5 Best Healthy Peanut Butter Recipes

Benefits of peanut butter

The product has the following positive effects.

  1. Increases testosterone levels. This makes peanut butter healthy on a diet. It not only promotes fat burning, but also helps build muscle mass.
  2. Dietary peanut butter, when consumed in moderation, does not accumulate as fat deposits.
  3. It is a means of preventing hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and nervous disorders.

The product also contains Omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, proteins and antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

The intake of these elements is mandatory for the human body. 100 g of product contains 38 g of these substances.

Same with peanut butter. The ideal composition contains roasted peanuts, vegetable oil, salt and sugar. No additional thickeners, emulsifiers, trans fats.

These elements include linoleic acid. It prevents the development of sclerosis, removes excess “bad” cholesterol, and protects cells from adverse external influences. Peanut products also contain folic acid. It promotes the regeneration and growth of cellular structures.

The product contains beneficial saturated acids Omega 3, 6, 9. They help regenerate joint tissue, stimulate brain activity, have an anti-inflammatory effect, promote lipolytic and anabolic processes, and perform many other useful tasks.


Peanut products contain a lot of proteins, so they are suitable for people who do not eat foods with animal protein. 100 g of product contains 22-24 g of this element. Thanks to this concentration and rapid absorption of protein, the paste is used by professional athletes and athletes to build muscle mass.

Vitamins and minerals

The product contains many minerals and vitamins:

  • manganese - 90%;
  • B3 - 68.5%
  • magnesium - 39.8%;
  • phosphorus - 31.9%;
  • B6 - 22.8%;
  • zinc - 18.5%;
  • iron - 9.4%.

Magnesium and zinc stimulate the body's defenses and increase its endurance. Iron improves metabolic processes and normalizes blood pressure.

These are not all the useful elements that are present in the product; there are others. For example, copper, calcium, etc.


Due to the content of polyphenols, peanut products are good for the heart and prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, antioxidants protect cells from free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process.

Peanut butter, which contains about 600 kcal, is acceptable for people on a diet, but it is important to consider the amount of product consumed.


The modern equivalent of peanut butter arose thanks to the persistence of one Canadian and three Americans. In 1884, Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal patented the production of smooth peanut butter between two heated surfaces. Then in 1895, John Harvey Kellogg (the same creator of corn flakes) received a patent for the production of peanut butter from unroasted peanuts as a source of protein for people left without teeth. In 1903, Dr. Ambrose Strobe from Missouri patented a special apparatus for preparing peanut butter. Almost 20 years later, in 1922, chemist Joseph Rosenfield invented a method for making smooth peanut butter using hydrogenated oil. And in 1928, he sold his license to the Peter Pan Peanut Butter Company, which began mass production of peanut butter in 1932.

The ancient Aztecs first came up with the idea of ​​turning peanuts into paste: they simply ground roasted peanuts and then added the resulting mass to their daily diet.


Depending on the duration of grinding peanuts, there are two main types of peanut butter

Thick and homogeneous (smooth)

Additionally, peanut butter may vary in calories and percentage of peanuts. The best pasta is one that consists of 90% peanuts, without adding preservatives or flavorings.


Peanut butter works wonders to build muscle and increase testosterone levels.

Many athletes often eat peanut butter because it contains a huge amount of protein.

Peanut butter contains monounsaturated fats, which reduce the risk of heart disease.

In addition, peanut butter is a source of vitamin B3 and E, magnesium, folic acid and fiber.

Peanuts do not contain cholesterol.


To prepare the pasta you will need:

4 cups shelled raw and unsalted peanuts

1.5 cups vegetable oil (peanut or any other, but odorless)

1 tsp. honey (optional)

1. Fry the peanuts in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan until lightly browned, then place on a paper towel and cool.

2. Place peanuts in a blender or meat grinder. Add salt and honey. Grind all ingredients until smooth.

3. Transfer the peanut butter to a jar or other suitable container. Store in the refrigerator for no more than one month.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

The simplest and most beloved peanut butter sandwich by Americans, called by Americans for short - pb&j. It is believed that his recipe was first published in 1901 and has been incredibly popular ever since. To prepare it you will need two pieces of white bread, peanut butter and jam (grape jam was used in the original recipe). Spread the paste generously on the first piece of bread, and jam on the second piece and combine them together.

Peanut butter is harmful

Despite the large number of positive aspects, the peanut diet for weight loss still has some disadvantages, although they are few.

High calorie content

The product has high nutritional value, making it nutritious, but at the same time high in calories. 100 g contains 587.5 kcal:

  • proteins - 91.7 kcal;
  • fats - 458.8 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 37 kcal.

The percentage is 15.6%/78.1%/6.1%. This nutritional value indicates that obese and overweight people need to be extremely careful when consuming this product. If you can’t refuse it, eat it in limited quantities.

Allergenicity of the product

Peanut butter should not be consumed by people who are allergic to nuts. It may provoke unwanted reactions.

Poor quality composition

The fewer ingredients a product contains, the better. If the composition contains hydrogenated oils (rapeseed, cottonseed, palm and soybean), this should alert you. Such a paste not only does not provide any benefit, but can also be harmful to health, because... is toxic. Also, the presence of maple syrup and flavoring additives is undesirable.

Experts agree that you can eat such high-calorie foods in the first half of the day or allow yourself to “refuel” with energy an hour and a half before training.

You can identify low-quality paste not only by its components, but also by its cost. Its price is cheaper than that which contains natural and healthy ingredients. In addition, a natural product cannot be stored even in a cool place for more than six months (and at room temperature even less - 2 months). Harmful paste has a shelf life of 2 years.

Examples of good composition

Peanut butter for weight loss (and just healthy) should have the following composition:

  • roasted peanuts;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

The product may also state that it contains only roasted peanuts. That is, it is without sugar and even salt. When deciding whether you can eat peanut butter while losing weight, it is recommended to give preference to this option.

Benefit for health

1. You will quickly get a boost of energy

If we do not eat for a long time, then the body lacks the carbohydrates necessary to obtain energy. In this situation, the body begins to use fat as fuel. If you don't have time for a pre-workout snack, eating some peanut butter will give you the quick boost of energy you need to get through your workout.

2. You will feel full

The high fat and protein content of peanut butter is very filling. The product slows down the digestion process and prolongs the feeling of fullness. By adding a carbohydrate source, such as crackers or apple slices, to your peanut butter, you will have a complete snack that balances protein, fat, and carbohydrates. This is much healthier than if you only ate fruit or crackers.

3. You will be able to control your weight

If you're trying to cut calories, peanut butter can be a satiating part of your meal plan (as long as you keep the portion size down). And if your goal is to gain weight, then the product will help increase the number of calories you consume. With a complete nutritional profile and content of healthy fats and proteins, peanut butter can be included in any nutrition plan.

What is the optimal serving of peanut butter per day?

In order for a product to be beneficial and not harmful, its use must be correct, in limited quantities:

  • losing weight - 1 tbsp. l. per day;
  • for people who are not on a diet but maintain weight - 1 tbsp. l. + 1 tsp;
  • for those who build muscle mass - 2 tbsp. l.

One tablespoon contains 8.8 g of protein, 17.9 g of fat, 3.7 g of carbohydrates. In the tea room - 3/6.1/1.3, respectively.

The high protein content is due to the fact that almost 100% of the composition is peanuts.

Peanut butter during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are no contraindications to using the paste before or after childbirth. For expectant mothers, the paste will help prevent the development of anemia, constipation and replenish the lack of protein in the body.

However, during lactation, the mother should be careful. After consuming the paste, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition, since peanuts have a very high level of allergenicity. In particular, those mothers who have a family history of allergies to peanuts and, accordingly, to products made from them, should beware.

When and with what is it better to eat peanut butter?

How to eat peanut butter (with what foods and dishes):

  • Sandwich. Most often, the cooking recipe involves spreading a thick layer of paste on bread. It is covered with a second piece on top, the sandwich is generously sprinkled with raisins, nuts, fruits or berries (for example, slices of banana, strawberry, etc.). It not only tastes good, but is also healthy, nutritious and beautiful. For salty lovers, the sandwich can be sprinkled not with sweet ingredients, but, for example, with feta or feta cheese.
  • Vegetables and fruits. These products are cut and paste is spread on them. They can be raw, baked, stewed or boiled. Pasta without added sugar goes better with vegetables.
  • Marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows. Cut into pieces and coat with peanut product.
  • Cream and jelly. Pasta and whipped cottage cheese are added to them, everything is thoroughly mixed. This will make a good breakfast or snack.
  • Cookie. Spread the paste and let soak for a few minutes. This is a great alternative to pastries and cakes, and a healthier one.
  • Porridge. Can be added to oatmeal, rice and others. Additionally, it is recommended to add raisins, pieces of berries and fruits, and add honey. It will be even tastier this way.
  • Cream for cakes. Can be used for impregnation or in preparing biscuits.
  • Salad dressing. Use vegetable oil in the same way as mayonnaise. That is, add the required amount to the salad and mix.
  • Ice cream. You can add the required amount to this dessert or blend together in a blender. This dish is not suitable for those losing weight, because... it's high in calories. For others, it is recommended to eat it in the first half of the day.

For those who are not afraid of gaining weight, you can consume peanut butter at any time. If a person is prone to obesity, is on a diet or is obese, it is recommended to eat the product in the first half of the day, because... it is high in calories.

To summarize, we can conclude that peanut butter is not only tasty, but also healthy. However, despite this, it still should not be abused, because... just 100 g of product contains more than 500 kcal. It is important to be careful when choosing pasta. If it contains many ingredients, the shelf life is more than a year, and the price is low, it is better to refuse it. Such products not only will not bring benefits, but can even harm the body.

Taste and origin

The classic version of the dish is prepared from a single ingredient. These are carefully crushed roasted peanut kernels.

In modern recipes, nuts are supplemented with vegetable oil, sweet and salty seasonings. The traditional version also remains popular.

Photo: abeautifulmess.com

The consistency of the product is moderately liquid and oily, with small grains of nuts. The taste is slightly mouth-watering and appeals to fans of traditional roasted peanuts. In the refrigerator the mass becomes harder, and at room temperature it softens.

No water is added to the paste. The liquid consistency is due to the peanut oil that is released when the kernels are crushed.

Peanut butter is associated with the American way of life. The recipe was actually born in the USA and has been actively promoted since the end of the 19th century. Pasta was promoted as a filling food for family breakfasts. In this role, she won the love of the people of the United States, and then the rest of humanity. A classic of the genre, familiar from Hollywood films, is sandwiches on toasted toast.

Photo: www.foodnetwork.com

It is also often eaten from a spoon (but in this case it “knits” in the mouth, believe me).

Brad Pitt eats peanut butter in Meet Joe Black

Peanuts are an inexpensive product that is not inferior in nutritional value to meat. He enriched the average American diet with valuable protein and earned universal respect. On January 24, Americans celebrate Peanut Butter Day, and on September 13, the nut itself is celebrated.

What to eat with: ideas and recipes

Peanut butter has dozens of uses. 3 main areas of application:

  • Breakfasts.
  • Snacks.
  • Sweet desserts.

During breakfast, nut spread replaces butter or sweet jam. What does it go with?

  • Cheesecakes and casseroles.
  • Pancakes and pancakes.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Toasted toast or whole grain bread.

The ideal breakfast for an athlete is cottage cheese and peanut butter. Both components are leaders in protein content. Vegetable peanut oil will improve the absorption of calcium, which is a fat-soluble element.

This snack will keep you energized at work or school and help strengthen your muscles after exercise. There are several options:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: apples, peppers, cucumbers.
  • Cereal breads.
  • Cracker. A “sandwich” of 2 crackers sandwiched with peanut butter is an idea. The American delicacy is easy to recreate at home. Even children will enjoy this healthy afternoon snack option.

The best combination: unsweetened peanut butter with banana.

Photo: www.kendrickdisch.com

In dietary baked goods and desserts, the nut mass replaces boiled condensed milk or heavy cream. It is added to the filling of handmade cakes and sweets. The right sweets are not inferior in taste and aroma to Snickers bars.

What recipes can you make at home?

Protein pancakes

Crispy pasta with pieces of nuts is suitable for cooking. Pancakes can be served for breakfast.

Photo: livingsweetmoments.com

Number of servings5 (1 serving – 2 pancakes)
Cooking time15-20 min
Calorie content of 1 serving350

What you will need:

  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt – ¼ teaspoon.
  • Milk 1% fat - 1 ¼ cups.
  • Crispy Peanut Butter – ¼ cup
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.
  • Vanillin – ½ teaspoon.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 large pieces.

How to cook:

  1. Break the eggs into a dry deep bowl and beat lightly.
  2. Sift the flour into another bowl and level it with a knife.
  3. Add sugar, baking powder and salt to the flour, mix everything well.
  4. Add milk, beaten eggs, pasta, butter and vanilla to dry ingredients. Mix the dough until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  5. Grease a frying pan with oil and heat it up.
  6. Fry the pancakes on each side until bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. 1 pancake – about ¼ cup of mixture.
  7. Protein pancakes can be topped with honey, jam or syrup.

Chocolate candies with banana and peanut filling

Photo: avirtualvegan.com

Sweets are rich in potassium and antioxidants. Chopped nuts combined with dark chocolate and banana create the perfect balance of salty and sweet flavors with a slight bitterness.

For candies, you can use mini muffin tins.

Number of servingsAbout 12 pcs.
Cooking time30 min
Calorie content of 1 serving120


  • Banana – 1 pc.
  • Chocolate 70% cocoa – 170 g.
  • Nut butter – 3 tablespoons.

How to do:

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, stirring until completely softened.
  2. Finely chop the banana. Using a blender, thoroughly mix the fruit with the paste.
  3. Add a little melted chocolate to the bottom of the small molds.
  4. Place the banana-nut filling on top of the chocolate layer and pour in the remaining cocoa product.
  5. Place the pieces in the refrigerator to harden (about 30 minutes).
  6. Ready-made candies can be lightly sprinkled with coarse sea salt.

Energy bars with granola

Snacks are rich in plant protein, fiber and potassium. The bars are made from 3 ingredients and contain no added sugar.

Photo: minimalistbaker.com

Number of servings8
Cooking time30 min + (time for cooling)
Calorie content of 1 serving214

What you will need:

  • Dates – 30-32 pcs.
  • Classic creamy peanut butter - ½ cup.
  • Oatmeal - ½ cup.

How to cook:

  1. To soften the dates, soak them in warm water for 10-12 minutes and then dry them.
  2. Place the dates in a blender bowl and blend until the mixture forms a sticky ball. If large particles remain, you can cut them with a knife.
  3. Add date paste and flakes. Continue grinding until the mixture reaches a smooth texture. During the process, you need to stop and scrape the sticky mass from the walls of the blender.
  4. Place the mixture in a rectangular dish with low sides and level it on top. Place the product in the freezer to harden.
  5. Cut the cooled mass into 8-10 bars.
  6. Sweets are stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. In the freezer, the mixture remains fresh for up to 2 months.

We invite you to watch a video with 3 different granola recipes.

Tasty and healthy

First of all, I would like to emphasize the importance of this product. And this is clearly evidenced by the store shelves lined with pasta from different manufacturers. Peanut butter has become a children's favorite. This means that it can become a tool in winning the obedience of toddlers (parents, let's be a little cunning, especially when it benefits the children).

But pasta is also a choice for adults; After all, this delicious food has incredible nutritional value. It is included in a number of diets, for example, special nutrition for athletes. In addition, she can make you fall in love, can conquer, and can play a huge service. It is strange that at the same time we have only mastered the modest spreading of it on bread. And that’s why you need to find out what you eat peanut butter with.

I tested some recipes to find the best, tastiest and quickest ones to share with you. But I still can’t give the palm to any application, I like everything! Therefore, together with you, right now I will try to cook something delicious from peanut butter. Let's remember the known ways of using it and learn about new ones.

Ice cream

Do you like to make your own ice cream? Then don't forget to add peanut butter to it! But even in the form of gravy, the paste will make this dessert tempting. And, if you beat ice cream with pasta in a blender, you can get a simply luxurious dish! Meanwhile, peanut butter is easy to make at home yourself! I have shared the step-by-step preparation process in a separate article, DIY Peanut Butter Recipe Welcome!

Please share in the comments, do you like peanut butter? What do you eat it with? Have you tried to do it yourself?

Useful properties during dieting and weight loss

After Prevention magazine published an article about a diet option using peanut butter, this method of consuming the product for weight loss became the most interesting among people. The weight adjustment program involves using the product every day in moderation.

A certain part of the female population who adhered to this diet for a year noticed a weight loss of about 10 kilograms. At the same time, there was no abuse of the body or psychological state.

Based on this, women are interested in what to eat peanut butter with in order to achieve good results and shape their figure. A diet based on a nut product provides for two conditions:

  1. Be sure to exercise for 45 minutes every day. This could be cycling, walking, running or swimming.
  2. The norm for consumed calories per day for the female population is 1,500 kcal, and for the male population - 2,200 kcal. With the specified amount, you can eat other products besides pasta.

It is recommended to take the following approximate diet as a basis:

  • breakfast – banana, a handful of almonds and oatmeal cooked in milk;
  • 2nd breakfast – two slices of rye bread spread with peanut butter, a little marmalade and an apple.
  • lunch – stewed chicken breast with vegetables.

The Best Creamy Peanut Butters for 2021.


One hundred percent natural product from selected premium roasted nuts. Prepared according to a classic home recipe in the best traditions. Delicate in consistency, balanced in taste. It is a useful product, suitable for daily consumption.

Contains roasted nuts, the calorie content of the product is 546.9 Kcal per 100 g. Proteins 24 g, fats 44.1 g, carbohydrates 13.9 g per 100 g. Weight: 300 gr., shelf life is 12 months. Storage temperature: from +3 to +25 degrees. Does not contain GMOs. Average cost: from 230 rub.

Nutley creamy peanut butter


  • natural ingredients;
  • no preservatives;
  • balanced taste;
  • correct consistency;
  • acceptable price.



The paste is homogeneous, creamy, without adding preservatives. Produced according to a traditional recipe from selected roasted peanuts. The consistency is thick, perfect for morning breakfasts and for feeding athletes. Manufactured in China, supplied in plastic jars with a screw cap. Energy value: 670 Kcal per 100 g of finished product. Ingredients: selected roasted peanuts - 97.6%, hydrogenated oils - 1.8%, salt 0 0.6%. Does not contain GMOs, palm oil or other additives. Weight: 300 gr. Average cost: from 160 rubles.

creamy peanut butter AP


  • correct consistency, slightly dense, viscous;
  • excellent taste;
  • good price.


Be First

Classic paste of homogeneous consistency. Produced in a cold way from crushed roasted nuts of the highest quality. Contains salt and vegetable oils. The cooking technology allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. The product is enriched with fiber, proteins, and the rich aroma of roasted peanuts.

Energy value: 640 Kcal per 100 g of finished product. Contains selected roasted peanuts - 97.6%, hydrogenated oils 1.8% and salt 0.6%. Does not contain GMOs, palm oil. Made in China. Shelf life: 24 months. Weight: 510 gr. Average cost: from 320 rub.

creamy peanut butter Be First


  • nutritional value;
  • correct consistency;
  • without dyes and preservatives;
  • produced in large quantities;
  • affordable price.



Pasta from a Russian manufacturer is made according to a unique recipe from natural ingredients. Perfect for those who watch their figure, especially athletes due to the high protein content. The consistency is homogeneous, thick. Perfectly spread on toast, bread and harmoniously combined with other products.

Energy value: 492 Kcal per 100 g of finished product. Contains only natural ingredients: peanuts, vegetable oil and salt. Does not contain trans fats, GMOs, palm oil, sugar and other additives. Available in a glass jar, weight 340 g. Shelf life: 12 months. Average cost: from 280 rub.

Funnut creamy peanut butter


  • nutritional value;
  • rich peanut flavor;
  • natural ingredients;
  • attractive packaging;
  • good volume.


  • saltiness is not for everyone;
  • liquid consistency.

American Fresh

Peanut butter, classic from an American manufacturer. The product is quite thick, the consistency is homogeneous, and contains glucose and vegetable oil. Rich taste and spicy aroma of roasted nuts. Ideal for breakfast, goes well with toast or fresh pastries.

Energy value: 570 Kcal per 100 g of finished product. Ingredients: peanuts, glucose, vegetable oils, salt. Gluten free, does not contain GMOs, palm oil, sugar or other additives. Available in a plastic jar with a screw-on lid, weight: 340 g. Shelf life: 12 months. Average cost: from 289 rub.

American Fresh creamy peanut butter


  • natural ingredients;
  • rich aroma and taste;
  • good combination with other products;
  • homogeneous creamy consistency.


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