Homemade anti-cellulite cream recipes

Features of making cream yourself

Ready-made anti-cellulite cosmetics, with rare exceptions, are quite expensive, and in order to get the expected effect, you need to take several courses a year. Homemade cellulite creams have some benefits:

  • it is possible to choose the composition of the cream in accordance with your individual characteristics;
  • high efficiency, since the action of the product will be “targeted” at eliminating certain causes of cellulite development;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • ease of preparation;
  • available natural ingredients;
  • low costs.

The main advantage of homemade anti-cellulite creams is the ability to carefully select ingredients. In addition to the active ingredients, factory-made cosmetics contain a large number of preservatives and stabilizers, which, according to manufacturers, enhance the effects of the active substances. If you decide to prepare an anti-cellulite cream yourself, you can include natural active ingredients without any chemical additives.

Benefits of homemade anti-cellulite creams

Ready-made anti-cellulite creams often consist of a whole set of vitamins - antioxidants A, CC, PP, and may also contain panthenol and caffeine, algae extracts, which makes its price quite high.

The home-prepared composition has a number of advantages over its analogue sold in cosmetic departments:

What ingredients should be in a homemade anti-cellulite product?

  1. Coniferous extracts, rosemary and citrus essential oils - to break down fatty deposits.
  2. Cinnamon, chili pepper extract, cloves, mustard - to provide a warming effect, a rush of blood to the epidermal cells.
  3. Caffeine, essential oils of juniper, rose hips, thyme, cypress, sea salt - to combat increased swelling, eliminate congestion and normalize blood microcirculation.
  4. Essential oils of grapes, fennel, mumiyo, ylang-ylang - to strengthen the structure of the skin and increase its elasticity.
  5. Essential oils of pumpkin seeds, tea tree, sea buckthorn, geranium, kelp extract - to strengthen veins and blood vessels.

Rules for using anti-cellulite cream

After you have prepared your own anti-cellulite remedy, the question arises of how to use the anti-cellulite cream, how many times and at what time to rub it into the skin. It is important to know that a scrub, cream or any other expensive remedy for cellulite is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Advanced cellulite cannot be corrected by massages in combination with cosmetics.

Wellness massage

Let us list the basic rules for using a skin scrub. They will help increase the effectiveness of massage with cream or gel that you have previously prepared:

  • anti-cellulite cream or gel is applied to the skin only after cleansing it: a regular body scrub or shower gel can be used for this;
  • the area of ​​the massaged body must first be warmed up with peeling agents;
  • Before using the anti-cellulite massager, the skin must be rubbed with your hands;
  • In addition to cream, you need to use scrubs to exfoliate dead skin particles.

Cream or gel for anti-cellulite massage should not be applied immediately on top of another cosmetic product. Simultaneous application of scrub, gel and cream will lead to their mixing and reduce the effectiveness of each of them.

Excess weight

An additional result will occur if you don’t just rub in the anti-cellulite cream, but make hot or cold wraps around the problem area of ​​the skin. The skin should be covered with a bandage, ordinary cling film, or a bandage. This wrap is carried out for 30-100 minutes. The cream or scrub for this procedure should include sea clay and algae extract. These ingredients produce an additional drainage effect when heated.

Before you use anti-cellulite skin cream, listen to the tips listed. Neglecting the recommendations can lead to the fact that rubbing the cream will only have an external effect on the skin, without affecting the internal processes in the body. This means that cellulite will return as soon as possible.

Using the best cream for anti-cellulite massage will not have the desired effect if you do not combine it with exercise, a balanced diet, and a contrast therapeutic shower.

It is worth using a specialized anti-cellulite gel or scrub several times a day. The optimal regimen involves taking a shower and then applying the cream twice a day: morning and evening. There is a misconception that such a frequent schedule is addictive, the body stops responding, and the skin begins to sag. This is a completely false statement - there will be no side effects.

The effectiveness of homemade creams

Among the beneficial effects of using homemade anti-cellulite cream are the following:

  • warming effect;
  • normalization of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • active burning of fat deposits;
  • removal of edema;
  • removal of unnecessary fluid, toxins and waste from the body;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • tightening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • fight against varicose veins;
  • elimination of pronounced symptoms of cellulite.

The best anti-cellulite cream recipes

To make homemade cream, you will need a container to store the finished product, a wooden or plastic mixing spatula (you can use an ordinary toothpick), glass or ceramic bowls, a kitchen scale or measuring cup and a little patience.


Don't forget that all recipes are quite flexible. You can safely experiment, looking for the golden mean - reduce or increase the proportions of components, add new ingredients or cross out existing ones. Don't be afraid to try to get smooth skin without a hint of cellulite.

Coffee cream

Caffeine stimulates the breakdown of excess fat, normalizes blood flow and improves the appearance of the skin. Prepare small portions of the mixture at a time. To smooth out cellulite, simply mix an ampoule of caffeine (can be bought at a pharmacy) with a tablespoon of any fatty or baby cream. It is recommended to use ready-made coffee cream once a week.

Grape cream

Grape juice makes the skin firm, increases its elasticity and collagen production. To prepare a remedy for cellulite, mix 10 ml of moisturizing milk, 5 ml of liquid honey heated in a water bath and 70 ml of natural grape juice. Mix everything thoroughly and massage in circular movements into problem areas. After 10-15 minutes, take a shower.

Apple cream

To prepare it, apple cider vinegar is used, which is famous for its active effect on cellulite. Take two parts massage oil and mix it with one part apple cider vinegar. In addition to fighting cellulite, apple cider vinegar helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is very effective against varicose veins.

Cream with mumiyo

This product helps to comprehensively combat cellulite and stretch marks: tighten the skin, make it more elastic and soft, accelerate the breakdown of fat, normalize lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and reduce volume. To prepare an anti-cellulite cocktail, mix a tube of baby cream with 2-5 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 9 drops of juniper oil and the same amount of sweet orange or grapefruit oil. Grind 2 mummy tablets or take 5 g of natural resin and add to the bulk. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, dispensing a small amount before daily application and immediately screwing the lid on tightly.

Cream with a mixture of essential oils

Stir in a porcelain bowl until smooth 2 ampoules of caffeine, a drop of hot pepper essential oil, 2 drops each of juniper and orange essential oils and 2 tablespoons of milk or body cream. Warm the prepared homemade mixture slightly in your palms and rub into areas with cellulite for about a quarter of an hour daily.

Olive oil cream

Mix 15 ml of unscented olive oil, 70 g of any fatty body cream and add 4 drops of any essential oil with anti-cellulite effect or a teaspoon of horse chestnut extract. Rub into problem areas of the body morning and evening.

Honey cream

Honey is very popular for treating cellulite in home cosmetology. Honey massage is very effective. Anti-cellulite cream based on honey also gives good results. To prepare it, slightly heat 50 ml of rose water, stir in half a teaspoon of gelatin. When the gelatin dissolves, pour in 5 ml of boric acid, 50 ml of glycerin and 15 ml of honey. Leave the mixture to infuse. After 5-6 hours it can be used. Apply the product to cellulite-affected skin twice a week and massage for about 10 minutes. Remove the remains with a napkin.

Another version of the mixture looks like this: mix 50 ml of baby cream and 20 g of liquid natural honey. Add a couple drops of sweet orange essential oil. Apply the product 2 times a week to the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms with gentle patting movements. After 10 minutes, rinse off the residue with warm water.

Orange cream

Some of the simplest and at the same time effective recipes in the fight against cellulite. Squeeze the amount of baby cream required for one use into a glass container and add 3 drops of orange essential oil - and your anti-cellulite home helper is ready. Mix a new portion before each application. To remove cellulite, rub the orange mixture into your skin every day.

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare an effective anti-cellulite remedy yourself - all the components necessary for this are sold in any pharmacy or store. However, you should not consider homemade anti-cellulite cream the only salvation for your skin. To win the battle for the beauty of your body, your home anti-cellulite complex should also include massage and wraps, exercise and a proper diet. This is the only way to keep your skin youthful and smooth. Love yourself and stay beautiful!

How to choose an anti-cellulite cream

We ask ourselves the essential question of how to choose an anti-cellulite cream as soon as we realize that it is necessary.

Now there is a wide variety of anti-cellulite cosmetics. It should be remembered that a high price does not always guarantee excellent quality. In order to avoid deception and not overpay for a “dummy”, you need to carefully study the composition. It is recommended to give preference to brands that specialize in producing natural products, since they do not contain chemicals that penetrate the body and destroy it. In our article you can find suitable recipes for anti-cellulite cream at home, the naturalness of which you will be firmly confident.

Components that are “welcome” in the composition:

  • red pepper extract – improves blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • green tea extract – relieves irritation, evens out the skin;
  • algae extract – strengthens the skin;
  • herbal extract – enhances metabolism;
  • fruit acids – even out the relief and add elasticity;
  • clay – tones, promotes cell regeneration;
  • cinnamon oil – has a warming effect;
  • caffeine – improves blood circulation, promotes the breakdown of fat;
  • beeswax – has a bactericidal effect;
  • essential oils of mint, fir, juniper, cedar, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit - improve metabolism, promote cell renewal, smooth the skin and increase its elasticity;
  • cloudberry seeds – allow free radicals to escape, improve blood circulation, promote cell regeneration;
  • vitamins A, C, E, B - are responsible for the production of collagen, moisturize and saturate.

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