Drying the body for men: menu for the week, how to dry properly for muscle definition

Drying the body is a short-term and rapid process of losing adipose tissue, which achieves muscle relief without losing mass. Is it possible to lose a few kilograms in one month and do it safely? Yes, if everything is done correctly. Even during a period when it is impossible to go to the gym, drying the body is quite real, because 70% of its success depends on nutrition. How to eat and exercise properly during this period in order to get good results without compromising your health, we will consider below.

How to dry properly to improve muscle definition for men?

First, let's look at the general scheme, which is more competitive. Let me remind you that the term “cutting” comes from professional bodybuilding and is used to obtain muscle separation, that is, a complete absence of fat, in which muscle division is visible.

This form is not for life; maintaining such dryness for a long time leads to numerous destructive processes, ranging from muscle fibers to internal organs.

Therefore, before considering the drying scheme, I want to warn you that this is for professional athletes. Next, we’ll figure out how to reduce fat tissue without resorting to strict restrictions.


An athlete's daily diet should include:

  • Proteins – 50-60%.
  • Fats – 10-20%.
  • Carbohydrates – 20%.

Such a diet leads to a sharp decrease not only in fat, but also in strength in general, because a deficiency of carbohydrates, as the main source of energy, leads to weakness, apathy, nervousness, and the like.

To lose weight more safely, but somewhat more slowly (after all, if you are not preparing for a competition, why make such sacrifices?), consider the following scheme.

  • B – 50%.
  • F – 20%.
  • U – 30%.

A larger amount of carbohydrates (compared to the previous regimen) will burn subcutaneous fat more slowly, but safer.

To maintain muscle during a period of caloric deficit from carbohydrates, the body needs to provide an overdose of amino acids, that is, protein to preserve muscle mass. A deficiency of both carbohydrates and proteins will contribute to the burning of muscle tissue. Therefore, you should get used to the fact that there will be a lot of meat on such a diet!

Calculation of BZHU

A simple example for calculating BJU for a man weighing 80 kg:

  • Proteins per day: 80 (weight) x 5 (protein, g per kilogram of weight) = 400 g of pure protein.
  • Fat: 80 x 20 = 160 g pure fat.
  • Carbohydrates: 80 x 30 = 240 g.

Next, you need to use the table of BZHU products and find out how much pure nutrient is in a particular product.

That is, 100 g of chicken fillet contains approximately 23 g of pure protein. And a person weighing 80 kg needs to eat 400 g of pure protein per day, which is almost 1.5 kg of chicken fillet.

Basic drying rules

  1. You need to start drying gradually. Any restrictions should not be introduced abruptly. Eating carbohydrates, which accounted for 60% of the total calories, switching to a low-carb diet is not only difficult, but also harmful. Before the start of drying, you should gradually, once a week, reduce the amount of carbohydrates by 10%, so by the start of drying their amount will decrease by 30%.
  2. Breaks between meals should be short. When drying, you need to eat small amounts every 2-3 hours. Long breaks even without the onset of hunger (which is hardly possible during drying) provoke catabolic processes, since protein cannot saturate and provide energy for a long time, so the body will take the lack of nutrients from its own muscles.
  3. Reduce the amount of salt, but don't eliminate it. The fact is that during drying, athletes refuse to use salt in order to achieve dry muscles, which is achieved by reducing the water level in the muscles, since salt can retain fluid. The abolition of salt threatens the loss of calcium and increased bone fragility. Such methods are unjustified if we talk about the form “for oneself” and not for the stage. Therefore, consume 1-2 grams of salt per day to maintain mineral and water-salt balance.
  4. Remove bad habits. Any alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are prohibited. Even the slightest stress leads the body, already susceptible to negative factors from the psyche, to nervous overstrain and exhaustion. Try not to be nervous, sleep more (at least 7 hours).

Next, we’ll take a closer look at what foods are allowed for drying (not competitive).

What is body drying

It takes months of hard work to gain muscle mass. This process requires the consumption of high-calorie foods. As a result, the athlete gains a rather excessive amount of fatty tissue, which hides the formed muscle frame. For clearly defined muscles, men need to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat. Effective body drying for men is the best way to create relief, even with a small amount of muscle mass.


How long the fat burning period will last will depend on many factors:

  • amount of excess fat;
  • athlete's preparedness;
  • age;
  • metabolic rate and much more.

To lose weight, get rid of excess fat and not lose muscle mass without harm to health, strict diets that are difficult to adhere to simply psychologically and grueling training in a fairly gentle mode can get you into good shape in 12 weeks. It is better to allocate 3 months for the entire period - this is the optimal period.

Initially, drying was a preparatory stage for professional bodybuilders before competitions. And its main task was to visualize muscle shapes for a more visual assessment by the jury. But currently, drying has gained wide popularity not only in professional circles among bodybuilders. Ways to dry a man’s body are especially relevant before the start of the beach season.

Drying the body is a nutritional system with a calorie deficit with maximum energy consumption through physical exercise, which is aimed at getting rid of fat deposits and normalizing weight. And the important point is to get the effect quickly.

A diet when drying the body requires very strict adherence and for a successful result it is necessary to make certain changes in calorie content and dietary fat when the body slows down its metabolism and stops using fat as an energy source.

The peculiarity of the diet is that you not only lose weight, but also reduce the amount of fat in the body. At the same time, muscle mass is preserved.

Often, a cutting diet is a carbohydrate-free fast, but this is not the best, although effective option, which has to be supplemented with a keto-rotation and BUCH diet. There is a gradual rejection of carbohydrates. With insufficient physical activity, their excessive consumption leads to the formation of fat deposits. Drying the body involves breaking down deposits in fat depots (cells) to maintain energy and life support for the body.

Budget option for drying menu for a week for men

Of course, the drying period, when proteins predominate in the diet, is more financially expensive than nutrition for weight gain, in which cereals make up the majority of the menu. Here you have to eat not just proteins from protein shakes, cheeses, red fatty meats, any fish and other variety, but exclusively high-quality products with a minimum amount of fat. These include: chicken fillet, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit, lean fish, seafood, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites.

Dry food itself cannot be cheap; as has already been said, it is necessary to consume proteins from quality products in large quantities. But you can make your diet as budget-friendly as possible by choosing the simplest and most affordable ingredients.


  1. Oatmeal with apples.
  2. Chicken fillet (breast), unpolished rice, cucumber.
  3. Unpolished rice, 4 egg whites + 2 yolks.
  4. Chicken fillet, fresh vegetables.
  5. Cottage cheese.
  6. Eggs, fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, pepper, herbs).


  1. Oatmeal with banana.
  2. Cottage cheese with nuts (15 g).
  3. Baked hake, buckwheat or rice.
  4. Buckwheat, fish or chicken fillet, fresh vegetables.
  5. Fish baked with vegetables.
  6. Cottage cheese, eggs, kefir.


  1. Omelet, bread, dried fruits.
  2. Cottage cheese, apples or grapefruit.
  3. Rice, boiled chicken breast, salad.
  4. Chicken breast, salad, cottage cheese.
  5. Eggs, vegetables.
  6. Chicken breast, kefir.


  1. Oatmeal, kefir, dried fruits.
  2. Salad, omelet with cottage cheese, buckwheat.
  3. Pollock baked with vegetables, rice.
  4. Fish, eggs, salad.
  5. Seafood salad.
  6. Cottage cheese, kefir.


  1. Oatmeal, fruit, kefir.
  2. Unpolished rice, chicken fillet.
  3. Rice or buckwheat, chicken fillet with vegetables.
  4. Meat or fish, baked vegetables.
  5. Salad with egg, vegetables and herbs, boiled squid.
  6. Squid with egg.


  1. Omelette, kefir, bread with cheese.
  2. Rice, fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  3. Rice with vegetables, baked tuna (yellowtail).
  4. Tuna, salad.
  5. Mixed vegetables, chicken fillet.
  6. Eggs, kefir.


  1. Oatmeal, dried fruits.
  2. Buckwheat, eggs, vegetables.
  3. Turkey, rice, baked vegetables.
  4. Cottage cheese, bread with cheese.
  5. Turkey or chicken.
  6. Squid and egg salad.

Menu for men while drying the body

The drying nutrition program requires compliance with certain rules. Drying itself involves switching to a special diet that contains a high content of protein foods. Proteins burn fat and help maintain muscle tone. But you should remember that you should not completely exclude carbohydrates from your diet. This can lead to serious complications.

For convenience, you need to plan and prepare meals in advance for the week.

  • chicken breast;
  • Whey Protein;
  • lean beef;
  • tuna in water (not brine/oil);
  • turkey;
  • squid.
  • fish fat;
  • linseed oil;
  • cold pressed olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • canola oil
  • oatmeal;
  • sweet potato;
  • brown rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables.

The oil content in the diet will have to be monitored very carefully, not only because of its calorie content, but also because of its sodium content.

Sodium salts retain excess water in the body.

Be sure to include as many greens as possible in your diet, which contain fiber, to improve digestion and protein absorption, because the diet will contain a decent amount of protein.

Be sure to eat:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • parsley;
  • arugula and more.

Sample menu for several days:

  1. Day:
  • breakfast: low-fat Greek yogurt, a cup of green tea;
  • lunch: steamed turkey, light cucumber and celery salad;
  • snack: small portion of green beans;
  • dinner: beef stew with broccoli.
  1. Day:
  • breakfast: eggs with tomatoes and onions, ginger tea;
  • lunch: stewed beans with chicken breast, greens;
  • snack: cottage cheese with kefir, a handful of almonds;
  • dinner: buckwheat with boiled chicken breast, green apple.
  1. Day:
  • breakfast: 2 poached eggs, a glass of kefir;
  • lunch: mushroom soup, boiled chicken, greens;
  • snack: broccoli and cauliflower salad;
  • dinner: steamed fish, beet salad.
  1. Day:
  • breakfast: 2 egg white omelet, low-fat cheese, green tea with mint;
  • lunch: boiled jacket potatoes and tuna with lemon juice;
  • snack: salad of cucumbers and green bell peppers;
  • dinner: vegetable salad, light yogurt, green apple.
  1. Day:
  • breakfast: oatmeal, cottage cheese, tea with lemon;
  • lunch: beef stew with lobio;
  • snack: a glass of skim milk, a small handful of walnuts;
  • dinner: brown rice with chicken breast.

If you have liver and kidney diseases, heart and gastrointestinal diseases, or a lack of muscle mass, this diet is prohibited.

Extended cutting nutrition program for men for a week


  1. Oatmeal with dried fruits.
  2. Chicken fillet (breast), brown rice, avocado.
  3. Rice, eggs or fish.
  4. Baked veal, fresh vegetables.
  5. Cottage cheese.
  6. Seafood, fresh vegetables (any).


  1. Whole grain bread with lightly salted pink salmon.
  2. Cottage cheese with dried fruits.
  3. Turkey meat, buckwheat or rice.
  4. Chicken or turkey fillet, vegetables.
  5. Pink salmon baked with vegetables.
  6. Cottage cheese, eggs, kefir.


  1. Omelette, whole grain bread with tofu.
  2. Cottage cheese and dried fruits.
  3. Rice, rabbit meat or beef.
  4. Chicken breast, vegetable salad.
  5. Seafood salad.
  6. Chicken breast, steamed vegetables.


  1. Oatmeal and dried fruits.
  2. Salad with egg and squid, couscous.
  3. Tuna baked with vegetables, rice or bulgur.
  4. Fish or squid, baked vegetables.
  5. Salad with seafood or red fish.
  6. Cottage cheese, kefir.


  1. Chia seeds soaked in kefir with dried fruits.
  2. Unpolished rice, boiled beef.
  3. Buckwheat, chicken fillet with vegetables.
  4. Tuna or sea bass, baked vegetables.
  5. Salad with squid and chia seeds.
  6. Omelette with cottage cheese.


  1. Omelette, bread with cheese, avocado.
  2. Tofu bread, fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  3. Rice with vegetables, baked tuna.
  4. Seafood salad, eggs.
  5. Mixed vegetables stewed with beef.
  6. Fish, stewed vegetables.


  1. Oatmeal, dried fruits.
  2. Buckwheat, beef or veal.
  3. Turkey, rice, baked vegetables.
  4. Cottage cheese with bread and avocado.
  5. Turkey, salad.
  6. Seafood salad.


During drying, does it all come down to energy balance?
Yes. Calories are a unit of energy and, like any measure of energy, can be used to produce an effect—in this case, gain or loss of fat tissue. You can't cheat the calories...get into a deficit while cutting and you will burn fat. Everything is very simple.

How many carbohydrates should you eat on low carb days?

It all depends on your own tolerance levels, but 50g or less is great. Add another 200g or so on training days.

Will an intensive diet harm muscle mass?

If you keep your protein intake high and stimulate protein synthesis through strength training, you will maintain muscle, no problem.

Why concentrate on whole grains and starches?

These carbohydrate sources take longer to digest and don't raise blood sugar levels as quickly, helping us feel fuller longer—the key to maintaining your diet success.

What to do after hard drying for men

Once you’ve finished drying, you shouldn’t suddenly quit your diet and jump on everything at once. You should also remember that all efforts are not in vain, it is better to maintain the result. Otherwise, a sudden departure from the diet threatens severe swelling and rapid accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, gradually return previously prohibited foods to the menu - dairy products, pasta, starchy vegetables and cereals. But not all at once, but alternating. For example, once every few days: on Monday you can add pasta, and on Thursday - fatty meat or potatoes, and so on.

Training program for drying muscles

It should be remembered that body drying workouts should be performed 6 times a week in order to get the maximum effect. The fat burning program is combined and includes several types of strength exercises. It is also recommended to devote several days a week to cardio training (heart exercise is the best way to burn fat), which is combined with a pre-designed diet for cutting.

The main nuances of the drying training program:

  • 6 days of continuous training and 1 day off;
  • training should begin with a basic warm-up and stretching to increase muscle tone;
  • Cardio training for cutting should either be long (at least 45 minutes), or cardio should be performed immediately after strength exercises;
  • rest between approaches should be no more than 1 minute, and between exercises - 2 minutes.

Training program:

  1. Day one – Chest and arms:
  • bench press on an incline bench (if possible in a Smith machine) – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • butterfly exercise – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • Dips with weights – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • bench press with a narrow grip – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • French bench press – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • standing biceps curl – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • isolated biceps curls on the upper blocks – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • hammers – 5 sets of 15 reps

Chest exercises should be performed under outside supervision to avoid injury.

  1. Day two – legs and abs
  • squats with weights – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • hack squats – 4 sets of 15 reps.
  • platform leg press – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • Leg extensions in the simulator – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • lunges with weights (minimum weight of the pancake – 15 kg.) – 3 sets of 10 times per leg (total number – 20 times);
  • standing calf raises – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • lifting legs while hanging or standing – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • oblique crunches – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • exercise on a bench for the press – 4 times 15 times;

When drying, maximum attention should be paid to the press.

  1. Day three – back, deltoids
  • Wide grip pull-ups – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • Rows of a horizontal block to the belt – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • Vertical block rows to the chest – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • T-bar row in the simulator - 4 sets of 15 times;
  • Seated chest press (preferably in a Smith machine) – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • Pulling the lower block along the body - 4 sets of 15 times;
  • Swing dumbbells to the sides while standing – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • hyperextension – 3 sets of 15 times.

It is recommended not to forget about your back while drying, since it is the muscles on the back that quickly lose their tone.

Training is carried out according to the 3+1 system, i.e. after three days of hard training, a day of rest follows and then we repeat from the beginning.

Strength training - drying thighs and legs

You can do drying both in the gym and at home. In the first case, the athlete is much more likely to achieve noticeable results in a relatively short time. If your gym is properly equipped, you can get the most out of your workouts by combining aerobic and strength training.

Beginners often make a serious mistake by ignoring aerobic exercises and focusing on strength exercises. Aerobic exercise makes it possible to train the body as a whole, increasing muscle endurance. It doesn't matter how you combine these two complexes. You can devote separate days to aerobics - there should be at least two per week. An alternative option is to dedicate 15 minutes of daily strength training to aerobic exercise.

There is no single universal exercise that would allow you to work all muscle groups. This will require the implementation of a whole complex. It is important to work through all zones sequentially. It is on this principle that training is built. Otherwise, the set goal will not be achieved.

Any workout begins with a good warm-up. You can’t work on “cold” muscles, so at the very beginning we perform a small complex designed to warm up and prepare the body for further work. Don't forget about stretching.

Often, a circuit training program is chosen for drying. It involves performing exercises in order without stopping. As soon as the athlete completes one exercise, he immediately moves on to the next. There is no break between exercises. This results in the effect of maximum involvement in work and building muscle mass.

The number of circles may vary. For the first training, this can be only one circle; an already trained athlete can perform up to three circles without stopping per session. With this rhythm, it is enough to visit the gym every other day. Each complex should be dedicated to a separate muscle group. Only in this case can you count on a high-quality result.

Be sure to read: The effectiveness of the stepper exercise machine for weight loss

Dumbbell workout

The muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh work. It will be an excellent workout addition for both men and women. Representatives of the stronger sex can use a bar instead of dumbbells.

We step with our right foot as far forward as possible. There should be a right angle under the knee. Sit deeper. You need to rest on the heel of your right foot, then all the effort will go to the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. We do the same with the left leg.

This exercise is for beginner athletes; more advanced ones can complicate the task and take a step board. You should step forward, from the board, the second leg will remain standing on the steppe.

We do it at least 12 times.


In this exercise, like in no other, it is important to monitor the technique; mistakes will be fraught with problems with the joints. In the future, you can increase the weights and extend the execution time, introducing a new element of complexity.

Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight - bring your shoulder blades together and your spine will automatically align. Make sure that the bar is clearly at the level of the trapezoid.

We begin to squat, the pelvis does not go down to the heels, but back, as if we are trying to sit on a chair that is far away. We tilt our torso slightly forward. If at the moment of squatting the knees do not look beyond the line of the foot, then the technique has been followed. The foot stands firmly on the floor, we tear off the heel. If there is tension in the rectus muscle, it means you are leaning forward too much, and the emphasis is going in the wrong direction. Reach back. There is tension on the opposite side of the thigh, which means the technique is being followed. Such training will very quickly lead to productive drying.

Perform at least 12 times, subsequently increasing the quantity.

Working in the machine

This is almost the simplest exercise in technique; it is difficult to make mistakes when performing it. That is why many athletes love him so much. But with minimal actions, quite tangible results are achieved. With its help, you can work out muscles that are most often ignored.

To perform, you will need to lie on your stomach on a bench, the foot rest is located just above the ankle on the back side. We raise our legs to the ceiling to a right angle and slowly lower them back. There's no rush here.

You need to repeat the bending at least 12 times.

Leg press

This exercise can only be performed in a gym, since it is unlikely that many people have a special exercise machine at home that allows this exercise. It will give a noticeable load on the hips, buttocks and hamstrings.

It is important to lie down on the bench comfortably so that nothing will disturb you later. The distance between your feet should be 15-20 cm. Rest securely on the platform. The socks “look” outward; you don’t need to turn your feet out too much. The knees are loose, but at the same time elastic, slightly bent.

Bend your legs until your knees are 90 degrees. There is no need to put your knees on your chest. This will put more stress on your lower back, which can lead to injury. Do not arch your lower back when pushing out the platform. There is also no need to straighten your legs completely; your knees always remain slightly bent.

If you want to work the inner thighs, turn your legs further with your toes outward. Then it is the internal muscles that will be involved in the process.

This is a very effective exercise; it will help you quickly achieve the desired result from your workout. In just a week you will see an obvious breakthrough.

The machine allows you to use heavier weights, achieving greater results, while the risk of injury is minimal.

Drying feet at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to use all the possibilities of the gym, but at the same time they really want to look decent and not gain excess weight. There are a number of exercises that allow you to carry out effective drying at home. The great advantage of these complexes is that they do not require much time. But achieving maximum results will require a lot of effort and patience.

Be sure to read: An effective set of exercises for a double chin

You don’t need to buy expensive exercise equipment, but you can buy clothes and a mat that are comfortable for exercise; they definitely won’t become unnecessary.

To achieve maximum results, perform several approaches. To begin with, one approach is enough, gradually increasing it to four. Rest between exercises should be mandatory, but it cannot be delayed, do not exceed 1.5 minutes, then the muscles will work with maximum efficiency.

Squat with side leg raise

Here the main emphasis is on the muscles of the inner thigh; the oblique muscles of the abs and lower back are also involved in the training process.

Squat; while lifting, you need to raise your straight legs one at a time as high as possible to the side. Squat, right leg, squat, left leg. Swings should be of maximum amplitude, keep your back, tuck your stomach, look forward.

Perform the exercise 14 times.


Those men who consider this exercise exclusively for women are wrong. It perfectly removes even the densest fat from one of the most problematic parts - the inner thigh. In everyday life, these muscles are not often involved in the work process, so working them is especially important.

Stand with your feet apart, 25-35 cm between your heels. Turn your toes out as far as possible. It is ideal if your feet are one straight line. Gradually lower yourself into a squat. There should be tension on the inner thigh. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the buttocks are not pulled back. If there is no tension inside the thigh, then the exercise is being performed incorrectly.

At first, you can hold on to a support with your hand, for example, a chair. The number of repetitions is at least 12, in the future this number must be increased.


Suitable for working the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh.

Legs wide, we squat, moving our pelvis back, while leaning our chest forward slightly. We don't lean forward too much. In this position, we make a springy movement of the pelvis down and up, you need to repeat 3-7 times. Don’t squat too much, an amplitude of 10-15 cm is enough. Let’s straighten up. We repeat from the beginning.

To begin with, 12 repetitions are quite enough, gradually the pace and quantity increase.

"Carousel" for feet

An indispensable option for detailed development of the hip muscles in the complex. The inner thigh is also tense.

Feet 25-35 cm shoulder width apart. Lower yourself to your right foot and make a circular movement with your pelvis counterclockwise and rise up through the right side. We make a similar movement with the buttocks above the left foot, but the circular movement goes clockwise. As a result, you should draw a figure eight with your buttocks lying on your side.

Pay special attention to your back, it should be straight. We work exclusively with the muscles of the legs and buttocks, without leaning forward. Don't arch your lower back. You can hold your hands near your chest. Dumbbells will not be superfluous.

Start with 8 repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

Fitball exercises

Fitball training is highly effective; you can easily work out the gluteal muscle.

Lie on the mat, arms can be placed at your sides or along your body, your heels rest on the ball, your legs are bent at a right angle. Lift your pelvis off the floor, maintaining the angle under your knees. We push our buttocks up, fixate for a couple of seconds and return to the starting point. During execution, watch your lower back, it should not sag.

Repeat 16 times.


Allows you to work the hamstring muscles, especially good for both biceps.

The legs are 30 cm wide, maybe a little wider. We move the pelvis back, the knees do not go beyond the line of the feet. 2-3 swings of the pelvis, put our arms forward and make a movement, as if we had ski poles in our hands, and we push off with them. At the same time, we straighten the torso. It turns out to be an imitation of skiing.

12 times will be enough to start with.

Bends for hamstrings

It helps to work the back muscles well. For weights, take dumbbells.

From a standing position, bend down. We reach our nose towards our knees, they remain straight. There should be a feeling of tightness in the hamstrings.

Repeat 12 times.

Lunges with dumbbells

An indispensable option for drying thighs, but you will need dumbbells to perform it.

Feet 30 cm wide, arms below, their position remains unchanged throughout the entire task. We need dumbbells as weights. We step forward with our right foot, 90 degrees under the knee, the left foot behind us, with the knee almost touching the floor. The back is straight, look only forward. We return to the starting position using the strength of the leg muscles. Repeat the lunge with your left leg.

Listen to the muscles, if the emphasis is on the front, then the exercise is being performed incorrectly.

Repeat 12 times.

Diet plan

Below is an example of an approximate daily menu for a man weighing 80 kg. Products can be alternated and swapped. The last carbohydrate intake can be made after training, but in the evening protein should predominate. You can break it down from 6 to 8 doses per day, the main thing is to get the right amount of nutrients.

  1. 30 g brown rice, 1 cucumber + 6 egg white omelette
  2. 60 g buckwheat, 1 apple + chicken fillet 200 g
  3. 30 g brown rice, 1 cucumber + veal 200 g
  4. 60 g buckwheat, 1 cucumber + 200 g chicken fillet
  5. 30 g brown rice, boiled cauliflower 100 g + tuna 150 g
  6. 30 g brown rice, broccoli 100 g + chicken fillet 200 g
  7. hake or pollock 300 g + vegetable salad 100 g
  8. chicken fillet 200 g + 1 cucumber

A diet that replenishes the daily need for protein - 440 g, and 80 g of carbohydrates, for an athlete weighing 80 kg. At first it will seem that it is impossible to eat so much meat, but believe me, a hungry body on a low-carb diet will experience hunger every 2-2.5 hours. Protein does not fill you for long, and a small amount of carbohydrates will lead to an energy deficit, due to which fat will burn quickly.

Example menu

Unfortunately, the list of products is very meager, and it will not be possible to create a varied menu for a month without repeating products. We present menu options that can be alternated with each other to dry out. The ideal nutrition program for drying the body for men is an individually selected nutrition plan, which is based on personal experience of fat burning and an understanding of how the body reacts to changes in calorie content and proportions of fatty acids in the diet.

Example 1

  1. Protein omelet with cabbage.
  2. 1 apple.
  3. Rice with boiled meat.
  4. Chicken baked with vegetables.
  5. Orange.
  6. Vegetable salad with seafood.

Power scheme 2

  1. Meat with vegetables.
  2. Grapefruit.
  3. Buckwheat with fish.
  4. Boiled squid with fresh cucumbers.
  5. Mussels with greens.
  6. Shrimp omelette without oil.

Alternate days, changing dishes only to those allowed from the list.

How to correctly calculate calories and nutritional supplements

To reduce body fat, you need to consume 21 to 26 calories per kilogram of weight. This will provide an energy deficit, and the body will begin to release fats. Start calculating with more - 26 calories, when a plateau occurs, gradually reduce calories to 21 per kg of weight.

So, let's take as an example the total weight - 80 kg.

Multiply your weight by 26 calories = 2080 calories per day that you need to consume.

Let's calculate the amount of carbohydrates: 80 multiplied by 1 g = 80 g of net carbohydrates that you need to consume. If we convert it into calories, knowing in advance that 1 g of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, we get (80x4) = 320 calories from carbohydrates.

Proteins: subtract 320 from the total calories, we get 1760 calories from protein. 1 g of protein also contains 4 calories, (1760 divided by 4), we get 440 g of pure protein that you need daily. For every kilogram of body weight there will be (440 g/80 kg) = 5.5 g of protein.

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