Olive oil for weight loss: how to take a healthy product

Most adherents of proper nutrition try to exclude fats from their diet. However, some of them are not only necessary for the body, but also help to lose weight. These include olive oil. In this article we will talk about the benefits of this product and the secrets of its use in Greece and Sicily. We will also tell you how to take olive oil for weight loss. What “doses” of consumption lead to weight gain.

Some scientists call olive oil the “elixir” of longevity and slimness. Today we will tell you how to choose the right product for weight loss. How to store it so that it does not go rancid and lose its beneficial properties. Is it possible to consume olive oil while on a diet? How to use honey and lemon in combination with healthy fat?

How much should you use?

As you know, this is not a dietary product at all - in 100 ml. contains almost 900 kcal. Therefore, its abundance in the diet can lead to the opposite effect. In order not to gain weight, but to lose weight, you should adhere to the following dosages:

  • If you need to lose less than 10 kg, drink 1.5 tbsp daily. l. product;
  • If you want to get rid of 10-20 kg, then the daily “dose” is 3 tbsp. l.;
  • When losing more than 20 kg. use 3.5 tbsp. l.

Olive oil for weight loss

There is a misconception that any dietary fat provokes the appearance of fat under the skin - on the sides, butt, abdomen, and so on. But this is just a misconception! Fats can act in different ways. And some help, oddly enough, to eliminate that same (extra) fat.

Why does this work?

The main secret is the content of valuable fatty acids, which are classified as unsaturated. Getting inside a person, they literally cleanse him from the inside, eliminating harmful substances and cholesterol.

The oil also saturates with essential vitamins and microelements. Due to this, the metabolic process of all substances is activated, and it is logical that everything eaten is burned much faster.

After all, the oil also activates enzymes in the stomach, as well as directly in the intestines. Thanks to this, food is better absorbed and easier to digest. And the body gets rid of processed masses in a timely manner.

Many people who want to lose weight are confused by the high calorie content of the product. Indeed, 1 spoon contains as many as 190 calories! But such calorie content is deceptive, in the good sense of the word.

How to take it correctly

There are several ways you can use this product for weight loss. Of course, the simplest is considered to be 1 tbsp. l. product before bed. This helps start metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol levels.

Most experts note that you should drink olive oil for weight loss 15-20 minutes before your morning meal. It is recommended to adhere to the dosage - 1-2 tsp.

Taking olive oil on an empty stomach is effective for weight loss.

An example menu for losing weight by 10 kg. in 3 months

Breakfast200 g non-starchy vegetables with chicken breast.
In 2 hoursDrink 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
DinnerVegetable soup without frying, 200 g of vegetable salad, omelet.
In 2 hoursTake 1 more tbsp. l. oils
2-3 hours before dinnerDrink another tbsp. l. healthy fat.
Dinnerfish fillet baked in foil with aromatic herbs, 200 g vegetables.

You can also eat porridge in the morning - 2-3 times a week. Be sure to include corn in your diet, because it does not contain fat.

If you need to lose more than 20 kg, we still recommend sticking to the third option. The fact is that scientists have proven that consuming more than 5 tbsp. l. olive oil per day is dangerous to health. A healthy product in excessive quantities can become the “culprit” for the development of colon cancer, impair blood clotting and lower blood sugar levels.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to use olive oil for weight loss in all cases. Choose another gentle method if you suffer from kidney or bladder stones. Do not forget about individual intolerance to the drug.

You should also not use olive oil if you have stomach upsets. But for constipation, this product is very useful. Experts confirm that people who drink vegetable oil daily have regular bowel movements.

How to drink olive oil in the morning for weight loss: recipes

It is not at all necessary to swallow the olive squeeze while wincing. With its help, you can prepare many mixtures that will taste much more pleasant. Those losing weight have come up with many ways to avoid the unpleasantness of this morning ritual.

  1. A mixture of oil and garlic helps tone the body in a matter of days, prevent seasonal colds and improve mood. To prepare garlic oil, mix a teaspoon of garlic juice and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Efficiency increases if you drink olive oil for weight loss in the morning 40 minutes before meals.
  2. Lemon, honey and squeeze in such a composition eliminate many problems associated with appearance. Firstly, the mixture contains a storehouse of antioxidants, which cope with waste and toxins with a bang. Secondly, the composition has the property of rejuvenation, saturating the skin with vitamins and tightening its tone. Thirdly, the weight loss effect plays a special role, since the products have fat-burning properties. By consuming the mixture on an empty stomach, you will soon be surprised by the results obtained. A mixture with an antibacterial effect requires the following preparation: 100 grams of honey, juice of 4 lemons, 50 ml of oil. All ingredients should be mixed together and preferably poured into a glass bottle. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator so that it does not lose its properties. How to drink olive oil for weight loss? On an empty stomach! One teaspoon per morning.
  3. You can dilute the squeeze with ordinary water, but there are a number of conditions for this. Water reduces the weight-loss effect of the oil, so the user will lose weight more slowly. The squeeze is diluted with water by those who want to carry out prevention, but do not want to lose weight. This mixture has a positive effect on all human organs, especially the digestive system, protecting the stomach from the development of gastritis. In the morning, the composition will give you satiety, good mood and a charge of vigor for the coming day. The recipe for the mixture is incredibly simple: stir a tablespoon of olive in a cup of water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. Olive squeeze with lemon for weight loss. Lemon has long been known for its fat-burning function. Together with olive, it can greatly speed up metabolism, which will facilitate the rapid breakdown of fat and incoming calories. They will not have time to turn into fat deposits on the body. As a rule, this mixture is consumed within a month, combined with proper nutrition, diet and an active lifestyle with physical activity. The mixture, which slows down aging and fights pollution from the inside of the body, is quite easy to prepare: you need to mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil. You should drink it immediately and prepare another one the next day. Unlike previous options, this one should be taken before bed so that the body is cleansed of food waste overnight.

It is important to consider contraindications when using various mixtures. Allergies to food components have not been uncommon in recent years. It is important to take this into account and not harm your own health. There are many techniques and ways to lose weight, you can easily find something suitable for yourself.

Healthy drinks

You can diversify your diet with a variety of drinks that contain healthy fat.

Recipe with citrus

  • lemon;
  • a glass of purified water at room temperature;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

Add the juice of half a lemon and the main ingredient to a glass of water. This weight loss drink should be taken daily (on an empty stomach).

If you cannot drink citrus juice on an empty stomach for weight loss, then it is recommended to take a mixture of 2 tbsp at night. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Recipe with ginger

  • 0.5 tsp olive oil;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. chopped ginger.

Mix all ingredients. Consume the mixture daily before your first meal. If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take the mixture 30-60 minutes after breakfast.

Detox recipe for effective weight loss

  • 240 ml. freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • garlic clove;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 2 cm ginger root - optional;
  • 120 ml. purified water.

Beat the mixture in a blender, add water and stir. Drink the fat-burning “cocktail” twice a day - morning and evening.

Recipe with juice

  • ½ tbsp. grape juice;
  • 2 tsp. fat

Boil grape juice, pour in fat, beat with a blender. Consume this “cocktail” daily until your weight normalizes.

Recipe for active weight loss

  • 1 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar.

Pour this mixture into a cup of water and drink it daily. It can also be used to season vegetable salads.

You can replace balsamic vinegar with regular apple cider vinegar, but the product tends to interact with food additives and substances contained in medications for treatment.

It is not recommended to take the product before bedtime. You need to drink a portion of the weight loss drink 2 hours before bedtime.

We snack constantly throughout the day. Most of the snacks on our table can hardly be classified as healthy and dietary. To dull the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp before the main meal. l. olive oil. Then immediately drink a spoonful of water with added sugar.

Beneficial properties of olive oil and weight loss

Olive oil contains large amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (55–83%) and others. They are called “good” fats, thanks to which the level of bad cholesterol in the human blood decreases. At the same time, the amount of healthy cholesterol remains unchanged, which allows the body to maintain an optimal ratio of microelements beneficial to health. It is important to remember that olive oil is not only very healthy in itself, but can also reduce the harmful effects of cheap vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed) on the human body.

In addition to beneficial fatty acids, olive oil contains valuable antioxidants such as oleocanthal, oleuropein, as well as vitamins A, E, K and P.

Antioxidants protect the cells of the human body from damage by free radicals and prevent many diseases, including obesity, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The effect of oleocanthal is similar to the effect of the well-known drug ibuprofen - this substance has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Oleocanthal also quickly destroys cancer cells. Oleuropein, in turn, effectively fights “bad” cholesterol.

Olive oil contains many beneficial substances for the body.

Olive oil has antibacterial properties, especially effective against Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Namely, these bacteria are responsible for the development of gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers and cancer. When making mayonnaise with olive oil and using it as food, the risk of contracting salmonellosis and other infectious diseases is significantly reduced.

Everyone knows that vegetable oils are quite high in calories, and olive oil is no exception. One tablespoon contains approximately 190 kilocalories. How can it help you lose weight?

Due to its unique composition, olive oil has a beneficial effect on many physiological processes occurring in the human body:

  • optimizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • increases immunity;
  • treats constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

Combining oil intake with physical activity will lead to rapid weight loss

In addition, olive oil contains a large amount of oleic acid, which is processed in the intestines into a unique substance, oleulethanolamide. This substance sends signals to the brain that the body is full and food is no longer needed, that is, it suppresses appetite. It is the lack of oleulethanolamide that leads to overeating in many people. Thus, olive oil, thanks to its unique composition, can serve as an excellent assistant in getting rid of extra pounds and improving the health of the body.

By itself, consuming olive oil will not lead to rapid weight loss. It is necessary to introduce physical activity and reconsider your diet. It is advisable to minimize the consumption of fried and fatty foods, baked goods and sweets, give up alcohol and fast food, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Try to drink the amount of clean water - 2 liters per day. Another simple rule is not to eat at night; the minimum time from dinner to bed should be 3 hours.

A smart diet will help you lose weight faster

How to eat to benefit from olive oil

Despite the fact that scientists have proven the effectiveness of using the product for weight loss, you must not forget about important rules.

  1. Avoid eating sugar-containing foods. The abundance of this product in the diet blocks the work of healthy fats. Replace sweets with healthy dried fruits, and sweet sodas with delicious cocktails based on natural yogurt with the addition of fruits and berries.
  2. When using olive oil for weight loss, experts advise significantly increasing the amount of non-starchy vegetables you consume (up to 600 g per day). It is they, in combination with lean poultry, rabbit and fish, that should form the basis of your menu.
  3. Gradually reduce the amount of salt you consume.
  4. Although the product promotes fat burning, this is not a reason to overeat. Reviews say that if you have a goal to lose weight, the calorie content of your daily diet should not exceed 2000-2500 kcal.
  5. Avoid eating extra fat.

How long does it take to lose weight with olive oil?

There is no clear numerical answer to this question, since the results completely depend on the individuality of the body and the correctly selected diet. But any weight loss result can be improved if, in combination with a diet, you engage in sports exercises and periodically arrange fasting days.

Visible results from consuming olive oil can be obtained within a month. And with limited diets and increased physical activity, you can boast of results after 2 weeks.

The main thing in losing weight is not to torture yourself with fasting and not to drink olive oil. Sudden weight loss and heavy consumption of oil can be bad for your health.

The minimum weight loss on the olive diet is 3-4 kg per month. Maximum values ​​can reach 10-15 kg in four weeks. Moreover, these figures were obtained without observing strict hunger strikes.

The most harmonious and gentle diet using olive oil is considered to be the “Mediterranean diet”.

Storage Features

Olive oil quickly loses its beneficial properties if stored improperly. To lose weight and stay healthy, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Store the product only in dark glass bottles. Even if you buy olive oil in a plastic bottle to save money, be sure to transfer the fat into the appropriate container.
  • Place the bottle only in a dark place (to avoid the product becoming rancid under the influence of ultraviolet rays).
  • Although virgin olive oil is not the cheapest product, for weight loss you should only choose a bottle that is labeled "Extra Virgen". This variety has a slightly greenish appearance and a bitter taste.

You should not take the refined product for weight loss. It is only suitable for frying.

Can you gain weight from olive oil?

You need to approach the use of olive oil wisely, because it is no less nutritious than any other vegetable oil. If you consume it in large quantities, fry food with it, or use a cheap product of questionable quality, then instead of losing weight, you can gain a few extra pounds.

Olive oil is a high-calorie product!

Do not be mistaken that foods fried in olive oil do not cause any harm to the body. In fact, any oil, including olive oil, not only loses its beneficial properties as a result of heating, but also becomes harmful. Therefore, you need to eat olive oil that has not undergone heat treatment.

Lucy Dmitrieva


In general, nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil per day. This reasonable dose will help avoid weight gain. In addition to taking it on an empty stomach, it is useful to add it to salads. Many people know the healing Mediterranean diet, which is based on vegetables and seafood. In this food system, olive oil plays a leading role - many dishes are seasoned with it and prepared with it.

Vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil will help in the fight against excess weight


When I learned about the benefits of olive oil, I decided to replace sunflower oil with it. At first I dressed salads, and then I found a recipe with lemon and began to use it internally. After a month, I noticed that my skin cleared up and my constipation went away. And most importantly, I lost 2 kilograms without dieting or fitness.

Inga, 26 years old

I learned about the fat-burning properties of oil from my mother. Together with her I decided to take the product 1 tbsp. l. within a month. During this time, I lost 2 kilograms and revised my eating habits.

Ksenia, 33 years old

Now you know whether you can eat olive oil while losing weight, and how to do it correctly. We remind you that not a single miracle cure will work if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and rely on fast food and baked goods.

How to choose a quality product

Not every olive oil is the same in composition and quality. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose the right product that is right for you, both in terms of taste and price.

Extra oil is considered the highest quality, purest and vitamin-enriched oil - unrefined, fragrant, premium olive oil.

The main thing in choosing is to check the expiration date of the product, the composition and choose a dark bottle that protects the oil from sunlight.

Types of olive oil:

  • Light olive oil – good for frying and stewing. Refined oil. The price is budget.
  • Olive-Pomace Oil/ Pomace olive oil – second grade oil. It is produced from recycled cake. In terms of price it is considered the cheapest.
  • Pure olive oil and olive oil are half refined oil.
  • Virgin olive oil/Olio di oliva vergine is an oil of medium quality that has all the beneficial properties.
  • Extra Virgin DOP is the most expensive and elite olive oil. The taste is practically no different from Extra Virgin. It is considered a favorite delicacy for connoisseurs of haute cuisine.


The main contraindications of olive oil for weight loss relate to its ingestion. Since the product is very high in calories, it should not be consumed by people with a high degree of obesity. In addition, it is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • gallstones and inflammation;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • diseases of the pancreas and stomach in the acute stage;
  • product intolerance.

You should also not replace olive oil with pickled olives to diversify your diet while losing weight. These products have different nutritional values. Simply put, the benefits of olive tree fruits will be much less than their oil.

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