Bodybar what weight to choose. What is the difference between a bodybar and a barbell? The benefits of a gymnastic stick

general information

You should know that the weight of the bodybar cannot be changed (you can only choose another bodybar, lighter or heavier), so you need to correctly calculate the load level. For those who are just starting their training, there are equipment weighing from 1 to 3 kg. As a rule, for fitness classes in the gym there are always body bars for athletes of different levels: 1, 3, 5, 7 kg. For already trained or physically resilient girls, there are body bars weighing from 10 to 16 kg. In order not to get injured or harm your body, it is important to determine the desired degree of load and take into account your own strength. You must understand that if you are comfortable doing squats with a weight of 10-20 kg, then it will be impossible to perform training to work out, for example, small triceps or deltoids. Therefore, it is worth choosing a different bodybar - less weight, to work on the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

Exercises with a bodybar

Here are some effective exercises with a bodybar for those who want to tighten the gluteal muscle and generally form slender and chiseled legs.


Let's start with classic squats, which are considered the ideal exercise for developing beautiful buttocks. Place the bodybar behind your head and lower it onto your shoulders. Please note that the stick should not be placed on the neck, but slightly lower - on the trapezius muscles. We hold the bodybar in such a way that it feels as if we are leaning on it. We move the chest forward, the pelvis moves back, which automatically gives us the correct deflection in the lower back. Keep your stomach pulled in and do not relax it until the end of the exercise. Feet are shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed to the sides.

While inhaling, we do a squat: the buttocks move back and down, the body moves forward a little (!), the knees bend, look behind the toes and do not move to the center, the heels do not come off the floor, we look forward and up with our eyes - this is mandatory, because in this way We prevent excessive body tilt and slouching. Having reached parallel with the floor - here we mean the position when the upper, and not the lower, surface of the thigh forms a parallel straight line with the floor - as we exhale, we return to the starting position, while straining the thigh muscles. The impulse to push out should come from the heels.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.


This exercise ideally shapes the back of the thigh - the biceps. It looks simple, but, as a rule, I see incorrect execution technique more often than vice versa. So, the shoulders are pulled back, the shoulder blades are brought together and held in order to avoid slouching, the stomach, as in squats, is kept retracted during the entire exercise. We hold the bodybar in our hands in front, knees slightly bent.

As you inhale, the pelvis moves back (imagine that you want to open a door with your butt), the body weight is transferred to the heels, and we bend down. Having caught the feeling of a well-tightened thigh biceps, exhale and return to the starting position. The impulse to push out also comes from the heels. Please note that we do not straighten completely, but while maintaining a slight angle. And note for yourself: if you notice discomfort in the lower back, it means that you are violating the execution technique.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.

Crunch with bodybar

And he will work a little with the abs, slightly engaging the pectoral muscles. We lie down on a fitness mat, raise our legs up, hold the bodybar in our straight arms above us, with a wide grip. As you inhale, lower the stick to your chest, and as you exhale, lift it to your toes, lifting your body off the floor. When lowering, your elbows look at the floor. Watch your legs - they should not bend at the knees. To complicate the task, you can linger at the top point for a couple of seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.

TOP5 exercises with a bodybar


Squats tone the gluteal and quadriceps muscles. Engages the abdominal muscles.

1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, just below your cervical spine.

2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and tighten your abdominal muscles.

3. As you inhale, squat until parallel to the floor, do not lean your body onto your hips under the weight of the load, keep your gaze on the ceiling.

4. Exhale and straighten your torso.


This exercise with a body bar can improve the shape of your buttocks.

1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders and place your feet together.

2. As you inhale, step one foot forward, transferring your body weight to your front supporting foot.

3. Do not lean forward too much or arch your lower back.

4. Exhale and bring your front leg back, pushing through your heel.

5. Lunge on the other leg in the same way, alternating movements for the same number of repetitions.

Standing bends

The exercise develops the thigh biceps, buttocks and lumbar extensors.

1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, feet hip-width apart.

2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and, as you inhale, lower your torso forward, bending your knees slightly.

3. Do not lower your body too low, keep your gaze ahead.

4. Exhale and straighten your torso, feeling the tension in your lower back and buttocks.

Belt pull

The bodybar pull exercise is aimed at strengthening the back muscles.

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, take the bodybar in your hands with a medium grip (shoulder-width apart).

2. Bend your body forward at an angle of 45 degrees, bend your knees slightly and hold the position.

3. Hands are freely lowered down.

4. As you exhale, stretch the bodybar to your lower abdomen, tensing your back muscles. Don't round your back.

5. As you inhale, straighten your elbows and repeat the movement.

Workout with a bodybar

In gyms, visitors perform a set of exercises with a body bar under the supervision of an experienced trainer. At home, every beginner can also easily master the apparatus, observing several mandatory rules for its use:

  1. You only need to choose a machine of suitable weight and length. The selection rules are discussed in detail in the chapter above.
  2. Always ensure that the exercises are performed correctly: the back should be straight and slightly arched, the apparatus should be grasped symmetrically, and so on.
  3. You cannot perform movements abruptly; the amplitude should be smooth so as not to injure the ligaments.

Exercises with a bodybar

There are a large number of exercises with a bodybar for women, but only five are considered basic, working the main muscle groups:

  1. Squats
    , which tone the buttocks and quadriceps muscles while engaging the abdominal muscles. The bodybar is placed on the shoulders below the cervical spine, with feet shoulder-width apart. The squat is performed while inhaling, the back is straight, looking at the ceiling.
  2. Lunges with a bodybar
    , necessary for working out the shape of the buttocks, the so-called “cutting”. The apparatus is placed on the shoulders, as in the previous exercise, with the feet together. As you inhale, step forward with one leg while simultaneously transferring your body weight to it. Exhale and return to the starting position.
  3. Standing bends
    to develop the buttocks, hamstrings, and lumbar extensors. The projectile is on the shoulders, legs hip-width apart. As you inhale, when the abdominal muscles are tense, the torso lowers forward, the knees are slightly bent.
  4. Belt row or “dead” row
    , which strengthens the back muscles. Feet shoulder-width apart, bodybar in front in hands with a medium grip. The body is tilted at an angle of 45° with the knees slightly bent. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  5. Bench press
    , which works the pectoral muscles and triceps. To perform the exercise, it is important to lie on a bench or step platform and place the machine in your hands in front of you with a wide grip. As you inhale, lower the bodybar to the top point of your chest, and as you exhale, lift it up.

How to exercise with a gymnastic stick?

A set of exercises for adults

Below are descriptions of exercises that are suitable for adults training with a gymnastic stick:

  1. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart , lower your arms down and securely grab the gymnastics stick by the edges. The device is raised up and placed behind the back, the main goal is to lower it as low as possible, but at the same time maintain a straight position of the arms. In the absence of proper preparation, pain may occur, in which case you will need to slightly reduce the amplitude.
  2. Spread your legs as wide as possible, and place the gymnastic stick on the floor in front of you. A forward bend is made, it should be done as much as possible, as far as physical fitness allows, there is no need to tilt your head, ideally it should form a single line and be an extension of the back. The projectile is grabbed by the hands and pressed to the chest, the shoulder blades are immediately deflected, and the elbows are spread in different directions, but at the same time remain bent. After completing the described movements, the stick is again placed on the floor surface, and you can return to the starting position.
  3. The projectile is placed on the floor, but it must be in a vertical position. Both hands are placed on its end part, and then tilt forward, using the device as a fulcrum. A strong back bend is made, after which wave-like movements are made with the back, which should alternately arch and straighten. Because of this specificity of execution, this exercise was nicknamed “Spring”.
  4. The legs are spread wide apart, one arm is extended forward, the palm should be facing upward, and a gymnastic stick is placed on it. In this position, you need to start doing squats, trying not to drop the projectile; holding on to it with your fingers is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to gradually increase the execution speed.
  5. To perform an exercise aimed at developing the abdominal muscles, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, and grasp the apparatus firmly with your hands. The shoulders are lifted off the floor and the upper part should be raised forward. Simultaneously with such a rise, the arms should be stretched upward, they should be pulled towards the ceiling. Once the maximum point is reached, you can return to the starting position.

A set of exercises for children

For children, a different complex is used, which has fundamental differences; descriptions of the exercises included in it are given below:

  1. The gymnastic stick is placed behind the back , it should be at the same level with the shoulder blades. The arms are shifted to the ends of the projectile and bent at the elbows, after which, maintaining this position, it is necessary to walk around the room for a minute.
  2. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart , hands should be lowered towards the floor and the projectile should be held firmly with them. The gymnastic stick smoothly rises up; when it reaches its maximum height, you will need to rise on your toes and begin to reach towards the ceiling. The return to the starting position should also be smooth; at least 5 repetitions are required.
  3. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart , hold the projectile in front of you at chest level, and bend your arms at the elbow joints. While turning the body to the left side, both arms are straightened, and when returning to the starting position, they are pressed tightly to the chest. The same pattern is used to turn in the other direction, followed by a return to the starting position. The exercise will need to be repeated about 3-5 times.
  4. To perform this exercise, you need to sit comfortably on the floor , take the gymnastic stick with both hands by its ends and hold it close to the floor surface. Each leg is placed on the device in turn and then returned back; similar movements must be repeated 3 to 6 times.
  5. The gymnastic stick is placed on the floor , after which you need to walk on it and at the same time maintain your balance, or at least try to do so. It is necessary to achieve results in which balance will be maintained for at least 15-20 seconds. During the first execution, it is necessary to take precautions and secure the child by holding his hands.

Types of exercises

To achieve results as quickly as possible, exercises with a bodybar should be carried out regularly. The duration of each is at least 45 minutes. The number of repetitions (approaches) increases gradually.

A selection of effective exercises includes the following options:

Place the projectile on the shoulder area. Wrap your arms around both ends. Slowly make inclined movements left and right, back and forth. Constantly monitor your back to ensure it is straight.

Squats with a machine mounted on your shoulders will tone your buttocks. The starting position is with your feet shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to perform the deepest, rhythmic squats for 15-20 repetitions.

In this exercise, you should monitor not only your posture, but also the position of your knees. Do not spread your knees, keep them parallel, the bend angle should be 90 degrees.

The bodybar bench press with simultaneous leg raises is a comprehensive workout aimed at developing several parts of the body. To do this, lie on your back, place the projectile on your chest, clasping it with your arms. Perform a bench press by lifting the gymnastic stick to the height of your extended arms, combining the process with lifting your lower limbs.

Lunges are the key to a beautiful figure. Starting position: Take a straight position, feet shoulder-width apart. The bodybar is located behind the neck. Take a maximum step forward with your right leg, while bending your left leg until it touches the floor (squat). Return to the starting position. Perform similar lunges, switching legs. The total number of repetitions is at least 30 pieces.

You can work your arm muscles by lifting the bodybar up. One option: take a bodybar, bend your elbows, and bring the projectile to your neck.

Beautiful abs with the help of a body bar? Easily! Take a comfortable position on the mat with your back pointing down. The bodybar is located behind the shoulders. Raise your body as you exhale, lifting yourself off the mat. As you inhale, lower yourself down.

To build the shoulder muscles, it is useful to perform bodybar lifts with straight arms. The starting position is to stand straight, legs spread shoulder-width apart. The bodybar is held in the hands at chest level. As you exhale, the stick rises up and is held in a static position for several seconds. As you inhale, the projectile returns to its original point. This should be repeated at least 20 times.

The choice of one exercise or another depends on the desired training goal. You can work on one specific muscle group, or you can work on several areas at once. It is better to do exercises in front of a mirror. This will help you monitor the position of your back, legs and arms.

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