How many kilograms can you lose with Extraslim for weight loss?

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Author of the article

Lana Ustyugova


Articles written


Fast and comfortable weight loss – with ExtraSlim it’s possible! The unique recipe makes it possible to lose excess weight easily and simply, without strict diets and grueling workouts.

This completely natural remedy against obesity and for effective figure correction is praised by customers. Everyone who has tried the innovative supplement notes its powerful effects.

Thanks to this product, the figure is transformed within a short period of time, and self-confidence increases. Additionally, serious complications associated with obesity are prevented. Today in our review we will tell you what components ExtraSlim consists of, reviews of the product, its properties and much other information.

General description Extraslim

The white self-assembling packaging of Extraslim with a minimal design approach suggests that the manufacturer paid more attention to the content.

Although this can also be part of a marketing strategy. However, a box made of modern food cardboard, coated type, is used both in the food industry and in medicines.

Inside the box, tablets are placed in a blister made of PVC/PVDC/Al foil (tablets, for example, Hexoral or Suprima Lor are sold in similar ones), which protects them from light, moisture, and destruction.

The manufacturer of Extraslim states that weight loss in a month can be up to 15 kg, while warning that long-term use is not advisable.

Extraslim tablets are multilayer, with the top layer being P-57 glycoside, which is extracted from the Hoodia Gordonii cactus or synthesized in laboratories and then supplied to manufacturers' workshops. The effectiveness of the cactus itself for weight loss has been questioned more than once.

We won’t cut corners - read the full breakdown of the composition below in the appropriate section, but here we’ll just mention that the tablets are packaged according to modern standards, and the top layer will allow the active ingredients to reach their destination.

What is Extraslim

Capsules for weight reduction and stabilization Extraslim are a truly innovative development of scientists, nutritionists together with endocrinologists.

The main advantage of this complex is all-natural active ingredients of natural origin. The first week of taking capsules creates a powerful basis for rapid and effective weight loss.

During this time, appetite decreases, uncontrollable cravings for sweets go away, hormonal levels normalize, and metabolism stabilizes.

Regular use of the supplement not only leads to an improved figure, but also to maintaining slimness for many years.

Composition and effect of ingredients

As mentioned above, Estraslim consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The main active ingredients are:

  • Extract of orange berries
    , rich in hordenine. This substance is a very strong fat burner.
  • Wild saffron.
    This plant stabilizes cholesterol levels by almost a quarter, normalizes blood flow, and improves intestinal motility.
  • Extract of juniper berries.
    It has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body. Stabilizes appetite, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Reduces cravings for sweets by affecting receptors.
  • Vitamin B6.
    Inhibits the process of formation of lipid cells. Is a strong fat burner.
  • Vitamin B5.
    It enhances the secretion of the hormone leptin, reduces the glycemic index of food eaten, activates metabolism, and helps burn “bad” cholesterol.
  • Vitamin B2.
    Cleanses the body of toxins, waste, and stagnant fluid. Strengthens all body systems and improves their functions.
  • Vitamin B1.
    Positively affects the hormonal system. Makes the skin younger and more elastic.

The composition does not contain toxic or other harmful substances. There are also no GMOs.

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This evergreen tree or sour-bitter fruit is a basic element that includes the strongest fat burner hordenine. This substance is similar in its effect to adrenaline. Causes burning of subcutaneous fat and lack of appetite for a long time due to a slowdown in the digestion process.


Extraslim tablets for safe and easy weight loss enhance intestinal motility thanks to this component. But this annual plant has a greater effect on the cardiovascular system - it reduces cholesterol levels by almost 25% and improves blood circulation.

Goji berries

The extract accelerates metabolism and removal of fluid from the body.

It is effective for normalizing appetite and digestion by reducing receptor activity. The feeling of hunger is dulled.


A group of vitamins completes the composition with a complex effect on the body:

  • reduces the size of fat deposits (B6);
  • reduces the glycemic index of food consumed (B5);
  • removes toxins with a subsequent restorative effect (B2);
  • restores firmness and elasticity of the skin (B1).

Wild saffron, juniper berry extract, B vitamins are additional elements to enhance the effect of bitter orange, the effect of which was first noted by European scientists. Researchers have noticed that African tribes are thin, but strong and active.

It turned out that local residents have been consuming the fruit for several centuries, provoking a long-term feeling of fullness. Based on research, a number of indications for the use of bitter orange with the indicated auxiliary components have been identified.

Summary of composition

Drinking plenty of fluids when taking Extraslim is recommended due to the latter two diuretics. However, they echo each other with the removal of fluid and choleretic activity. At the same time, their presence is important for normalizing the functioning of the digestive system, because any significant change in diet leads to disturbances.

The antagonistic composition was not revealed, which means that no one drug interferes with the work of the other, but only complements it. For example, coleonol complements the action of P57 - the first sends signals to the hypothalamus to increase the release of enzymes for fat digestion, while the second increases the energy carrier ATP.

The action of the components is multidirectional:

  1. Chemical, for example, orange, yacon.
  2. Physical, for example, glucomannan.
  3. Alarm, for example, coleonol, evening primrose.

Of all the components studied, we were unable to identify a clearly medically proven effect in the following components:

  • Evening primrose.
  • Irvingia.
  • Yacon.
  • Orange fruit extract.

This does not mean that they do not work at all or are fiction. At least, we could not find unanimous confirmation due to differences in research and lack of scientific publications. It is worth understanding that there are many natural herbal remedies in alternative medicine that are effective, but have not yet been included in the collection of evidence-based medicine.

Other ingredients cover the entire spectrum of effects on the body. So, glucomannan actually creates fullness of the gastrointestinal tract, juniper and saffron reduce the effects, P57 reduces the feeling of appetite, lipase and protease enhance the digestion of food, and so on.

That is, everything declared by the manufacturer Extraslim coincides with the real properties of the ingredients and for this we give the highest rating.

Release forms

The weight loss drug Extraslim is produced in the form of tablets. This is a concentrate of medicinal substances that easily dissolve in the stomach and begin to act actively.

Free consultation

Free consultation

The effectiveness of Extraslim tablets has been proven by clinical trials, confirmed by quality certificates, and officially approved for sale.

Operating principle

ExtraSlim for weight loss must be taken according to the instructions. Natural components quickly enter the bloodstream and safely break down fats. Innovation will help you become slimmer, reduce your hips, and flatten your tummy. Additionally, cellulite will go away.


Extraslim is a completely natural product, free from chemical fat burners and harmful additives. During administration, side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain and stool disorders are excluded. The likelihood of an allergic reaction is also minimized, which distinguishes diet pills from dietary supplements.

There are no contraindications to taking the drug.

Women and men of any age and body weight can lose weight with the help of Extraslim tablets. The use of the drug does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle or operate complex mechanisms. Getting used to it is impossible.

Side effects

Extraslim is a completely natural product, free from chemical fat burners and harmful additives. During administration, side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain and stool disorders are excluded. The likelihood of an allergic reaction is also minimized, which distinguishes diet pills from dietary supplements.

Spectrum of action of the weight loss complex Extraslim

The detailed annotation for the drug ExtraSlim describes that the product is justified in using in the following cases:

  • lack of effectiveness of traditional methods of losing weight;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and intestines;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system in the form of apathy, aggression, suicidal tendencies, depression and constant stress;
  • psychological burnout syndrome as a result of fasting, intense training and liposuction.

The ExtraSlim complex allows anyone to lose weight, regardless of gender, age and initial weight. The drug has no side effects, signs of overdose or contraindications. Among the possible prohibitions on taking Extraslim are:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • signs of anorexia;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • the presence of a tendency to allergies to components in the composition.

Characteristics of the drug Extraslim

Regular use of the Extraslim complex is aimed at the quick and safe elimination of fat deposits. As a result of taking this product, an ideal silhouette is formed. The accumulation of active substances in tissues ensures a prolonged effect of the drug, so it is possible to consolidate the weight loss effect for a long time.

A special set of ingredients in the complex ensures rapid achievement of visible results from taking Extraslim in the form of a defined waist, suppressing appetite and improving mood. The complex has a systemic effect on the body of a person losing weight, restoring the normal functioning of systems and organs.

Properties of the drug Extra Slim:

  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • decreased susceptibility to nervous overload in the form of reduced manifestations of aggression, anxiety, apathy and neuroses;
  • replenishment of deficiencies of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients;
  • improving skin quality in the form of improved appearance, increased firmness and elasticity;
  • strengthening the energy potential of the body;
  • purification from toxic compounds, radionuclides, excess liquid and other harmful substances;
  • increasing endurance, activity and performance;
  • formation of barriers to the accumulation of fats at the cellular level.

ExtraSlim diet pills have a wider spectrum of action compared to other weight loss drugs presented on pharmacy shelves. Extraslim does not just block appetite, but comprehensively improves the functioning of the body.


ExtraSlim, unlike its analogues, consists of natural ingredients, therefore it is most suitable as a means for weight loss. The composition does not contain chemicals, synthetics, hormones, steroids and other harmful components. True or false, the effectiveness of Extraslim tablets will be determined by reviews of real clients of the complex and the substances from which they are created. The drug is created on the basis of the following bioactive components:

  • sweet bigardia – active fat burning, increased thermogenesis, appetite suppression, normalization of metabolism;
  • wild saffron - accelerates metabolism, burns fat, blocks appetite, reduces bad cholesterol, improves intestinal motility, cleanses toxins, enhances lymphatic drainage, stabilizes diuresis;
  • sweet juniper – increasing vigor, replenishing vitamin and mineral deficiencies, controlling metabolism, stabilizing the nervous system, improving skin quality;
  • vitamin B6 or pyridoxine – absorption of proteins, unsaturated fats and amino acids, synthesis of hormones and red blood cells, normalization of nervous system functions;
  • vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid – improves vitamin B6, eliminates depression, suppresses fatigue;
  • vitamin B2 or riboflavin - saturates tissues with oxygen, improves skin quality, increases energy reserves, reduces glucose;
  • vitamin B1 or thiamine – protection from the aggressive action of the external environment at the cellular level, improving brain function, normalizing digestion, improving mood.

How does the Extraslim weight loss complex work?

Sergey says: «

Nowadays it is fashionable to be slim and fit. I think this is very good, but this trend also has its disadvantages - a large number of different medications and dietary supplements for weight loss. Understanding the effectiveness and safety of such products is quite difficult. I chose Extraslim because of its good reputation (many positive reviews) and the recommendation of my doctor friend.”

Vladislav Semenovich, gastroenterologist, Moscow: “The main rule of losing weight is do not harm your health. There are tablets and capsules that force the body to “burn” calories and convert fat into energy. Unfortunately, such effects rarely leave a lasting impact on overall health. The heart and blood vessels begin to work at an accelerated rate, which causes various complications. I would recommend trying natural Extraslim. There are no chemicals in the composition, which means that the risk of side effects is low...”

Official site

Official site

According to him, the supplement is able to restore proper carbohydrate metabolism, thereby preventing the fixation of fat on the sides, abdomen and thighs.

The official website contains information that Extraslim helps you get rid of unnecessary pounds without heavy training, strict diets and other debilitating restrictions.

How do weight loss capsules work?

Having received a portion of energy and vitamin charge, the body will require changes in lifestyle. It will become easier to adhere to reasonable dietary restrictions, the constant feeling of hunger will disappear, and your appetite will return to normal. You will want more movement and activity. Feeling great will also affect your mood. Losing weight will be easy and comfortable.

For one 28-day course of Extraslim in tablets, which can be purchased through the official website at a promotional discounted price, you can achieve:

  • minus 5-20 kg;
  • eliminating digestive problems;
  • improving metabolism;
  • getting rid of folds on the stomach and sides;
  • slimness and lightness on the stomach;
  • suppressing appetite;
  • the emergence of healthy habits (light exercise, walking will become a joy, you will want to spend energy);
  • satisfaction with one's own appearance;
  • excellent health and mood.

How to take weight loss pills

Each package includes instructions for use, which describe in detail the dosage and rules of administration.

  1. People over 18 years of age should take one capsule per day with a glass of water, regardless of meals.
  2. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day throughout the course of therapy.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage. The results will not be better, but an allergic reaction may occur.
  4. The duration of treatment is a month and a half (depending on the initial weight and the desired result). After completing the full course, it is recommended to take a break and then consolidate the weight with a repeat course.

Just a month of use will give the following effects:

  • Slim, toned body.
  • Good mood and well-being.
  • Good health.
  • Normal blood pressure level.
  • Healthy nails, hair, skin.
  • There will be no relapse - the lost kilos will not return.

Full study results

Laboratory studies show that EXTRA SLIM works*

Laboratory test results

The studies were conducted on 900 and 100 people.

A more extensive analysis was carried out at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2017. Testing lasted six months. Participants included both women and men. The age of the volunteers ranged from 25 to 65 years. A control count was carried out monthly.

Official site

Official site

The scientists published the following findings:

  • Weight loss is observed already in the first week.
  • Weight loss of 10 kg within the first month.
  • No weight gain after completing the course.
  • The second study confirmed the results of the first and made a number of positive adjustments:
  • The medicine promotes weight loss even if you do not follow the old diet.
  • Increases endurance.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems improves.

Effect of 1 course of taking EXTRA SLIM

  1. Graceful fit figure
  2. Good condition
  3. Strong internal organs
  4. Beautiful skin and hair
  5. Normal pressure
  6. Lost weight will not return

Extraslim for weight loss - scam or not

The drug ExtraSlim for weight loss has received certificates for sale in Russia and the CIS countries. The original tablets have no analogues among pharmaceutical medicines. The main difference between Extraslim is its amazingly high performance and absolute safety. The manufacturer of this complex analyzed reviews from people on various forums and identified the following reasons for the lack of the desired effect from taking the pills:

  1. Using a counterfeit drug.
  2. Violation of the instructions for use in the form of failure to comply with regularity, duration and dosage.
  3. Negative feedback on behalf of buyers is left by competitors of the product.

Advantages of Extraslim

On the forums there are negative and positive reviews from real clients about the results of taking Extraslim. Doctors in their reviews cite the following advantages of this complex:

  1. Absolutely natural composition of the complex.
  2. Complex effect on all causes of obesity.
  3. No addiction, reverse effect, adverse reactions or contraindications.
  4. Soft but powerful effect without harm to the body.
  5. Wide spectrum of action, elimination of excess weight and prevention of weight gain at any age.
  6. Affordable price and free sale.
  7. The effect does not depend on diet and physical activity.

Clinical studies of the drug Extraslim

A drug that has successfully passed clinical trials goes on sale. A detailed report can be found on the official website of the manufacturer ExtraSlim. The achievement of the following results has been proven:

  • achieving visible weight loss in a week – 99%;
  • elimination of extra pounds by 7-10 kg per month – 96%;
  • no return effect – 94%.

Analogues of the Extraslim complex

Numerous hunger blockers have a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, and are also addictive. ExtraSlim, unlike its analogues, has no side effects, does not disrupt sleep and wakefulness, or hormonal balance, allowing you to lose weight without diets and grueling workouts.

Instructions for use and dosage

Expert opinion


Lana Ustyugova

Excess weight is not an aesthetic problem, but a disease that harms internal organs, disrupts heart function, disrupts biological rhythms, and accelerates aging. You need to fight obesity with natural remedies, because they have no side effects. Choosing quality drugs is not an easy task.

Diet pills Extraslim meet all the increased requirements for weight loss products. Detailed information about this drug will allow you to use it for health benefits.

Extraslim tablets are taken one piece per day, regardless of meals, with water.

This drug is a concentrate of active substances in dry form, so you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. The standard course is from 4 to 6 weeks. Next, you need to take a break of 1 month, then, if desired, you can use Extra Slim again.

The medicinal substances contained in one Extraslim tablet will be active for 24 hours.

You should not take Extraslim more often. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the frequency of use, but on the unique components of the drug.

Instructions for use

How to take the ExtraSlim complex is described in a detailed annotation, which is included in each package of tablets:

  • drink 1 tablet 2 times a day;
  • drink with a glass of water;
  • drink 3 liters of clean water per day;
  • minimum course duration 1 month;
  • prophylactic use 2 times a year in a monthly course of 1 tablet per day.

The duration of taking diet pills depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the person losing weight.

Where to buy ExtraSlim

ExtraSlim is not available in pharmacy chains. You can purchase a unique product on the manufacturer’s official website, thereby protecting yourself from counterfeiting.

Official site

Official site

The usual cost of packaging is 1990 rubles. At the time of the promotion, the manufacturer offers to purchase ExtraSlim at a price of 149 rubles.


Extra Slim costs 149 rubles. It would seem that it is quite inexpensive. Significantly cheaper than other dietary supplements for weight loss or drugs from the pharmacy. But there is a footnote under which it is written in small letters that this is the cost of one serving. What is one serving? This is one tablet.

Where to buy Extraslim?

You can order ExtraSlim at an affordable price by leaving a request on the official website. When the manager calls back, you need to confirm the application details and wait for delivery. There is no prepayment required. You won’t be able to buy Extraslim in Moscow in regular pharmacies. Because the product is not sold in traditional pharmacies. The drug is reliably protected from counterfeiting by the unique packaging features, which contain a special code.

Go to the official website

Verified by: Bikmuratov A.S.

Extraslim - another scam or not

Every medicine (new or already popular) or weight loss drug will be criticized. There will always be people who are satisfied with the product or who do not benefit from it. Health, and especially the issues of excess weight, is a very delicate topic in which everyone considers himself a professional.

But you should look at the manufacturer - the main advanced developers in the field of chemistry, physics, and technology are concentrated in Novosibirsk. They find application for their knowledge, including in the field of inventing new drugs to combat excess weight.

You need to read not only the review for ordinary consumers, but also turn to the forums of medical professionals and find out the opinion of nutritionists about the drug.

Quality and safety standards, certificates and declarations of conformity confirm the completion of clinical trials by the drug Extraslim. The instructions are in Russian, everything is clear, there are telephone numbers where it is easy to double-check the information.

Why Extra Slim is so popular

Expert opinion


Lana Ustyugova

In reviews of Extraslim, which can be found on forums and the official website, buyers note various reasons for the popularity of the weight loss product. Some people value pills for their affordable price, because a person in pursuit of beauty and health does not have to spend colossal sums.

Others note that it contains only natural ingredients. Natural substances do not have a harmful effect on vital internal organs, eliminate side effects and gently combat the problem of excess weight.

Typically, effective drugs include in the formula potent chemical elements obtained synthetically. They can give quick results, but at the same time they “shatter” the nervous system and have a bad effect on the heart, kidneys, intestines, etc.

Also, ExtraSlim diet pills have surprisingly lasting results. The kilograms lost during the course do not return, the volume of problem areas does not change significantly after discontinuation of use, and health improves.

Even with natural weight loss, the listed parameters fluctuate, but with this remedy you can forget about swelling, overeating and breakdowns forever. Not only will there be no extra pounds, but the formula of the drug works so that the body does not accumulate new fat cells!

Official site

Official site

"Extraslim" - instructions for use and composition of the drug

The drug should be used as follows: take 1 tablet per day with 100 ml of boiled water. The tablets are taken in the morning, before breakfast. Every day you need to drink 1.5 liters of water. The duration of the course is from 4 to 6 weeks. After 1 month, the course should be repeated again to consolidate the results.

The composition of the drug consists entirely of natural ingredients:

  • Orange fruit extract: is a source of hordenine, which leads to rapid fat burning, safe for health;
  • Wild saffron: has a positive effect on blood circulation and intestinal motility, significantly reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Juniper berry extract: removes excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling, and also has a positive effect on intestinal motor function, strengthens the immune system, removes waste and toxins;
  • B vitamins: reduce the rate of formation of fat cells, eliminate fat deposits, promote accelerated production of leptin, a hormone that regulates energy metabolism. Also, B vitamins have a general strengthening effect, speed up metabolism, normalize hormonal levels, and make the skin firm and elastic.

The result is not only a slim figure, but also strong immunity, improved health, excellent well-being and mood.


Extraslim has analogues. These are also natural drugs that help you lose weight effectively.

Similar drugs:

  • Hoodix for use in the morning and evening. The fat burner works even at night. Normalizes metabolism and fats at the cellular level. During the course you can lose up to 10 kg.
  • Saved honey drops for weight loss based on honey. In the stomach, the fibers swell and relieve the feeling of hunger for a long time. In addition to losing weight, the drug cleanses the digestive system.
  • Reduslim is produced in the form of tablets for oral administration. Speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite, effectively burns fat.
  • Black Latte coffee is easy to use at any time, the powder is dissolved in hot water and consumed internally. Metabolic processes are normalized and metabolism accelerates.


Galina, 48 years old: “These diet pills were perfect for me. The quality is excellent, and so is the price. Overall, I managed to lose a lot of money in just a few weeks. I am very pleased."

Daria, 23 years old: “I saw positive reviews about ExtraSlim, so I decided to try it. I needed to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, and quickly. Diets and sports are not for me, but this drug is what I need. It worked even faster than I expected. Super."

Larisa, 28 years old: “I bought it for my mother, otherwise she thinks that everything is from the Internet, incl. and Extraslim times water. But the product turned out to be superb, my mother was very pleased with its effect. And most importantly, the composition is good, completely natural.”

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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