What is oatmeal and how to cook it - the most delicious recipes for proper nutrition

Athletes and people who follow a healthy diet often have oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. It is already loved by many for its delicate, pleasant taste, and the charge of energy from it lasts for a long time. If you still don’t know what it is and how to cook it, then be sure to try it. The most delicious recipes will help you with this; they are quite simple and include a minimum of ingredients.

This is a great alternative to porridge, omelettes and scrambled eggs. If you eat an oatmeal pancake in the first half of the day, then hunger will come to you only at lunch or even later. This is very helpful when there is no opportunity to have a snack. Thus, you will not be tempted to eat something extra (candy, cookies, etc.), because you will feel full, without gaining additional pounds.

Another fact why oatmeal is so popular is the ease of its preparation. You don't have to constantly stand at the stove to make yourself a healthy breakfast. Literally 5-10 minutes and you can eat. By the way, nutritious and very tasty fillings are often added to it: lightly salted fish, cream cheese, fresh vegetables, pieces of fruit, chicken, red meat. So you can create a varied menu for the whole week and enjoy it with health benefits.

What is oatmeal

The name of this dish speaks for itself. To prepare, you will need oatmeal, eggs and milk (can be replaced with water). Sometimes instead of flakes you can find bran in recipes. Everything needs to be mixed in a cup to form a homogeneous liquid mass. Then it is fried in a frying pan until cooked on both sides. The fried dough tastes pleasant, and if you add the filling, the result is simply delicious!

The finished pancake contains a large amount of fiber, which is beneficial for intestinal function. Like a scrub, it cleanses its walls and rids the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful compounds. It contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, unlike simple ones, they do not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar, are slowly absorbed, and therefore satisfy even a strong appetite for a long time.

Nutritionists speak positively about this breakfast option and recommend it to everyone, especially athletes. If you want to lose weight and follow a healthy diet, then a delicious pancake should definitely be included in your usual diet. Contraindications for use are individual food intolerances and food allergies. However, there is a way out: people who, for example, are lactose intolerant, can replace cow's milk with oatmeal, coconut or any other.

Diet pancakes with protein

Oatmeal pancakes contain very healthy complex carbohydrates, which provide energy to our body and are vital for active people. Protein is a protein that is a building material for the cells of our body, in particular muscle cells. Anyone who plays sports, takes care of their body, or strives for a balanced diet will benefit from a recipe for oatmeal pancakes with protein. These pancakes won't make you gain weight, but they will give your body a boost of energy for the whole day.

To prepare we will need:

  • 2 tablespoons oat bran
  • 1.5 tablespoons oat flour
  • 1.5 tablespoons whey protein
  • 250 ml. milk
  • 2 eggs + 1 white
  • salt, sugar - to taste

This volume of products will yield about 10 pancakes.

1. First you need to grind the bran into flour using a coffee grinder.

2. Beat 2 eggs and an additional 1 white with salt and sugar, add the ground bran, mix and leave the bran to swell for 10 minutes.

3. Add oatmeal and mix everything well again.

4. Add protein, milk, mix everything until smooth.

5. Bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan, greased with a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

And if oatmeal is not your taste, you will find dietary pancakes made from corn flour in this article.

See how beautifully you can wrap pancakes and serve them:

Bon appetit!

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