An unusual but effective aspic diet - a holiday every day

There are more than 28,000 different diets in the world, and most of them are for weight loss. It is believed that about 70% of women annually resort to a dietary marathon of varying duration. What do you know about the aspic diet?

It is important to choose a nutrition system that would suit you and allow you to lose weight as comfortably and effectively as possible.

The aspic diet is just such a system. Jellied meat is usually perceived as a festive dish, quite heavy and fatty. It is believed that it is impossible to lose weight on it. But this is a mistaken opinion. Properly prepared jelly is a low-calorie dietary product that brings considerable benefits to the body and allows you to lose weight. This is a tasty and satisfying dish, ideal for those who love meat.

What you need to know about aspic

For weight loss, dietary jellied meat with low calorie and fat content is suitable. The energy value depends on what ingredients it consists of, as well as on the method of preparation. It is difficult to calculate the exact calorie content of a dish. After all, meat of the same type can be more fatty or lean. It depends on the conditions under which poultry and livestock were raised and on the food they ate.

Jellied meat made from pork and pork feet is considered the fattest and highest in calories. Its energy value is approximately 350 kcal per 100g. In second place is a chicken dish, if it is cooked whole (220 - 290 kcal). The most dietary is beef jellied meat (90-120 kcal).

Calorie content can be reduced by diluting the jellied meat with water (just don’t overdo it, otherwise it won’t harden). You can prepare a dish with a predominance of lean meats.
When you start cooking jellied meat, the first water after boiling must be drained. This will reduce the fat content of the product. Also remove the layer of fat on the frozen jelly.

Cooking recipes

There are many different recipes for making aspic. You can take 1 type of meat or mix several, for example, beef and pork. Chicken jellied meat can be prepared with the addition of liver. You can cook the dish not only over an open fire, but also in a slow cooker.

It is recommended to keep the jelly in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours. It is better to make it in the evening and leave it overnight until it hardens completely.


To prepare beef jellied meat you will need the following products:

  • beef shin with meat - 800 g,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • beef ribs - 500 g,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • allspice - 6 pcs,
  • bay leaf - 1–2 pcs.,
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

The meat should be thoroughly washed, placed on the bottom of the pan and filled with water so that another 6–7 cm of liquid remains on top. Place the container on high heat and wait for the water to boil. After this, the fire is reduced to a minimum. During cooking it is necessary to constantly skim off the foam. The broth should be cooked for 6–7 hours. Additional ingredients in the form of onions, carrots and spices are added an hour before readiness.

The cooked meat is placed on a plate and separated from the bones. It is finely chopped and then placed in a container for jellied meat. Crushed garlic is sprinkled on top. The broth must be strained and then filled into the molds with meat. After the jellied meat has cooled, it is placed in the refrigerator.


Chicken aspic can be prepared using the following ingredients:

  • chicken legs - 1 kg,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.

Before you start cooking the broth, the legs should be washed well and then allowed to stand in cold water for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, they are washed again, filled with water, and the water level should cover the meat by 6–7 cm. When the broth boils, remove the foam from it, and then put the rest of the ingredients into it.

The heat should be so low that the surface of the broth does not boil, but only quivers slightly. This dish is cooked for 3 to 5 hours. Then the legs are removed and the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth. You need to add swollen gelatin to it (35 g per 300 ml of water).

The meat is separated from the bones, cut, placed on the bottom of deep plates and filled with broth. Then put in the refrigerator until completely frozen.


Pork jellied meat can be made from pork legs alone or with the addition of beef meat.

For this dish you will need:

  • pork legs - 2 pcs.,
  • beef bones with meat - 2 pcs.,
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • allspice - 10 peas,
  • bay leaf - 1–2 pcs.,
  • salt - to taste.

The meat is washed under running water, placed in a pan, and poured with cold liquid so that it slightly covers the legs. Then they put it on high heat, wait until it boils, and skim off the foam. After this, the heat is reduced, after 1 hour carrots and onions are added. The broth should cook for another 3 hours. After this time, spices are added to it and cooked for another 1 hour.

The legs and bones are removed from the broth, the meat is separated from them and finely chopped. Then it is mixed with chopped garlic and distributed among the dishes for jellied meat. Pour the strained broth over the meat. The jellied meat must cool down, and only then it is placed in the refrigerator.

You should eat this dish little by little, since it has the greatest energy value.

The benefits of jellied meat

Meat is the main source of protein for the body, and the resulting jelly is natural collagen. Protein serves as energy that is fully utilized and not stored as fat. In 100g of beef jellied meat there is approximately 25g.

Collagen is indispensable for strengthening bones and joints. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Collagen slows down aging because it stimulates the body to produce new cells.

Jellied meat contains lysine, retinol, and B vitamins. These compounds support the nervous and immune systems, increase hemoglobin in the blood, and promote calcium absorption.

Jellied meat diet for weight loss: benefit or harm?

Of course, if you eat jellied meat instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner, nothing good will come of it. Therefore, the portal is obliged to warn that from time to time you can simply diversify your diet with not very high-calorie jellied meat, prepared without the use of gelatin, for example, according to the recipe above.

Not every jellied meat, and certainly not in large quantities, is useful.

After all, a thick decoction of meat and bones is, as some doctors say, just pure cholesterol. As you already know, cholesterol remains on the vascular walls, provokes vasoconstriction, and here it is not far from cardiovascular pathologies, the most terrible of which are strokes and heart attacks.

And directly about excess weight. If you eat jellied meat too often, then your metabolism will slow down, resulting in a colossal load on the liver. And this immediately means a lot of side effects, weight gain.

The essence of the diet or how it works

A large intake of protein and a relatively low intake of carbohydrates rebuild metabolism. The body is forced to spend a large amount of energy on the absorption of protein. Since fast and easy energy (carbohydrates) is not enough, it begins to be extracted from fat reserves. A man loses weight. Let's consider the positive and negative features of the aspic diet for weight loss.


  • satisfying;
  • easy to carry;
  • effective;
  • suitable for any age;
  • relatively cheap, consists of familiar products;
  • the lost kilograms do not return for a long time (provided that in the future you adhere to a balanced diet).


There are practically none, provided that you strictly adhere to the recommendations. The diet is nourishing and tasty. Only lovers of baked goods and sweets will not have it too easy. But any diet involves limiting these foods.

A brief history of jellied meat

Jellied meat, which in our country was originally called “jelly,” had no culinary value at all. Meat scraps were used to prepare it, which were ground and filled with broth. The product was infused in a cold place until ready and served to the servants, which made it possible to significantly save money on food.

Only in the 16th century, when the fashion for everything French began, the product was slightly changed. French chefs slightly modified the recipe by adding several types of spices. Thanks to this, the broth became clear and the taste of the composition became more refined. In many homes they began to prepare pork, beef and chicken jellied meat separately. The new product received a more appetizing and attractive name - “Jellied”.

Principles of nutrition

  1. Jellied meat should be made from lean meat (beef is best).
  2. In the first week of the diet, it can replace two meals, then only one.
  3. Eat bread in minimal quantities, and only from wholemeal flour with bran. You can have whole grain bread.
  4. It is allowed to use seasonings - mustard, horseradish, black pepper.
  5. Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water daily. You can have coffee, tea, but without sugar and milk. Sweeteners are allowed.
  6. You can eat low-fat fish, lactic acid products, lean cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses (tofu, mozzarella, ricotta).
  7. Eggs can be eaten in quantities of no more than 2-3 eggs per week, since jellied meat also has enough cholesterol;
  8. Salt is allowed, but try to keep it to a minimum.
  9. Sweets, sugar, baking are prohibited;
  10. Fats, vegetable oil and butter are prohibited in the first week of the diet. In the future it is possible in a minimal amount (no more than 1 teaspoon per day).
  11. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits. Should be limited or completely eliminated from the diet
  12. Potatoes and corn - they have a lot of starch. Bananas, grapes, and figs are also undesirable - they contain a lot of simple sugars.
  13. Various greens are allowed - cilantro, dill, parsley, mint, basil.
  14. Vegetable salads can be seasoned with lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, and high-quality soy sauce.
  15. All alcohol is prohibited.
  16. It is advisable to combine the diet with at least a little physical activity.
  17. It is recommended to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Harm and contraindications

For some diseases, the use of jellied meat or certain varieties of it is prohibited. In the presence of any chronic disease, nutrition should be agreed upon with the attending physician, since in addition to generally accepted norms, there are individual characteristics.

Official medical recommendations regarding jellied meat:

  • for diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2. The contraindication applies to pork, so the dish will be permitted if prepared from lean meat, for example, beef or chicken. Diabetics need to know that the glycemic index of aspic varies from 10 to 40;
  • with pancreatitis. When the pancreas is inflamed, it is allowed to eat only warm, easy-to-digest foods. The digestive organs have to spend a lot of effort to assimilate any cold product, so they are prohibited;
  • with gastritis. The cold jelly-like base will make the work of the gastrointestinal tract more intense, so jellied meat can be eaten with gastritis with low acidity. Cooking must comply with the general rules: no hot spices or fatty ingredients. Increased acidity becomes a contraindication for use;
  • for gout. Any dishes prepared from meat are contraindicated for gout. The disease develops from an excess of uric acid in the blood; meat products aggravate the situation;
  • with cholecystitis. Any food that is difficult to digest is contraindicated, since the organs cannot function fully, including jellied meat.

Jellied meat has a significant drawback - its cholesterol content, which will be especially high in rich broths. Cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels and forms plaques, which is very harmful to the cardiovascular system. The damage also extends to the liver; it receives an increased load, the organ cannot cope with its functions, which can lead to weight gain. To reap the benefits and avoid harm, it is worth remembering moderation.

Diet options

Let's look at a few popular ones.

Long-term (for a month)

In the first week, for breakfast, eat 150-200g of beef or chicken jellied meat with a drop of mustard. For lunch - lean fish, with vegetable salad or stewed vegetables. Snack – a glass of kefir, unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt. For dinner - 150g jellied meat.

In the next three weeks, the jelly can be eaten once a day in the amount of 200g, for example, for lunch. The remaining two meals include vegetable and fruit salads, fish or seafood in the amount of 150-200g per day, 1 glass of lactic acid products for an afternoon snack. You can eat 1 slice of whole grain bread or 2-3 loaves of bread. Add a little vegetable oil to salads. Don't forget to drink at least 2 liters of water. If desired, the diet marathon can be repeated after 1-1.5 months.

Diet for a week (emergency)

Use when you urgently need to lose weight, for example, before an important event. For breakfast, eat 100g of cottage cheese with 1-3% fat content and one orange or unsweetened apple. For lunch - 200g of beef jellied meat with a drop of mustard or horseradish. Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir. Dinner - a piece of boiled fish (70 - 100g) and a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs (200g). Drink water and green tea.

Is it possible to eat jellied meat on a diet?

Broth cooked with meat and bones contains a number of useful substances. If you regularly consume jellied meat, it will affect the body’s condition in the following way:

  • the collagen content will increase, which contributes to the firmness and elasticity of the skin,
  • processes that cause inflammatory diseases affecting joints are slowed down,
  • the musculoskeletal system becomes stronger,
  • Calcium is absorbed by the body in full,
  • The body's protective functions increase.

Jellied contains many useful substances, particularly large amounts of B vitamins, which speed up the metabolic process. Glycine, as well as non-fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated, activate the brain and improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

With regular consumption of jellied meat, a person on a diet will be able to avoid the manifestation of weakness that often occurs during the process of losing weight. In addition, the effect of beneficial substances contained in the jelly will increase the performance and endurance of the body, and will have a strengthening effect on joints and ligaments. The process of fat breakdown accelerates.

The more vegetables are added to the jellied meat, the more beneficial it will be for the body. It is not recommended to eat jelly every day. It should be used as a main dish 2-3 times during a 7- or 10-day diet. If you include jellied meat in your diet, you will be able to get rid of 2–3 kg. However, this rate of weight loss is considered by experts to be the most appropriate. Thanks to the normalization of metabolism, the body will correctly redistribute the load on it, which will lead to further weight loss.

If the diet is accompanied by regular physical activity, weight can be reduced by 4–5 kg.

A fasting day menu with jellied meat may look like this:

  • breakfast: 150–200 g of jelly, 1 slice of black bread, 1 glass of green tea or unsweetened coffee,
  • lunch: boiled or baked fish, fresh cucumber and tomato salad, compote or jelly,
  • dinner: 150 g jellied meat with 1-2 drops of mustard, 2 fresh cucumbers, unsweetened tea.

During the day, you can have snacks that include a glass of kefir. It is necessary to drink as much fluid as possible - at least 2 liters per day.

Useful tips

  1. If you really want something sweet, eat a teaspoon of honey or a couple of marmalades, or one piece of marshmallow. You can add 2-3 slices of dark chocolate;
  2. If you still feel hungry (which is rare), eat a tomato, cucumber, lettuce, carrot;
  3. Place portion on a small plate. Then it will seem that the volume of food is large and the brain will perceive this information, you will be satisfied with a small amount. It is better to choose plates in cold tones; warm colors stimulate the appetite;
  4. Weigh yourself no more than twice a week to ensure more visible results and to stay motivated. If you are still used to getting on the scale every day, remember that you need to weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach. During the day, your weight changes by 0.5 - 1 kg, depending on what you eat, drink and how often you go to the toilet.

There are different types of jellied meat

Every national cuisine has its own recipe for a dish called jellied meat among the Slavs. The recipe is based on meat and water, in which it simmers for a long time to obtain a rich broth. Onions, carrots, and spices are added for taste. This is how real homemade jellied meat is prepared. What is added to the recipe during industrial production is indicated on the packaging. The choice of products is large, which allows you to find the right jellied meat if you intend to use it as part of your diet.

The calorie content of the dish depends on the type of meat used to prepare jellied meat:

  • When choosing a diet menu, it is better to give preference to beef jellied meat, because the fat content is minimal, and there is a large amount of healthy protein. There are 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.
  • In second place in terms of benefits and calories is the use of chicken meat to prepare jellied meat.
  • Jellied pork has the highest rate, but if consumed in moderation, for example, once or twice a week, it will not cause harm if a person follows a diet based on calorie counting.

When choosing a high-quality and low-calorie product, the broth with which the meat base is poured is important.

Preference is given to jellied meat, the broth of which does not contain gelatin as a thickener.

The basis is precisely the fat obtained from long-term cooking of meat and bones. Jelly (the name of the broth) in its finished form is a source of collagen, which is present in large quantities and has a positive effect on the body in terms of cell regeneration and giving elasticity to muscle tissue.

The higher the value of the meat used in cooking jellied meat in relation to dietary indicators, the less fat there is in and the more transparent the jelly. You can reduce the amount of fat even more if you strain the liquid several times and remove the fat layer from the surface of the dish after it hardens.

The use of gelatin for jellied meat, which will be consumed during weight loss, is undesirable.

Because the calorie content of the product increases and you will have to add physical activity so that the extra calories do not turn into new layers of fat on the body.


Here are some reviews about the aspic diet:

Maria, 27 years old

The diet was satisfying, easy to maintain, and I never felt hungry. I lost 6 kg in a month and plans to repeat.

Anna, 32 years old

I was on this system 8 months ago, lost 7 kg and this weight has not returned, the diet really gives long-term results. Let's lose weight on aspic!

Irina, 35 years old

The diet is very effective, kilograms are lost quickly. However, sometimes you want something sweet.

Does jellied meat help with weight loss: reviews

  • All these “tales” about proper nutrition and cholesterol-free foods are not about me. I really love to treat myself to delicious food, and jellied meat is one of my favorite dishes. I also usually decorate it with greenery. It turns out to be delicious. What really helps me lose weight is counting calories... I also work out at the fitness center. And that’s why sometimes before training, about an hour and a half before, I snack on jellied meat. The most important thing is to burn more calories than you consume. Christina.
  • I was able to put my husband on a diet this way :) He doesn’t like any kind of broccoli, he says that he’s not some kind of animal. And with jellied meat from dietary products it’s great, it doesn’t cause any harm. True, within the framework of this food system, he eats not only jellied meat, and not as much as he would like, and not at night. I always remove fat! In general, in a month he lost three kilos. I know, not very much, but the results are yet to come! The main thing is that the diet is not painful for him. Olga.
  • I read different reviews about jellied meat for weight loss, but I tried it myself only recently. I cooked it according to Dukan's recipe, but honestly, I didn't like it. Somehow tasteless. And besides, I had heartburn from it. I ate it every day for a week, lost maybe 500 grams. Nellie.

So, it’s up to you to decide whether to include jellied meat in your diet for weight loss!

Author - Eva Raduga, portal about weight loss WE LOSE WEIGHT without problems!

  • 1

Eat and lose weight

The dietary version of this dish is not much different from the simple one. The main difference is that jellied meat for weight loss is prepared mainly from poultry meat, while the classic version involves the use of pork as the main ingredient.

The best way out of a situation when you want to treat yourself to an unusual and varied dish is to eat jellied meat for weight loss, prepared according to one of the methods given below. It doesn’t take long to prepare, but it turns out no less tasty than the usual version of tails and ears.

The recipe for the first course is not only simple, but the dish turns out delicious.

Classic chicken jellied recipe

So, to prepare it you will need:

  1. One chicken.
  2. Beef knee.
  3. Carrots - 1 piece.
  4. Onions - 1 piece.
  5. Garlic - 4 cloves.
  6. Salt, ground pepper and peas, bay leaf - to taste.

You can take either larger or smaller quantities of garlic, which directly depends on your own taste preferences.

It is also worth taking note of the fact that jellied meat for weight loss, made only from chicken, will harden for a very long time, or this will not happen to it at all. That is why the recipe contains a small part of beef, which will have virtually no effect on the dietary properties of the finished snack.


  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly under running water.
  2. Place it in a container with thick walls.
  3. Fill with water so that it covers the meat by at least 10-15 centimeters.
  4. Set the pan over low heat.
  5. Wait for the water to boil.
  6. The foam that begins to form within the first minutes must be constantly removed using a spoon or a special scoop. Thanks to this, jellied meat for weight loss will acquire a pleasant taste.

A pleasant bonus that it will please everyone is the amount of time for preparation. It will be minimal, and the result will exceed all expectations.

7. Place vegetables in the water - spices, carrots and onions, which can first be cut into large cubes.

8. After boiling again, reduce the heat to low.

9. Cook the mixture of meat and vegetables until the meat falls off the chicken on its own and the veins on the knee become transparent.

10. Remove the pan from the heat.

11. Remove the meat from the broth.

12. Remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces.

13. Place them in portioned bowls, fill with salted broth and leave in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Jellied chicken fillet and navels

You will need:

  1. One chicken.
  2. Chicken gizzards - 1 kg.
  3. Onion - 3 pieces.
  4. Garlic - 5 cloves.
  5. Carrots - 1 piece.
  6. Bay leaf, salt, sugar, cloves, peppercorns and powder - to taste.


Obviously, such jellied meat does not take long to prepare, but it turns out no less tasty than the usual version of pork legs, tails and ears.

Chicken recipe

If we are talking about a diet, then the jellied meat needs to be low-calorie, so it must be prepared only from chicken. You need to take 1 kg of chicken legs, rinse them thoroughly and leave in cold water for 1 - 2 hours. After the specified time, the water is drained, the meat is washed again and set to cook - the water should cover the raw material 3 to 4 inches above. As soon as the broth boils, you need to remove the foam and add:

  • 3 medium sized carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 6 - 7 pieces of black peppercorns.

The jellied meat should be cooked “on the boil” (very low heat, the surface of the liquid just quivers) and for so long that the meat is freely separated from the bones. 10 - 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 - 2 bay leaves and (optional).

Having finished preparing the broth, remove the meat and filter the liquid through several layers of gauze. You need to dilute 35 g of dry gelatin in 300 ml of hot water and leave for complete dissolution/swelling. Then the broth and gelatin are combined and everything is mixed. The meat, previously separated into fibers, is laid out in molds and filled with ready-made gelatin broth.

Usually jellied meat is prepared in the evening, and then there will be time until the morning for the dish to solidify perfectly in the refrigerator.

The aspic diet is an excellent solution for losing weight if you cannot give up meat and hearty dishes. Doctors believe that this dish can be an excellent alternative to fried meat. It is included not only in the diet for weight loss, but also when following a therapeutic diet for certain diseases. The benefits of jellied meat are enormous, but you still need to consume it in moderation so as not to harm your health.

The history of the appearance of jellied meat

The roots of jellied meat stretch to France. It was there that it first appeared as an independent dish in the 14th century. The backstory is that rich people often cooked rich meat soups. They turned out viscous and thick. At first, chefs considered this a big drawback.

Then, based on the rich broth, they came up with a new dish - galantine (jelly). The twisted meat was added back to the rich liquid, seasoned with spices and left in the cold until completely solidified. In Russia they prepared a similar dish, but it was called jelly, and meat scraps were used to prepare it, so only servants ate it.

Then the recipe for French galantine reached Russia and was somewhat improved. Not only spices were added to it, but also turmeric, lemon zest, eggs, garlic, carrots, etc., and different meats were mixed. The finished dish was called “jellied meat”.

How to properly store jellied meat

Storage in the refrigerator depends on several factors, and the first of them is the composition of the dish itself. Refrigerated meats, including meat, broth and salt, can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

The more lean ingredients (for example, peas, corn) in a dish, the shorter the shelf life. In this case, the cold can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. The shelf life of additives such as garlic, horseradish and black pepper has been extended. They have a bactericidal and antioxidant effect on products. Add these spices to the meat and gelatin recipe and then leave it in the refrigerator for a long time.

Before serving, you can decorate it with herbs.

List of diets that allow jellied meat on the menu

Of course, it’s stupid to talk about a mono-diet on jellied meat, but it is advisable to include it in the diet while following a protein diet in order to provide the body with beneficial B vitamins (retinol, lysine), which have a positive effect on the immune system and help in the absorption of calcium.

The presence of collagen is also a big plus, because after maximum cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and many organs from toxins and dead cells, material will be needed to renew both muscle mass and bone and joint tissue. Jellied meat is also useful for the nervous system due to the presence of B vitamins, and good cholesterol helps normalize lipid metabolism, which is important when starting metabolism to normal levels.

The principle of nutrition according to Dukan and the Kremlin diet, based on the consumption of proteins according to a certain pattern, allow the consumption of jellied meat in moderation. But the two methods have some discrepancies in when and how much jellied meat is allowed on a diet:

  • According to the Dukan system, jellied meat is allowed only in the second phase of weight loss, called “cruise,” when the phase of severe restriction is over. When starting a diet, it is not jellied meat itself that is prohibited for consumption, but gelatin, which is an ingredient in industrial production. If you prepare jellied meat yourself without using gelatin as a thickener, you can occasionally treat yourself to a small portion of jellied meat.
  • The Kremlin diet, based on counting points that are assigned to all products and collected in a special table, recognizes jellied meat as useful in the diet. In the table of allowed foods, this dish is assigned zero points, which is a positive criterion in creating a menu for the day. This means that while following the Kremlin diet, you can eat jellied meat in unlimited quantities. But it is worth remembering the dangers of cholesterol on the cardiovascular system and other organs.

Among people following a diet for weight loss, Mirimanova’s nutritional system is also known, in which jellied meat is allowed in the morning and as a meat dinner no more than once a week.

The fact is that this technique does not prohibit the consumption of your favorite foods, but only at the time of breakfast and at one time. Several breakfasts with your favorite, but at the same time, unhealthy dishes are not allowed. Lunch and dinner are based on the principle of separate meals, when protein foods are allowed, but in compliance with the principles of the nutrition system.

Secrets of a successful aspic

You need to cook the broth over low heat, after washing and drying the meat. Using modern technologies, it is very convenient to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker or pressure cooker, which can easily provide a clear broth, minimize the loss of nutrients and speed up the process.

You need to cook the meat until it begins to separate from the bones on its own, and the joints come off when lightly pressed.

For a more spicy aroma during cooking, add onions, garlic, carrots, black pepper and bay leaves, but not earlier than half an hour before the end of cooking.

All meat must be carefully sorted, veins and excess fat, cartilage and bones removed. It is advisable to strain the finished broth through a fine sieve, preferably several times, before pouring it into molds.

It is advisable not to mix beef with other types of meat, as you may get an unpleasant aftertaste.

So that the jelly can be easily divided into portions, the meat must be finely chopped. They also often practice serving portions by pouring jellied meat into small silicone molds or egg shells.

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