Macadamia: benefits and harm for women and men, calorie content, nut composition

Chemical composition of macadamia nut

These are the nuts of all. They contain almost all useful microelements: manganese (4 mg), zinc (1 mg), copper, selenium (757 mcg), (3 mcg), iron (3 mg).

The benefit lies in the high content of macroelements - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium.
Vitamin composition: C, E, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9.

How to lose weight with Australian nuts

The nutritional value of macadamia helps speed up metabolism and, as a result, leads to weight loss.
Even despite its high calorie content, nutrition experts classify it as a dietary product that promotes weight loss. It is enough to eat 20 g of nuts a day as a snack, adhere to proper nutrition, do not forget about physical activity, and weight loss will go much faster.

The unique chemical composition of nuts helps reduce appetite, and the palmitoleic acid present in them reduces fat deposits and increases the rate of their breakdown. The dietary fiber in their composition is able to “deceive” digestion, providing a quick process of saturation with a very small amount of food eaten.

Calorie content and nutritional value of nuts

The kernels are saturated with fats and dietary fiber, so their calorie content scares people who count calories. In reality, a person is simply not able to consume 100 g of macadamia at a time.

Calorie calculation for different weights:

  • per 100 g – 717.8 kcal;
  • per 2 g (one nut) – 14.3 kcal;
  • for 100 g butter – 844 kcal;
  • per tablespoon (17 g) – 143 kcal;
  • per tea (5 g) – 42.2 kcal.

In addition to caloric content, nutritional value and dietary fat are important for the diet.

100 g of kernels contain:

  • proteins – 7.9 g;
  • fats – 75.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.2 g.

Be sure to read: Hazelnuts: beneficial properties, calorie content per 100 grams

In addition, the fruits contain 1 g of water, ash, omega-6, 8 g of fiber, 4 g of sugars and 0.2 g of omega-3.

Macadamia and the keto diet

The BJU ratio is one of the most important components of an effective fight against excess weight. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume in food. The keto diet, based on consuming large amounts of fat and limiting carbohydrates in the diet, encourages the body to begin producing energy from fat.

The keto diet is a proven way to effectively lose weight and produce more energy for your body. Due to this, lethargy and apathy are eliminated, vital energy appears. As reviews show, such a diet contributes to a significant increase in mental activity.

The basis of the keto diet is to create a daily diet that consists of:

  • 70% fat.
  • 20% proteins.
  • 5-10% carbohydrates.

Macadamia nut, whose KBJU is ideal for the ketogenic diet, is actively used by its fans.

However, it must be taken into account that excluding carbohydrates from the diet leads to increased load on the liver. Therefore, the keto diet is prohibited for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for people with chronic diseases and diabetics.

When planning a diet, you need to decide how much nuts to eat during the day. Recommended dose: 60 grams for men and 40 grams for women . Every person who plans to go on a keto diet should clearly understand how many calories are contained in 1 macadamia grain - this will allow accurate calculations.

One piece of shelled macadamia nut weighs on average 3 g , and its calorie content is approximately 21 kcal. 100 grams of macadamia contains 718 kcal. To accurately count calories, you can use a scale. Knowing how much a certain portion weighs, you can calculate its calorie content. If the nuts are unshelled, they should be peeled and weighed.

Benefits of macadamia nuts

The fruits have a general strengthening property due to the increased content of a complex of vitamins. They are recommended to be included in the diet for vitamin deficiency, after major operations (during the recovery period).

The most valuable effect of consumption is antioxidant.

Nuclei freeze the aging process and reduce the risk of developing benign and malignant tumors. The nut fights depression, restores the functioning of the central nervous system, relieves chronic fatigue, improves mood, muscle tone, and performance.

Macadamia stimulates the immune system, increases the body's ability to fight infection, colds, and parasites.

Nutritionists love the plant for its ability to accelerate metabolism and reduce weight. Despite their high calorie content, nuts are included in the menu for athletes losing weight after winter or before competitions.

For women and men

Certain miraculous qualities of the nut will help maintain women's and men's health, strengthen the body of a pregnant or postpartum girl, and participate in the development of the fetus.

Despite the high cost, doctors actively recommend the product to people with problems in their sex life.

Benefits for womenBenefits for men
  • Normalization of the psycho-emotional state during the period of fertility and menstruation;
  • replenishment of energy balance, increased activity;
  • improving the appearance, condition of the skin, nails, hair, teeth;
  • relieving spasms, migraines;
  • reducing the risk of developing varicose veins
  • Ensuring the normal functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • prolongation of erection, increased potency;
  • acceleration of brain function;
  • removal of toxins (the nut fights hangover syndrome);
  • stroke prevention

For the elderly

Using the nut in the menu of people over 50-60 years of age reduces the risk of heart disease, relieves headaches, increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients, dilating and strengthening blood vessels.

Despite the increased fat content, the product helps to dissolve cholesterol and generally increase the volume of blood cells, which is useful for those suffering from anemia.

Be sure to read: Benefits of pistachios for the body: calorie content per 100 grams, features of consumption

The calcium contained in the fruits is well absorbed and strengthens the bone and cartilage system. Elderly people often suffer from leaching of this microelement, which leads to injuries: fractures of the limbs, resolution of joint tissues.

Macadamia nut for children

Of course, the nut is useful for any age, but it is recommended to introduce it into the diet from 4-5 years old, so as not to overload a child’s fragile body with fats.

Some experts believe that regular consumption of kernel powder will help children avoid and even cure rickets.

In fact, the fruit contains almost all the required amount of microelements for the body. Therefore, delicious pastries, sweets or drinks with macadamia crumbs will benefit children, saturate their bones with calcium, give them energy, and strengthen their nervous system.

Macadamia for health

Macadamia not only has an incredible taste, but also incredibly beneficial properties for the body; when consumed regularly, a person receives all the necessary nutrients by adding just a few nuts to his diet.

The cardiovascular system

Numerous studies show that eating Australian nuts has a preventive effect on the heart and blood vessels, and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. According to a study published in the Oxford University scientific journal The Journal of Nutrition, nuts help remove bad cholesterol from the body and cleanse the blood and blood vessels. The monounsaturated fatty acids they contain reduce the level of triglycerides, which helps maintain the strength of the walls of blood vessels. This reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.

The chemical composition of the fruit helps increase hemoglobin and improves blood clotting, normalizing platelet levels.


Macadamia nuts contain flavonoids, the main benefit of which is to prevent toxins from entering the human body from the outside. Once in the body, flavonoids are converted into antioxidants, which are responsible for searching for free radicals in the body and destroying them.

Studies have shown that nuts containing phenolic acids can resist the formation of cancerous tumors, so in Australia patients with cancer pathologies must eat them.

Nervous system

The beneficial properties of macadamia are indispensable for the normalization of brain function, so thanks to the copper, thiamine, magnesium and manganese contained in it, neurotransmitters, which are responsible for sending signals to the brain, are strengthened. Oleic acid, which the fruit is rich in, protects neurons in the brain. Therefore, by consuming the product, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Macadamia contains a large amount of omega-9, which is an essential substance for the brain, due to this:

  • mood improves,
  • memory develops
  • blood supply to the brain improves,
  • The cognitive functions of the brain are protected.

Interesting! Australians suffering from migraines have noticed that macadamia can relieve headaches. This occurs due to the improvement of cerebral circulation due to the potassium and magnesium contained in nuts.


Do you want strong teeth and bones? Eat macadamia. Thanks to their potassium and calcium content, Australian nuts prevent bone demineralization, and phosphorus strengthens teeth. Macadamia should be included in the diet of people suffering from kidney disease, since such pathologies disrupt mineral metabolism in the body and lead to problems with the bone system.

Nuts contain a large amount of manganese, which prevents the effects of kidney pathologies on bones. Just 5-6 nuts a day are enough for all the nutrients necessary for healthy bones and teeth to be transported through the blood to their destination without any problems.

What else is a nut good for?

In its homeland in Australia, the macadamia nut is considered almost miraculous, due to its too extensive list of beneficial properties for the body.

  1. Nuts are indispensable for people with diabetes, since consuming the fruits normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  2. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, especially in the lower intestines
  3. Blood pressure returns to normal.
  4. Chronic fatigue syndrome disappears.

Omega-3, contained in nuts, is an excellent prevention of the initial stages of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases of the joints.

Women should not forget about macadamia during pregnancy; consuming the nut can reduce the likelihood of varicose veins.

Useful properties and uses of macadamia oil

This product is a favorite among cosmetologists and technical manufacturers of shower gels, shampoos, and masks.

Macadamia tree oil promotes rapid absorption and hydration, thereby better nourishing the skin and hair follicles.

The nut consists of 80% unsaturated fatty acids, which are also found in the human body, and therefore does not irritate or cause allergic reactions.

Macadamia strengthens nail plates and hair. Under its influence, the hairstyle acquires volume, healthy shine, and silkiness. The resulting protective film prolongs the effect of the oil and protects hairs from damage.

The product is also used to make medicinal cosmetic preparations that cool burn wounds and straighten scars. Another property is the acceleration of blood circulation in the skin capillaries.

Contraindications for use

Macadamia nuts should not be consumed if you have the following diseases::

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • blockage of the biliary tract;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery, post-infarction and post-stroke condition;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • cholecystitis.

Macadamia is rich in vitamins and mineral compounds . It contains 8 essential amino acids. Plant proteins are easily absorbed by muscles, carbohydrates cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of waste materials and toxins.

Most of the nutritional value of the product comes from fats, represented by saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The latter have a beneficial effect on metabolism, restore skin elasticity, and the natural structure of nails and hair.

Macadamia nut in cooking for the benefit of the body

In Australian culture, kernels are used to prepare all kinds of traditional dishes: bread, sweets, salads.

But only a true gourmet will appreciate the taste of macadamia; the average person will be disappointed by the overly expensive hazelnut-like nut. In fact, the exotic plant is distinguished by its softness and spice, which cannot always be felt (especially if the kernels are not ripe).

Be sure to read: Chickpeas, what they are: benefits and harms, calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The most common product is macadamia oil. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in cooking. Due to their properties to break down fats and remove toxins, they replace harmful salad dressings and frying materials.

An interesting experiment - raw healthy candies.

To prepare them you will need 150 grams of nuts, dates, chia seeds (or any other), 2 tablespoons of cocoa, half a glass of nut butter. The ingredients are ground in a blender, and the resulting mass is rolled into balls and cooled.

Raw healthy candy

The fruits go well with coffee drinks, spicy teas, and hot alcohol (mulled wine, grottoes). Nuts complement the taste of nutmeg wine and champagne; they complement a cheese or fruit plate well.

Fats and carbohydrates

Macadamia nuts contain significantly more fat than other types of nuts. Each serving of macadamia nuts contains 21.4 grams of fat . Compared:

Almonds have 14 grams. Cashews - 12.3 g fat per serving. Hazelnuts contain 17.2 g of fat.

Walnuts have 185 calories per serving (14 halves).

Compared to the calories in cashews (7 percent DV), and most other nuts, which provide 8-9 percent DV calories, macadamia nuts are not much different. Despite this, its caloric content may make it unsuitable as a dietary food.

People who follow low-calorie diets often feel that they should avoid high-calorie foods like nuts, despite their high nutritional value. There aren't many low-calorie nuts other than chestnuts, which only contain about 55 calories per serving. Of the tree nuts, chestnuts are probably the most different from macadamia nuts, other than their vitamin and mineral levels. For example, the oil content of chestnuts is 2.26 percent versus 75.77 percent for macadamia nuts.

Although high in fat and calories, macadamia nuts are a good choice for dieters . Eating in moderation will not cause weight gain and may even help with weight control. This means they can be one of the healthiest nuts if you're trying to combat problems like obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Macadamia nuts – how and how much to eat per day?

The daily norm is 5-10 pieces. A more precise dosage depends on your well-being and tolerance. The main thing is to keep it in moderation. Especially if you are trying it for the first time.

Many manufacturers coat their products with glazes, preservatives, salt or oils. I advise you to buy unshelled nuts. They retain their properties longer, do not go rancid, and are not damaged by pests.

Keep your purchase in a cool, dry place. Vegetable fats oxidize quickly, so do not store the kernels for a long time. It is better to open them immediately before use.

I like roasted nuts. Some authors advise baking for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. I do it simpler. I wash the peeled fruits, pour them into a dry frying pan, and put them on high heat. I leave it for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. I want them to brown slightly. I've never eaten anything tastier

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