Strawberries: benefits and harms, beneficial properties, calorie content

Strawberries are a tasty and healthy berry that is often used to make various desserts. Adults and children love it very much, because the fruits have excellent taste and excellent aroma. The berry is often grown in dachas and vegetable gardens; it usually begins to ripen in the first month of summer, but it all depends on weather and climatic conditions. But if you plan to use it for weight loss or proper nutrition, you need to know the calorie content of strawberries per 100 grams. Particularly popular is the strawberry diet, which allows you to lose a decent amount of kilograms. But botany indicates that strawberry is not a berry, it belongs to strawberries and is considered a nut.

Is strawberry a berry or a nut?

Strawberries are a popular garden crop that is known all over the world. But many people don’t know how to correctly classify it - a berry, a fruit or a nut?

To understand the difference between a fruit and a berry, it is worth considering several features:

  • Fruits grow on trees, and berries grow on bushes or the ground.
  • The berries always have seeds, sometimes they are small, like raspberries. Strawberries have them, only they are located not inside, but outside. But still this is not a berry.
  • According to botanical science, strawberries are classified as nuts. And this can be explained. The usual red berries are the protruding receptacle. It contains fruits - dryish small seeds-nuts.

It is worth noting! Strawberries are not classified as fruits and berries. This is a multi-nut that is considered the softest member of this family.

Difference from strawberries

The fruits, which are usually grown in garden plots and cottages and are called strawberries, are actually garden strawberries. But these are not the “cultivated” version of strawberries, they are two completely different species.


And this is confirmed by the following features:

  • Strawberries and wild strawberries have different interiors. Strawberries inside are uniformly red, strawberry fruits have whitish pulp, and there is a column in the center - a rod;
  • The strawberry fruit is larger, juicier and softer, in contrast to the wild strawberry fruit;
  • Wild strawberries are more aromatic and fragrant.

Botanical characteristics

Strawberries and wild strawberries are similar berries, so they are often confused.

And this is confirmed by some botanical characteristics of the fruit:

  • They belong to the rose family.
  • The fruits have a common Latin name – Fragaria, which translates as “fragrant”.
  • Officially, both berries are considered strawberries.
  • They ripen on bushes of low height that practically lie on the ground.
  • In spring, white or pink flowers appear on them from the receptacle.
  • After flowering ends, cone-shaped green fruits appear. They are practically tasteless; there may be a slight bitterness. As they ripen, they turn red and become full of juice and sweetness.
  • On the top of the fruit there is a crown, which consists of leaves. They are on the stalk.
  • There are yellow dots on the surface - these are seeds.

Important! In everyday life, strawberries can be distinguished quite simply. It is worth considering the dimensions. "Victoria" is much larger than wild strawberry.

The average weight of the fruit is 15-21 grams. But the weight, size, taste depend on the variety. Hybrid versions are several times larger and have a sweeter taste. The taste ranges from sweet and sour to thick sweetness.


How many calories

It is worth considering that the calorie content of Victoria may depend on many factors - the ripening period, weather conditions, climate, variety and type of fruit. But still it is not very high, so strawberries can be freely included in the diet. So how many calories are in strawberries, per 100 grams? On average, the nutritional value is 40-42 kcal. This is a small, symbolic indicator. Despite such low nutritional value, the fruit contains many nutrients and vitamins, so they must be consumed regularly to maintain the full functioning of internal organs.

Please note: Frozen strawberries contain even fewer calories - only 36 kcal per 100 grams. This is due to the increase in the amount of water that is formed during freezing. But the calorie content of fresh strawberries, 1 pc. very small, on average 5-6 kcal, but it all depends on the size of the fetus.

For this reason, strawberries are often used as the basis of an aesthetic diet (for weight loss). Many Hollywood stars follow it. But it is worth considering that this mono-diet is not useful for everyone (up to 1.5 kg per day for a week). Nutritionists recommend observing a fasting day or eating berries instead of lunch and dinner.

Calorie content Fresh strawberries. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Fresh strawberries”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content33.1 kcal1684 kcal2%6%5088 g
Squirrels0.7 g76 g0.9%2.7%10857 g
Fats0.3 g56 g0.5%1.5%18667
Carbohydrates7.7 g219 g3.5%10.6%2844 g
Alimentary fiber2 g20 g10%30.2%1000 g
Water90.95 g2273 g4%12.1%2499 g
Vitamin A, RE1 mcg900 mcg0.1%0.3%90000 g
beta carotene12 mg5 mg240%725.1%42 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.024 mg1.5 mg1.6%4.8%6250 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.022 mg1.8 mg1.2%3.6%8182 g
Vitamin B4, choline5.7 mg500 mg1.1%3.3%8772 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.13 mg5 mg2.6%7.9%3846 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.047 mg2 mg2.4%7.3%4255 g
Vitamin B9, folates24 mcg400 mcg6%18.1%1667 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid58.8 mg90 mg65.3%197.3%153 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.29 mg15 mg1.9%5.7%5172 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone2.2 mcg120 mcg1.8%5.4%5455 g
Potassium, K153 mg2500 mg6.1%18.4%1634 g
Calcium, Ca16 mg1000 mg1.6%4.8%6250 g
Magnesium, Mg13 mg400 mg3.3%10%3077 g
Sodium, Na1.3 mg1300 mg0.1%0.3%100000 g
Phosphorus, P24 mg800 mg3%9.1%3333 g
Iron, Fe0.41 mg18 mg2.3%6.9%4390 g
Manganese, Mn0.386 mg2 mg19.3%58.3%518 g
Copper, Cu0.048 mcg1000 mcg2083333 g
Selenium, Se0.4 mcg55 mcg0.7%2.1%13750 g
Zinc, Zn0.14 mg12 mg1.2%3.6%8571 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins0.04 g~
Glucose (dextrose)1.99 g~
Sucrose0.47 g~
Fructose2.44 g~
Essential amino acids
Arginine*0.028 g~
Valin0.019 g~
Histidine*0.012 g~
Isoleucine0.016 g~
Leucine0.034 g~
Lysine0.03 g~
Methionine0.002 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.008 g~
Threonine0.02 g~
Tryptophan0.008 g~
Phenylalanine0.019 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.022 g~
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin0.03 g~
Aspartic acid0.149 g~
Glycine0.03 g~
Glutamic acid0.098 g~
Proline0.02 g~
Serin0.026 g~
Tyrosine0.023 g~
Cysteine0.06 g~
Sterols (sterols)
Phytosterols12 mg~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.015 gmax 18.7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.043 gmin 16.8 g0.3%0.9%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.115 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g1%3%

The energy value of fresh strawberries is 33.1 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.


Garden strawberries are considered a healthy berry, which contains many vitamins and nutritional components. When consumed, the functioning of internal organs improves, the immune system is strengthened, and the body's resistance to various diseases increases.


The composition includes the following components:

  • Vitamins of group B (1, 2, 9), A, C, E, K, H, PP;
  • Minerals - potassium, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus;
  • Microelements – iron, boron, manganese, iodine, zinc, copper, fluorine.

The composition contains a high content of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Its content is almost 67%. This figure is higher than that of citrus fruits. It is enough to eat 6-7 fruits per day to get the adult daily requirement of vitamin C. Strawberry fruits are rich in pectins and tannins. They contain natural sugars and organic acids.

What does strawberry cure?

Strawberries are a natural treasure that has a number of beneficial properties. Fruits should definitely be included in the daily menu, because they not only strengthen the immune system, but also help eliminate many diseases. In addition, strawberries improve the condition of the skin, have a beneficial effect on hair, and make curls more voluminous and silky. By consuming strawberries during their active ripening season, you can significantly improve your health and get rid of many diseases of the internal organs:

  • Garden strawberries have strong antimicrobial properties. It is considered a source of natural aspirin, so it can be used to eliminate pain of different nature - head, joint, dental, muscle and others.
  • Disaccharides enhance the production of glucose, for this reason strawberries should be consumed during diabetes.
  • The fruit contains a high content of magnesium and potassium. Their use has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  • The increased level of fiber makes this berry beneficial for the digestive system. This component regulates intestinal motility and relieves constipation.
  • Masks have a beneficial effect on the skin. They cleanse it, eliminate various rashes, whiten it, and increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • The juice gets rid of yellow teeth and makes your breath fresh.

Nutrients and their benefits

Strawberries have a rich composition, which includes various minerals and trace elements. They have a beneficial effect on all internal organs, improve their functioning, increase immunity and strengthen the body.


It is worth highlighting the main nutrients found in fruits:

  • Iron. Source of hemoglobin. This component protects against anemia and prevents the appearance of anemia.
  • Bor. It is considered an essential component of blood cells, muscle and bone tissue.
  • Iodine. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Copper. Has a strong disinfecting effect.
  • Fluorine. Increases the strength of tooth enamel and prevents its destruction.

Strawberries contain organic acids. These components dissolve kidney stones.

Beneficial properties of strawberries

Garden strawberries are rich in natural properties that help people fight various diseases, from constipation to atherosclerosis and diabetes. Strawberry berries are often used in the diet or in cosmetology by girls who want to look younger and more attractive.

Medicinal qualities of strawberries

Garden strawberries have a beneficial effect on the body and human health in general, strengthen the immune system and allow you to get rid of some ailments:

  • has an antimicrobial effect, delivers natural aspirin to the body, relieves various headaches, joint, periodic and other pains;
  • disaccharides activate the production of glucose in the body, so berries are useful for diabetes;
  • an abundance of magnesium and potassium improves heart function;
  • fiber normalizes intestinal function, prevents constipation, and when combined with pepsin, blood vessels are cleansed;
  • strawberry masks have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the skin, providing it with radiance;
  • berry juice whitens teeth and makes breath fresh.

Garden strawberries are considered an easily digestible product that charges a person with energy. Absorption occurs in 20-25 minutes without a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.


Benefits of nutrients

The positive effect that garden strawberries have on the human body is determined by the presence of the necessary components:

  • iron is a source of hemoglobin;
  • boron is a constituent element of bone, muscle tissue, and blood cells;
  • iodine has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • copper disinfects the body;
  • fluoride strengthens tooth enamel;
  • organic acids can dissolve kidney stones.

Beneficial properties of roots and leaves

The garden "Victoria" has useful properties not only of its fruits, but also of its roots and leaves. These components of the plant are often used to prepare various medicinal products that treat many diseases and improve health.

Among the main beneficial qualities of the roots and leaves of the plant are:

  • The composition contains a high level of tannins. For this reason, remedies from roots and leaves improve digestion, they have an astringent, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory effect. They alleviate the condition of diseases of the stomach, intestines, and respiratory organs.
  • Eliminate swelling and remove excess fluid from the body due to its diuretic effect.
  • They have a positive effect on the nervous system. Decoctions and teas relieve stress, fatigue, neuroses, depression, normalize sleep, and eliminate insomnia.
  • Bring blood pressure levels back to normal.
  • Eliminate pain in the throat, relieve cough syndrome, and have an expectorant effect.
  • Helps quickly cope with diarrhea, stomach and intestinal upsets.
  • Normalize blood circulation, vascular and heart function.
  • Decoctions, infusions, teas from roots, sepals, leaves have a beneficial effect on hair, skin, and nail plates.


Folk recipes

To improve the functioning of internal organs, increase immunity, strengthen the body from roots, leaves, sepals, it is worth doing the following:

  • Decoction of leaves. Place a handful of leaves into a container and add a glass of warm water. Afterwards it is placed on the fire and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Next, remove the container, leave it to stand for half an hour, and then strain. It is recommended to drink with high blood pressure, to prevent cardiovascular pathologies, strengthen the body, and can also be used to gargle for colds.
  • Infusion. 2-3 tbsp is poured into a jar or thermos. spoons of strawberry leaves and pour in 500 ml of hot water. You need to insist for 30 minutes. You should drink it if you have diarrhea.
  • Tea made from leaves or tails. You can put a handful of leaves or tails into a teapot and fill it with hot water. It should be brewed in the same way as regular tea. The drink helps with high blood pressure, heart and vascular problems, it improves sleep, eliminates depression, overwork, and neuroses.


Strawberry treatment

Strawberries are recommended even in the treatment of sclerosis, because the substances they contain support the nervous system and the body as a whole. In addition, it has a huge range of possibilities for treating diseases of the digestive system, which is why it has gained the greatest popularity as a medicinal product. It is able to cope perfectly with constipation, normalizes digestion due to its natural origin, and also helps to normalize metabolism and thereby promote weight loss. For thyroid diseases, strawberries can provide excellent treatment support, including inflammation, as they are excellent at fighting germs.

Strawberries help well with:

  • kidney problems;
  • poor functioning of the urinary tract;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • poor immunity;
  • problems with the stomach or intestines;
  • anemia;
  • skin diseases;
  • fatigue and depression;
  • insomnia.

Strawberries can help you with kidney diseases, in particular, strawberry juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, helps fight gallstone disease. In addition, it has a mild diuretic effect, and also quite quickly and naturally reduces blood sugar levels.

Strawberries are excellent for helping with swelling, because... helps remove excess fluid from the body. It is also invaluable for beauty: regular use slightly slows down the aging process, nourishes the body, promotes good appetite, and the antioxidants it contains can even lift your mood.

As for the medicinal properties, not only strawberries are used, but also leaves, stems and even roots. The leaves are most often used because they can be stored for a very long time.

To make tea, take 2 large strawberry leaves or 2 tsp. crushed raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for several minutes. This tea should be drunk several times a day, adding honey for a more pleasant taste. It is a real storehouse of vitamins, and also promotes urine excretion and lowers blood pressure. The tea is excellent if you have stones or other problems with the bladder, or if there is stagnation of bile in the body.

If you have a sore throat, you can make an infusion of strawberry leaves to gargle with. To do this, you need to pour 5-10 dried strawberry leaves into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and keep for more than half an hour. It is excellent for treating various digestive system problems, including diarrhea or poisoning.

Strawberries for the heart

Large amounts of potassium and magnesium help fight stroke, stimulate proper heart function, and also normalize blood pressure. In addition, strawberries are able to stimulate the conduction of nerve impulses, thereby ensuring mental stability, increased thinking ability and protection against depression. All this became possible due to the fact that strawberries help the brain to be better saturated with oxygen and also contain substances that elevate mood. Strawberries also help blood, like almost all red berries and fruits: the copper and iron they contain stimulate the formation of blood cells.

Berry infusion

To make an infusion of strawberries, take several large fresh berries, mash thoroughly, place in a glass container and add 250 ml of boiling water. Leave the resulting infusion for half an hour, and then regularly gargle with it several times a day.


For various problems, complex wounds and ulcers, you can use a strawberry bandage. To make a strawberry dressing, take a ripe berry, quickly dip it in boiling water, and then mash well with a fork. It can be applied to wounds and ulcers, then you need to carefully cover the top with a film and leave it like that for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly.

For inflamed skin, bandages made from lingonberries, which have an antibacterial effect, are excellent.

Special Application

Strawberries are also widely known as an aphrodisiac, that is, as a means of increasing sexual desire. It helps to relax, increases sensuality and helps partners reveal their desires.

A little more history: it’s not for nothing that products for the over 18-year-old category are called strawberries. The most famous philologist of Russia, Vinogradov, in his book “The History of Words” says that the basis for this funny term was laid by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. If you remember, in his famous book “Dead Souls” there is a character, Lieutenant Kuvshinnikov, who was famous for his adventures and passion for the female sex, which he himself called: “taking advantage of strawberries.” It is with the popularity of “Dead Souls” that this berry is associated with the humorous name of erotica.

Application in cosmetology

Strawberries are often used in cosmetology to prepare various products for skin and hair. The berry improves the skin, makes it more elastic, fresh, and stimulates hair growth.

Strawberries can be used to prepare the following homemade cosmetics:

  • Mask. It can be made from strawberry pulp. It tightens pores, cleanses the skin, makes it elastic and firm. The cover is saturated with vitamins, becomes fresh and velvety.
  • The pulp can be mixed with honey. The mask will moisturize the skin and make its structure uniform.
  • A mask made of strawberry pulp and white clay will smooth out fine wrinkles and have a softening effect.
  • The juice has a whitening effect and removes freckles and age spots.


Contraindications and harm

The berry has the following contraindications:

  • Having allergies. Sometimes when using Victoria, severe redness of the skin, rashes, and itching are noted.
  • Gastritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Intolerance to pharmaceutical aspirin.

Seasonal strawberries should be given to children over one year of age with caution. It is better to use it in the form of complementary foods at first; you should start with a few berries. At the height of the season, babies are allowed to give no more than 100-120 grams per day.

Please note: Strawberries are a healthy berry that must be present in the diet. But you should still eat natural fruits, not purchased ones, but from your own garden. They definitely do not contain harmful nitrates, pesticides and other chemical components.

It is recommended to eat several kilograms per season. Don’t forget about the roots, leaves, and tails of the plant: they also have great benefits, so you can make various decoctions, infusions, and teas from them.

Benefits of leaves and roots

Strawberries are valued not only for their fruits; the leaves and rhizomes are also useful:

It is not recommended to prepare any drinks from the leaves for pregnant women, young mothers during lactation and people with increased stomach secretions.

Strawberries during pregnancy

Garden strawberries are rich in minerals and vitamins, so they are not prohibited for pregnant women. A high content of folic acid contributes to the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. The main thing is not to overuse the berries and pour boiling water over them first. When breastfeeding, strawberries are contraindicated until you consult a doctor.

Can children eat strawberries?

Strawberries can be used as complementary food even for one-year-old children. It should be introduced into the diet in small quantities, making sure that allergies do not appear. Only the first and early fruits should be discarded, as they usually contain pesticides and nitrates.

It is enough for children to give 100-120 g of berries daily during the season. They are beneficial for the child’s body:

Benefits for men

Strawberries are very beneficial for the male body:

Strawberries are a well-known and delicious natural aphrodisiac.

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