Resveratrol and beneficial properties - instructions on how to take

What is trans-resveratrol and what are its beneficial properties? The fact is that resveratrol is found in red grapes and is designed to improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, prolong youth, and protect against free radicals. In this review, we will consider the beneficial properties of resveratrol, as well as other most important issues:
  1. What is resveratrol and what benefits does it have for the body?
  2. Differences between trans-resveratrol and other forms.
  3. Instructions on how to take resveratrol, dosage and contraindications.

What is resveratrol and what is it for?

Resveratrol is a natural compound found in a number of plants. It is synthesized as a protective reaction, increasing plant resistance to excessive ultraviolet radiation, sudden climate changes, diseases and parasites such as bacteria or fungi. Have you heard of the so-called French paradox? This is the name for the phenomenon of a relatively low level of cardiovascular and cancer diseases in French residents with a high-calorie diet and an abundance of harmful animal fats. Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain this phenomenon, and the cause of the French paradox is the consumption of dry red wine by the French, which contains the powerful antioxidant resveratrol.

Most people think that they can simply drink red wine to supplement their diet with this antioxidant. But here you should know that wines contain completely different amounts of resveratrol. It is known that it is the Muscat grape that has the highest concentration of resveratrol due to the large number of seeds and thick peel - it is in them that the main amount of resveratrol is concentrated. Other grape varieties have 10 times less resveratrol. On average, one gram of fresh Muscat grape skins contains at least 50 to 100 mcg of resveratrol, with a daily intake of 400,000 mcg (400 mg). From Muscat wine, and especially other grape varieties, we get much less resveratrol than normal. In addition, we should not forget that drinking alcohol in large quantities is generally not beneficial.

Where is Resveratrol found and how is it obtained?

Some people believe that phytoalexin is only found in blue grapes and the wine made from them. However, they are greatly mistaken, since the natural antioxidant is found in fairly large quantities in berries such as lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, as well as in many other fruits, berries and vegetables. This substance is even present in cocoa.

In its natural form, this substance is found in the following products:

  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • plums;
  • peanut;
  • grapes (with skin);
  • cocoa beans.

Resveratrol comes in two forms: trans-resveratrol and cis-resveratrol. These substances have quite a lot in common, but at the same time, they have their own distinctive features.

Both types of resveratrol have the same number of atoms, which differ from each other in the crystal lattice. In addition, both types can exist as glycosides and free compounds.

Resveratrol is extracted from plants using chemical and biotechnological synthesis. Various food additives are subsequently made from the resulting substance. In addition, major cosmetic manufacturers add resveratrol to their products.

Japanese knotweed - this plant today is the main raw material from which resveratrol preparations are produced. It is also worth noting that this plant is often and quite successfully used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Benefits of resveratrol for men and women

Resveratrol is known as a powerful antioxidant and active fighter against free radicals that are formed as a result of oxidative stress caused by negative environmental factors. But among all the antioxidants, only resveratrol received the honorary title of molecule of youth. And that's why:

1) Activation of sirtuins . Resveratrol activates special proteins - sirtuins, which in our body are responsible for the restoration of damaged cells and DNA. As they age, sirtuins become increasingly lazier and shirker of their responsibilities. Resveratrol is the same additive that can force them to work in the same young mode, that is, to carry out repair work on time and efficiently. Sirtuins come from the acronym SIR, which stands for silence information regulator. Silence is a genetic term that means turning off or blocking genes/entire sections of DNA to prevent them from mutating or producing harmful or unnecessary substances. This is a very important natural mechanism for maintaining the stability and high quality of DNA, and this is exactly what sirtuins do.

2) Protection against cancer. In 2008, a study conducted by Dr. Rafael de Cabo was published in conjunction with the US National Institute on Aging and other 13 organizations. The study confirmed multiple anti-cancer effects of resveratrol in the human body. The COX-2 enzyme activates hormones (eicosanoids) that cause inflammation in the cell, which leads to changes in its DNA and malignancy (conversion into cancer). In the above study, resveratrol confirmed the complete prevention of COX-2 enzymes, in simple terms, disabled the enzyme. It was later proven that resveratrol also affects enzymes that are unique to precancerous and cancerous conditions of cells - the cytochrome P450 enzyme, CYP 1B1.

3) Strengthening and maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. Due to its antioxidant properties, the supplement has a positive effect on blood pressure. In addition, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, resveratrol protects a person from the occurrence of vascular atherosclerosis and reduces harmful cholesterol. A 1997 Dutch epidemiological study found that rates of coronary artery disease in older men were inversely related to their intake of flavonoids, which are found in red wine. Then, as a result of other studies, the antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, cardioprotective, anticancer effects of resveratrol were shown or confirmed.

4) Preventing obesity. In 2010, Polish scientists conducted a series of research experiments that showed that the antioxidant substance does an excellent job of removing excess fat accumulation. At the same time, the subjects ate exclusively high-calorie foods. Weight loss is achieved due to the following:

  • reducing insulin resistance, which is considered the main cause of excess weight;
  • fight against sluggish chronic inflammatory process throughout the body.

The principle of action of resveratrol on the body

This substance has very beneficial properties for human health and acts on the body with such effects as:

  • rejuvenating;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-cancer.

Resveratrol has undergone many different studies in scientific laboratories.

The experiments were carried out for a long time, and the experimental subjects were not only mice and rats, but also people who gave consent to these studies.

Experimentally, it was possible to find out that polyphenol, which plays the role of an antioxidant, not only prevents the development of free radicals, but destroys them. This happens even when free radicals have already firmly established themselves in the body and have begun their destructive effect on cell membranes.

It is thanks to this unique ability that antioxidants are very important substances for the human body - they can improve overall physical condition, rejuvenate and improve health.

Resveratrol is the most powerful and powerful plant antioxidant, which is more active than vitamin E - 50 times, beta-carotene - 5 times, vitamin C - 20 times.

Forms of resveratrol and trans resveratrol

Today, researchers have identified two isomeric forms of an antioxidant called resveratrol. These include:

  • trans-resveratrol. There is a lot of it in the root extract of Reinutria japonica. It is found in smaller quantities in grape seed extract and red wine extract.
  • cis-resveratrol. This is an unstable compound when exposed to light; it is not used in supplements in its pure form. But it is slightly present in supplements that contain grape seed or wine extract.

Trans-resveratrol is considered to be the most beneficial for the human body. It is included as a main ingredient in a large number of dietary supplements. Unlike cis-resveratrol, the trans form is highly soluble in water and quickly absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The breakdown of trans-resveratrol is longer, it lasts up to nine hours, cis-resveratrol no more than 20 minutes.

Transform is also considered one of the safest and inexpensive forms to produce; capsules with an optimal dosage of 200-400 mg are produced at a low cost. To summarize, it is better to buy the pure trans-resveratrol form, which is around 98% pure.

Foods that contain resveratrol

Now let's figure out what foods contain this substance:

  1. Blueberry. This tasty berry contains just under 10 percent resveratrol, unlike grapes. According to numerous studies, blueberries are a nutritious berry that is loaded with antioxidants. In addition, it contains gallic acid, lutein, fiber and zeaxanthin, vitamin K, manganese and ascorbic acid.
  2. Red wine and grapes. The largest amount of resveratrol is found in muscat grapes. This is due to the large number of seeds and thick skin, in which the desired substance is located. As we know, red wine is made from blue grapes of various varieties. Accordingly, this exquisite and very popular drink contains a huge amount of natural antioxidant. But white wine is not so rich in phytolaexin, since during the preparation of wine from white grape varieties, the skins are removed from the berries.
  3. Cowberry. This berry can be placed at the top of the list of foods that are rich in resveratrol. One gram of lingonberries contains up to 6 micrograms of natural antioxidant. In a gram of grapes, the amount of phytoalexin is about 6.5 micrograms.
  4. Black chocolate. Since real dark chocolate is made from cocoa, it contains large amounts of resveratrol. After red wine and grapes, cocoa can be placed in second place on the list in terms of antioxidant content.
  5. Peanut butter.
  6. Tomatoes.
  7. Plums.
  8. Red pepper.

Resveratrol dosage and instructions on how to drink

Resveratrol is available in the form of capsules, solutions and tablets. The supplement is taken on an empty stomach, preferably 30 minutes before a meal. The optimal dosage is 200-600 mg per day. To increase the bioavailability and effectiveness of resveratrol, after half an hour it is better to take a meal with fats or protein foods, such as yogurt or whole milk. It is advisable to take resveratrol on an ongoing basis, all year round.

Resveratrol contraindications. Despite the low bioavailability, the supplement is well tolerated and has virtually no contraindications. Minor gastrointestinal reactions have been observed in people who took more than 1000 mg per day for 30 days.

Principles for selecting additives

Resveratrol has almost no contraindications, so many companies have begun to produce dietary supplements with this phytoalexin. But you should know which drugs are worth buying and how to use them.

Necessity of admission

Products containing this plant extract are used mainly for preventive purposes. They are prescribed to support the body in such situations:

  • living in environmentally unfavorable regions;
  • frequent stress, physical and mental fatigue;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • recovery from injuries and surgeries;
  • seasonal decrease in immunity.

Scientists also claim that regular intake of phytoalexin helps to cope with obesity. Resveratrol stimulates healthy pancreatic cells to produce insulin, regulates feelings of hunger and satiety, and also activates genes that are responsible for fat burning processes. The effect is observed only with a balanced diet and physical activity.

For women, Resveratrol is useful as a cosmetic product that maintains youthful and healthy skin.

A drug with this substance is also used in the prevention and treatment of the following pathologies:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes.

But before using Restveratrol for medicinal purposes, you should consult a specialist.

Watch the video where the doctor talks about the effectiveness of phytoalexin and its sources:

Resveratrol.10 minutes with Dr. Agapkin

Dosage forms

The product is mainly available in solid forms - tablets and capsules. They are suitable for most people and contain standardized amounts of herbal extracts. Thanks to the additional shell, the capsules are well absorbed and do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. The only drawback is their large size, which is why some patients have difficulty swallowing them.

An alternative to tablets and capsules is a liquid vitamin solution. The product is dosed using a teaspoon and mixed with water before use. The disadvantage of this dosage form is the unpleasant taste of the drink.

Composition of drugs

A natural plant extract is extracted from the skins of grapes, red wine, and some dark berries. There is another option for obtaining raw materials - using the yeast fermentation process. This method speeds up production and also helps produce more concentrated and highly purified resveratrol. In terms of pharmacological activity, the 2 types are not inferior to each other.

In nature, the compound can occur in two chemical forms: cis and trans isomer. Only trans-resveratrol is biologically active.

High-priced dietary supplements often contain additional herbal ingredients and vitamins. Such supplements are more beneficial than single medications, since the combination of beneficial substances has a complex effect on the body.

Doses and packaging volume

Standard resveratrol dosages for adults are 250-500 mg per day, but some doctors suggest taking up to 2000 mg per day. The optimal course is about 1 month, so the package should contain at least 30 daily servings.


The price of high-quality vitamin preparations with phytoalexins is high. And budget funds often contain low concentrations of the active substance. Therefore, it is more convenient to compare prices based on the cost of a daily dosage - divide the total cost of the package by the number of servings in it.

The best manufacturers

American companies such as Now Foods, Doctor's Best, Country Life, Solgar are considered popular products. They produce products that meet international quality standards. And Tianshi resveratrol capsules, which are manufactured in China, have become world famous.

Should I take resveratrol or not?

You can do without resveratrol, but you will have to eat a little less and exercise more. For almost 100 years now, we have known for certain that if rodents are kept on a low-calorie diet throughout their lives, they will live much longer compared to their well-fed counterparts. It turned out that lifelong malnutrition stimulates the synthesis of those very sirtuins that slow down age-related DNA degradation and the likelihood of mutations that lead to chronic diseases. Why does the body begin to actively synthesize sirtuins and thereby preserve the state of youth in poorly fed animals? The answer is quite simple - in such a weakened state there can be no talk of full sexual function and gene transfer. Accordingly, if the DNA is not conserved, it will simply grow old or mutate without passing on its genes to offspring. And so nature has at least some chance of hoping for full-fledged offspring after the end of the famine period.

TOP 5 dietary supplements with resveratrol

Our rating contains 5 high-quality medicines with herbal extracts, most of which are sold on the IHerb website. The additives are arranged in ascending order of price per daily portion; the richness of the composition was taken into account when sorting.

No. 5 Tiens, Capsules with resveratrol, Tiens (Holican)

from 3763 ₽

Price for 1 serving – 125 rubles. 40 kopecks

Short description:

  • country of origin – China;
  • package volume – 60 capsules;
  • active substance concentration – 350 mg.

The composition, in addition to resveratrol, includes oligosaccharides, magnesium, and ascorbic acid. The product is used for prevention, but the manufacturer also recommends using it in the complex treatment of certain pathologies. Allowed for use by adults and children over 10 years of age.


  • Dietary supplement improves the quality of skin and hair;
  • strengthens the heart muscle, relieves pain in the heart;
  • increases endurance;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • helps fight excess weight;
  • improves sleep.


  • No.

№4 Enzymatic Therapy, Resveratrol-Forte

from 2658 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 88 rubles. 60 kopecks

Brief information:

  • Country: USA;
  • package volume – 60 capsules;
  • resveratrol concentration – 125 mg.

The composition contains trans-resveratrol in combination with quercetin from Japanese sophora extract. The product has high bioavailability, slows down the aging process, improves the functions of the immune and nervous systems.


  • the supplement protects the body from free radicals;
  • fights the manifestations of chronic stress;
  • lowers blood pressure.


  • No.

№3 Country Life, Resveratrol plus

Country Life, Resveratrol Plus, 60 Vegetarian Capsules


RUB 1,522

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 18 rubles. 82 kop.

General characteristics:

  • country of origin – USA;
  • package volume – 60 capsules;
  • active substance concentration – 100 mg.

The supplement is designed for antioxidant protection of the body and normalization of the cardiovascular system. It contains organic trans-resveratrol, grape and pine bark extracts. The dietary supplement is suitable for vegetarians.


  • the drug improves overall well-being, increases vitality;
  • gives the skin a healthy appearance;
  • eliminates tachycardia and heart pain;
  • strengthens blood vessels, reduces the deposition of cholesterol plaques;
  • boosts immunity.


  • large capsules.

#2 Now Foods, Natural Resveratrol

Now Foods, Natural Resveratrol, 200 mg, 120 Veggie Caps


RUB 1,799

More details

Price for 1 serving – 13 rubles. 47 kopecks

General description:

  • Country: USA;
  • package volume – 120 capsules;
  • resveratrol concentration – 200 mg.

The supplement contains trans-resveratrol in the form of Rhinenutria japonica root extract and red wine extract. The drug undergoes multi-stage purification, which guarantees the absence of toxins, gluten, and allergens. Designed to improve the functioning of internal organs and the brain.


  • The dietary supplement relieves skin rashes;
  • normalizes heart rate and blood pressure;
  • protects the body from colds;
  • helps control weight;
  • fights allergic reactions.


  • sometimes causes dyspeptic disorders.

#1 Doctor's Best, French Red Grape Extract

Doctor's Best, French Red Grape Extract, 60 mg, 90 Veggie Caps


721 rub.

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 5 rubles. 46 kopecks

General information:

  • country of origin – USA;
  • package volume – 90 capsules;
  • active substance concentration – 60 mg.

The low price of the supplement is explained by the low content of resveratrol. In addition to the main component, it contains flavonoids and anthocyanins of red wine, which enhance the pharmacological properties.


  • Dietary supplement improves skin condition;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stabilizes blood pressure.


  • low content of active substance;
  • not all buyers noticed a positive effect.

Conclusions on the benefits of resveratrol

Resveratrol is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants existing today. Its regular use helps prolong life, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and various pathological processes in the body. It is best to take resveratrol in the form of dietary supplements, rather than trying to get it from wine. This is due to the fact that there is too little of it in standard wine. In addition, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will have a detrimental effect on the functioning of all organs and functions of the body. If you are an ardent opponent of additives, then it is better to buy red wines from Muscat, and similar fresh black grapes.

Beneficial properties of resveratrol

Phytoalexin is a unique antioxidant that has many invaluable benefits. Now let's determine how useful it is:

  • removes bad cholesterol from the blood;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  • reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms;
  • protects the liver from the negative effects of various factors, in particular alcohol, nicotine, poor quality food;
  • stimulates brain activity, improves attention and memory;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body, breaks down fats and promotes weight loss.

Anti-aging effect

Recently, phytoalexin has been considered the source of eternal youth. In the medical literature you can find a lot of evidence to support this theory. The anti-aging effect is ensured by the active effect of the antioxidant on certain genes responsible for immunity and the body’s fight against diseases that begin to appear as a result of aging. In addition, resveratrol eliminates free radicals formed as a result of daily processes.

Free radicals can cause harm to the human body; a particularly strong negative effect is observed in cases where a person has bad habits. Such habits may include excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, or an unhealthy and unbalanced diet.

If you cannot get rid of bad habits, then these same radicals will cause irreparable harm to your health. In particular, they damage cells and cause the development of extremely dangerous diseases.

To somehow correct the situation, you need to include in your diet foods that contain large amounts of resveratrol. This way you can provide your body with anti-carcinogenic, anti-tumor and antioxidant prevention against various diseases that arise as a result of aging.

Protects against various types of cancer

This is interesting!

Scientific research has proven that resveratrol prevents the occurrence of liver cancer. In addition, experiments and experiments on animals have shown that with the help of this natural antioxidant it is possible to cure esophageal and skin cancer. The first studies with resveratrol were conducted in 2005. During experiments, it was proven that the substance performs a chemopreventive function when it enters the body of a living creature.

Recent studies have demonstrated that resveratrol blocks the formation and development of malignant tumors.

Keeps the heart muscle healthy

Do you want to have a healthy heart and live a long life?

Scientists have been able to prove that the antioxidant keeps heart muscle healthy and helps reduce high blood pressure. In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the likelihood of atherosclerosis is reduced and the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

In 2021, experiments were conducted on laboratory mice, during which the rodents were daily fed foods rich in polyunsaturated fats, protein, and a resveratrol supplement. It was observed that the mice lost body weight and had lower total cholesterol levels.

Prevents obesity

From the above test, it was concluded that the laboratory mice lost significant weight. To prove the ability of a natural antioxidant to reduce weight, more experiments were conducted. In 2010, Polish researchers proved that resveratrol blocks fat accumulation in mice on a high-calorie diet.

Prevents acne formation

Resveratrol has been found to be great for acne. Thanks to scientific research in the cosmetic field, it was revealed how the antioxidant inhibits the growth of bacteria that provoke the formation of acne on the skin.

Resveratrol was tested on a strain of bacteria that causes acne. The result of the research prompted scientists to combine resveratrol with benzoyl peroxide, which has proven to be an indispensable assistant in the fight against numerous acne on the body.

Choosing the best resveratrol on iHerb

IHerb offers a huge number of resveratrol supplements. Prices differ several times. We will provide a list of the most optimal options.

  1. Thorne Research, ResveraCel, Nicotinamide Riboside (Niagen) with Resveratrol and Cofactors, 60 Capsules. This is the best rejuvenation complex with NAD+ precursor, resveratrol and quercetin. The components working together give an amazing effect. Yes, it is expensive, but with constant use you will avoid many diseases and ultimately save more.
  2. Lake Avenue Nutrition, Resveratrol Complex, 500 mg, 250 Vegetarian Capsules. The most economical supplement, only 1,400 rubles per jar, which will last for 250 days.
  3. Natural Factors, ResveratrolRich, Super Strength Resveratrol Concentrate, 60 Vegetarian Capsules. High dosage resveratrol.
  4. Doctor's Best, High Potency Trans-Resveratrol 600, 600 mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules. Pure Trans-resveratrol (98% pure product), optimal price-quality ratio.

Best Food Sources

red grapes are an excellent source of nutrients

Knowing about the beneficial properties of resveratrol, I want to figure out whether we get enough of it from the food we eat. We have prepared a list of foods and drinks that should be included in your diet in moderation:

  • Red grapes and red wine. White wine also contains resveratrol, but its amounts are much smaller due to the fact that the grape bunches are extracted earlier in the winemaking process.
  • Various types of teas, including Itadori tea.
  • Dark chocolate and raw cocoa
  • Cowberry
  • Blueberry
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberry
  • Cranberry
  • Pistachios

It is worth talking about the fact that different forms of the substance are present in different plant sources. For example, trans-resveratrol glucosides are present in grapes and peanuts, and cis- and trans-resveratrol aglycones are present in red wine. ()

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