The benefits and harms of running in winter and how to dress for a winter run?

The benefits of winter jogging

The benefits of running are undeniable, and in winter there are several more advantages:

  • Physical activity in the fresh air has benefits for the respiratory system. And due to the fact that winter air is richer in oxygen than summer air, it is much easier to breathe while jogging.
  • In winter, the ankle joints, as well as the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, are strengthened much more effectively. The body spends more energy moving on slippery roads or snow drifts. In addition, the immune system is strengthened, mood improves, endurance and willpower are developed.
  • In such conditions, the heart and lungs develop well. The body will gradually begin to harden and in the future low temperatures will not make it shiver from the cold.
  • Jogging provides a large supply of oxygen, and even more so in winter, so winter jogging helps you lose weight faster.

Running in winter: how to start as a beginner, and is it worth it?

Even if you haven’t run before, but now you have a desire to try yourself in winter jogging and it’s not clear where to start, these tips will help you:

  1. It is, of course, better to start preparing for winter jogging before the onset of cold weather. If you start running at least in September, it will be easier for your body to get used to running in winter.
  2. First of all, make sure that running in the cold will not harm you. Go for a run only if you are healthy and do not have a cold. Even a runny nose and cough is a reason to stay home.
  3. The running time in winter directly depends on the weather. The lower the temperature and the stronger the wind, the shorter your workout should be. Don't risk getting frostbite. Even athletes try not to run in temperatures below 15 degrees.
  4. While running, you should not openly sweat or, on the contrary, freeze. Do a warm-up before going out - this is useful and during this time you will understand whether you are comfortable in the equipment.
  5. Be sure to keep your back and stomach warm. Pull leggings or tights so that the lower back is covered.
  6. While running, it will be tempting to breathe through your mouth, but try to train yourself to breathe through your nose so as not to get a cold in your throat. When you breathe through your nose, the cold air has time to warm up and this is less dangerous.
  7. Don't run too fast to avoid shortness of breath and suffocation in cold air.
  8. The best way to warm up after a workout is a warm shower and warm tea or lemon water. It will also help avoid pain in clogged muscles.

Find like-minded people, in the first days you will spur each other on and not let you get stuck

Try to start running following these rules and focus on your feelings

Running outside in winter: benefits and harms

Do you think that when jogging outdoors in winter, the benefits and harms are equivalent, or is there an advantage in one direction? Let's take a closer look at both the advantages of running in winter and its disadvantages.

Running in winter: benefits

  • Training in the winter season is an excellent way to strengthen the immune system and acts as a quality hardening tool;
  • Running outside in winter for weight loss, according to reviews, is considered an extremely effective workout that helps you lose excess weight quickly and permanently. We checked the scientific validity of this opinion and came to the conclusion that regular jogging does help burn calories, no matter what time of year you do it. However, in winter, the body spends more energy on warming up the muscles and maintaining the desired body temperature, which means it burns fat more strongly.
  • In cold air, the oxygen content is 30% higher than in warm air. In winter, the lungs absorb air better, and the blood is more quickly saturated with oxygen. This means that jogging has great benefits for the respiratory and circulatory systems.
  • In the winter season, stadiums and parks are covered with snow, there are snowdrifts and slippery areas. It is more difficult for an athlete to run on such a surface; he spends more energy on overcoming it, which means he trains his muscles and joints better.
  • Running increases self-esteem, mood, develops will and character. If you successfully practice running in winter, feel free to multiply the listed effects by two.

Running in winter: harm

Below we will look at how to properly run outside in winter in order to lose weight and not get sick, and how to choose the right clothes. Now we’ll figure out whether such training can cause harm to health.

Yes, you can really harm your body if you neglect the rules of winter jogging.

  1. Firstly, before starting the sprint, you need to warm up all your muscles well - warming up in winter takes longer than in summer.
  2. Secondly, never go to training if you are sick. Even a slight runny nose is grounds for canceling running;
  3. Thirdly, if the temperature outside the window has dropped to 15 degrees and continues to fall, or there is a strong wind outside, the training is also postponed. There is a serious risk of catching a cold in the respiratory system;
  4. Remember safety precautions when running in winter - look carefully at the surface you are running on. In winter, there may be areas of ice on the road, open sewer manholes covered with snow, and bumps. The likelihood of bruises, falls, and fractures increases.
  5. Due to the strong influence of weather on the training schedule, training in winter is often irregular. If you want to get full results from your exercises, if your street jogging is cancelled, do it at home. There are many alternative types of physical activity to running that are easy to do at home: running in place, stepping on the surface, jumping, squats, etc.

More rules

If you remember our tips on winter running well, you won’t have to look for additional information on how to start running in winter from scratch correctly and not get sick. Here are some more important recommendations:

  1. If in the summer you are faced with the question: “When is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening?” In winter, such a question will not even arise. Because the first rule: Never run in the dark;
  2. Find yourself a companion and study together - it’s more fun and interesting. Jogging in winter for beginner athletes should definitely take place in the company of an experienced runner; he will tell you important nuances and rules.
  3. Choose the right equipment;
  4. Do not go for a run if the temperature drops below a critical level;
  5. Don't drink cold water;
  6. Breathe correctly - inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. If you can’t breathe only through your nose, move a scarf or sweater collar to it and inhale through the fabric. This way the air will warm up and not chill the internal organs.
  7. Never unbutton your outerwear, even if you feel hot;
  8. Cancel training if you feel unwell;
  9. The highest risk of getting sick is when you finish training. The runner stops, the wind blows over his hot body, and he catches a cold. Never stop abruptly - after completing the lesson, smoothly move to a fast pace, gradually slow down. Allow your body to cool down on its own. It is advisable to end your run right in front of the entrance to the house.

Winter running in the snow has a truly amazing effect - you will lift your spirits, lose weight, strengthen your immune system, and receive a powerful boost of energy. Running in winter is an excellent sports workout that does not require any money or special skills.

You will only have to spend money on clothes - they really should be of high quality and safe. With the right equipment, you will avoid injuries, avoid getting sick, and run easily and with pleasure!

What are the dangers of running in winter?

Obviously, a low temperature and a greater likelihood of getting sick. But there are a few more reasons you should consider when weighing the pros and cons of winter running:

The danger and risk is that the likelihood of injury increases on snow and slippery trodden paths. Therefore, it is important to understand that winter sneakers and equipment must be selected specifically for weather conditions.

If the temperature is below 10°C, the risk of respiratory hypothermia increases, which can lead to serious illness. These troubles can be avoided by learning proper breathing and using a mouth mask.

There is a danger even if you run in the summer, the main thing is to follow the instructions and neglect safety measures. If you have never exercised before, much less run outside, don’t rush into winter jogging. It’s better to go to a sports club before it warms up.


Many novice athletes neglect the preparatory stage, which is a serious mistake. A good warm-up prepares the body for the upcoming loads. If you run outside in winter to lose weight, it “programs” it for an active process of burning calories.

In the warm season, not much time is devoted to warm-up, but in winter it should take at least 2 times longer. This is necessary for uniform warming of all muscle groups. There is no special set of exercises before winter jogging; they are standard and must include stretching. It is important for preparing ligaments and muscles for serious loads.

A good warm-up with an emphasis on stretching significantly reduces the risk of various injuries.

Is it possible to lose weight by running in winter?

Running itself is one of the best ways to lose weight, and in winter the effect is enhanced due to:

  • Increasing the load on the muscles due, oddly enough, to a more slippery running path. For better grip, the ankle, muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves are tensed.
  • If you are running on an off-the-beaten path covered in snow, this also increases the load due to resistance and raising your legs higher.

Running in winter and a healthy, balanced diet help you lose weight. An integrated approach allows you to effectively get rid of excess weight.

Rules for running in winter

In winter, it is especially necessary to follow all the rules so that running will benefit you and strengthen your body, and not frostbite and worsen your condition.

Warm up before your run

There must be a warm-up, and it is necessary to work out all muscle groups. It is better to do this in a warm place, before going outside. It is enough to do a simple stretch, warm up the muscles, but not allow perspiration to appear, but if you ignore the warm-up, you can get injured.

Winter jogging should start from the threshold of the house to the place of jogging and back to the house without stopping. This is not difficult to do if you do not walk along the road from the house and to it, but run at a light jog.

All eyes on running

When training in winter, you need to focus on the process itself, because the surface on which you run can be slippery and there is a high probability of falling and getting injured. If you slip, you need to have time to group yourself correctly. The most dangerous sections of the route are the ascents, descents and turns. You need to be extremely careful with them.

Choose the right clothes

Running in winter is good for your health only with the right equipment. Mistakes that new runners make include wearing too much clothing, overheating, and eventually catching a cold. You need to dress as if the temperature outside is 10-15°C higher. A training suit should protect against the cold, but at the same time be light and comfortable so as not to restrict movement.

It is necessary to protect all parts of the body from blowing:

  • Head. It is recommended to use masks and hats. You can buy special glasses that will improve visibility even during a snowstorm. The hat should cover your ears - you can wear a warm cap, a fleece hat or fur headphones. A scarf or special collar will protect your mouth and neck.
  • Hands. Wool mittens retain heat better than gloves. If possible, you can purchase sports gloves. They will protect your hands from the cold and from impact if you slip and fall.
  • Legs. Socks are an important part of your uniform. It is not recommended to wear cotton and wool, and preference should be given to products made of synthetics or fine wool with a thermal effect. In warm weather, one pair of sweatpants is enough. In cold weather, it is recommended to wear thermal leggings underneath.

Thermal underwear, sweatpants, fleece, warm socks, special winter sneakers, hat, mask - complete equipment for a runner in winter

Choose the right shoes

  • The right running shoes will help protect your knees and joints from injury. Forget about summer lightweight sneakers, your feet will freeze instantly in them.
  • Choose sneakers made from a material that is breathable and protects against the cold. Sneakers should not allow moisture to pass through, otherwise they will not protect your feet from hypothermia.
  • For running and maximum traction on slippery roads, you need a sole with deep grooves and made from different materials. The thickness of the sole is also an important factor: the protection of the foot from frost depends on it.
  • For complete confidence in the clutch, professionals purchase special fasteners - chains.
  • Pay attention to the lacing - it should not interfere with movement.

What to do?

Clothing for running outside in winter should not only retain heat, but also wick away moisture. During exercise, the body produces sweat, and the cold season is no exception. But in summer the moisture evaporates instantly, and in winter it has nowhere to go. The natural result is thoroughly wet clothes; running outside in winter significantly increases the risk of developing colds.

To avoid this, you can finish your workout while the sweat has not yet cooled down. But the most reasonable solution is to buy thermal underwear. Its main task is moisture removal, that is, the body will always remain dry. Natural fabrics do not have this property, so good thermal underwear is made from high-quality synthetic fibers.

When choosing, you need to take into account that this type of clothing can be one- or two-layer. In the first case, thermal underwear only removes moisture, and the clothing on top of it absorbs it. In the second, it retains heat and protects from wind due to an additional special layer. Thermal underwear can be purchased at almost any sports store; sales consultants will tell you not only about the advantages of models from various manufacturers, but also about how to dress for running outside in winter.

For training, a regular tracksuit will do. It is important to remember that the neck, head and hands should be warm. For convenience, it is recommended to wear a tight-fitting hat without pompoms. In severe frost, you need to wrap a scarf not only around your neck, but also around your mouth and nose.

Maximum temperature

Beginning runners do not know what temperature they can run in in winter. This parameter depends on the level of training of the person. And since the duration of runs at the initial stage is minimal, only 10 or 15 minutes, during this time you can understand your personal feelings of a comfortable temperature for running. Gradually increase your jogging time, by about 5 minutes per week, but be sure to keep an eye on the temperature.

In severe frosts, when the temperature drops below −15°C, jogging is not recommended - there is a high probability of catching a cold in the lungs. Ice and a strong snowstorm are also a good reason for not canceling your workout that day.

If you are not a professional runner, we advise you not to go jogging in frosts below −15°C or in a strong snowstorm.

It is worth taking into account the wind speed. Strong gusts make breathing difficult, and without this it is impossible to move normally. It’s also not a good idea to exercise in a blizzard; when there’s snow all around, it’s difficult to assess the surrounding situation and fully complete the race.

Air temperature

It is not advisable to go jogging in extreme cold. If the temperature drops to 20 degrees or below, it is better to stay at home or train in the gym. Otherwise, the risk of frostbite outweighs the intended benefit.

Don't forget about wind speed. If the temperature is not lower than 8-10 degrees, but it is very strong, it is also recommended to skip the lesson. The same applies to a snowstorm, during which running outside in winter turns into torture, since it is impossible to breathe normally and assess the situation around you.

Beginners are not recommended to start training in the cold season, but if the desire is too great, classes should be carried out in light winds and temperatures not lower than 7-10 degrees.


  • Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. With this breathing technique you will not burn your lungs with frosty air. If you do the opposite, then sooner or later you can get a cold in your throat and bronchi. No matter how difficult it may be, breathing like this should become a habit for safe winter running.
  • In cold weather, it is best to breathe through a scarf or balaclava.
  • The risk of a cold throat increases if after a run you immediately switch to a calm walk. The body cools down quickly in such a situation. Therefore, it is necessary to continue all the way home so as not to lose your breath.
  • The speed should be comfortable for the workout to be satisfying. Breathe calmly and deeply so that the body can get enough oxygen.

The best rule is to breathe naturally without focusing on it.

Good places to train

In winter, you should not use busy sidewalks for jogging, so as not to slip on the protopton paths. The best option is where the surface is cleared of snow and you can move easily, for example, a stadium with treadmills.

  • Parks and embankments. Snow in these places is also removed, but not so thoroughly. The asphalt or sidewalk is still slippery in some places. The advantage of parks is that there is no air pollution.
  • Outskirts of the city. Training in such places is characterized by increased strength load. The roads are not always clear, so you can practice running in deep snow. Such exercises help improve movement technique. This type of training is not suitable for the recovery and initial periods.
  • Central streets. They are thoroughly cleared of snow, sprinkled with sand and salt, so it is convenient to move on them. But such substances quickly destroy the sole of sneakers. Another disadvantage is that in such places there is increased air pollution and it is difficult to breathe. For safety from the roadway, it is better to wear reflective clothing.

Think through your route before leaving home in advance so that you clearly understand how much time you will need and do not have time to freeze on the way home.

What to do after class

  • After a run, you need to return to a warm room to warm up. Take off wet clothes and take a warm shower, dry yourself and change into warm clothes. If you feel chilly after the procedures, do some warm-up exercises or rub your body to get the blood flowing and warm up.
  • Replenish the water-salt balance and drink 300-500 ml. warm water.
  • You can eat after a run in 30-40 minutes. After training, it is not recommended to eat sweets, baked goods, salty foods, or coffee, because it leads to dehydration.

Tricks for winter jogging

  • Before leaving the house, drink some warm water so that you don't feel thirsty while running.
  • Under no circumstances should you stop, because this risks hypothermia. If your strength is running low, you need to slow down, but keep moving.
  • Make sure you breathe correctly: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. If your breathing is difficult and you can only breathe through your mouth, you should put your tongue on the roof of your mouth to block the flow of cold air.
  • During severe frost, it is better not to train if you are not confident in your abilities. You should run along well-trodden paths so that fallen snow does not slow down your movement.

Winter running: obvious contraindications

You should start training only when you feel well. Even a slight runny nose is a contraindication, since cold air can aggravate the situation. If there are unhealed injuries to the lower extremities, physical activity is contraindicated.

List of diseases for which running is not recommended:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

In each case, prior consultation with your doctor is required. Perhaps in some situations sports will be beneficial.

Don't strive for records when running in winter. In winter, under no circumstances set yourself the task of increasing any speed or endurance indicators. During this period, the main goal should be to improve the health of the body.

Positive effects on the body

Outdoor activities are beneficial at any time of the year.

During running, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the musculoskeletal system is strengthened;
  • the blood circulation process is activated, due to which each cell is better saturated with oxygen;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • Harmful compounds leave the body along with sweat;
  • metabolism improves;
  • the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • body weight decreases;
  • endurance and performance increase;
  • the psycho-emotional background is normalized;
  • brain function improves;
  • insomnia disappears;
  • the body's defenses are strengthened;
  • Potency increases in men.

As for running outside in winter, its additional benefits include the following:

  1. The body becomes much more resistant to colds, which is due to its gradual adaptation to cold air.
  2. Due to the absence of the need to interrupt training for a long period of time, it becomes possible to stay in shape all year round.
  3. The body is hardened in a natural way, which improves the functioning of most systems.
  4. After a run, you remain energetic and feel good for a long time, which is explained by the presence of air ions in the frosty air.

Despite the impressive list of positive properties, you need to carefully prepare for training in the cold season. The benefits and harms of running outside in winter are determined by compliance with this particular condition.


  1. If you put aside your fears and follow the necessary rules, running in winter will strengthen your body and make it more resilient.
  2. Running in winter and a healthy, balanced diet help you lose weight. An integrated approach allows you to effectively get rid of excess weight.
  3. The duration of the run depends on the temperature outside; the colder it is, the shorter the run should be.
  4. If you have never exercised before, much less run outside, don’t rush into winter jogging. It’s better to go to a sports club before it warms up.
  5. In winter, do not set yourself the task of increasing your speed or endurance. During this period, the main goal is to harden and heal the body.

In the matter of strengthening the immune system, nutrition plays one of the main roles, as well as for the health of the body in general. We have prepared 3 services for you that will help you change and reconsider your views on nutrition and, as a result, strengthen your immune system and lose weight along with winter jogging. Enter your email and click the download button ↓ and receive a portion of useful tips.


Only sneakers are suitable for this type of training. For running outside in winter, you need to purchase ones that are designed specifically for this. Such products do not have a mesh base and are equipped with a soft rubber sole.

Thus, shoes for running outdoors in winter perform several tasks at once:

  • does not get wet;
  • keeps warm;
  • Provides good grip on snow-covered surfaces.

There is one caveat - running shoes for winter are not suitable for activities at other times of the year. This is due to the fact that their soles wear out very quickly when interacting with asphalt.

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