Macadamia nut - beneficial properties, harm and methods of use


Calorie content per 100 g is 718 kcal. Nutritional composition:

  • Proteins – 7.91 g
  • Fat – 75.77 g
  • Carbohydrates – 13.82 g
  • Dietary fiber – 8.6 g
  • Water – 1.36 g
  • Ash – 1.14 g.

Table with the content of vitamins and minerals:

VitaminsAmount in mg
RR (NE)2.473

The composition also includes carbohydrates - fructose (0.07 g), sucrose (4.43 g), glucose (0.07 g), starch (1.05 g) and sugars (4.57 g). Essential, non-essential and fatty acids are also present. The most valuable of them are Omega-3 (0.206 g) and Omega-6 (1.296 g).

In folk medicine

Macadamia is considered one of the most healing nuts. Therefore, it is often recommended to be used by specialists in the field of traditional medicine to get rid of all kinds of ailments.

For heart

Macadamia nuts, due to their potassium and sodium content, help improve heart function. It is indicated for use in heart failure and for the prevention of myocardial infarction due to coronary heart disease.

The nut also contains a lot of monounsaturated fats, due to which it removes “bad” cholesterol from the blood vessels.

For immunity

A few macadamia nuts a day are a great way to strengthen your immune system. The nut affects the immune system in several directions at once. Selenium is necessary for the normal functioning of immune cells, so the nut strengthens the body's defense against infection. And thanks to the high content of vitamins, it helps to avoid vitamin deficiency, which often causes a decrease in immunity during the cold season.

For weight loss

Macadamia nut improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones produced by it are involved in all types of metabolism. Therefore, regular consumption of small quantities of this nut helps in weight loss. True, we must not forget about the high calorie content of macadamia (just 200 grams contain 1500 kilocalories, that is, they practically cover a person’s daily energy requirement).

To maintain beneficial intestinal microflora

Macadamia is a healthy nut for people suffering from dysbiosis. Normalization of microflora occurs due to strengthening of the immune system, which gains the ability to fight pathogenic microorganisms. Macadamia contains a lot of dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestines and enhances peristalsis. In addition, macadamia has anti-inflammatory properties and has a direct effect on harmful microbes that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract.

To strengthen bone tissue

The minerals contained in the kernels of the nut strengthen bone tissue. This is very important both for the child’s body and for women who have entered menopause. A few nuts a day can provide the body with the necessary amount of calcium and phosphorus, which help prevent bone loss, that is, osteoporosis.

For brain and nervous system function

The nut contains a large amount of B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. In addition, the fats contained in macadamia protect nerve cells and improve conductivity.

For the treatment of arthritis

Macadamia nut accelerates metabolic processes and promotes tissue regeneration, making this nut indicated for the treatment of arthritis. The healing effect is achieved due to the high content of a substance called Omega-3, which strengthens cartilage tissue and reduces the intensity of inflammation.

Beneficial features

Since it is a rich source of fats and amino acids, it is simply irreplaceable for the prevention of atherosclerosis. This is especially important in old age, when the risk of developing the disease is increased. Thanks to the presence of magnesium and potassium, macadamia lowers blood pressure, removes toxins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. All this together helps prevent stroke and myocardial infarction.

The product is useful for the following organs:

  • Intestines. The fruits help cleanse it of toxins, eliminate dysbacteriosis and flatulence, and ease the course of colitis. The latter property is associated with a high percentage of dietary fiber.
  • Brain. Zinc and iron included in the product improve concentration, short- and long-term memory, and mental activity.
  • Joints and teeth. A high percentage of calcium in the composition helps strengthen bones and enamel, slows down the destruction of dentin and reduces the risk of developing arthritis, osteoporosis, and osteochondrosis.
  • Leather. Due to the presence of potassium and manganese, it remains fit, fresh, with a healthy glow. This also causes acceleration of tissue regeneration after injuries and burns.
  • Diabetes. Zinc and manganese contained in the pulp help reduce blood glucose levels. This is only relevant for type 2 disease.

Macadamia nut has a beneficial effect on the body, protecting it from premature aging, deactivating pathogenic bacteria and accelerating cell renewal. Regular use of the product allows you to resist the attacks of cancer cells. Since it contains vitamin C and folic acid, the immune system is strengthened, which is vital for anemia. This helps protect yourself from influenza, ARVI and other viruses.

How to open a nut?

Health food stores offer macadamia nuts with small cuts in the shell. Together with them they sell a special key - a metal plate similar to a pick. To open a nut, you should hold it firmly with one hand, and with the other, insert the key into the gap in the shell and turn it 90 degrees. A characteristic click is a sign that the nut has been peeled. The kernel is freed from the shell. Macadamia nuts can be consumed immediately.

Nut key

If you don’t have the key, it doesn’t matter, you can open the nut using improvised methods:

  • Using a hammer. For convenience and safety, take foam rubber insulation for pipes of small diameter, cut a small ring (4-6 cm high). Place the nut in the middle of the ring and gently hit it with a hammer. The nut will not slip out, and you will not harm the furniture or your hands.
  • Clamp the nut with pliers and gently hit it several times with a hammer. The impact force should be moderate, so as to only crack the shell and not damage the kernel.
  • If you have a regular nut cracker , use it. Control the pressure so as not to turn the nut into mush.
  • You can use a vice . The nut is fixed between the plates of a vice. A couple of blows are struck with a hammer. When the vice is loosened, the shell comes off easily, but the kernel remains intact.
  • If none of the above is nearby , take a table knife with a rounded end, insert it into the slot of the nut and turn it. Choose a table knife, so you don’t injure your fingers.

If using improvised means, be extremely careful not to injure your hands.

[Video] How to open a nut without a key? The easiest way:

Areas and methods of application

The nut is used both in its pure form and in combination with vegetables, dairy products, and fruits. It is acceptable to eat it raw, salted or fried. It is actively used in cooking, perfume production, folk medicine, cosmetology for preparing oil and in diets (the most popular is Hampton's). Macadamia is recommended to be included in the menu of vegetarians, vegans, and raw food dieters due to the content of polyunsaturated fats and proteins.

In cooking

The product serves as an excellent filling for desserts - chocolates, bars, ice cream, tiramisu. It is suitable for decorating cakes, pies, pastries, buns, coconut balls. Its use is relevant in cold salads, especially Greek ones. Oil is prepared from it, which is used for seasoning vegetables and fruits and making sweets. In its pure form, the fruits are served with Sherry wine and coffee.

The enormous benefits and taste properties of macadamia make dishes sweet, tender, aromatic and original. Due to the high percentage of carbohydrates, they satisfy hunger faster and provide energy.

In folk medicine

The fruits are indicated for chronic fatigue, apathy, stress, vitamin deficiency, and colds. They alkalize the body and prevent the appearance of tumors. They are consumed raw, after peeling. Here are a couple of the most interesting recipes:

  • Strengthening the immune system. Nuts (100 g), lemon (half with zest), prunes (100 g), dried apricots (50 g) and raisins (50 g) are twisted in a meat grinder, mixed with honey (3 tbsp.), poured into a jar and keep for a day in the refrigerator. Eat the finished product 2 tbsp. l. morning a day, but not on an empty stomach, for a month.
  • Cleansing the body. The main ingredient (5 tbsp) is poured with salted water (2 cups) and left in a warm place for a day. The strained infusion is drunk in small sips on an empty stomach, 100 ml once a day for one week.

If we are talking about consuming the product in its pure form, then it is advisable to do this 1-2 hours before the main meal.

In cosmetology

In this area, it is usually not the nut that is used, but its oil. It serves as the basis for creating masks, milk, sprays, lotions and creams. The pulp of the fruit is only suitable for preparing cleansing scrubs. Since these ingredients contain vitamin E, products with them moisturize the skin well and are suitable for dry skin types. They soothe, brighten and tighten the dermis, relieve inflammation.

There are the following recipes for effective remedies:

  • Cleansing
    . The pulp of the main ingredient is ground in a blender, 1 tsp. The gruel is mixed with homemade sour cream (1 tsp) and honey (2 tsp). The finished mass is applied to the face with massage movements and left for 10 minutes.
  • Moisturizing.
    Crushed nuts (1 tbsp) are combined with applesauce (3 tsp) and honey (2 tsp). At the end, add 10 drops of lemon juice and lubricate the face with the mass, removing it after 15 minutes.
  • Calming.
    Beat one yolk into macadamia oil (20 ml), add 1 tbsp. l. kefir and 40 g oatmeal. The mask is applied in a thin layer and left for 15 minutes.

The products are used 1-2 times a week immediately after cleansing the skin with lotion.

For weight loss

Since this healthy product is high in calories, it does not contribute to rapid weight loss on its own. A small weight loss is possible by cleansing the intestines of toxins and other “garbage”. The purpose of the nut is to saturate the body and suppress the feeling of hunger, this allows you to eat less food and restore metabolism. To achieve such results, the fruits should be eaten 20-30 minutes before meals. The daily norm is no more than 30-40 g, however, it is recommended to increase the daily volume of water to 1.5-2 liters.


Macadamia oil is obtained by cold pressing. There are three main types of macadamia nuts that are pressed. What’s interesting is that no matter what grade is used, the end result is oil with almost identical properties. The composition is close to spermaceti, an oil obtained from marine mammals.

Macadamia seed oil has a barely noticeable nutty scent and a delicate texture. When stored correctly - in a dark place and in a tightly closed container - macadamia oil does not lose its beneficial properties for a very long time.

Another property for which macadamia oil is valued in cosmetology is the absence of greasy shine and film after application. The composition is quickly absorbed, so it is often used as the basis for creams for the cold season.

Macadamia oil is considered a luxury product, so the cost of cosmetics with this component is quite high.

Recommendations for preparation and consumption

To avoid excess fat in the body (daily requirement is about 80 g), it is recommended to eat no more than 10-15 nuts per day. For gastrointestinal diseases, a break of 2-3 days is necessary. The indicated amount is quite enough to saturate an adult, physically active person.

Macadamia goes well with the following ingredients:

  • cheeses – “feta” and “Adyghe”;
  • vegetables – Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • fruits - apples, pomegranate, avocado;
  • chocolate;
  • honey;
  • seafood - shrimp, mussels, crabs.

The nut is used only to complement the main dish, as a filling or flavor enhancer.

Use in cooking

The nut brings more beneficial properties in its raw form. But in cooking it is often used as an ingredient or addition to dishes:

  1. Snacks are prepared from fried or salted nuts.
  2. Drizzle with chocolate or caramel and serve as dessert.
  3. In crumb form, add to salads or dressings.
  4. Sprinkle or add to dough in baked goods.

Connoisseurs of the nut believe that the taste is best revealed in combination with dark chocolate, a glass of sherry or strong coffee.

Possible harm and contraindications

The product can be used by absolutely everyone in the absence of individual intolerance, which is rare. Since it is difficult for the stomach, it is not recommended to eat more than 15-20 g at a time for children, the elderly and pregnant women. The same applies to patients with gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. This limitation is due to the content of dietary fiber in the pulp, which can “scratch” the mucous membrane.

Macadamia can only cause harm in cases of hypertension and obesity due to its high carbohydrate content. In this case, it is recommended to add it to salads, desserts and baked goods, and not eat it in its pure form. You should also be vigilant if you are allergic to peanuts or hazelnuts, since their compositions are almost identical.

Macadamia nut: contraindications

Nuts are highly allergic products, so they should be used with caution and if signs of intolerance appear in the form of itching, rash, shortness of breath, vomiting, swelling of the larynx, stop taking them and consult a specialist. If you consume more than what is recommended by nutritionists, you may gain weight.


  • individual intolerance;
  • breastfeeding (first 4-6 months);
  • children under three years of age (the body lacks enzymes for digestion, possible entry into the respiratory tract);
  • pregnancy (only as prescribed by a doctor);
  • diseases associated with the digestive system;
  • obesity.

If you have other illnesses, use should be discussed with your doctor.

Tips for selection and storage

Here are 7 points to pay attention to when choosing fruits:

  1. Appearance - a ripe nut has a diameter of 1 to 2 cm and the shape of a slightly flattened ball, it looks like a white bean. It is better to buy it in peeled form, since the shell is difficult to remove yourself. The surface should be smooth, milky in color, and slightly shiny.
  2. The taste is usually sweet, like butter, and pronounced, without bitterness.
  3. The pulp is fatty and not very hard, easy to chew. Raw fruits are more valuable than fried ones.
  4. The smell is practically non-existent, reminiscent of the aroma of hazelnuts.
  5. Packaging must be hermetically sealed, vacuum or metal, moisture-proof.
  6. Ingredients – no additional ingredients (salt, spices, sugar, honey, chocolate) that interrupt your own taste are welcome.
  7. Country of origin - the main exporters are Australia, Mexico, South Africa, China.

To avoid the absorption of foreign odors, the fruits are placed in a glass container, covered with a lid and sent to the refrigerator. Their shelf life here is up to 4 months, and in the freezer – about six months. You can extend their “life” by drying them - they do not like high moisture. Macadamia nuts are one of the most expensive nuts on the market, but they are definitely worth it!

Where and how does macadamia grow?

In fact, humanity might never know the taste of the Australian nut. Colonizers who landed on the shores of Australia began to actively clear the territory and destroyed about 80% of all macadamia trees. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, after the discovery of the valuable properties of nuts, efforts began to restore plantations of unique trees.

Currently, the largest macadamia plantations are located in Australia, South Africa and Hawaii, where the nut was introduced in the late 19th century. Industrial cultivation of walnuts began in the 70s of the last century. Modern technologies make it possible to grow exotic nuts in greenhouse conditions.

Certain varieties of macadamia are suitable for this:

  • Integrifolia.
  • Ternifolia.
  • Tetraphylla.

Growing evergreen macadamia trees is difficult. They love fertile, well-drained soil. Excessive amounts of water harm the growth and development of macadamia trees. Plantations require careful care - nuts die due to weeds and parasites. An adult specimen begins to bear fruit at 7-10 years of age. The lifespan of a tree is about 100 years.

The harvested crop is placed in a special device, where the soft outer shell is removed from each nut using rollers.

At the next stage, the macadamia undergoes pre-drying. It is necessary to remove excess moisture, which can cause germination, spoilage of the nut, and the appearance of mold. If this stage is ignored, the nuts acquire an unpleasant color and a bitter taste. Drying takes place in special chambers at a temperature of 25°C.

Next comes the main drying stage. In chambers at a temperature of 35°C, residual moisture evaporates. After this, the kernel is completely separated from the hard shell, and a dull thud is heard when the nut is shaken.

At the final stage, the nuts are completely cleaned or the shells are cut for ease of opening with a key. In industrial conditions, macadamia is split with durable, sharp blades made from an alloy of carbide and tungsten.

It is difficult to grow macadamia in a greenhouse or at home. The nut requires high humidity and a constant temperature of +25°C. But even if all the requirements are met, you will not be able to get the fruits. All that remains is to purchase the finished product in health food stores.

[Video] how macadamia grows:

Role in weight loss

Consuming macadamia nuts wisely is known to actually help you lose weight. Many people do not understand how this high-calorie product contributes to the process of weight loss.

The composition contains palmitoleic acid, which speeds up metabolism and helps get rid of excess fat reserves.

Using macadamia nuts as a snack saturates the body with healthy fats, gradually reducing cravings for sweets. The body learns to live not on carbohydrates, but on healthy fats. This is extremely important for maintaining the results achieved in losing weight.

Plant fiber has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, cleansing it of waste and toxins, which is also important when losing weight.

Antioxidants and omega-9 fatty acids strengthen the immune system and help cope with chronic inflammatory processes in the body, which often cause obesity.

A nut snack gives you energy and has a positive effect on a person’s mental state. And this, as you know, also plays a role in proper nutrition. Many overeating occurs precisely because of nervousness and during periods of stress.

In order for a high-calorie nut to be beneficial and promote weight loss, it is important not just to start eating it in addition to your usual food. It is necessary to replace food with them, and not supplement, for example, nuts instead of flour and sweets. Otherwise, excess weight will only begin to increase.

Macadamia in cosmetology

Due to its unique restorative properties, macadamia oil is widely used in cosmetology. It can be used as a stand-alone product or as part of various cosmetic products. Regular use of creams and masks allows you to achieve such effects as tightening the facial skin, reducing facial wrinkles, evening out complexion, and removing age-related pigmentation. For its unsurpassed qualities, the oil was called the Australian elixir of youth.

Cosmetics based on macadamia oil can be used for thin, sensitive and allergy-prone skin. Creams and lotions are quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling on the face and body.

Macadamia oil can speed up the process of skin regeneration - it is used to treat various wounds, abrasions and burns. With regular use, they even get rid of scars, scars, and cellulite.

Shampoos and balms with macadamia oil work wonders - strengthen hair follicles, accelerate growth, restore damaged hair, restoring its shine and beauty. This effect occurs due to the oil’s ability to enhance blood microcirculation in the scalp.

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