Steamed mackerel recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Mackerel (or mackerel) is a tasty and healthy fish from the perch family, distributed throughout the world. It owes its popularity to its low cost, distinct taste characteristics and positive effect on health. Mackerel is prepared in different ways: boiled, salted (sometimes spicy salted/lightly salted), smoked, baked in the oven and even pickled. If you are watching your diet, you should learn about the benefits and harms of mackerel, as well as in what form and quantity it is recommended to eat it.
  • What does mackerel contain?
  • Types of fish and how healthy they are
  • Benefits of mackerel when consumed
  • How is fish beneficial for women, including pregnant women?
  • The benefits of mackerel for men, athletes and children
  • Harm of mackerel and contraindications for use

BZHU and chemical composition

Among fatty fish, mackerel has a moderate calorie content, which makes it an excellent dietary product. In terms of the nutritional value of mackerel, 100 g of fresh fish on average contains:

  • proteins – 18 g;
  • fats – 13.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g.

The proteins contained in mackerel are easily digestible, which distinguishes it from other sources of protein: beef, pork, poultry. 200 g of mackerel per day is enough to satisfy the body's need for these organic substances. It is advisable to eat boiled mackerel - this way it retains all its beneficial properties.

Please note: in spring mackerel has only 3% fat content, and in autumn – as much as 30%. There is no need to be afraid of this figure - the high content of Omega fatty acids is extremely beneficial. Eating mackerel, from this point of view, is priceless - after all, our body does not know how to independently produce Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Mackerel contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6, B7 (H), B9, B12), as well as vitamins A, C, D, E and K. It is rich in potassium, contains phosphorus, is a source of magnesium and sodium, as well as iron, calcium, chlorine and sulfur. Mackerel has a rich composition of microelements: zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel. All of them are indispensable for maintaining health. The high content of nutrients makes mackerel a universal product for any diet, since it contains everything the body needs for normal functioning or development (when it comes to children).

How often can you eat mackerel?

Best time to visit. Fatty fish, such as mackerel, are usually included in the menu for lunch, the main meal.

  • It is not suitable for breakfast due to its high fat content, while at the beginning of the day it is desirable for the body to receive proteins and carbohydrates (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, cereals, dried fruits).
  • During dinner, you should also not burden your body with “heavy” high-calorie foods, but give preference to low-fat (up to 4%) varieties of fish, lean boiled poultry, vegetables, and sweet fruits.

Is it possible every day? Thus, a balanced diet for dietary nutrition involves moderate consumption of mackerel (1-2 servings per week), as a high-calorie fish, subject to proper preparation and in combination with boiled or baked vegetables.

Can it be used instead of meat in a protein diet? As for the protein diet, experts do not recommend introducing mackerel meat into the diet, but replacing it with low-fat varieties (pike perch, hake, pelengas), since this diet involves the exclusion of foods with excess fat and carbohydrates.

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Main types of mackerel

There are two types of mackerel sold in stores - Atlantic and Far Eastern. The first contains an average of 20% protein and a moderate amount of fat - no more than 13%. Far Eastern mackerel has higher indicators: protein reaches 24%, and fats – 30%. Both species are characterized by excellent taste, but mackerel from the Far East is meatier: its meat yield is 8-15% higher than that of the Atlantic.

When buying frozen mackerel, be aware of the disadvantage of this product: its fat quickly oxidizes, which gives the fish a rancid taste and smell when cooked. If the fish has been frozen recently, there is nothing to worry about. When freezing at home, try to keep mackerel in the freezer for no longer than 4 months.

Useful properties of mackerel

The benefits of mackerel are invaluable - for example, regular consumption of this fish contributes to:

  • strengthening the immune system and musculoskeletal system;
  • reducing thrombosis;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • improving memory (prevention of Alzheimer's disease) and vision;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • improving skin condition, including psoriasis.

Mackerel is a remedy for the prevention of depression and other pathological mental conditions, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps with headaches and reduces discomfort in joint diseases. It should be included in the diet for bronchial asthma and diabetes. Mackerel is also useful from the point of view of increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and lowering cholesterol levels - this reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Omega fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect. The normal functioning of the brain is also the merit of fish oil.

If you are responsible for your health, eat dishes with mackerel two to three times a week. Mackerel meat has a pleasant rich taste and goes well with vegetable side dishes.

D2 or D3?

Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are the two main forms of vitamin D. Scientists call D2 ergocalciferol and D3 cholecalciferol.

Both play the same role in the body, but both vitamins have slightly different molecular structures. Basics: Vitamin D2 comes from plants and D3 comes from animal products.

Scientists are not yet sure which form is better. Both types increase vitamin D levels in a person's blood, according to the US National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

Vitamin D3 can increase levels higher and longer than D2. A 2012 review indicates that vitamin D3 appears to be better at raising vitamin D levels than D2.

However, the review also said more evidence is needed before it can be said with certainty how the two types affect different groups of people, such as different ages, genders and ethnicities. Additionally, the study looked at vitamin D supplements, not foods.

Other studies also suggest that D3 may be superior to D2. A 2021 study notes that supplementing with vitamin D3 twice a week for 5 weeks was more effective in increasing vitamin D levels in adults than the same amount of vitamin D2.

When advising people how much vitamin D they should get daily, the Russian Association of Endocrinologists does not differentiate between D2 and D3. However, when it comes to replenishing vitamin D deficiency, it is recommended to supplement it with D3.

How is fish beneficial for men, athletes and children?

Men value mackerel for its nutritional value and benefits - especially athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle love it. In addition, the rich vitamin and mineral composition has a beneficial effect on men's health.

Athletes include mackerel in their diet for two reasons. The first is the undeniable benefits and low calorie content of this fish. But there is another argument in favor: protein in the human body is responsible for the growth and restoration of muscle tissue, which is especially important for those leading an active lifestyle.

Mackerel supports the child's body at all stages of development. It promotes healthy growth, increased muscle mass, and normal development of internal organs. Mackerel should be included in the diet of schoolchildren due to its positive effect on the ability to remember and retain new information in the head.

Harm and contraindications

The beneficial properties of mackerel listed above are preserved if you boil or steam it. Salted mackerel also remains healthy. But cold or hot smoked mackerel contains mercury, although it is very tasty.

Obvious contraindications to eating mackerel:

  • salted and pickled mackerel is not recommended for consumption by patients with high blood pressure, as well as kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • smoked mackerel is excluded from the diet of people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, duodenum); it should also not be eaten by pregnant women;
  • baked mackerel is not beneficial for people with pathologies of the liver or pancreas;
  • Mackerel should not be consumed if you are allergic to fish or seafood.

Boiled and steamed mackerel can be safely consumed in large quantities. You need to be careful with salty foods - like other salty foods, they retain fluid in the body. Cold or hot smoking as a cooking method is not suitable for regular consumption, but sometimes you can, of course, enjoy such fish.

How much fat is in smoked mackerel “Baltic Coast” and how dangerous is the fish from the manufacturer “Oliva”

The usefulness of mackerel is noted all over the world. In 2021, Japan even recognized it as product of the year. But the TV program “NashPotrebNadzor” found out how fresh and safe this fish reaches our store shelves.

Subject: Consumer protection

Mackerel is one of the healthiest fish in the world. It contains more omega-3 fatty acids than almost all salmon. In 100 gr. This fish contains the daily requirement of such acids for an adult. However, lovers of smoked mackerel should come to terms with the fact that during the smoking process it is saturated with substances formed during the combustion of sawdust or coals, which are strong carcinogens. By the way, the same substances are also found in kebabs. So during the feast, you should not forget that you can’t eat too much smoked meats - it’s harmful.

Many people believe that products treated with so-called “liquid smoke” are even more harmful. However, this is rather misleading. Classic “liquid smoke” is made from sawmill waste and is a completely natural product, although some harmful substances remain in the composition even after distillation of the smoke. Moreover, if the process of classical smoking is combined with dipping in such a solution, in addition to giving the product a more persistent odor, the more harmful process of traditional smoking can also be reduced. That is, when using “liquid smoke” the amount of harmful substances may be even less than with classical processing.

What's hidden in vacuum packaging?

TV program “OurPotrebNadzor”

, broadcast on the NTV channel, purchased four samples of smoked mackerel from the brands
“Oliva”, “Vici”, “Baltic Coast”
. Together with the expert center of the consumer union Roskontrol, she selected an independent laboratory and conducted an inspection.

First of all, experts tested the fish for the content of the most dangerous carcinogen that causes cancer - benzopyrene. And in all samples it turned out to be 10-20 times less than the norms allow.

Next, the laboratory checked whether the fat content corresponded to that indicated on the packaging. In "A'More"

the discrepancy is insignificant, but in the
“Baltic Coast”
there is two and a half times more fat than indicated.
And in fish produced by Oliva
- as much as five. True, it is difficult to blame the manufacturer for this - mackerel is not grown in captivity, so its fat content greatly depends on weather conditions in the region in which it was caught.

Oliva brand did not pass the test for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms

. The bacteria content in it is 10 times higher than permissible safety standards. Among others, coliform bacteria were found in the product.

Thus, according to the results of the inspection, smoked mackerel of the Oliva

blacklisted by experts.
But the samples “Baltic Coast”, “A’More”
have successfully passed laboratory examination and can be recommended for consumption.

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