cause an uncontrollable desire to eat sweets.
  7. Nutrition is dependent on calorie counting. Fat while following the Kremlin diet is burned not due to a decrease in caloric content of food, but as a result of a drop in insulin levels. To ensure its constantly low level, you need to strictly adhere to the rules of the diet.
  8. The diet contains too many ready-made low-calorie foods produced by the food industry. Carefully! Such products can be very harmful, and they will not allow you to change the eating habits of a person who is losing weight.
  9. Those who are losing weight endure excessive physical activity. To maintain the achieved result, you need to constantly and measuredly engage in your favorite sports, but you should not be overzealous.
  10. The amount of protein consumed increases to the detriment of any types of carbohydrates. Exceeding the optimal amount of meat products can lead to metabolic disorders. The Kremlin diet involves consuming 40-60 g of carbohydrates daily.

Example menu for one day diet (for 10 days)

An approximate daily menu might look like this:

  • omelette with mushrooms and onions, 200 ml of tea without sugar - for breakfast;
  • a portion of grilled chicken fillet, several fresh cucumbers, green tea (for lunch);
  • olives - for an afternoon snack;
  • seafood salad, mint tea for dinner.

There is also this option for the daily menu:

  • a portion of scrambled eggs with sausages, 200 ml of black tea - for breakfast;
  • for lunch – veal chop, 200 grams of white cabbage salad, 200 ml of tea;
  • 30 grams of pistachios - for an afternoon snack;
  • fried eggplants with garlic and mayonnaise, 200 ml of low-fat kefir - for dinner.
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