Unusual and effective fat diet of Dr. Kwasniewski, a hearty menu for the week and reviews from people

Traditionally, low-calorie diets with limited fat intake are used. Dr. Kwasniewski’s nutritional system became a real sensation. This involves switching to fatty protein foods and completely eliminating carbohydrates. One of the most controversial - the fat diet is gaining more and more popularity. Effective weight loss is ensured by high-calorie foods that can be consumed in unlimited quantities. The usual greens and low-fat kefir give way to steak and dairy cream.

Fat diet: basic rules

The fat diet has been developed over 30 years. This is exactly how much it took a Polish general practitioner to study the effect of nutrients on extra pounds. Dr. Kwasniewski successfully proved that in order to gain and lose weight, high-calorie foods should predominate on the menu. These include proteins of animal origin.

The practicing doctor not only invented the original nutritional system, but also used it to treat patients. Thus, thanks to a change in diet in favor of fats, the functions of the cardiovascular and excretory systems were restored. Previously, it was believed that such pathologies, on the contrary, require the exclusion of high-calorie foods. But Kwasniewski’s fat diet refuted the generally accepted dogmas of dietetics, allowing overweight people to lose weight and thin people to gain weight.

General principles:

  • the effect of weight reduction occurs due to subcutaneous fat, the intramuscular lipid layer is preserved, allowing you to save energy reserves;
  • in the ideal formula for the balance of nutrients in a fatty diet, the prerogative is, of course, fats, followed by parts of proteins and carbohydrates - 3: 1: 0.8;
  • The diet is based on foods that provide energy and are easily digestible by the body - proteins and fats of animal origin;
  • considers cereals, fruits, and vegetables to be useless for the normal functioning of the body; the content of indigestible fiber and moisture leads to problems with absorption, and therefore to the appearance of extra pounds;
  • instead of water-rich vegetables and fruits, the doctor recommends establishing a drinking regime; according to a fatty diet, it is healthier to drink a glass of clean water than to eat cucumber salad;
  • the transition lasts about a week, the first days one meal is replaced with high-calorie dishes, then two, and then carbohydrate nutrients are completely replaced;
  • A comfortable environment is also important when following a fatty diet; while eating you need to be as relaxed as possible, slowly chew your food, then a half-hour rest follows, and you can start active physical activity only after 2 hours;
  • By following Dr. Kwasniewski’s diet, there is no need to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition, there are no portion restrictions, but you cannot eat more than 250 grams of high-calorie animal products;
  • Only 2 meals are recommended - breakfast, lunch, it is better to refuse dinner or reduce the volume;
  • the deficiency of minerals and vitamins is replenished by animal by-products - liver, kidneys, lungs, heart;
  • There are no snacks; usual breaks can be replaced by drinking tea or drinking regular clean water.

A fatty diet requires monitoring of health indicators. If you eat a diet rich in proteins and fats of animal origin, you need to take a blood test once a week.

Carbohydrate-fat diet. Diet options

The carbohydrate diet is divided into several types. When choosing the optimal nutrition option for yourself, consider:

  • general condition of the body;
  • volume of excess fat deposits;
  • age;
  • level of physical activity;
  • contraindications.

It is difficult to choose the right dietary diet on your own; it is better to consult a nutritionist with this question.

Easy option

You can eat this way for a long time. A light carbohydrate diet normalizes lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, the body does not experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. As a result, weight is lost without harm to health. On average, about 2 kg are burned per week. Losing weight is not fast, but you can be sure that the extra pounds will not return.

The only thing you have to give up on a light diet is sugar and baked goods made from wheat flour.

The advantage of a carbohydrate diet for weight loss is the variety of menus for every day. A sample menu is shown in the table below.

Mondayomelette with asparagusvegetable stew, salad with sunflower oilbaked chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad
Tuesdaytwo boiled eggs, orangebaked fish with green beanscauliflower stew, fresh vegetable salad
Wednesdaymuesli, kefirLentil soup, olive oil saladboiled beef, stew with mushrooms
Thursdaywhole grain bread with lean cheese and herbsbaked chicken breast, rice porridgeseafood salad
Fridaylow-fat cottage cheese with nutspasta with seafood and tomatoesbaked eggplant in garlic sauce
Saturdayomelette with tomatoes, mushrooms and herbsbaked fish with asparaguschicken salad
Sundaymuesli, fermented baked milkpea soup, vegetable saladboiled lamb, vegetable stew

Permitted and prohibited products

A high-fat diet causes a lot of controversy, especially among nutritionists. But numerous studies have proven its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Limiting carbohydrate foods and replacing them with fats helps you lose weight gradually, eliminating sudden weight changes. The absence of glucose helps to launch fat burning processes, reducing volumes.

But still, it will not be possible to completely avoid carbohydrates, agrees the author of the method. Allowable quantity - 50 g. in a day. This volume is sufficient to prevent ketosis, a process in which the body’s own proteins are destroyed. The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in energy resources and cognitive abilities.

The most valuable, according to Kwasniewski's diet, are eggs and dairy products, followed by meat dishes. A fat diet for weight loss requires strict adherence to all recommendations, including diet.

Authorized products:

  • meat - pork, lamb, goose, duck, chicken, turkey;
  • offal - liver, lungs, heart, kidneys;
  • salo;
  • fatty sea fish;
  • eggs - from 5 to 8 pcs. per day;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • bread toast;
  • vegetables, but not more than 50 grams;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts.

For many, the fat diet system is a real example of a celebration of the belly. Dr. Kwasniewski’s innovations did not affect drinks. Alcohol, sweet soda, juices, and fruit drinks are traditionally prohibited. The drinking regime involves an unlimited amount of water; you can also drink herbal teas, coffee, and chicory.

Prohibited products:

  • legumes;
  • seafood;
  • porridge;
  • bakery products, sweet pastries;
  • fruits;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol.

Despite the name, the fat diet involves carbohydrates in the diet, but in limited quantities. Preference is given to potatoes, pasta, you can also use all types of vegetables, but no more than one per day.

Jan Kwasniewski optimal nutrition menu. The optimal diet of Jan Kwasniewski, or how to “bleed away fat”

Hello, dear friends. This diet makes the hair on end of healthy eating enthusiasts stand on end. Well, of course - eat food every day as fatty as possible, give up vegetables and fruits - and you will be slim.

How is this even possible? And is the author of this madness really a doctor? Meet the Kwasniewski diet, and get ready to finally learn the ideal formula for slimness!

Principles of losing weight

Polish doctor Jan Kwasniewski, who has been involved in nutrition since 1965, does not like carbohydrates, and with them, proteins.

Back in the late 1960s, after seven years as a graduate of the Military Medical Academy in Lodz, he developed his BJU proportions, on which his Optimal Nutrition, as he calls it, is based.

At the initial stage: per 1 g of protein – 2.5-3.5 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates.

In the future: the amount of protein should be reduced to a minimum of 1 g per kg of body weight.

The doctor claims that these are the proportions in mother’s milk, therefore, they are ideal for the daily diet.

Products for the menu

Your diet every day should include:

Animal products, and the fattier the better.

Eggs, fatty meat, cheese, butter, lard, cream, full-fat milk, goose lard, fatty fish, poultry, olive and sunflower oil - more,

You can add vegetables that are low in sugar, such as

cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and mushrooms - up to 300 g per day.

It is necessary to limit or completely remove from the menu:

Fruits rich in carbohydrates. Berries such as gooseberries, black currants, cranberries, and blueberries are allowed in small quantities.

Avoid the following foods completely:

Sugar, sweets, cakes, honey, compotes, preserves, cereals, bread, dumplings, various flour dishes such as pasta, potatoes (no more than two per day), beans, peas, other plant products, sweet store drinks, salt ( gradually limit until complete exclusion).

Sample menu

It looks like this

  • For breakfast - scrambled eggs in lard, a sandwich (with limited bread, by the way) with butter and cheese, unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Lunch should be a rich broth with egg yolk, for the main course take fried pork, as a side dish you can make a vegetable stew, potatoes, pickled cucumber are also suitable, and for dessert - cottage cheese casserole. And you can wash it all down with a glass of dry wine.
  • It is recommended to have dinner with meatballs with sour cream, tea, cheesecakes, and a glass of thick cream.

Based on this list, I think you can create your own menu for a week, two or a month - as you like.

You should not have any snacks during the day. Yes, you won’t want to, say supporters of the technique - the diet is too rich.

How it works?

Why is all this needed? To achieve a ketotic state, in which, without sufficient carbohydrate intake, the body begins to look for energy reserves in fat cells and begins to break them down.

Postulates of a fat diet

  • Carbohydrates, of course, are the main evil. Including those found in products of plant origin. Just think - cattle are fed grass to gain weight, and people are told that they lose weight on plant foods. Look at the grass that makes carcasses grow!
  • Proteins are also not needed at all - they do more harm than good, according to Jan Kwasniewski. Any excess of them above the norm established by him turns into fat.
  • Down with fiber too, says the doctor. Why is it needed? It is poorly digested - so why eat it at all?
  • Fruits? They are too sweet. In addition, like most vegetables, they contain nothing but water. Instead of eating water, it’s better to drink it, and that’s the end of it.
  • There is no need to worry about a lack of vitamins - they are all abundant in animal foods, says the doctor.

Have we met somewhere?

In its composition, the Kwasniewski diet seems very similar to an overseas product - the Atkins diet, or its Russian analogue - the Kremlin diet. In all cases, the principle of action is the same - foods rich in fat are held in high esteem, and carbohydrates and proteins are removed.

However, Dr. Yang says they have little in common. He himself developed his method in the late 1960s and early 1970s, not knowing about the existence of Dr. Atkins in the USA.

And in his diet it is very important to observe the proportions of BZHU, which cannot be said about Atkins. According to Kwasniewski, both proteins and carbohydrates need to be strictly controlled, otherwise the weight loss process will not be as effective.

Execution cannot be pardoned

Can you tell me where to put a comma here?

It must be said that Newton’s apple did not fall on Dr. Kwasniewski’s head; he did not come to his Optimal Nutrition suddenly, but after conducting all kinds of tests over many years.

First on animals, and then on members of their own family, by the way. Probably, as I understand it, this fat diet is one of the most medically tested diets (at least in Poland, the homeland of the nutritionist). And there is something to check, you will agree.

Fat diet for weight loss: menu for the week

The effectiveness of the nutrition system depends on a properly formulated diet and the inclusion of the author’s basic recommendations. To lose weight, it is not enough to eat only high-calorie proteins; you need to find a balance for comfortable weight loss.

Sample menu for the week


  • breakfast - omelet with homemade sausage, toast, coffee with cream;
  • lunch - boiled potatoes with sour cream, chicken chop in breadcrumbs;
  • dinner - curd mousse with cream.


  • breakfast - scrambled eggs, pork chops, chamomile tea;
  • lunch - carbonara pasta with parmesan, fried bacon slices;
  • dinner - duck breast, lettuce.


  • breakfast - cottage cheese dumplings with sour cream, coffee with cream;
  • lunch - pork chop in cheese sauce, cucumber;
  • dinner - fermented baked milk with toast.


  • breakfast - scrambled eggs and bacon, herbal tea with toast and peanut butter;
  • lunch - potatoes with butter, stewed pork with tomatoes;
  • dinner - cottage cheese casserole with cream.


  • breakfast - homemade sausages, cucumber, herbal tea;
  • lunch - pork liver cutlets, Bolognese pasta;
  • dinner - cheesecakes with cream sauce;


  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with bacon, yogurt with flax seeds;
  • lunch - light with cheese sauce
  • dinner - grilled fish, pumpkin puree.


  • breakfast - egg rolls stuffed with minced turkey, coffee with cream;
  • lunch - pork kidney pancakes with cream sauce, baked potatoes;
  • dinner - cottage cheese pancakes with peanut butter.

Principles of losing weight

Polish doctor Jan Kwasniewski, who has been involved in nutrition since 1965, does not like carbohydrates, and with them, proteins.

Back in the late 1960s, after seven years as a graduate of the Military Medical Academy in Lodz, he developed his BZHU proportions, on which his Optimal Nutrition, as he calls it, is based.

At the initial stage: per 1 g of protein – 2.5-3.5 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates.

In the future: the amount of protein should be reduced to a minimum of 1 g per kg of body weight.

The doctor claims that these are the proportions in mother’s milk, therefore, they are ideal for the daily diet.

Products for the menu

Your diet every day should include:

Animal products, and the fattier the better.

Eggs, fatty meat, cheese, butter, lard, cream, full-fat milk, goose lard, fatty fish, poultry, olive and sunflower oil - more,

You can add vegetables that are low in sugar, such as

cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and mushrooms - up to 300 g per day.

It is necessary to limit or completely remove from the menu:

Fruits rich in carbohydrates. Berries such as gooseberries, black currants, cranberries, and blueberries are allowed in small quantities.

Avoid the following foods completely:

Sugar, sweets, cakes, honey, compotes, preserves, cereals, bread, dumplings, various flour dishes such as pasta, potatoes (no more than two per day), beans, peas, other plant products, sweet store drinks, salt ( gradually limit until complete exclusion).

Sample menu

It looks like this

  • For breakfast - scrambled eggs in lard, a sandwich (with limited bread, by the way) with butter and cheese, unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Lunch should be a rich broth with egg yolk, for the main course take fried pork, as a side dish you can make a vegetable stew, potatoes, pickled cucumber are also suitable, and for dessert - cottage cheese casserole. And you can wash it all down with a glass of dry wine.
  • It is recommended to have dinner with meatballs with sour cream, tea, cheesecakes, and a glass of thick cream.

Based on this list, I think you can create your own menu for a week, two or a month - whatever you like.

You should not have any snacks during the day. Yes, you won’t want to, say supporters of the technique - the diet is too rich.

Fat diet for weight loss: recipes for the menu

You can find many nutritious recipes that correspond to Kwasniewski’s fat diet menu for weight loss.

Pasta carbonara


  • 200 gr. spaghetti;
  • 300 gr. bacon;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 50 gr. parmesan cheese;
  • garlic clove;
  • salt pepper.

Boil the spaghetti in salted water until half cooked, drain the liquid. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry chopped garlic. Slice the bacon, fry with garlic until golden brown. Separately, beat the yolks with cream, finely grate the Parmesan. Transfer the pasta to the frying pan, after 2 minutes add the yolks with cream, Parmesan, and keep on the fire for another 3 minutes.

Pancakes with curd


  • 3 eggs;
  • 70 gr. starch;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 15 ml olive oil;
  • 10 gr. vanilla;
  • 2 tablets of sugar substitute;
  • a pinch of salt.

Replace the dough with eggs, starch, milk, and salt. Make the filling from cottage cheese, cream, add vanilla and powdered sweetener. Fry small pancakes in olive oil, while still warm, fill with cottage cheese and form into rolls. You can serve with sour cream or yogurt.

Goulash from the lungs


  • 500 gr. pork lungs;
  • 100 gr. bacon;
  • 100 ml tomato juice;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Wash the lungs, cut into small pieces, remove the tubes. Cook over low heat for 2 hours. Then place the lungs on a paper towel, chop the bacon, and fry in a hot frying pan. Add the lungs and cook for another half hour. Place in a saucepan, pour in tomato, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. Simmer for another 20 minutes.

Liver cutlets


  • 1 kg pork liver;
  • 300 gr. bacon;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 gr. starch;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 20 gr. butter;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Rinse the liver, pour milk and leave for an hour. Then grind in a blender along with the bacon. Add eggs and starch to the minced meat. Mix well, add salt and pepper, and form into small cutlets. Fry in butter for 5-7 minutes over low heat on both sides.

Quitting the diet

A unique nutritional system involves changes in metabolic processes and restructuring of biochemical processes. To restore metabolism without health consequences, you should take into account the features of exiting a fatty diet:

  • in the first 2 weeks the menu is enriched with cereals and vegetables, can be used in 1-2 meals;
  • on the twentieth day fruits appear in the diet; it is recommended to consume them in the first half of the day;
  • after a month, a minimum amount of simple carbohydrates is allowed; in order to maintain weight, you need to include it in your diet no more than 2 times a week.

Basic rules of the Kwasniewski diet

  1. Dr. Kwasniewski’s first rule is that you need to eat in a calm environment, being left alone with your food, chewing every bite thoroughly. TV, newspaper or chatting at the table are not acceptable! This approach promotes rapid digestion and absorption of all nutrients, and satiation comes earlier.
  2. Physical activity should occur no earlier than two hours after eating. If this is not possible, try to rest for at least fifteen to twenty minutes after eating and only then continue with your usual daily routine.
  3. The diet is really effective and a person loses weight quickly enough if he follows all the rules of the Kwasniewski diet.

Fat diet for weight loss: advantages and disadvantages

When using a fatty protein diet, it is important to consider its features, pros and cons. The controversial system requires compliance with basic rules and recommendations.


  • gradual weight loss;
  • lack of feeling of hunger;
  • energy boost.


  • an unbalanced menu can only be used if health indicators correspond to the norm;
  • designed for a long period of time, the author recommends sticking to a high-calorie diet throughout your life;
  • a fatty diet requires medical supervision and regular testing;
  • there is a deterioration in health in the presence of chronic pathologies;
  • changes in metabolic processes, slowdown of metabolism;
  • a monotonous diet causes rapid taste satiety;
  • risks of developing vitamin deficiency, increasing cholesterol levels;
  • decreased cognitive abilities.


  • individual intolerance to ingredients;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • age restrictions - under 18, over 60 years old;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • postoperative period.

Optimal nutrition according to Kwasniewski. Analysis of Kwasniewski's Fat Diet

Jan Kwasniewski claims that to lose weight and maintain an ideal figure, you need to eat foods high in fat, but reduce the amount of carbohydrates. The purpose of the Fat Diet analysis is to identify the content of vitamins and minerals, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and determine the safety of the diet for humans. The essence of the diet is to consume fewer carbohydrates, without giving up the consumption of unlimited amounts of proteins (natural proteins that contain large amounts of fat) and unsaturated vegetable fats. Principles:

  1. Meals 3 times a day (we are not talking about any snacks), but you may not want to have dinner, then it will be 2 times a day,
  2. Water consumption of at least 1.5 liters,
  3. The following products are allowed: lard, fatty meat, offal, eggs (hard to believe, but you can eat 5-8 pieces a day!), full-fat milk, sour cream, fermented milk products, fatty sausages, sometimes pasta and potatoes are allowed in small quantities
  4. Vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited (it is not clear where the fiber will come from), grains, bran, any cereals, sugar (it will be difficult for those with a sweet tooth), baked goods, with the exception of a small amount of bread.

I offer for your reference a sample menu for two days (the rest are below in the screenshots): Interestingly, there are no restrictions on quantity - eat as much as you like! But only during main meals! It’s interesting to look at the balance of macro- and micronutrients. First of all, there is a deficiency of B vitamins, except B12. Lack of vitamins leads to disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular system, skin and mucous membranes. A lack of vitamin E also causes neurological disorders (a nervous person eating a huge amount of fatty foods is a terrible picture). Vitamin C, so necessary for our immune system, is also not replenished by food intake, which can lead to bleeding gums (it was also not enough to lose teeth), inability to absorb iron. Also, in a fatty diet, a person does not receive vitamins D and K. If vitamin D can be obtained by sunbathing, then vitamin K, other than food, does not enter the body in any way, and its deficiency leads to an increase in blood clotting time. Of the minerals, a person on a fatty diet lacks magnesium and iodine. Long-term deficiency of these minerals leads to disruption of protein synthesis, slower metabolism, and increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The amount of incoming individual vitamins and minerals exceeds the norm: for example, there is 7 times more vitamin A, 12 times more vitamin B, 3 times more Co, 2 times more vitamin PP, Na, Se. Analysis of the amount of macronutrients shows that the caloric content of the daily diet, the amount of proteins and fats is exceeded. Most likely, you will not lose weight on that diet, but, on the contrary, you will gain weight! A HUGE amount of fat has a negative effect on the body: the cholesterol level in the blood increases, blood clotting increases (vascular thrombosis is not the most pleasant thing), the absorption of proteins and calcium worsens, gastric secretion is inhibited, and the activity of the pancreas and intestines is overstrained. There are not enough carbohydrates - only 41% of the recommended norm. It is known that nerve cells and brain cells can receive energy only from carbohydrates; accordingly, their deficiency leads to weakness, apathy, and slowed down mental processes. What can we say about fiber, which is only 16.6% - problems with the digestive tract are guaranteed! Thus, Kwasniewski’s Fat Diet does not allow you to lose weight (if, of course, you skip the third meal, then weight loss is possible), there is a lack of both vitamins and minerals, which is fraught with disorders in the body, plus, on top of everything, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So, no matter how tempting Jan Kwasniewski’s promise to lose weight by eating an unlimited amount of fat is, it’s worth considering whether you are ready to sacrifice your health.

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