Burdock oil for hair - effect, properties, treatment. How does oil affect hair - benefit or harm? Reviews

Burdock or burdock hair oil is used in cosmetology to treat and restore curls. It helps solve the problems of dryness and hair loss, and helps treat the scalp.

Nourishing masks and wraps are made from burdock oil; it is also used in its pure form to restore hair health.

Beneficial features

Before using burdock oil for hair and how to use it, you need to familiarize yourself with the problems that the product can solve:

  • increased dryness and split ends;
  • increased hair loss and slow regrowth;
  • presence of dandruff;
  • hard hairs.

With regular and reasonable use of burdock oil:

  • scalp cells are restored;
  • the hairs are wrapped in a protective sheath;
  • curls become invulnerable to the aggressive influence of the external environment.

The product has the effect of relieving scalp irritation. As a result, after using it, the strands look thick, have shine and vitality.

Burdock root contains inulin, which is a natural metabolism booster. In addition, burdock contains a combination of fatty acids that help improve the effect of regeneration, soften the hair and intensively nourish the roots.

Vitamins and nutrients help:

  • regulate blood circulation;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • increase hair strength and growth.

Based on reviews from customers who use this product for strands, the following advantages stand out:

  • hair silkiness increases;
  • curls grow faster;
  • less hair falls out;
  • fairly cheap cost of the elixir;
  • curls become strong.

There are also disadvantages of burdock oil:

  • specific smell;
  • oil is not easy to wash off from hair;
  • With frequent use of the product, the fat content of the strands increases.

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Recipes for homemade masks for split ends of hair

Various types of hair masks are very effective when using oils, since they create a protective film that, after use, well moisturizes the scalp and eliminates dryness and flaking.

These masks can be made before washing your hair once a week.

  1. Mask with burdock oil, castor oil and pepper tincture. Mix all the ingredients together, then apply evenly over the entire length of the hair and leave the mask for 20 minutes under film and a towel. This mask will strengthen the ends of your hair and make it healthier.
  2. Mask with burdock oil, honey and yolk. The course of procedures is carried out immediately after the first signs of split hair appear. The mask can be applied not only along the entire length, but also rubbed into the roots, leaving under the film for 30 minutes.

Remember that your hair needs your care and only then will you be able to see the result of healthy and beautiful curls.

Method of using burdock oil for hair loss. How to use oil at night. Reviews

They resort to a product such as burdock oil for hair loss. Before using this mixture, keep in mind that it is not advisable to leave it on your hair.

By practicing this remedy for 2-3 months. with regularity 1-2 times every 7 days you can notice a tangible result. The drug should be used in the following order:

  1. Gently rub, massaging, the warm oil extract into the scalp;

  2. Put a warm hat on your head;
  3. Leave for 25 minutes. for oily curls, and 50-60 min. when dry;
  4. Rinse with mild shampoo.

To enhance the effect, you can add honey, egg yolk and essential oil to the hair composition.

If you decide to leave the product on overnight, it is recommended to braid your hair so as not to spoil your hair while you sleep, and you should also protect your bed from greasy stains by first wrapping your head in a bag and wrapping it in a towel.

Indications and use

Burdock oil for hair can solve various problems. But at the same time it must be used regularly, and not from time to time. Masks based on burdock are indicated for weakening hair and slowing down its growth. They help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss under the influence of external negative factors. Burdock oil, when used regularly, relieves itching of the scalp, which occurs for various reasons. It allows you to successfully fight dandruff.

Burdock oil is most often rubbed into the scalp with gentle massage movements. The balanced composition of a natural product with a huge amount of useful substances enhances regeneration processes and provides the roots with complete nutrition.

How to treat hair with burdock oil at home. What hair should I apply it to and how long should I leave it on?

The simplest and most affordable mask is considered to be made from burdock oil without any additional components. It is necessary to slightly warm the oily extract and apply to damp hair and scalp. It should be kept for an hour or for greater effectiveness it should be left overnight.

For damaged hair ends

Women who have damaged ends of their strands should mix a few drops of burdock extract with the usual amount of shampoo or conditioner used.

For prevention purposes, this combination should be used once a week.

For more serious violations, it is advisable to apply masks more often - 2-3 times a week.

After 10-15 procedures and a break of 14 days, the treatment course should be continued.

For dry hair

At the very beginning of using burdock oil for dry hair, hair loss is likely. This happens after intensive washing due to the fact that the applied oil weighs down the hair. After some time, hair loss will end, and the curls will become shiny and silky.

For the correct approach when using the product you need:

  • purchase burdock extract in pharmacies to avoid counterfeits;
  • It is necessary to bring burdock oil for hair to a warm state. How to use it after heating can be found out from the advice of cosmetologists;
  • For dry hair types, you should first apply the product to the ends, and as the hairs become stronger, expand the area of ​​application. Applications should be made to dry or slightly damp hair;
  • Apply the oil in a thin layer for easy rinsing;
  • Having made the mask, you should insulate the coverage area for 30-60 minutes, then rinse twice with shampoo and rinse with chamomile infusion;
  • It is recommended to repeat manipulations with the use of burdock oil once every 7 days.

An incomparable effect will be provided by a mask that combines equal parts of burdock oil and wheat germ extract, which should be left on for up to 3 hours.

For oily hair

An extract from burdock roots strengthens oily strands and reduces hair loss.

To prepare the mask you need:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. burdock oily liquid and grapefruit juice with 1 tsp. grape seed oils.
  2. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil.
  3. Mix thoroughly, using a water bath to heat and coat the hair roots.
  4. Wait 30-40 minutes, warming your head with a towel.
  5. Rinse hair thoroughly.

For hair thickness

By using burdock oil 2 times a week for 1.5 months as part of a mask that nourishes the hair follicles, you can increase the volume of growing hair.


  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 1 tsp each honey and cognac;
  • 1 egg yolk.

After mixing all the ingredients, you need to:

  1. Gently rub the mixture into the roots of the strands and distribute along the entire length of damp hair.
  2. Wrap your head in polyethylene and leave for about 2 hours.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the hair must be rinsed with running water and shampoo.

For dandruff

To cure dandruff, you need to apply a mixture of 30 g of warm burdock root extract to damp hair and thoroughly rub it into the hair roots and cover the curls. Keep the product on for 20 minutes, then rinse the curls with the addition of a softening shampoo.

In addition to this drug, you can make a mixture with the addition of honey, egg yolk and various essential oils.

When getting rid of dry dandruff, a mask with garlic is highly effective. To use it you should:

  1. Combine 50 g of warm oily liquid with 1 head of crushed garlic.
  2. Rub into the base of the hair and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Then rinse with shampoo and warm water.

One of the disadvantages of this product is the smell. To get rid of it, you need to add a little aromatic oil to your shampoo.

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How to choose oil

For proper care, it is important to choose the appropriate oil. To get the maximum effect, when choosing, you need to take into account the type of hair and the task at hand.

Jojoba and sweet almond oils are suitable for nourishing normal hair.

Masks with coconut, flaxseed, argan, and almond oil will help tidy up oily hair - they normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and moisturize well without weighing down the curls.

You can take care of damaged and dry hair using coconut, peach, sea buckthorn, argan, sesame, mustard oil, as well as macadamia and avocado.

Castor, burdock, argan, macadamia, cedar, and St. John's wort oils will help get rid of dandruff and soothe the scalp.

Castor, argan, sea buckthorn, burdock, and almond oils stimulate hair growth. You can preserve your hair and prevent hair loss by using masks based on olive, castor, burdock, and wheat germ oil.

Hemp, argan, almond, olive, and macadamia oils will help give your curls shine and smoothness.

Olive, almond, coconut, castor, burdock and shea butter will provide care for split ends.

All oils are different in texture and have different effects on the hair and scalp, so you can select those that are applied to the roots, to the entire length, or just to the ends. Castor, burdock, and mustard oils can cope with scalp problems and strengthen the roots. Olive, jojoba, and macadamia have a moisturizing effect along the entire length. Coconut, almond or cedar oil will help restore the ends.

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The best burdock oils for hair. Where can I buy. Price. Reviews

It is worth emphasizing that special cosmetic burdock oil for hair is sold in pharmacies and specialized stores with detailed instructions on how to use it. It is best to use real burdock oil extract, which has a thick concentration.

Thick oil "Phytocosmetic"

Thick and rich consistency of burdock extract, made of high quality and suitable for application to damp, clean curls.

The product produces a biolamination effect on the hair and improves its condition, instantly soaking and moisturizing.
The curls become thick and silky. The oil is sold in a plastic container measuring 155 ml. It has a slightly sweet aroma and a custard-like texture. Cost – 55 rub.

Oil "Evalar"

The product provides a series of burdock oils with the addition of the following components:

  • nettle;
  • red pepper;
  • marigold;
  • hop;
  • propolis.

The product rinses off well and gives the curls softness, shine, silkiness, and minimizes the presence of split ends.
This product has proven positive for buyers. By using it for a month, you can achieve hair growth and minimize hair loss. The price ranges from 50 rubles. and higher.

The oil is sold in a plastic container with a capacity of 155 ml.

Oil "Clean Line"

The product is recommended for restoring, reducing hair loss and reducing hair fragility. Its distinctive feature is the convenient shape of the bottle, which has a dispenser spout, with which it is easy to apply the substance to the roots.

Consumers note the appearance of shine in their strands after the first application of oil, while the texture of the hairs softens and becomes manageable. One of the disadvantages is the composition of the extract, which contains, in addition to natural ingredients, preservatives. The approximate price starts from 65 rubles.

Mirrolla oil

This product helps restore problematic hair, heals the scalp after permanent coloring, saturates it with vitamins, and gets rid of dandruff.

Many clients confirm the appearance of shine and a decrease in hair loss after 2 weeks of using the product. The downside of the oil is that it is difficult to wash it off from your hair.

The cost varies from 60 rubles.

Mask with oil “Granny Agafya’s Recipes”

When purchasing burdock oil for hair, you can read how to use it on the back of the bottle. Miracle remedy for 50 rubles. It is effective and helps restore natural radiance, vitality and density to hair, restores and strengthens hair from the inside, and eliminates fragility and split ends.

The oat bran contained in the oil nourishes weakened hairs and gives them freshness and elasticity. Birch sap, also included in the mask, strengthens the roots. The saturation with extracts from medicinal herbs and oils improves combing and makes the strands silky.

Oil "Eveline"

The product from the Evelyn brand contains burdock and rosemary oils. Combined with vitamin A, without harmful additives or dyes, the oil promises:

  • stimulation of strand growth;
  • getting rid of scalp inflammation;
  • dandruff removal;
  • adding vitality;
  • nutrition and healing of curls.

Among the disadvantages described in the reviews of girls who purchased the product, one can highlight the fact that it is very difficult to wash off and the hair becomes unpleasant to the touch after using it. The price ranges from 105 to 120 rubles.

Beiersdorf oil from Nivea

When used, Beiersdorf burdock oil for hair has established itself as a product that has a maximum of negative responses. It has a composition with the addition of chemical elements, is difficult to wash off, weighs down the curls, making them greasy. The drug costs about 100 rubles.

Some women note the properties of the oil to soften and add vitality to damaged hair.

Hair falls out after burdock oil - what to do

The causes of hair loss after using oil from burdock root extract may be the following:

  • allergic effects of the drug;
  • a mask that is incorrectly selected for the existing hair type;
  • chemical exposure can cause severe hair loss, even with the use of burdock extract;
  • When a large amount of product is applied to hairs that are too thin, a film may form on their surface. Weakened bulbs cannot bear the pressure and fall out.

Once the problem is identified, you must stop using this remedy. This will help identify the cause. If difficulties were caused by an extract from burdock root, this indicates that the drug is of poor quality. In this case, the skin surface of the head may be damaged.

Who can I recommend burdock oil to?

If you don’t know what to do to prevent split ends of your hair, then you definitely need to try burdock oil as a daily care option. The product will also be useful for people suffering from hair loss. This applies to anyone who wants to make their hair thicker, stronger and more beautiful. In some cases, burdock oil can have a noticeable effect in the fight against dry dandruff. If you suffer from an itchy scalp, daily treatments with oil will soothe irritated skin. Although oil is suitable for different hair types, those with oily curls need to understand that oil will make their hair even oilier. In this case, after the procedure, it is recommended to rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water using a mild shampoo.

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