Dietary tofu cheese: 8 reasons not to eat this “healthy” product

Genetic modification

In 1994, genetically modified soybeans first appeared on the US market. At that time, food prices continued to rise around the world, so the availability of non-GMO soybeans decreased. This prompted more Asian and American companies to purchase modified beans to make tofu. Today, about 90% of all soybeans on the US market are genetically modified, and since this soybean can be exported, it is possible that products made from it will also end up on Russian shelves.

Genetically modified foods cause many health problems, in particular, they kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which affects the functioning of the entire digestive system. Problems with the kidneys and liver appear, and chronic diseases may subsequently develop.

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What is soy cheese tofu

The history of the creation of the product goes back to the distant 2nd century BC, when a Chinese cook, in the process of preparing soybean puree, added a concentrated solution of nigari sea salt to improve the taste of the dish. As a result, the soy milk curdled, but the tasters liked the product.

Modern preparation technologies are similar to the original source: potassium sulfate, citric acid or sodium chloride are used for chemical reactions. The curdled product is pressed and placed in a container with water to isolate the cheese briquettes from foreign odors.

Destruction of the thyroid gland

Tofu is made from soy, and soy contains the isoflavone genistein, which blocks thyroid hormones. This can cause hypothyroidism.

Parents usually think they are making the right choice by choosing soy products. A study published in the Archives of Children's Diseases shows that children fed formula with soy increased the hormone that stimulates the growth of the thyroid gland. In very bad circumstances, this led to the development of a goiter.

Risks and side effects

Despite the many beneficial properties of this popular vegetable protein, tofu still has a number of contraindications that should also be taken into account.

First, in the US, most soy products are genetically modified. Some people try to minimize the consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and thereby protect themselves from the risk of developing antibiotic resistance and food allergies. When choosing organic tofu, rest assured that you are purchasing an all-natural, non-GMO product.

Soy allergies are also very popular. If present, it is very important to avoid tofu and other soy products. Moreover, if after consumption you experience unpleasant symptoms such as itching, rash and hives, eliminate all soy products from your diet and consult a doctor.

If your medical history includes hormone-sensitive types of cancer, such as breast cancer, for example, you should also limit the amount of soy products, since soy isoflavones can play the role of estrogen in the body. However, recent research suggests that consuming soy products is not associated with the risk of developing breast cancer.

In fact, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer suggests that regularly including tofu in the diet may reduce the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women.

The effect of tofu on brain function is also the subject of debate. Thus, one study claims that phytoestrogen can improve cognitive function and memory in older people. However, a 2008 study conducted in Loughborough, UK, concluded that due to phytoestrogen levels and possible toxins, large amounts of tofu may impair memory. Clearly, further research is needed to better understand the effects of tofu on our brain.

Tofu contains phytates, which maintain its firm structure. Phytates are a type of antinutrient that can bind to minerals like calcium and zinc, preventing them from being absorbed into the body. It also contains trypsin inhibitors, which slow down protein absorption and digestion.

Luckily, this shouldn't worry you, as tofu loses a lot of its antinutrients when soaked, cooked, and fermented.

Finally, soy contains goitrogens, substances that interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. For this reason, it is worth controlling the amount of soy you consume, especially if you are experiencing thyroid problems.


Soy contains phytic acid (phytate), one of the antinutrients found in tofu. In addition to it, scientists discovered in this cheese:

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  • Lectins and saponins reduce immunity and affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Oligosaccharides - promote gas formation in the stomach.
  • Oxalates - help the formation of kidney stones.
  • Protease inhibitors - interfere with the absorption of protein, which causes malnutrition, delayed development, pancreatitis.
  • Phytates - block the absorption of minerals, which causes a deficiency of zinc, iron and calcium.

Antinutrient levels do not decrease during cooking. Only if tofu undergoes the fermentation process do these compounds break down.

How often and how much can you eat bean curd?

Experts note positive changes in the fight against excess weight when eating tofu. But if you don’t control the amount of cottage cheese you eat, you can get a lot of problems. Nutritionists say that cheese contains large amounts of phytic acid. It is able to bind iron with calcium, zinc and magnesium during digestion.

It has been proven that in men who frequently consume tofu, the number and activity of sperm are greatly reduced. It is also advisable for people with problems with the endocrine system and children to exclude soy milk from their diet.

It is optimal to eat high-quality tofu once every few days, 50–100 g, if there are no contraindications. Despite the fact that tofu cheese has obvious benefits, it can also be harmful. Therefore, it is worth considering the characteristics of the body and possible contraindications before introducing the product into the diet.

Vitamin B12 and D deficiency

There are analogues of B12 in soy, but they cannot be used by the body like a real vitamin. Only a small part of the analogue is absorbed by the body, which replaces the original B12 by only 10% of the total requirement. If you constantly eat tofu, you may become deficient in this vitamin.

The same problem applies to vitamin D, since soy products such as tofu increase the need for this element.

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Gouda cheese on a diet. What kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight?

There are many types of cheese in stores, from which you need to choose a healthy one. All cheeses have a fat content percentage - this is what you should focus on first if you are interested in losing weight. Give preference to low-fat ones, which contain up to 20% fat. It should also contain a lot of protein - ideally about 30 grams.

Be sure to look at the composition, which determines the taste. Natural cheese suitable for losing extra pounds includes the following:

  • milk;
  • sourdough with lactic bacteria;
  • salt;
  • rennet enzymes;
  • beta-carotene (sometimes annatto extract) are natural dyes;
  • calcium chloride.

All additives in the form of palm oil, sodium nitrate and vegetable fat are harmful, so don’t even consider such options. If you want to lose extra pounds, experts advise buying cheeses in vacuum factory packaging. Products sold by weight harbor bacteria and mold.

Next, let’s find out what kind of cheese you can eat on a diet by looking at the least high-calorie and healthy varieties.


It is made from whey and does not contain simple milk proteins, but contains albumin protein. It is found in human blood, so it is absorbed especially quickly.

Low-calorie cheese contains approximately 172 kcal, and fat content varies between 8-20%. The amount of protein is small - about 11 g. The product contains a lot of vitamins and calcium.

When losing weight, it is better to choose Ricotta with 8% fat content, made from cow's milk.


It is prepared according to a Swedish recipe and has a recognizable taste with a nutty aroma. The cheese has a semi-hard consistency, and there are many small holes on the surface - salty droplets sometimes protrude from them.

This should not be confusing, but on the contrary, they give this product maximum benefits in the form of magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, B and D.

The calorie content of cheese is low - only 220 kcal per 100 g, but the amount of protein reaches 30-31 g.


The most delicate curd cheese, which is easily digestible, so you can eat it while losing weight. It is made by rennet ripening, that is, the raw material is partially broken down by special enzymes.

This technology retains maximum beneficial properties and vitamins.

The calorie content of cheese can reach 350 kcal per 100 g, so when losing weight you need to choose a variety made from skim milk - it contains no more than 150-160 kcal.


Tofu cheese holds the record for the lowest calorie content - 70-90 kcal per 100 g with a fat content of 5%. The amount of protein reaches 8-9 g. It contains many essential amino acids, and complete protein competes even with meat protein. The product is quickly absorbed and provides energy, which is often lacking when losing extra pounds.


An affordable low-calorie cheese, containing up to 240 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, and also supplies the body with fat-soluble vitamins. The dense consistency of the product allows it to be used on a diet for preparing salads and other low-calorie dishes.

Feta and Fetax

It contains almost no carbohydrates, so nutritionists give this product the green light when fighting extra pounds.

Even people with allergies to cow's milk are allowed, since Feta is made from sheep or goat. The calorie content of this cheese is not the lowest - about 290 kcal per 100 g, so do not rely on it on a diet.

Digestive problems

Unfermented soy products, such as tofu, contain strong enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin. This is an enzyme that is necessary for the digestion of proteins. In its absence, there can be no question of a healthy digestive process, but problems with the pancreas can arise at once.

There is a kind of paradox here: tofu blocks precisely those enzymes that help digest unfermented soy foods, which is what this cottage cheese is. Eating tofu can cause indigestion, bloating, and a variety of gastrointestinal problems.

Make tofu soup

Add chopped corn to salted meat or vegetable broth and cook. Add grated carrots, spices and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Now add 150 g of dense tofu, cut into cubes, one chopped leek, green peas. Bring to a boil. Serve with greens.

Tofu is a haven for the chef's imagination and a real chameleon among products. Even though it cannot boast of its own aroma, it, like a sponge, perfectly absorbs “neighboring” smells and tastes. At first glance, this may seem like a drawback, but in reality it is an undoubted advantage that turns tofu into a universal culinary soldier: the product goes well with any ingredients, no matter what dish you add it to, from appetizer to dessert. It can be eaten with fruits or herbs, or it can be fried, smoked and baked. And it also makes wonderful minced meat. Try and cook something delicious!

Heart problems

Tofu is known to many as a product that is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and an alternative to meat. Research has refuted these claims. One experiment was carried out on animals that were put on a diet of soy products. The study examined the effect of such food on the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes too thick, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood.

The study found that mice fed soy were prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. These results suggest that a diet rich in this product may have a negative impact on heart health.

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Feta cheese on a diet. What kind of cheese can you eat on a diet?

Low-carbohydrate varieties with a low glycemic index, low-calorie, and fat content up to 35% are optimal. On a diet, you can eat these in the morning, afternoon, evening. Best options:

  • tofu;
  • feta cheese;
  • curd;
  • Suluguni;
  • solid;
  • ricotta;
  • amber;
  • Mozzarella;
  • oltermanni;
  • Camembert;
  • Adyghe;
  • with different types of mold;
  • feta


Almost any diet allows you to eat Adyghe cheese. There is little fat in it, but it is enriched with calcium, phosphorus, and contains a number of vitamins - A, K, E, D. It is a proven and accessible source of magnesium, sodium, and valuable microelements - zinc, copper. It also contains enzymes that improve digestion and normalize microflora. Taking the product eliminates anxiety, improves sleep and mood.

The cheese is made from cow's milk, fermented whey, and pasteurized at high temperatures. The soft dietary product is distinguished by its fermented milk, spicy, slightly salty taste and delicate dense texture.


Tofu cheese is made from soy milk. The fermented milk product is rich in vegetable protein, iron, amino acids, calcium, and does not contain cholesterol. The cheese has a neutral taste, hard dense or soft silky consistency.


This variety eliminates digestive problems. Mozzarella is useful at any age. Ideally, it is prepared from the milk of black buffaloes or cows, in reality - more often from the whey of Anglo-Nubian goats.


Brine cheese is made from sheep, cow or goat milk. It is low in fat and high in protein, additionally containing calcium, vitamins B, C, E, and minerals. The product is stored in natural brine. Retains beneficial properties for 2-3 weeks.


Greek feta is good for your diet. It is made from sheep and goat milk and has a soft consistency, slightly salty taste and spicy aroma. The product is useful due to its high content of calcium, B vitamins, and phosphorus. Improves psycho-emotional background, copes with overeating.


Italian soft curd ricotta is prepared from low-fat cow or sheep whey, rich in albumin proteins, to which rennet is added. A nutritious and tasty product calms the nervous system, improves liver and immune function.

The cheese has a sweetish taste, does not have a sour smell, and contains vitamins A, E, K, D, potassium, and phosphorus. The product stimulates brain function, blocks hunger pangs and keeps you full for a long time.

Is there an alternative?

If a person is looking for a healthier source of protein without meat, these are the foods to consider:

  • Natto. A fermented soy product that has great health benefits and may reduce high blood pressure. It is an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Contains an enzyme that produces vitamin K2.
  • Tempe. Also made from fermented soybeans. Whole soybeans are used in production. Because of this, tempeh can lower cholesterol, strengthen bones, reduce menopause symptoms, and repair muscles. This product also contains the same amount of protein as meat, and a number of useful vitamins: B5, B6, B3 and B2.

Both of these products, like tofu, are made from soy, but they are fermented foods, which is their main difference.

Tofu was first prepared in China back in 206 BC. e. It later originated in Japan and eventually spread around the world at the same rate as Buddhism (the cheese is a common source of protein in the East Asian Buddhist diet). It is included in many traditional Asian diets and certainly has its health benefits. But it is still better to limit the consumption of unfermented soy products, especially if it is not known whether it is made from good soybeans or genetically modified ones.

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Processed cheese for weight loss. Kinds

Having figured out whether cheese is possible for weight loss, you can begin to ask what cheeses you can eat while on a diet. For example, is it possible to eat processed cheese while losing weight? What about cottage cheese for weight loss? One thing to remember is that the longer the cheese is aged, the more milk is used and therefore the more fat it contains. The truth is that the aging process itself causes significant loss of whey and gradual thickening. We are talking about very fatty cheeses that use a huge amount of milk to obtain such volume. It should also be noted that some cow breeds, such as Friesians, produce milk with a high concentration of fat.

All mature varieties are among the fattest. A 30-gram piece of cheese that takes four to seven months to mature provides plenty of calories and fat. Semi-ripe cheese, which has been aged for two to three months, is also not far behind in this contribution. So what kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight?

The following products are recommended:

  1. Feta. Made from sheep and goat milk. This addition to most summer salads is easily available without having to travel to Greece.
  2. Quark. Characterized by low calorie content and low fat content. It also has a creamy texture with a slight sour taste.
  3. Adyghe cheese. Low calorie content, suitable for weight loss.
  4. Tofu. Protein-rich dietary product, neutral taste.
  5. Ricotta. Used in confectionery products. It contains only 70 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.
  6. Mozzarella. Delicious and tender.
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