Kremlin diet: menu for the week, reviews, complete table of ready-made dishes

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table of points of the KREMLIN DIET. All food products in the diet table are assigned a certain number of points (standard units).

All food products in the diet are measured in conventional units (hereinafter referred to as cu) by a certain number of points depending on the carbohydrate content of a particular product. 1 USD or a point of the Kremlin diet is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates.

If you need to lose weight, then the total number of points should not exceed 40; if you maintain weight - from 40 to 50; and if you need to gain weight, the number of points should exceed 60.

Mystery diet for the elite

It was rumored that this nutritional scheme was a secret program of overseas scientists, which was developed specifically to keep American astronauts in good shape. Further, if you believe the rumors, by hook or by crook, officials from the Russian government managed to get hold of this nutrition plan. The diet was rewritten only for “our own people,” so at first only people close to the authorities could try the new technique. Hence the name - the Kremlin diet.

But you can’t hide a pig in a poke: a secret method of weight loss for a select few has nevertheless gone to the masses. And a detailed plan for the Kremlin’s diet was eventually published in one of the Russian newspapers.

What actually turned out to be the secret technique? The Kremlin’s method of losing weight is a type of low-carbohydrate diet, when flour, pasta, rice and other high-carbohydrate cereals, sugar, desserts and sweet fruits are removed from the diet. Potatoes, carrots and beets are not allowed. Any legumes and sweet dairy products are prohibited.

The emphasis in the diet is on meat, fish, cheese, low-carb vegetables, eggs. Interestingly, alcohol is allowed. But unsweetened varieties and besides beer. And another unexpected twist: you can have sausages and hot dogs. Many call the Kremlin weight loss an analogue of the popular dietary nutrition system of the American cardiologist Robert Atkins.

The essence of the Kremlin diet is simple: without receiving carbohydrates from food, the body, in search of energy sources, uses internal reserves and processes fat accumulation. Basically, the diet is followed for a month. The average “plumb line” of the first week is 5 kg. In all four weeks you can lose up to 15 kg.

Video on the topic A detailed story about the essence of the Kremlin diet


The primary advantage of the Kremlin diet is its high efficiency (minus 4-5% of body weight in 7 days, 6-8% in 1 month).


  1. No need to count calories. The developed table of carbohydrates in foods is designed to alleviate the plight of those losing weight and is intended to determine the energy value of the dish.
  2. Normalization of metabolism. Limiting the amount of carbohydrates consumed helps restore metabolism in the body.
  3. Ease of use. Due to the fact that the Kremlin diet does not provide for hourly eating, you can stick to your usual daily routine when losing weight.
  4. Lack of drowsiness and hunger due to prolonged digestion of protein foods (for 4 hours).
  5. Variety of permitted products
  6. Getting rid of carbohydrate addiction. In the process of following a diet for a month, taste habits change. Namely, the craving for confectionery products decreases.
  7. There is no need to purchase expensive special mixtures and powders, as is the case with energy diets. The cost of the Kremlin diet is comparable to regular food costs.

Despite the undeniable advantages, this weight loss program has its drawbacks.


  1. Formation of toxic substances - ketone bodies. A lack of carbohydrates in the daily menu causes the body to use fat deposits to produce energy. However, a lack of organic compounds in the diet provokes incomplete combustion of fat, which leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products, so-called ketone bodies. Excess of these substances causes a life-threatening condition - ketosis. Carcinogenic elements, damaging the myelin sheaths of internal organs (kidneys, liver, brain), cause acute poisoning of the body. However, this condition is often asymptomatic, in a hidden form. Therefore, the consequences of the resulting intoxication may appear only after 3 to 6 months.
  2. Deficiency in the daily diet of dietary fiber. The Kremlin diet for weight loss involves limiting the intake of plant foods that contain fiber. For this reason, the intestines cannot fully perform the evacuation function; putrefactive processes gradually develop in the organ. This phenomenon underlies the development of dysbiosis.
  3. Deficiency in the menu of calcium, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids and B vitamins. Poor consumption of vegetables and fruits provokes the development of the following conditions: fragility of bones, teeth, nails, caries, decreased immunity, the appearance of spurs on the heels, formation of congestion around the mouth, nosebleeds.
  4. Increased load on the body's urinary system. Excessive consumption of protein foods leads to congestion in the kidneys and gall bladder. As a result, urate and oxalate stones form in the organs. Considering the fact that animal fats and cholesterol enter the body together with meat products, harmful deposits gradually accumulate in the vessels, which can subsequently cause their narrowing.

Having studied the pros and cons of Kremlin, we will begin to identify the side effects of the technique.

Need to count carbs

The results of the Kremlin diet, of course, depend on the diligence of the person losing weight and the initial weight parameters. Let us note that, depending on the circumstances, the duration of the Kremlin can be reduced to two weeks or, conversely, increased to two months.

This technique has its own “zest”. If people who are losing weight are usually told to count calories, then here you need to keep track of the carbohydrates consumed. For convenience, special tables of carbohydrate content in individual products and ready-made meals have been compiled.

The most dangerous substance for the figure is designated as “cu.” - conventional carbohydrate units. One c.u. equals one gram of carbohydrates per 100 g of product. The total amount of food units eaten per day is summed up into points. For example, in sweet yogurt there is 8.5 USD, in Borodino bread - 40 USD, and in chicken meat - 0 USD.

Monastery-style fish

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 199.5 kcal/1.18 c.u.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The advantage of the Kremlin diet is a wide selection of recipes for low-carb dishes. If you don’t believe in the stunning results of the “Kremlin” system, try changing your usual diet for at least a week. The Kremlin diet includes many recipes: there are also hot snacks. Don't miss the chance to cook monastery-style baked fish using this recipe.


  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • canned mushrooms – 1 jar;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • eggs (boiled) – 4 pcs.;
  • butter, herbs, salt - to taste;
  • perch fillet – 1 kg;
  • mayonnaise – 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the ingredients: cut the mushrooms into slices, the onion into rings, chop the eggs lengthwise, turn the cheese into shavings, cut the fish into pieces.
  2. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, place a layer of fish on the bottom, and add salt.
  3. Place ingredients on the fish in layers: onions, eggs, mushrooms, season everything.
  4. Mix cream and mayonnaise in a glass, pour the mixture onto the workpiece. Sprinkle everything with a thin layer of cheese on top.
  5. Place the future delicacy in the oven for half an hour.
  6. Crush the finished dish with chopped herbs and serve.

How much can you eat “cu” to lose weight?

To lose weight, you need not only to remove all prohibited foods from your diet, but also to control the carbohydrate content in other foods. What should be the value of your diet?

  • For intensive weight loss. To start the processes of fat breakdown and adjust the body to the new rules of nutrition, you can eat no more than 20 “points” per day. It is recommended to follow this diet for the first 14 days of the diet.
  • For weight loss without stress. At 40 “points” per day, the weight loss process continues, but with less stress on the body. This number of points must be eaten in the second and third weeks of the Kremlin.
  • To consolidate the result. If the desired weight is reached, then you can maintain your shape by eating according to the principle: 60 c.u. per day.
  • For weight gain. Form building occurs when a person eats over 60 “points” per day.

Reviews of the Kremlin diet indicate that the results are visible even with a gentle approach to reducing the value of food. So, if your menu for 10 days is based on the consumption of 40 USD. day, then it’s quite possible to get rid of six kilos of “ballast”.

Video on the topic Nutritionist Andrei Nikiforov about the Kremlin diet


Like any other diet, Kremlevka has its own contraindications that you need to know before you start using it.

  • Chronic diseases of the stomach, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, diabetes and other serious diseases. In this case, a consultation with your doctor is required to create a menu taking into account your individual characteristics.
  • Pregnant and lactating women;

Otherwise, there are no restrictions, the main thing is to approach your diet wisely and not go to extremes, raping your body. Remember, it is better to lose excess weight gradually, but without harm to your own health!

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3 more rules of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin weight loss method, in addition to the main condition of calculating carbohydrate points, requires compliance with some more rules.

  1. Eliminate sugar. This product, according to the Kremlin, is even more dangerous than bread. A standard piece of refined sugar exceeds the permissible total daily value. At the same time, hunger will only intensify. Salt and other spices are acceptable, but it is better to keep their quantity to a minimum.
  2. Establish a drinking regime. People who are losing weight need a lot of fluids. The standard recommendation to drink at least two liters of clean, still water per day also works here. Tea and coffee are also available. But fruit juices and sweet soda are prohibited.
  3. Do not abuse. The diet does not limit those losing weight to low protein dishes. But you can’t go overboard with steaks, cheeses and seafood. If the body was not particularly pampered with such delicacies before the diet, then now it will not work in favor of a beautiful figure. Excess protein provokes nitrogen accumulation. A reasonable approach should also be taken when drinking alcoholic beverages. The green light is given to a few sips of dry red wine, not a bottle of cognac.

The Kremlin diet does not insist on fractional meals. In conditions where all foods need to be weighed and their value calculated, it is difficult to organize five or six meals. Therefore, the best option is to divide the daily norm. for three “tables”. Using this method, a late dinner is acceptable.

Sample menu

A complete scoring table helps you create a menu following the diet rules. To lose weight, eat for 2 weeks so that your diet score reaches 20 points, then add 5 points every week. To do this, choose dishes for every day without potatoes, sweets, corn, or flour. If you are not satisfied with the results of 2 weeks, you can adhere to strict restrictions longer. The duration is chosen based on how you feel.

For the first 2 weeks

When compiling a menu for 14 days, take into account that the first stage of the diet is the most strict. At this time, meat, fish, eggs and cheese are allowed. The volume of the meal is calculated so as not to starve, but also not to overeat. Pauses between meals – up to 6 hours. To select a diet, a complete menu table and recipes created specifically for those losing weight will help. If the diet is accompanied by constipation, dilute the diet with bran.

Bran is an indigestible coarse fiber that improves digestion

Option for 14 days:

  1. Unsweetened coffee, soft-boiled egg and boiled fish for breakfast; stuffed peppers and tea for lunch; boiled shrimp after a few hours; kefir for dinner.
  2. Milk and a portion of cottage cheese for breakfast; chicken broth, hard-boiled egg, cucumber-cabbage salad for lunch; a serving of fresh raspberries as a snack; baked pork for dinner.
  3. Omelet for breakfast; stewed zucchini with a portion of steamed fish in the afternoon; an apple for a snack; a portion of cottage cheese for dinner.
  4. Cottage cheese with sour cream, unsweetened coffee and a piece of sausage for breakfast; cucumber-cabbage salad and a portion of boiled liver for lunch; sour apple for snack; baked meat with sweet peppers and tomatoes for dinner.
  5. 2 soft-boiled eggs, a slice of cheese in the morning; green salad and a serving of mushroom soup for lunch; a glass of tomato juice for a snack; boiled pumpkin for dinner.
  6. Omelette of a couple of eggs and unsweetened tea in the morning; steamed fish and coleslaw in the afternoon; any apple for an afternoon snack; unsweetened tea, a couple of small tomatoes and dietary meat for dinner.
  7. 2 hard-boiled eggs and a few slices of cheese in the morning; chicken broth and soft-boiled egg, unsweetened tea and fresh zucchini for lunch; snack with kelp salad; in the evening - stewed lean pork with tomatoes.
  8. Unsweetened coffee, 2 egg omelet and 2 slices of cheese in the morning; vegetable salad and a serving of pea soup in the afternoon; apple snack; boiled chicken and cucumber salad in the evening.
  9. Cauliflower and unsweetened tea in the morning; vegetable salad with mushrooms, cabbage soup in the afternoon; a portion of hard cheese as a snack; boiled fish and lettuce for dinner.
  10. In the morning, omelet with spinach, unsweetened coffee and a piece of cheese; cabbage salad and dietary boiled meat during the day; afternoon snack – walnuts; in the evening - chicken and cucumber salad.
  11. Cottage cheese with sour cream and 2 boiled eggs in the morning; vegetable salad and steak in the afternoon; orange snack; for dinner - tomato juice, steamed fish and lettuce.
  12. Cheese omelet and unsweetened coffee in the morning; fish soup and a portion of boiled chicken in the afternoon; snacking on pumpkin seeds; in the evening - boiled meat, tomato and a glass of kefir.
  13. Scrambled eggs and cheese in the morning; borscht and cabbage salad in the afternoon; pine nuts for a snack; pork chop and cucumber in the evening.
  14. Cottage cheese with sour cream and a hard-boiled egg in the morning; spinach soup and a serving of chicken in the afternoon; an apple for a snack; boiled fish and cabbage salad in the evening.

For a month

After the first stage, the diet is expanded with vegetables, nuts, and seeds. The menu for 20 days (or more) is designed to consume up to 40 g of carbohydrates per day. If this leads to weight gain, return to the first step.

If the weight slowly decreases and approaches the desired limit, it is experimentally determined at what daily carbohydrate intake it will be possible to maintain it within the desired limits. For most, 60 points per day is enough.

You can cook the following dishes:

  1. Fried eggs. For preparation – 2 eggs, onion and greens. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add eggs, cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Turkey with cheese. The meat is cut, dipped in egg white, fried with grated cheese in vegetable oil.
  3. Pork roll. The meat tenderloin is beaten, combined with seasonings and grated cheese, wrapped in a roll, with fresh mushrooms as a filling. The meat is tied with thread, lightly fried and baked until cooked.
  4. Veal with tomatoes. The meat is cut, spices and tomatoes are added, and it is simmered for an hour.
  5. Baked chicken. Rub chicken drumsticks with garlic and bake until done.

Stewed veal with tomatoes

Kremlin tables: print and count points

Despite carbohydrate restrictions, the menu of the Kremlin diet is still varied. Therefore, sitting on the Kremlin is quite feasible. And, by the way, it’s inexpensive. The diet is basically comparable to the usual diet of a losing weight family, and the recipes for the Kremlin diet are quite standard. Like scrambled eggs or borscht.

But what really irritates many people is the need to weigh or measure the amount of food. After all, the Kremlin tables display the contents of currency units. per 100 g of product. Calculations of the amount of carbohydrates in popular foods and dishes can be found below.

Table - Carbohydrate value of individual products according to the Kremlin diet. The calculation is based on the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of product

This is the full version of the Kremlin diet tables, which is suitable for printing. It is convenient to work with the printed version if you highlight the least carbohydrate food items in a separate color. Then you can quickly navigate and correctly formulate your menu for a month of weight loss.

Product table

The basis of the diet for active weight loss in the first and second stages is the products indicated in the table. Meat products and dishes made from them can be eaten in any quantity and as often as your appetite dictates, vegetables from time to time. However, there is no need to go beyond what is reasonable; there is no need to burden the body with extra calories. Ideally, the portion should be approximately the size of your palm and the same thickness. At subsequent stages, it is allowed to gradually introduce foods from the table of prohibited foods into the diet in small quantities.

Kremlin table of permitted products, points calculated per 100 g of product (1 point = 1 gram of carbohydrates):

What is possible glasses What is possible glasses
Meat, poultry
Beef, veal 0 Beef liver 0
Lamb, pork 0 Chicken liver 1,5
Geese, ducks 0 Steak 0
Rabbit 0 Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5
Chicken 0 Beef sausages 1,5
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Pork sausages 2
Meat with flour sauce 6 Milk sausages 1,5
Heart 0 Sausages 0
Korean 0 Doctor's sausage 1,5
Salo 0 Pork feet 0
Pork tongue, beef tongue 0
Fish, seafood
Fresh, frozen fish (river, sea) 0 Oysters 7
Boiled fish 0 Squid 4
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 Lobster 1
Smoked fish 0 Shrimps 0
Crabs 2 Black caviar 0
Fish in tomato 6 Red caviar 0
Mussels 5 Sea kale 1
Pasteurized milk 4,7 Sweet curd mass 15
Baked milk 4,7 Table mayonnaise 2,6
Cream 4 Kefir, curdled milk 3,2
Sour cream 3 Yogurt without sugar 3,5
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Sweet yoghurt 8,5
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Cheese of different varieties 0,5 — 2
Diet cottage cheese 1 Vegetable oil 0
Butter 1,3 Margarine 1
White 1 Dried boletus 14
White dried 7,5 Fresh boletuses 1
Fresh milk mushrooms 1 Dried boletuses 13
Fresh chanterelles 1,5 Saffron milk caps 0,5
Fresh boletus 0,5 Morels 0,2
Fresh honey mushrooms 0,5 Russula 1,5
boletus 1,5 Champignon 0,1
Soups (per 500 g)
Chicken and meat broth 0 Goulash soup 12
Tomato soup 17 Mushroom soup 15
Vegetable soup 16 Green cabbage soup 12
Pea soup 20
Canned food
Green pea 6,5 Beet caviar 2
Olives 5 Salad with seaweed 4
Tomatoes 4 Fish 0
cucumbers 3 Tomato paste 19
Squash Cavier 8,5 Beans 2,5
Eggplant caviar 5 Corn 22
Watermelon 9 White cabbage 5
Eggplant 5 Kohlrabi cabbage 8
Beans 8 Red cabbage 5
Swede 7 Green beans 3
Green peas 12 Carrot 7
Melon 9 Pumpkin 4
Cauliflower 5 Zucchini 4
Tomatoes 4 Daikon (Chinese radish) 1
Sweet green pepper 5 Green onion 3,5
Sweet red pepper 5 Parsley (greens) 8
Fresh cucumber 3 Parsley (root) 10,5
Leek 6,5 Radish 4
Bulb onions 9 Turnip 5
Leaf lettuce 2 Radish 6,5
Beet 9 Celery (greens) 2
Celery (root) 6 Asparagus 3
Horseradish 7,5 Potato 16
Cheremsha 6 Spinach 2
Garlic 5 Sorrel 3
Alcohol, drinks
Tea, coffee without sugar, water 0 Vodka 0
Dry red wine 1 Cognac, brandy 0
Dry white wine 1 Rum 0
Whiskey 0 Tequila 0
Spices, seasonings
Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp) 6,5
Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Capers (1 tbsp) 0,4
Vinegar (1 tbsp) 2,3 Ginger root (1 tbsp) 0,8
Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) 1 Horseradish (1 tbsp) 0,4
White wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 1,5 Ketchup (1 tbsp) 4
Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 0 Soy sauce (1 tbsp) 1
Mustard (1 tbsp) 0,5 BBQ sauce (1 tbsp) 1,8
Sweet and sour sauce Tartar sauce (1 tbsp) 0,5
(1/4 cup) 15 Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Tomato sauce (1/4 cup) 3,5

What not to eat

Foods high in carbohydrates are strictly prohibited if you have a strong desire to lose weight and need quick results. At the third and fourth stages of weight loss, the Kremlin diet table may be slightly replenished with the following items:

Grocery list glasses Grocery list glasses
Bread, flour products
Wheat 50 Butter buns 51
Dietary rye 34 Bagels 58
Borodinsky 40 Drying 68
Rizhsky 51 Sweet straw 69
Armenian lavash 56 Cream crackers 66
Diabetic 38 Rye flatbreads 43
Grain bread 43 Wheat flour premium 68
Wheat flour first grade 67 Potato starch 79
Seeded rye flour 64 Corn starch 85
Corn flour 70 Pasta 69
Soy flour 16 Egg noodles 68
Sugar 99 Regular waffles 65
Honey 75 Fruit ice cream 25
Paste 80 Ice cream popsicle 20
Halva 55 Ice cream sundae 22
Cake 50 Lollipops 70
Glazed cheese curds 32 Milk chocolate 54
Cream cake 62 Bitter chocolate 50
Butter cookies 75 Chocolate with nuts 48
Custard gingerbread 77 Chocolate candies 51
Fruit waffles 80 Fudge candies 83
Marmalade 76 Raspberry jam 71
Caramel with filling 92 Jam 68
Condensed milk 56 Diet jam 3
Apple jam 66 Apple jam 65
Strawberry jam 71 Diabetic jam 9
Buckwheat 62 Millet 66
Buckwheat (done) 65 Barley 66
Manna 67 Rice, wild rice 71
Oatmeal 49 Peas 50
"Hercules" 50 Beans 46
Pearl barley 66
Apricot 9 Grapefruit 6,5
Quince 8 Pear 9,5
Cherry plum 6,5 Figs 11
A pineapple 11,5 Kiwi 10
Orange 8 Dogwood 9
Banana 21 Lemon 3
Cherry 10 Mandarin 8
Pomegranate 11 Peach 9,5
Nectarine 13 Raisin 66
Rowan 8,5 Dried apricots 55
Rowan chokeberry 11 Prunes 58
Plum 9,5 Dried pear 49
Dates 68 Dried apples 45
Persimmon 13 Dried apricots 53
Cherries 10,5
Apples 9,5
Gooseberry 9 Red currants 7,5
Raspberries 8 Black currant 7,5
Cloudberry 6 Blueberry 8
Sea ​​buckthorn 5 Fresh rosehip 10
Cranberry 4 Dried rose hips 21,5
White currant 8
Walnuts 12 Pistachios 15
Cedar 10 Cashew 25
Peanut 15 Coconut 20
Hazelnut 15 Sesame seeds 20
Almond 11 Pumpkin seeds 12
Sunflower seeds 18
Apple juice 7,5 Tangerine juice 9
Orange juice 12 Pomegranate juice 14
Grape juice 14 Plum juice 16
Grapefruit juice 8 Plum juice with pulp 11
Cherry juice 11,5 Grape compote 19
Apricot juice 14 Cherry compote 24
Carrot juice 6 Pear compote 18
Apricot compote 21 Apple compote 19

About the risks: problems with immunity, mood and sleep

The Kremlin diet has both supporters and opponents. It is impossible, for example, to deny the positive feedback from celebrities about this technique. Thus, according to the principles of the Kremlin, American singer Madonna, British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, and American screen star Jennifer Aniston adjusted their weight.

But doctors do not share enthusiasm for low-carbohydrate diets, especially long-term ones. And they talk about the other side of the coin. What harm can Kremlevka cause to your health?

  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Natural digestive processes may be disrupted. High risk of constipation and problems with gas removal. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract affect the condition of the skin and hair. Sleep disturbances are recorded.
  • Load on the heart. The Kremlin diet menu is rich in cholesterol, which can cause deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and the heart.
  • Weakening of the immune system. By limiting the amount of vegetables and fruits, we reduce the amount of vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • The condition of a “heavy” head. Lack of sweet foods affects brain activity. There is a feeling of inhibition. In addition, sweets are needed to produce the happiness hormone. Therefore, without receiving them, those losing weight are often in a depressed mood.

There are, however, nutritionists who share the Kremlin’s weight loss strategy. Such doctors say that consuming small amounts of carbohydrates is a natural norm for the human body, which has been disrupted by progress. So, our ancestors ate mainly the meat of animals and birds, and ate seafood. And carbohydrates were “scooped” in modest amounts from berries and plants. Milk, bread, flour products - all this appeared on the table later, and it is quite possible to do without it.

Now you have at your disposal a complete table of ready-made meals for the Kremlin diet, as well as information about the possible results of such weight loss and potential risks. This method works, but is not very convenient and may be unsafe. Therefore, before starting Kremlevka, you should definitely consult a doctor. The diet is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for those with cardiovascular diseases and problems with the stomach and kidneys. Even physically healthy people can practice such a dietary marathon no more than once a year.

What does it promise and where did it come from?

According to the most widespread “legend”, the Kremlin diet is a plagiarism of the diet of American astronauts. They say that they maintained their weight at a normal level thanks to a specially designed system of glasses, and our Kremlin doctors stole it and adjusted it to the needs of the party leadership.

Whether they tell the truth or lie, with the help of this weight loss method you are expected to lose from 5 to 7 kilos in a week. The more overweight you are, the more kilograms you can lose by following the principle of “cosmic” nutrition.

The essence of the method

Everyone knows that the main “culprits” for the accumulation of fat in the body are fast carbohydrates. If they come in excess quantities and are not used for physical activity, they are guaranteed to turn into fat reserves on our sides, abdomen and internal organs.

To control this process, strictly take into account the intake of carbohydrate foods. And since the Kremlin diet involves consuming a sufficient amount of meat and other protein products, there will be no deficiency in nutrients and nothing will slow down metabolic processes.

The general principle of astronaut nutrition is simple:

  • throughout the first week you limit your carbohydrate intake to 20 grams per day;
  • in the subsequent period you raise it to 40 grams;
  • Food is rated not in calories, but by points: one point is one gram of carbohydrates.

Then everything is simple. There are foods that it is advisable to give up: sugar, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and others like them. Further, if you want to lose weight, you need to eat no more than 30 points per day, and if you just want to maintain a stable weight, no more than 60 points.

How much and in what products

The question of how to count points worries anyone who comes across this method. Moreover, they need to be taken into account on a daily basis. I hasten to reassure you: there are special tables, complete and short, with a printable version, and even complete tables of ready-made dishes, according to which you will immediately see where you have how many points. I will present you with a short table of points for the most common food, after studying which you will easily understand the general principle.

The numbers are given per 100 grams of a particular product.

You see that the most obvious difference is between meat and sugar: 0 and 99. Most of all - in nuts, seeds, sweets and potatoes. The least amount is found in protein products and oil. Based on this, it is best for you to temporarily give up the types of food that are the most “heavy” in terms of points:

  • Sahara;
  • potatoes;
  • bread and cereals

And everything that contains them.

But you can consume everything else, especially those foods that have 0 points, until you are completely satisfied. If necessary, you can download alcohol tables. There are few points in it, but it is better to give up alcohol.

Be careful when choosing recipes, because breading, sauces with added starch and flour significantly increase the number of points. You also need to be careful when handling ready-made sausages. Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers may add starch and soy to them to reduce the percentage of meat. The Kremlin diet means that you will cook on your own.


Reviews of the Kremlin diet from nutritionists and those losing weight contribute to the formation of an objective assessment of this nutrition system. At the same time, many people wonder: how much can you lose if you strictly follow it? Reviews and results of those who have lost weight indicate that the maximum weight loss per week is 5 kg.

The protein diet is appreciated by world stars of show business (Madonna, Boris Moiseev, Jennifer Aniston). At the same time, Catherine Zethe-Jones, having excluded baked goods and sweets from her diet, managed to lose 19 kg in 3 months. However, doctors' reviews are not as clear as the opinions of celebrities.

Nutritionist Ruslana Piskoppel has substantiated in her works that a low-carbohydrate menu often provokes a breakdown, in which the lost weight returns again. The nutritionist, together with Professor V.A. Dedali (member of the International Association of Micronutrition of the USA), as a result of the research, came to the conclusion that excessive consumption of animal protein leads to the formation of uric acid salts. As a result, Piskoppel believes that such a diet is harmful to the body.

In contrast to Ruslana’s negative conclusion, the medical practice of nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov, and numerous reviews of people who have lost weight, state the opposite - about the high effectiveness of this weight correction system. In his video, the doctor explains how the Kremlin diet works, how many points per day you can eat and what you cannot eat in order to achieve the result (minus 2 kg in 3 days).

Vilena Gurova, editor of the publications “Russian Medical Journal” and “Da Signa”, was convinced from her own experience of the effectiveness of the “Kremlin”. After completing a week-long weight loss course, she lost 3 kg and described dietary recipes for soups (cabbage, mushroom) from allowed carbohydrate-free ingredients, which allow you to diversify the diet of those losing weight. The daily portion of first courses is 250 ml.

Based on the information collected, Vilena published the book “The Kremlin Diet in Gurov’s Details,” which contains a complete table of caloric content of foods and recipes for dishes with points.

Perhaps one of the most active fans of a protein diet is fitness trainer and former Russian bodybuilding champion Vladimir Molodov. He is also a sports nutrition specialist. Therefore, it is not surprising that the “Kremlin diet from Vladimir Molodov” is widely popular among many athletes today.

For lovers of printed publications, a book by nutritionist Anna Vishnevskaya is available for sale. This publication contains a table of points for the Kremlin diet, recipes with points for fish and meat dishes, and a list of products allowed for consumption. In addition, the book describes in detail the method of cleansing the body to maintain the achieved result.

Considering the reviews of people losing weight, the most popular dishes for the Kremlin diet are:

  • beef with cheese in sour cream (1.1 c.u.);
  • shrimp soup “tom yum” (16.2 USD);
  • salads: cucumber (1.6 USD), cabbage-carrot (17.7 USD), squid (5 USD).


For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 g veal tenderloin;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • spices.

First of all, you need to cut the meat into small pieces and fry for 40 minutes in a frying pan or “simmer” in a slow cooker. After this, the veal is poured with sour cream and sprinkled with pre-grated cheese. Then the dish is simmered until cooked for 20 minutes over low heat.

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