Why should you stop running with weights?

What types of weights are there for running?

By design, all weights can be divided into two groups:

  1. Plate ones are essentially cuffs, belts and various pockets into which the load is inserted. By experimenting with the number of plates, you can choose the optimal weight and train a specific muscle group.
  2. Bulk are fabric cuffs, vests, belts, inside of which there is sand or metal. Such weights have a certain weight. The disadvantage of such structures is that over time the fabric wears out and the bulk material falls out.

Based on the location of attachment, weights are divided into models:

  • for legs - they are secured to the ankles;
  • for hands - they are attached to the wrists;
  • in the form of a belt - they are attached to the waist.

There are also models in the form of vests, but despite the fact that they exert an even load on the body, such weights are not popular. They are still designed for people with a serious level of physical fitness - mainly for the military.

Extra help when running with dumbbells

How to motivate yourself so that you don’t want to skip workouts:

  1. Listening to music while running. Running without your favorite songs downloaded to your player can quickly get boring. In addition, in 30 minutes of training you can listen to up to 10 songs. If you count them down, the classes may seem faster. At the beginning of each new song, you get a boost of energy for the next push. Also, the musical tempo can affect the speed of your run.
  2. A partner running with you. Having a girlfriend or boyfriend with you while you run can have a big impact on your motivation. Not going to training is no longer so easy (after all, you agreed with another person). There is also a certain competitive spirit .
  3. Aesthetic landscapes around. For running, it is better to choose a more picturesque place. This way you can enjoy nature while running, which is a huge incentive.

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To achieve your running goals, you need to create an individual training plan for yourself, which will include about 4 sessions over 7 days. Always warm up thoroughly before you start running. You should not stop running abruptly, as you need to restore your breathing , gradually reducing your speed.

Once you finish your jogging session, you can move on to some additional exercises for your abs, thighs, and buttocks. To do this, you can use exercise machines that are installed in the park or stadium where you work out.


Once you understand why you need to run with dumbbells in your hands, you can achieve your goals, the main thing is to use the rules and listen to what your body is telling you.

What are the benefits of running with weights?

One of the advantages of running with a load is the variety in training - a new element appears and excitement to cope with the goal.

But the main positive point, of course, is the additional load on the body - running becomes more difficult, which means that all processes in the body accelerate.

Running with weights on your legs allows you to perfectly pump your core muscles, ankle muscles and soleus muscles. Explosive strength is trained , which is necessary for those who practice fast and sharp starts, and of course endurance increases.

Important! Running with weights on your legs negatively affects your running technique, while running with weights on your arms, on the contrary, allows you to position your arms correctly, which is especially important for beginners.

Running with weights on your hands thoroughly works the shoulder girdle - the muscles of the upper limbs, biceps, deltoids and trapezius muscles. It is very good for boxers, hockey players and basketball players to run with weights on their hands.

Unlike weights on the legs, running in a vest evenly distributes the load, does not affect the joints as much , and therefore is safer. However, you should not run in a full vest - you need to start with small weights (in almost all models the weights are removable).

Benefits of running with weights:

  • the development of the abs, leg muscles, hips and spinal column occurs in a complex manner;
  • short duration of the race;
  • more calories are burned;
  • saving time on approaches and repetitions;
  • acceleration of oxygen delivery to the brain;
  • increased endurance;
  • increase in pushing torque;
  • uniform pumping of muscles.

You can run with weights in the following cases:

  • running experience for at least one year;
  • running technique has already been established;
  • the runner easily meets the 400 m and 3 km standards;
  • it is necessary to increase the load;
  • the athlete feels ready to increase the load.

Only for short accelerations

Oleg Babchin, founder and senior coach of the Second Wind school:

Running with weights can only be performed to develop speed and strength capabilities. Such exercises are performed with maximum power and in a very short time. In essence, these are accelerations of no more than 100 meters. Running long distances with weights will bring nothing but injury. Biomechanics break down, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases significantly, the emphasis shifts from sharpness and ease of movement to pulling force, which contradicts the laws of economical running.

What are the disadvantages of running with a load?

The main disadvantage of running with weights is its negative impact on the joints, mainly the knee joint.

Muscles and tendons need rest, so long-term use of weights is not recommended, especially if the runner has a history of injury or has weak joints.

Weights negatively affect running technique because they introduce an imbalance in the mechanics of movement. To strengthen your legs, it is much safer and more effective to run on hilly terrain. Some runners generally consider them a very cool thing for Instagram photos, and do not see any benefit in them for training.

Reference! You should not count on the fact that this sports equipment will help build muscle mass; for this purpose it is better to use exercise machines and free weights.

There are contraindications for running with weights:

  • injuries;
  • varicose veins;
  • joint problems;
  • previous operations;
  • presence of urolithiasis;
  • serious vascular and heart diseases;
  • obesity.

Should distance runners need to train their upper shoulders?

A harmoniously developed body is necessary for any athlete. If you have time for strength training, do some weight training before you go for a run.

Do some exercises like biceps curls, triceps presses and lateral raises. These exercises will isolate muscle groups and help you tone them more specifically.

Training plans for marathon and half marathon. and start preparing today.

Podcast 40. Evgeny Pishchalov on the basics of strength training for runners

How to choose the weight of weights and what are the rules?

When choosing weights, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Fabric and its quality. Thin jerseys are better than canvas ones,
  2. Design. As already mentioned, there are plate and bulk products. Bulk ones are cheaper, but their weight cannot be adjusted, and when wiping the fabric, the contents may spill out.
  3. Individual indicator. There is no need to take more weight than you can realistically handle. Too much weight can impair the technique of performing exercises, which means the effectiveness of training will decrease.
  4. The weight of the weights must be changed periodically. This must be done both in the direction of increase and in the direction of decrease. Getting used to a certain weight entails a decrease in the effectiveness of training.
  5. Buy cuts in several weight categories. This will make it easier for you to change weight.
  6. Do not use weights that weigh more than 5 kg. When working with heavy weights, you will have to slow down.

Thoughtless use of weights can be harmful to health, so you need to follow the rules of running with a load:

  1. Be sure to do a warm-up. If you immediately put a large load on unwarmed muscles, the risk of injury increases to 80%.
  2. Increase weight gradually. It is better to start with 300 grams for each leg, or 2-3 kg of vest.
  3. Start your workout by walking with weights. You need to warm up before running with weights longer than before running.
  4. Listen carefully to your own feelings. If your breathing becomes faster, tachycardia or discomfort in muscles and joints appears, the load should be reduced immediately.
  5. Follow proper running technique. This is the key to the health of your joints.
  6. Do not use weights a week before the race. This is an exercise for the off-season, otherwise if you are injured, you risk not having time to recover.
  7. Don't run with weights all the time. 1-2 workouts per week is enough. On other days, practice regular running and do endurance exercises.
  8. Wear knee pads and elastic bandages. This way you can protect your joints from injury.
  9. Buy special sneakers with good shock-absorbing soles. Thin shoe soles are not recommended for regular running, let alone running with weights.

Running weights will make your workouts more effective. Today, every runner has the opportunity to find the best weighting option for themselves, based on their individual needs. But before you practice running with weights, it is better to consult with a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications . Only a qualified trainer can create a competent running program and select the optimal weight of weights.

The benefits and harms of running with dumbbells

Note that this information applies mainly to those who have recently started running and are not involved in it professionally, since experienced runners and those who train with a coach have their own training schemes aimed at their level.

Who benefits from exercising with dumbbells while running:

  • those who do not practice any other sport other than running;
  • The benefits of running with dumbbells in your hands are obvious to those involved in hand-to-hand sports . Using running projectiles increases stamina;
  • those who want to experiment with new loads, which will give them the opportunity to move to a new level in their studies;
  • those who intend to show more over short distances.

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Contraindications for running with dumbbells:

  • This type of running is not suitable for those who are just starting their running activities, i.e. Haven't done anything other than short runs yet. For beginners there will be more harm than good;
  • when doing strength sports alternating with running, it is not recommended to receive additional loads, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise;
  • contraindications can cause diseases of the spine, heart and joints. Regular running can have a positive effect on improving your health, but using dumbbells is on a completely different level.

Restless legs syndrome

It happens that when falling asleep or just sitting in a comfortable chair, we feel unpleasant sensations in our legs (for example, tingling or burning). If this is accompanied by an irresistible desire to stretch your legs, and after warming up the symptoms go away, then most likely you are talking about restless legs syndrome.

What is RLS

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is manifested by obsessive discomfort in one or both legs (tingling, burning, crawling sensation, etc.), which decrease when moving the legs (flexion-extension of the feet, knees and, less commonly, hip joints).

Symptoms most often occur in the evening or at night and may even disturb sleep. Unpleasant sensations are usually localized in the calves and feet - painful, but not reaching the level of pain. As a rule, people over 65 years of age are affected, but it also occurs in younger people. Women are especially susceptible to the syndrome.

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