PP recipes for oatmeal cookies at home. Making oatmeal cookies for proper nutrition

Regular oatmeal cookies contain quite a lot of calories - 437 per 100 grams! So eating a portion of such a dessert will be problematic if you limit your diet and stick to calorie counting.

But if you try to prepare dietary oatmeal cookies, then their calorie content will be approximately 160-170 calories per 100 grams! With such cookies you can calmly drink tea and have a snack without harming your figure. That's why oatmeal cookies are so popular among food lovers and healthy people! You can safely include such cookies in your diet without fear of harming your figure, and the fact that you prepare them yourself will give you the opportunity to accurately determine the KBJU of this product!

Dietary cookies made from oatmeal without flour

To make real rolled oats cookies, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • We use exclusively whole grain oat flakes (hereinafter referred to as OX) . They are rich in fiber, which removes toxins. You can also grind the oats into oatmeal.
  • Instead of sugar, add any natural sweetener of your choice.
  • A mandatory addition to dietary oatmeal cookies is dried fruit. There is a large selection here - dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates, cranberries. All this will make our cookies tastier and you may not even need to add a sweetener.
  • To make oatmeal cookies, add low-fat cottage cheese to the recipe. It's a great flour substitute, but it's low in calories and high in protein!
  • For those who work out in the gym, it is useful to add protein to the ingredient! This way you will immediately solve two problems - eat sweets and get the right amount of protein!
  • To bind whole grain oatmeal together, use kefir or natural yogurt!
  • Don't forget to add fruits to the recipe - apples, bananas, pears! They hold the dough together perfectly!
  • You need to bake dietary oatmeal cookies in a well-heated oven!

A very simple and quick recipe for a snack or dessert, as you like:

  • 100 grams of OX.
  • 50 grams of any nuts. It is better to chop them a little in a blender or with a knife.
  • 50 grams of any dried fruits. We will use raisins, they will add extra sweetness to our cookies.
  • Any sweetener to your taste.
  • 3 eggs. If you want to reduce calorie content, you can use only proteins, although then you will need 4 or 5 proteins. Check the consistency of the dough.
  • ½ teaspoon of any baking powder.

Just mix all the ingredients for dietary rolled oats cookies, cover and let it brew for an hour. During this time, our flakes will swell and you can easily form pp cookies. Cooking time is only about 10 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees.


Oatmeal pie with apple

Making oatmeal pie with apples requires minimal effort. This recipe is similar to the recipe for making charlotte. It’s difficult to say which dish tastes better, but this recipe doesn’t require flour; oatmeal is used instead, so this dish is healthier and contains almost half the calories.

To prepare you will need:


  • 1.5 cups oatmeal;
  • 3 apples;
  • egg;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • salt.


  1. Add melted butter (in the microwave or in a water bath) to a bowl.
  2. Add egg, sugar.
  3. Whisk until smooth.
  4. Add cereal, baking powder.
  5. To stir thoroughly.
  6. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and spoon in half of the oat mixture.
  7. Grate the apples or cut into thin slices.
  8. Place apples on top of mixture and add remaining mixture.
  9. Bake in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 30 minutes.

The finished baked goods can be served.

Diet oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese

This is perhaps the simplest and fastest recipe for curd-oatmeal cookies:

  • 250 grams of OX.
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese. We take any low-fat cottage cheese, the main thing is that it is not sour, because we are preparing a dessert.
  • 1 medium apple. Wash, peel and grate.
  • 1 egg.
  • A packet of vanilla sugar.
  • Sweetener to taste.

In a separate container, fill our OX with water so that it completely covers them, and leave for 15 minutes. When the flakes swell, add all the other ingredients, mix and put in the refrigerator for one hour. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, shape the cookies and bake for one hour.

Oatmeal PP cookies with banana

For those with a sweet tooth, this banana recipe is perfect.

  • 120 grams of OX.
  • 2 bananas. We choose only ripe and sweet fruits. Mash them with a fork until pureed. You can do this in a blender.
  • Any nuts you like.

Add OX to the banana puree and mix thoroughly. Leave for 20 minutes for the flakes to swell, then add the nuts and form cookies. Place PP oatmeal cookies with banana in the oven for 15 minutes!

Toppings for oatmeal pancakes

Banana Oat Pie

Oatmeal pie with banana is even tastier than regular oatmeal baked goods and has a special aroma. It is important to use fully ripe bananas, even overripe ones, because these are the bananas that create the unique flavor.

To prepare you will need:


  • sugar - half a glass;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 eggs;
  • milk - a quarter glass;
  • baking powder;
  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • salt.


  1. Bring bananas to a mushy state.
  2. Add eggs, sugar, beat.
  3. Pour in the milk while continuing to whisk.
  4. Place the cereal, a pinch of salt and baking powder in a bowl.
  5. Stir and pour the dough into a greased baking dish.
  6. Bake in the oven, preheating it to 180 degrees.

Ready baked goods can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. The difference between this dish is that it can be stored for a long time, about a week.

Oatmeal cookies with apple recipe

For this simple recipe you will need:

  • 2 glasses of any OX.
  • 2 cups natural yogurt.
  • 2 medium apples. We choose sweet fruits, wash them, peel them and grate them. Remove excess juice from apples.
  • Honey to taste. You can also add any other sweetener.

Pour oatmeal with yogurt and leave for 1 hour. Then add the remaining ingredients to the oat mixture and mix. Bake the cookies for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.


Dietary kefir cookies with added nuts and oatmeal


  • Kefir 1% - 100 gr.
  • Spread – 50 gr.
  • Oatmeal – 120 gr.
  • Vanillin – 8 gr.
  • Honey – 12 gr.
  • Flour – 25 gr.
  • Nuts – 90 gr.


  1. Divide the flakes into equal 2 parts. We scroll the first part in a blender, grinding it into flour.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with the second part of the oatmeal. Add chopped nuts.
  3. We take the kefir out of the refrigerator and wait until it warms up to room temperature. Pour into cereal mixture. Mix the ingredients intensively.
  4. Add flour, vanillin and honey. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Melt the butter and add it to the future dough.
  6. Mix all ingredients well and leave for 30 minutes. During this time, the mixture manages to obtain the required viscosity and consistency.
  7. Heat the oven to 2000C. Grease a baking tray with oil or put baking paper on it.
  8. Use a tablespoon to form cookies, placing them on the prepared baking sheet.
  9. Ready baked goods can be removed from the oven after 20 minutes.

Diet oatmeal cookies with kefir

If you have kefir in the refrigerator, you can always make delicious pp cookies.

  • 300 ml kefir. You can use regular kefir, or low-fat kefir.
  • 300 grams of OX.
  • Any dried fruits and nuts to your liking. First, fill the dried fruits with hot water and leave for 10 minutes. Then cut.
  • Natural sweetener. In our case it is honey. Let's take 3 tablespoons.
  • Cinnamon.

Just mix kefir with cereal and leave for 40 minutes. Then add dried fruits, nuts, honey, cinnamon. Form cookies and bake until golden brown.

PP dietary oatmeal cookies

If you have ready-made oatmeal on hand, you can prepare a delicious dessert:

  • 1 banana. Mash with a fork until pureed.
  • 150 grams of oat flour. If you don’t have one, you can grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. We will use coconut, it will give an unusual taste and aroma.
  • If desired, you can add any nuts, cinnamon, or dried fruits to the dough.

Mix flour, puree and coconut oil. It's better to do this with a blender. We put any filling into the dough and form cookies. Bake until our cookies are browned.

PP oatmeal cookies with dried fruits

If you love sweets, then this healthy recipe will come in handy:

  • 200 grams of dried fruits. We take dates, dried apricots, raisins. You can take any to your taste. There is no need to soak them, just chop them a little.
  • 250 grams of OX.
  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1 egg. We will only use protein
  • 3 tablespoons of bran. You can take any bran.
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.

Put soda in kefir and pour in oatmeal. Then we put protein and dried fruits there. Mix everything. We wait until the flakes swell a little and form cookies. Roll each cookie in bran and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes.

PP oatmeal raisin cookies: recipe

Do you like raisins? Then try this delicious recipe:

  • A handful of raisins.
  • 160 grams of OX, that’s about two glasses.
  • Any sweetener to your taste.
  • 2 eggs. Beat them together with vanilla.
  • A pinch of vanillin for a pleasant aroma.
  • Cinnamon.

First, mix all the dry ingredients: cereal, raisins, cinnamon. Then pour in the egg mixture and stir. Form the cookies and place in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.


Diet carrot cookies with oatmeal

Do you love carrots, but don't know what to cook with them? We have a great recipe for you!

  • 200 ml yogurt. We use only natural yogurt without added sugar or other harmful additives.
  • 2 medium carrots. We clean it and grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 tablespoons corn flour. This type of flour goes perfectly with carrots.
  • 2 tablespoons OX. Take Hercules or any other cereal.
  • Favorite dried fruits. We use dates (8 pieces), dried apricots (8 pieces), prunes (8 pieces). Wash all the dried fruits and add hot water to let them steep a little. Then we cut them into small pieces.
  • Half a packet of baking powder.

Mix all ingredients in a separate container and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then form the cookies and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Baking temperature 180 degrees.

Oatmeal Pie: 32 Delicious Homemade Recipes

To make a pie from oatmeal, you need to prepare this flour, since you can’t always find it in this form in the store. An electric coffee grinder can easily cope with this task - lightly dried flakes in a frying pan without oil are added to it in small portions and ground into powder. The process is long, labor-intensive, and therefore not justified. Therefore, it is better to focus on other varieties of these baked goods.

The five most commonly used ingredients in oatmeal cake recipes are:

ProductCalories kcal per 100gProteins g per 100gFats g per 100gCarbohydrates g per 100g

It's simpler, easier and faster to make a pie from oatmeal, cooked or raw. It can be cooked from small or large flakes, it doesn’t matter. It is cooked in water or milk with the addition of sugar and salt. It is cooled to a warm state and in this form is kneaded into the dough. Added products: eggs, milk, a little wheat flour and any filling to taste: nuts, raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, muesli. The pie is baked into one continuous layer and sprinkled with powdered sugar. For fluffiness, it’s a good idea to add baking soda or baking powder. The advantage of this option is that you can use the porridge left over from yesterday’s breakfast (usually no one wants to eat this, and its only destiny is to sit and spoil in the refrigerator).

Five of the fastest oatmeal pie recipes:

Name of the dishCooking timeCalories kcal per 100gUser rating
Apple crumble with rolled oats30 min193+73
Quick carrot cake with kefir30 min112+239
Pie with prunes in the oven40 min308+41
Bulk shortbread pie with jam50 min372+87
Jellied pie made with oatmeal and mayonnaise with minced meat50 min195+16

Another option is an oatmeal pie, the dough for which is mixed with raw oatmeal in the form in which you buy it in the store. This is the fastest oatmeal pie recipe possible. The ingredients included are the same as those for a pie made from ready-made porridge. Milk can be replaced with sour cream or kefir, add butter and honey.

If there are small children in the family who categorically do not want to eat porridge, you can cook oatmeal pie for them. Choose any recipe. You can bake it as a whole cake or with filling inside, cut into two halves, coat the inside with cream or jam. It turns out to be a tasty pastry for tea and not very high in calories if you avoid wheat flour, butter and full-fat sour cream/milk.

Pumpkin oatmeal cookies diet recipe

  • 1 glass OX. Grind them a little in a blender and pour in 150 ml of hot water. The flakes should brew and turn into a tight mixture. You have made a pp dough.
  • 80 grams of pumpkin. The vegetable pulp should be grated on a fine grater.
  • 20 grams of vegetable oil. We use coconut.
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder.
  • Any sweetener to taste.
  • 50 grams of raisins. Steam it a little first.

Place all other ingredients into the dough and mix. Form cookies and bake for about 25 minutes.

As you can see, diet oatmeal cookies are very easy to prepare! Be sure to try the recipes and lose weight easily!

Diet recipe according to Dukan


  • Oat bran or flour.
  • Egg.
  • Sweetener.
  • Yogurt or kefir.
  • Baking powder.

Recipe for two servings:

  1. Mix in a container one egg, half a teaspoon of baking powder, one tablet of sweetener, three tablespoons of ground or whole bran and three tablespoons of low-fat yogurt. You will get fresher cookies if you add kefir instead of yogurt.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous. For flavoring, you can add a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of vanilla.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  4. Place the resulting mixture in molds or spoon onto parchment paper, giving the cookies a round shape.
  5. After 15 minutes the cookies are ready.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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