I went without breakfast for 3 weeks and it changed my life a lot.

Both scientists and doctors constantly tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Its absence can lead to weight gain and gastrointestinal problems. I always believe in such statements, although I never liked to eat heavily in the morning. Now more and more people believe that breakfast does not affect your well-being, figure and health. It is important to eat based on the intervals at which the body works. I became interested in these studies and decided to conduct an experiment. I gave up breakfast for three weeks. At first I thought it would make me feel worse, but in fact it has completely changed the way I eat.

Eat only twice a day

I have never considered myself one of those people who can easily lose weight with a strict diet. Avoiding certain foods only increased my desire to eat them. Therefore, sooner or later I broke down and started eating junk food, gaining my kilograms back. Counting calories didn't help either because I don't have time to weigh all my food throughout the day. Then I decided to give up breakfast and switch to an interval schedule. Its supporters believe that this approach helps you lose weight. In addition, people become more energetic.

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Then I decided to create a new daily routine for myself. I skipped breakfast, so I only ate my first meal at noon. I planned to have dinner no later than 20:00. The daily routine did not include a third meal, but this does not mean that I starved myself. From lunch to dinner, I allowed myself to snack on vegetables, fruits or something sweet.

How many times should you eat a day?

In general, nutritionists recommend eating three times a day. However, some are more comfortable spreading the daily menu over five or six meals. The expert believes that in each case everything is individual. For example, people with diabetes should still eat three times a day.

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What happens if you give up breakfast for three weeks?

Today, more and more studies are emerging that prove the benefits of interval nutrition and skipping breakfast. Before changing my habits, I asked various trainers and people in the fitness industry for their opinions. They recommended that I not skip breakfast before training. It is not necessary to eat heavy protein foods that are difficult for the body to digest. They can be replaced with something lighter, containing a lot of carbohydrates. However, I still decided to continue my experiment.

From the very beginning, I thought that skipping breakfast would reduce the amount of food I consumed throughout the day. Usually in the morning I ate a lot of heavy food, but by lunchtime I felt hungry. So I decided to see if I could eat less if I gave up breakfast.

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Is it possible to do without breakfast?


It is believed that breakfast as such appeared only in the 17th century. The ancient Romans had only one established meal - lunch. Eating was more often considered gluttony, and this weakness was not encouraged. In the Middle Ages (including in Rus'), aristocrats already had breakfast, even twice, but only because the cult of food was characteristic of this period. “A rich person is someone who could afford to move little and eat a lot,” explains Anton Prokofiev, candidate of historical sciences and specialist in historical cuisine. - Therefore, meals were frequent: with two breakfasts - early and late, with lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The number of meals was dictated more by opportunities and wealth than by ritual.”

The peasants, busy with household chores, could not afford to eat often and were limited to morning and evening meals. At best, with a snack of milk and bread in the middle of the day. And, of course, no one then argued that breakfast was good and beneficial for the figure. It’s just that if you don’t have time to eat in the morning, you’ll be exhausted by lunchtime, and next time you’ll only be able to sit down at the table in the evening.


The authorship of the famous saying “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy” belongs not to the Russian people at all, but to the doctor and philosopher Avicenna. And its meaning was dictated solely by everyday inconveniences. There were no refrigerators, by the evening the food spoiled, and it was recommended not to eat it, but to give it away - it was a pity to throw it away. And, naturally, those who were given food in the evening automatically became enemies of the giver.

In the mid-19th century, the Industrial Revolution formalized the working class schedule. And if in the UK they ate eggs and bacon in the morning, in France - an omelet, and in Russia - porridge with any fillings, from vegetables to meat products, and washed it down with fruit drink or jelly, then in the USA breakfast was no different from any other meal . Americans could eat scrambled eggs, pancakes, oysters, chicken, and just fried potatoes in the morning.

And perhaps that's why this nation was so quick to embrace the idea of ​​cereal and muesli in the 20th century. They didn’t have their own traditional breakfast, it didn’t matter to them what to eat in the morning, but here they say that breakfast cereals are healthy... Cereals and muesli instantly became the national treasure of America, and then spread throughout the planet.


The idea that breakfast is very good, and you can’t live without it, has literally been imposed on Americans. The slogan “Eat a good breakfast – Do a better job” first appeared in 1944 in an advertisement for the American company General Foods. Radio advertisements read: “Nutrition experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” And the best breakfast is, of course, “a bowl of cereal or muesli with a glass of juice.” Needless to say, General Foods itself produced breakfast cereals...

Around this time, corn flake creator Dr. John Kellogg came onto the scene. The personality, by the way, is interesting and extraordinary. A famous doctor, sexologist, fierce fighter against masturbation: in one of his treatises, he listed 39 diseases caused by masturbation, including ossification of joints, general decrepitude and epilepsy. Corn flakes became a continuation of his ideas. This food made it possible to avoid the consumption of meat, which Kellogg considered almost the worst food in the world, “irritating the nerves” and increasing sexual desire.

By the middle of the 20th century, there were a great variety of breakfast cereals. And thanks to Dr. Kellogg and his competitors, who actively advertised and popularized new products, they became firmly established in the lives of ordinary Americans. Intrusive advertising convinced people that this was the healthiest food, and breakfast, during which it was supposed to be eaten, was the most important meal of the day.


Researchers caught up later, that is, they began to prove the benefits of breakfast not before, but after the invention of cereals and muesli. They associated refusal of a morning meal with the risk of obesity and overeating and even with coronary heart disease. It has been proven that when a person does not have breakfast and for the first time eats only during the day, he tends to choose more unhealthy foods. He has unstable blood sugar levels, an increased risk of diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc., etc.


“Pure” scientific research began only in 2010. For example, a publication from the American Society of Nutrition states that there was no association between eating or skipping breakfast and weight loss. In another study - conducted over three years at the University of Bath (England) - scientists came to the conclusion that skipping breakfast has no effect on a person's metabolism and how much or little we eat later during the day. And if it does, it’s quite insignificant: a repeated experiment showed that those who did not eat anything before noon ate a little more for lunch than those who had a snack in the morning.

The results of another large-scale study were published in the American Journal of Clinical Dietetics. Doctors asked 300 obese or overweight patients to either skip breakfast altogether or eat it every day for 4 months. Professor David Allison, who conducted the study, later said that there was virtually no difference in weight loss or gain between the two. “As far as adults are concerned, it is highly likely that all statements about the benefits of breakfast are nothing more than a myth,” he concluded.

Researchers have found that overweight people often skip breakfast. But this does not mean that they get fat because of this! The point here probably isn't the breakfast itself, but the fact that most people who eat it lead healthier lives overall. They move a lot, watch their diet more, choose their foods more carefully... A report compiled by the British Ministry of Health's obesity department says: “It is not at all clear whether there is a direct or indirect connection between a person’s weight and whether he eats breakfast. Perhaps breakfast is just an indicator of other lifestyle factors that have a greater influence on the formation of normal body weight.”

Modern nutritionists no longer idealize breakfast. Last spring, an article by Aaron Carroll, professor of pediatrics at Indiana University Medical School, appeared on the New York Times website, calling on his compatriots to stop idealizing breakfast and considering it almost the main meal of the day. “There is nothing magical about breakfast,” he wrote. Almost all publications that say the opposite either have problems in their methodology or are even funded by cereal manufacturers.

In fact, the latest version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (issued every 5 years and often consulted by the World Health Organization) says that skipping breakfast is no longer unhealthy. It is no longer associated with obesity, high blood sugar and cardiovascular disease. And the authors of intuitive eating - also, by the way, an American invention, which is now at the peak of popularity - say about breakfast simply: “If you don’t want it, don’t eat it.”

Published: February 12, 2021

More water, less coffee

Usually in the morning I eat boiled eggs, porridge or toast with avocado. But I also drink a lot of coffee to perk me up a little. However, I also had to give it up: you can’t drink it on an empty stomach. So now I started drinking more water in the morning. At first it was hard for me to give up coffee; I constantly felt sleepy. The first days I still drank 1-2 cups of the drink, consoled myself with the fact that it helps suppress my appetite.

I didn’t like such concessions, so immediately after waking up I started drinking a glass of water. Then I gradually increased the amount of fluid I consumed. And after a few days I was able to give up coffee. I just lost the desire to drink it in the morning. If before I consumed about 2 liters of water a day, then after giving up breakfast this amount increased to 4 liters.

There is a risk of developing diabetes

Many nutrition experts claim that skipping breakfast can help you lose weight. The fact is that the lack of energy in the morning leads to a drop in blood glucose levels. At the same time, in a healthy person, protective mechanisms are immediately activated that normalize sugar, using energy from subcutaneous and internal fats. However, scientists from Southern California University of Health Sciences, Whittier, USA, based on their research, claim that this practice leads to diabetes. They found that people who did not eat breakfast regularly increased their risk of developing type II diabetes by 20%. Firstly, the development of the disease is influenced by surges in blood sugar levels - first it drops, then the body independently brings it to the lower limit of normal, and after the expected energy comes from food, the levels soar to the highest critical levels. Scientists call the second point impaired glucose tolerance. All nerve connections and neural impulses in the body function on this nutrient. If there is a shortage, trying to replace them, an acidosis phenomenon develops in the blood, that is, its oxidation begins. A person is able to notice such a moment himself; the smell from his mouth changes sharply, it takes on notes of the aroma of acetone. Often, such periodic changes lead to the development of endocrine imbalance, and in particular, to disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas and its own insulin production. Therefore, constantly refusing breakfast is a direct path to the development of diabetes.

Rumbling stomach is the main problem

It cannot be said that after refusing breakfast I felt very hungry in the morning. At first I thought that I would suffer from drowsiness or headaches. But the experiment had no effect on my well-being. The main problem was the rumbling in the stomach. The sounds were really loud, so my work colleagues heard them. I felt uneasy, but consoled myself that the rumbling would go away in a couple of days. But even at the end of the week, my stomach made loud noises every morning. It seemed to me that over time the rumbling even intensified. I had to keep a plate of fruit by my desk so I could start eating at noon, even though I didn't feel very hungry by then.

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I constantly felt uncomfortable and cramped, so I didn’t notice any positive effects from skipping breakfast. Perhaps if I had worked in a separate office or at home, I would have endured my experiment easier. The stomach began to growl less only at the end of the third week. That’s how long it took for my body to fully adapt to my new habits.

But skipping breakfast can save you money

But over time, I began to notice the benefits of not eating breakfast. It turns out that I started spending less money on food. I didn’t buy groceries or coffee for breakfast, and I also started planning my meals in advance. I knew that I could only eat one big meal during the day. Therefore, I unconsciously began to think about what I wanted to pamper myself with. More and more often, I brought food from home rather than buying unhealthy processed foods at the store during lunch.

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It's easier to skip breakfast on weekends than on weekdays

The later you get up, the easier it is for you to skip breakfast. I realized this on the first weekend of my experiment. On Saturday and Sunday I did not feel any discomfort from skipping my morning meal. Perhaps because I didn't think about my experiment while doing household chores. At work, thoughts about food constantly appeared in my head, so it was much more difficult to concentrate.

End of the experiment

I officially finished my experiment exactly three weeks after it started. But I didn’t go back to my old habits because I was already used to skipping breakfast. I didn't feel very hungry, so I just didn't eat until noon. It was only at the end of the week that I decided to treat myself. In the morning before going to work, I ate a sweet bun with tea. But after half an hour I felt a strong heaviness in my stomach. At the same time, already at noon I again wanted to eat heavily. Therefore, I realized that I would not return to my previous habits and would not eat breakfast, otherwise I would start overeating again.

Skipping Breakfast Changed My Eating Style

This is not to say that giving up breakfast will completely change your lifestyle. It seemed to me that the experiment worked to my advantage. I started drinking more water, but eating a little less. I can't say that this had a significant effect on my weight. But I began to think about why I eat and what foods I use.

I do not always strictly observe the refusal of breakfast, trying to maintain moderate self-control. For example, I might eat something in the morning after a strenuous workout if I feel really hungry. But I don’t force myself to eat food just because it’s customary to eat it at a certain time.

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The ideal breakfast - what is it like, and why not having breakfast is harmful

Aries During this period, you may become capricious and not notice it yourself. You will want to sort things out out of nowhere, argue, prove. Relations between Aries and Aries, as well as between Aries and Capricorns, will become especially strained. And if you have an alliance in Virgo or Gemini, then it may even come to a break in the relationship.

Taurus Everything is more or less stable. But problems from the past may resurface. Here your prudence will help you not to step on the same rake. You know what you want and you won't just take risks. Nothing threatens family Taurus. Those who are not yet married will face some test of loyalty.

Gemini A very difficult time for you. You will begin to stir up the past, gravitate towards what was lost, and compare. This is all not beneficial, but will only aggravate existing contradictions. Be careful what you say. Talk more often and remember the good things, leave criticism for another period. Otherwise, a long and nervous process of separation may begin.

Cancer You will be emotionally unstable. It will be difficult to sort things out with you, since you tend to withdraw into a “shell” and remain silent. It will be especially difficult for Cancer-Gemini, Cancer-Libra, Cancer-Virgo couples. Even if these are not married couples, but colleagues, relatives, friends, your relationship will undergo a strength test. The stars advise speaking openly about what worries you, but being restrained.

Leo Not a bad period overall. You are quite resistant to the criticism that will come your way these days. You have the wisdom to discuss all contradictions calmly and in a confidential atmosphere. There is also a chance to return your former love and passion. But it won't last long.

Virgo This is a difficult period for you. You must decide who you care about and what you want. Don’t try to find support in the past, it’s already history. We must look forward, without looking back, without comparisons. Then you have a chance to gain confidence and happiness, build good relationships. Married couples will quarrel seriously. Single Virgos may be rejected.

Libra Everything is not so complicated that you fear insoluble problems. You will smooth out the rough edges, turn on your diplomacy and charm. You will have to compromise again, but it will be worth it. As a result, gently but persistently you will turn everything in your direction. What you have been waiting for from a relationship will happen these days.

Scorpio Emotionally unstable period. You will be thrown into extremes. Your mistrust and jealousy will have a very bad effect on the relationship. Try to trust more and be more confident in yourself. Otherwise, you can lose not only time and chance, but also a really good person nearby.

Sagittarius You will feel quite comfortable in relationships. If this is a new relationship, then you will become more and more fascinated. In an established relationship, stagnation will appear that you will want to escape from. But not for long. You will find an idea on how to improve and rekindle old feelings. The best ideas will come from the past.

Capricorn You may experience some unpleasant moments - from stress to disappointment. But you will understand exactly what you want from a relationship. It is possible that you will decide to make changes, especially if we are talking about a budding romance. Contradictions can occur in tandem Capricorn-Gemini, Capricorn-Cancer, Capricorn-Aries.

Aquarius Problems from the past will cause you anxiety. Relationships will be seriously tested. You will probably learn some unpleasant secret. The return of exes is also possible. Although there is no guarantee that reconciliation will happen. In a new relationship, there may be misunderstandings. Some of you will think that you have a future together, while the other hasn’t even thought about it.

Pisces It's not easy. Don't force yourself to do something you didn't want to do. Nothing good will come of this. You also tend to be late in responding or will show up late to dates. It is better not to make important decisions about your personal life now.

Mercury retrograde horoscope

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