How to pump up a girl's abs: 18 exercises and programs

Almost everyone has belly fat, even the thinnest ones. This is because the tummy is one of the most common fat depots in the body; fat is deposited there first. Therefore, you need to fight for the perfect abs.

Is it possible to make your tummy flat at home? It’s absolutely real and don’t let anyone scare you that only a professional trainer will make a sweetie out of you. First of all, it is your decision and efforts.

Two main steps towards a flat and sexy tummy:

  1. Diet.
  2. Training program.

This article will be useful to all girls and women who want to get rid of a flabby belly and gain elastic abs.

We will look at several training programs: for a flat tummy at home, for abs at home and for training in the gym. As well as important questions, the answers to which are better known before starting training. Articles are supplied with photos, videos, tables.

Let's get started!

What time to train

When training at home, many recommend doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach.
This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use fat energy. A sure step towards getting rid of belly fat. However, remember that in the morning the glycogen reserve (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is practically zero, so strength training is not recommended. It’s good to do yoga, stretching, and simple exercises without stress. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises using the correct breathing technique: force as you exhale, relax your muscles as you inhale. The most effective workout will not give the desired result without the correct breathing technique.

How many times a week do you train?

Train regularly, but without fanaticism. The best option is 3 times every 7 days for 15-25 minutes, work out the exercises for 10-20 repetitions, 2-3 approaches each. It is important not to take long breaks.

How long does it take to pump up your abs?

It all depends on the body composition and conscientiousness of the worker; a miracle will not happen in less than a month. Perfect abs in a week is nothing more than a myth!

If you have an average build – 1-2 months of hard training + proper nutrition and a flat tummy like magic.

If a person has a body constitution that tends to be overweight: strength training + cardio (running in the morning, walking) + proper diet + drying the body.

How to pump up your six-pack and is it worth it?

Whether it’s worth it or not depends on your preferences: some people like cubes, others just like a toned tummy. By following a diet and performing an effective set of exercises collected in this article, you will pump up your abs and make your tummy flat. If you want cubes, you can do this program with increasing load (increasing the weight of equipment, number of approaches, etc.), after 1.5-2 months of training the cubes will appear. If you want to speed up the results, here is a photo of an express workout plan for six-pack workouts for 30 days.

Here is the second variation of the abdominal exercise program for 30 days:

How to eat?

After your workout, fuel yourself with protein or carbohydrates. The protein team consists of: boiled chicken, eggs, cottage cheese; carbohydrates - porridge. You should not eat heavy food in the morning: this will reduce all physical efforts to zero. Your diet should be 1/3 sources of protein and 2/3 sources of carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Don't forget to drink 1.5 liters of water a day - it's good for your body and skin.

Let's remember! 1. Train in the morning, on an empty stomach, or after work, but not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating. 2. Conscientious sports work 3 times in 7 days will be enough. 3. Eat right. Remember that you need to eat before training: approximately 1.5-2 hours. 4. Follow the conditions, and elastic abs will appear in 1-2 months.

Abdominal ab training program for a week at home (table)

Day of the weekExercisesApproachesReplaysInventory
MonExercises for the abs and back
Warm-up20 minutes
Letter V310Rug
Back arch2-310Rug
Exercises for the abs and buttocks
Lying leg raise310-15Rug
Lunges with weights in hands3-48-12Dumbbells 1.5-3 kg. (bottles 1.5-3 l.)
WedExercises for the abs and arms
Warm-up20 minutes
Bench push-ups312-15Chair, bench
Bent over arm extension320-25Dumbbells 3 kg. (3l bottles)
Exercises for the abs and chest
Bringing hands together310-15Fitball (bench), dumbbells (bottles)
FriExercises for the abs and legs
Warm-up20 minutes
Lifting the upper part of the body3-410-15Rug
Exercise with the ball (tapering)3-415-20Mat, ball
Lifting on your toes100*2Dumbbells (bottles)

Exercises for the abs and back

Letter V

Exercise “Letter V”
1. Lying on your back, extend your arms straight above your head.

2. Raise your legs straight and arms straight, forming a V.

3 sets, 10 reps.

While performing this exercise, tense your abdominal muscles.

Back arch

1. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms forward.

2. Raise your upper body.

3. Lock in this position for 5 seconds, stretch your spine.

2-3 sets, 10 reps.

Raise your body as high as possible. Two techniques of execution: positioning the arms as in the picture, or arms along the body.

Exercises for the abs and buttocks

Lying leg raise

  1. Lie on your back, straighten up, turn your palms down.
  2. Lift your legs off the floor and fix them in a position perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Slowly lower your legs.

3 sets, 10-15 reps.

Advice. To make it easier, place your hands under your buttocks, you can bend your knees slightly.

Lunges with weights in hands

One of the most effective exercises for the butt. In fitness clubs it is performed with dumbbells or a barbell; at home, sports equipment can be replaced with bottles of water.

  1. Keep your body straight, look in front of you, draw in your buttocks and stomach.
  2. Take a step while performing a squat. The shin of the bent leg is parallel to the floor, the knee forms an angle of 90° relative to the floor and does not “peek out” in front of the foot.
  3. Take a wide step and squat deeply, stopping at the lowest point for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Rise up, pushing slightly with your supporting leg (lean on your heel).

3-4 sets, 8-12 reps (per leg), weight 1-3 kg.

Advice. Sit down as you inhale, stand up as you exhale. Take your time, perform the exercises slowly, honing your technique. You can perform all the repetitions on each leg alternately, or alternately.

If the exercise is difficult, try working it without a load first.

Exercise 5 – leg raises

This is another great exercise for the lower abdominal muscles. When you do it, your abs will simply burn! Be patient, to see the result you need to work until there is a slight burning sensation.

To perform the exercise, lie on the floor, stretch your legs and place your hands next to your buttocks, palms down.

This exercise is performed slowly. Try not to lift your lower back off the floor.

Slowly lift both legs off the floor until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then slowly lower your legs until there are a few centimeters left of the floor. Hold your legs in this position for a couple of seconds and then lift them up again. Do not lift your lower back off the floor. If you want to make the exercise more difficult, place your hands behind your head.

Exercises for the abs and arms


  1. Lie down on the mat with your hands behind your head.
  2. Legs raised and knees bent.
  3. Raise your upper body (head, neck, shoulders).
  4. At the same time, straighten your right leg, twisting your body, and turn to the left.
  5. Then, straighten your left leg, turning to the right.

3-4 sets, 10-15 reps. When both legs perform the same movements (right - turn to the left, left - turn to the right), this is one repetition.

Advice. Do the “bike” exercise on the floor, not on the couch! Relax your neck muscles, do not pull it with your hands: only lightly touch your head with your hands. The legs work, the buttocks are relatively fixed. Practice proper technique by training slowly.

To develop the correct technique, we recommend watching the video:

Bench push-ups (abs + triceps)

  1. Place your palms on a bench (chair, sofa), fingers together, gaze in front of you.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles, this will remove excess stress from your back, keep your body straight.
  3. Bend over, bending your elbows, and touch your chest to the bench.
  4. Straighten your elbows.

3 sets, 12-15 reps.

If it is difficult to do the exercises, kneel down and start working in this position, it will be easier.

Bent over arm extension

You will need dumbbells, if you don't have them, water bottles work great.

  1. Take the weight and bend your elbows.
  2. Place your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly.
  3. The body is tilted forward, bend your lower back.
  4. From this position we extend our arms, the shoulder joint does not move, only the elbow joint moves.
  5. The back and abs are tense.

The best abdominal exercises for women at home

When creating a training program, it is recommended to include only the most effective abdominal exercises for women. Their number is large enough, so there is no need to do all the movements in one workout. It is optimal to alternate the load using different exercises, techniques and styles of execution to avoid muscle adaptation.


The most universal and very effective movement to pump up a girl’s abs at home. To perform this you need a free area of ​​the floor and a small rug (can be done without it). Works the upper part of the abs perfectly.


  1. Lie on the floor, bring your legs together and bend your knees, focusing on your feet. Place your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest.
  2. Begin to lift your shoulder blades off the floor, lifting your body. Try to twist so that your head moves towards your hips.
  3. Pause at the peak point (as you exhale) and slowly return to the starting position.

Key points: in order for girls to properly pump their abs with crunches, it is necessary to constantly maintain tension in the muscles.

Crunches with legs raised

To additionally activate the lower press, you need to change the starting position. Instead of resting your feet on the floor, you need to raise them (shin parallel to the floor, thigh perpendicular to the floor).

Read more about the crunch exercise →

Lying leg raise

There is not always a horizontal bar in the house to perform hanging leg raises. In this case, leg raises are the best abdominal exercise for women to work the lower part.


  1. Lie on the floor, arms along your body, palms need to rest on the floor (for additional stabilization) or hold on to any support.
  2. As you exhale, begin to lift your legs together at a slow pace until they are perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Take a short break and return to the starting position without lowering your feet to the floor.

Key points:

  • The lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor.
  • You also need to avoid jerking when lifting your legs (at the expense of your hips).

Russian twist

A very rare, but incredibly effective exercise that provides a powerful load on the abs (with a focus on the oblique abdominal muscles). Performed in any conditions, with dumbbells, kettlebells or any other weight (even with a water bottle).


  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Tilt the body back slightly. At the starting point, there should be a right angle between the hips and the body (a straight V).
  2. Keep the weight on straight arms (slightly bent at the elbows).
  3. Move your arms to the side, trying to touch the object in your hands to the floor on the right.
  4. Without pausing, return your hands to the starting position and repeat the movement to the left side.
  5. Continue alternating body rotations throughout the exercise.

Key points:

  • When working with heavy weights, your arms should be bent at the elbows; when working with minimal weights, you can straighten them (with a slight bend in the joint).
  • This is a strength exercise and does not need to be performed in multiple repetitions. It is optimal to do the Russian twist in the mode of 8-12 leads on each side.

Standing rotation with kettlebell

The most powerful movement for the abdominal muscles. Ideal for strength training at home for abs for girls. Effectively works all core muscles.


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Hold a kettlebell in your free hand at hip level.
  2. Begin to rotate your arm, moving it clockwise behind your back.
  3. Grab the handle of the kettlebell with your other hand and perform the same rotational movement, with the interception in front of you.

Although the technique is unusual, this is a fairly simple movement that requires a front and back interception. Also try to rotate the weight equally clockwise and counterclockwise. Choose the optimal weight (instead of a kettlebell, you can even use a regular bottle with water and a handle).

Exercises for the abs and chest


  1. Lie on your back, legs raised and forming a right angle, hands behind your head, shoulders raised.
  2. Straighten your legs, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  3. The neck is relaxed, we do not hold the head with our hands, we hold the upper part of the body with the press.

2 sets, 10-15 reps.

Bringing hands together

  1. Lie down on a bench (fitball, chairs).
  2. Take the equipment, palms facing each other.
  3. Spread your arms wide, bring them together without bending your elbows.

4 sets, 12-15 reps, weight 1-3 kg (1-2 liter bottle).

At home, you can take bottles of water instead of dumbbells; if you don’t have a fitball, make chairs or take a bench.

The most effective abdominal exercises at home

  • 1 Exercises for the upper abs 1.1 Crunches on the floor
  • 1.2 Boat on the back
  • 2 Exercises for the lower abs 2.1 Fold on the floor
  • 2.2 Exercise “Scissors”
  • 3 Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles 3.1 Russian twist with a dumbbell
  • 3.2 Exercise “Bicycle”

The abdominal area for girls and women is considered the most problematic, not counting the buttocks. To pump up the abs and make the stomach toned and beautiful, it is not enough for the fair sex to perform simple crunches. It is necessary to perform a set of abdominal exercises in combination with a diet. You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. Next, we will talk about one of the effective abdominal workouts for girls and women, which can be performed both at home and in the gym. The set of exercises was developed by a professional trainer and is aimed at working both the upper and lower abdominal muscles, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles. The workout doesn't require much equipment. A mat and dumbbells are enough.

Read : How to warm up before training

Abdominal training program for girls at home

Crunches on the floor415
Back boat press530-60 seconds
Crease on the floor316
Scissors on the floor320
Russian twist with dumbbell420
Bike330 seconds

Exercises for the abs and legs

Lifting the upper part of the body

  1. Lying on your back, extend your arms straight, relax your muscles.
  2. Raise your shoulders, stretch your arms and toes.
  3. Raise your legs and, tensing your muscles, stretch forward.

3-4 sets, 10-15 reps.

Exercise with the ball (tapering)

  1. Take a ball of any diameter to form a right angle.
  2. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, feet on the ball.
  3. Hold the ball under your knees and lift yourself up off the floor, tightening your muscles as much as possible.
  4. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps.

Advice. If there is no ball at home, the exercise is performed in the same way, only with straight legs.


  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs 30 cm from the floor.
  2. Perform crossing leg swings.

2-3 sets, 25-30 reps.

This exercise tightens the obliques and lower abdominal muscles.

Lifting on your toes

  1. Stand with your feet on a solid stand 8 cm high (wooden beam), your back is straight.
  2. We take a dumbbell in one hand and hold the support with the other.
  3. Rise onto your toes, hold for 1-2 seconds and lower down.

Perform: 100 repetitions (on each leg).

Let's summarize the home workout for the press. Let's divide the abdominal exercises discussed above into two groups so that you can work purposefully:

Exercises for the upper abs

  • Bike.
  • Lying leg raises.
  • Letter V
  • Back arch.

Exercises for the lower abs

  • Lifting the upper part of the body.
  • Exercise with the ball (reduction).
  • Scissors.
  • Harmonic.

We recommend watching the video - “Effective abdominal exercises at home”

How to pump up your abs: workout for intermediate level

More complicated exercises presented in the program for intermediate-level athletes will help girls pump up their abs even more effectively. Only move on to the exercises below if you are confident with the beginner ab workout above. Otherwise, you can damage your spine due to weak core muscles.

Other selections of abdominal exercises:

  • Top 10 exercises for upper abs: ready-made workout
  • Top 10 exercises for lower abs: ready-made workout
  • Top 10 Ab Exercises for Obliques: Complete Workout

Twisting to extended legs

Lie on your back, raise your legs at a 90-degree angle to the floor, and spread your arms in opposite directions, palms up. As you exhale, twisting, lift your body, reaching the sides of your ankles with your palms closer to your toes. Inhale and come back. This is a super-effective core exercise that helps pump up the abs for girls, with an emphasis on the upper abdominal muscles.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Lying leg stretching in a circle

We do not change the position of the previous exercise. Bring your arms near your chest, bring your extended legs together and lift them above the floor. Start bending your knees, pulling them towards your stomach. Then slowly straighten your knees until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Next, lower your straight legs and slowly return to the starting position. Perform the exercise in a circle slowly, under control, pressing your lower back to your chest. If you are wondering how to pump up a woman’s abs, then the presented movement will help to qualitatively work out the entire abdominal tissue at the same time.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Full body raises

While lying down, bend your legs slightly, place them on your heels, and spread your knees slightly in different directions. We bring our hands together in front of us, fixing one forearm on the other. As you exhale, we lift the body, after which, while inhaling, we return to the starting position. Work smoothly and without jerking. This movement qualitatively works the abdominal muscles, helping to achieve relief and 6-pack. The entire abdominal tissue is pumped effectively from bottom to top.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Cross palm-toe

Lie on your back and spread your arms in different directions, palms down. Hands and feet lie on the floor. As you exhale, lift your right leg to a position perpendicular to the floor and reach for its toe with your left hand. Take your starting position again. The new movement is accompanied by a change of sides, so now we will work with our left leg and right hand. Try not to bend your knees too much. The exercise completely solves the question of how to pump up abs for girls. In this case, the side area is worked out, and the “lifebuoy” at the waist disappears.

How much to do: 9-10 reps on each side (18-20 reps total).

Butterfly with leg lift

Lie on your stomach and stretch out lengthwise. As you exhale, lift your body while bringing your elbows to the sides of your body. To make it easier to master the exercise technique, imagine that you are doing pull-ups on a bar. Also, during the movement, we raise our legs to a distance of 15-20 cm from the floor (if there is discomfort in the lower back, you can leave your legs lying on the floor). As a result, you work not only the abs, but also the latissimus dorsi muscle and the lumbar region, and get rid of folds on the back. As an added bonus, it improves your posture and eliminates stooping.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Side crunches

Lie on your back, then place your legs on the right side, fixing them on each other. Place your hands behind your head, straightening your elbows in opposite directions from each other. As you exhale, carefully lift your body and then return to the starting position. Having completed the specified number of repetitions, we turn our legs to the other side and work at a similar amplitude. A simple exercise helps pump up the abs for girls, focusing on the oblique abdominal muscles.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions, first on one side, then 10-12 repetitions on the other side.


While lying on your back, raise your legs 15-20 cm above the floor (the lower your legs, the greater the load). Extend your arms along your body and lift your head. Your task is to perform cross movements with your lower limbs, imitating the movements of scissors. Stick to an average pace of work. The presented exercise combines static and dynamic load, due to which it has a tremendous effect on the abdominal muscles with an emphasis on the lower part.

How much to do: 24-26 leg raises.

Knee-elbow lying on side

Lie on your right side and bend your right leg slightly. Extend your right arm in front of you for better stabilization, and secure your left arm behind your head, pointing your elbow to the side. As you exhale, raise your left knee to chest level while touching it with your left elbow. Tighten your abs, avoid distorting your torso. This is an accented element on the side parts of the body, eliminating sagging and excess fat in the waist area.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions, first on one side, then 10-12 repetitions on the other side.

Reverse crunches with leg extension

We work from a lying position. Stretch your arms along the body and fix them on your palms to give your body better stabilization. As you exhale, lift your legs up, lifting your pelvis off the floor, as if you want to take the “birch tree” position. Next, carefully return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. This is one of the best elements for working out the lower abdominal area and getting rid of the belly. Additionally, the lower back and buttocks are strengthened.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Plank lateral knee raises

We assume the position of a classic plank on the elbows. Make sure that your neck, back and legs form a single, straight line. Next, we lift the left knee across the side to the left elbow, take a short pause, after which we return to the starting position. Now we raise the right knee at a similar amplitude. For each repetition, the sides alternate with each other, ensuring a symmetrical workout of the oblique muscles, burning calories, and getting rid of problem areas.

How much to do: 9-10 pull-ups on each side (18-20 pull-ups in total).

Experienced practitioners can repeat the workout in two circles.

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