Omega 3: for what diseases is it useful? Which one is better to choose? +TOP products

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.
  • Daily Value of Omega 3 for Men, Women and Children
      How much can you drink omega-3 without interruption?
  • At what age can a child be given omega-3?
  • How is omega-3 different from omega-6 and 9?
      Omega 3:6:9 ratio
  • The Huge Benefits of Omega 3 Fats
      Benefits for the Heart
  • How is omega-3 beneficial for women?
  • Omega-3 during pregnancy
  • Benefits for children
  • Benefits for various other diseases
  • The benefits of omega-3 in sports
  • Which foods contain more omega 3?
      Plant sources of omega 3
  • Animal Sources of Omega 3
  • How is omega-3 from flaxseed oil different from omega-3 from fish oil?
  • EPA and DHA are the most important acids in omega-3
  • Foods rich in EPA and DHA
  • What should vegetarians do?
  • How to choose the right omega-3?
      Fish oil and fish oil - what is the difference?
  • Omega-3 - instructions for use
  • What is krill oil? How is it different from fish oil?
  • Does omega-3 have vitamin D?
  • Possible harm and contraindications
      Should you worry about mercury in fish?
  • Conclusion
  • What is Omega 3?

    Omega-3 is a general definition of a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds are necessary for full human life. Essential fats include: alpha lipoic (ALA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids (abbreviated as ALA, EPA and DHA). The body cannot synthesize fatty acids on its own, so it is necessary to enrich the daily menu with certain foods.

    The long chain fatty acids DHA and EPA are converted by the body from ALA. The transformation reaction proceeds slowly, producing a limited amount of the final valuable compound. As an additional source of EPA and DHA, cardiologists and nutritionists around the world recommend using fatty sea fish (tuna, salmon) and marine crustaceans (crabs, oysters).

    Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency affects 20% of the world's population, according to a 2021 global study.

    What is the difference between fish oil and omega 3?

    Fish oil is an oil that is isolated from certain types of fish (tuna, herring, mackerel, anchovies). Omega-3 is a component of fish oil. It accounts for approximately 30% of the total volume. The remaining 70% of fish oil consists of other fats, vitamins D and A.

    Omega-3 for children

    Omega-3 fatty acids play a primary role in the formation of the child’s nervous, immune and hormonal systems, as well as the correct ontogenesis of the brain, maintaining the functionality of the visual apparatus, and the formation of molars. Interestingly, in the first year of life, the baby receives all essential nutrients, including triglycerides, together with mother’s milk. However, 90% of women during lactation experience an acute shortage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body. As a result, the child experiences lipid deficiency from an early age.

    Symptoms of omega-3 deficiency in childhood:

    • diathesis, atopic dermatitis (due to disruption of the immune system);
    • decreased cognitive abilities (academic performance, concentration, memory);
    • hyperactivity;
    • dry skin;
    • allergic reactions;
    • blurred vision.

    Interestingly, a child’s brain develops until the age of 14. Therefore, it is important for children from the first year of life to consume at least 1 gram of omega-3 per day. To do this, the daily menu of the baby is enriched with fruits, vegetables, seafood, and linseed oil. In addition, the daily need for fats is replenished with fish oil concentrates. However, children under three years old find it difficult to swallow a large capsule. Therefore, the question arises: how to take medications? To solve these problems, manufacturers have created special mixtures produced in the form of syrups, sweets, and chewable lozenges.

    Popular children's complexes with omega-3:

    1. "Omega-3 for children" from Oriflame (Wellness, Sweden). The drug contains fish oil, vitamin E, lemon oil, and antioxidants. The product is produced in the form of syrup.
    2. “Smart Omega-3 for children” (Delta Medical, Switzerland). The biocomplex contains fish oil, beeswax, vitamins A, C, . The composition is produced in capsules that can be chewed.
    3. “Supradin Kids with choline and Omega-3” (Bayer, Germany). The medicine includes: docosahexaenoic acid, nicotinamide, cholecalciferol, vitamins A, E, , , , B12. The form of release of the product is marmalade candies.
    4. “Multi-tabs Intello Kids with Omega-3” (Ferrosan, Denmark). The drug consists of: fish oil concentrate, including EPA and DHA, tocopherol, vitamin C. The children's composition is produced in the form of chewable capsules with black currant flavor.
    5. "Pikovit Omega-3" (KRKA, Slovenia). The multivitamin complex contains fish oil, B vitamins (thiamine, folic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin), retinol, tocopherol, cholecalciferol, dexpanthenol, ascorbic acid. The supplement is released in syrup form.

    Remember, the dosage and regimen for taking fats is determined by the pediatrician based on the baby’s health condition.

    Daily Value of Omega 3 for Men, Women and Children

    Age Male Female
    From birth to 12 months 0.5 g 0.5 g
    1–3 years 0.7 g 0.7 g
    4–8 years 0.9 g 0.9 g
    9–13 years 1.2 g 1.0 g
    14+ years 1.6 g 1.1 g
    Pregnancy 1.4 g
    Lactation 1.3 g

    US Department of Health

    According to MR of the Russian Federation, omega 3 should be 1-2% of the daily caloric intake for men and women starting from 14 years old, which ranges from 500 mg to 1 gram (this volume includes EPA and DHA). For children under 14 years old - 0.8%-1%.

    The norm for athletes . For athletes, recommendations for the use of omega-3 were approved by the International Olympic Committee, without dividing the supplement by type of acid. Your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids, approximately 2 grams, can come in the form of supplements or fatty fish.

    Minimum norm of DHA and EPA . The daily dose of combined EPA and DHA, according to WHO recommendations, ranges from 200 to 500 mg. An increase in the volume of fatty acids is necessary for people susceptible to cardiovascular diseases and pregnant women.

    A safe dose of fish oil to take daily is up to 3 grams. Exceeding the dosage is dangerous due to the high risk of bleeding due to the ability of fish oil to thin the blood.

    How much can you drink omega-3 without interruption?

    The body does not synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids on its own. Omega-3 supplements can be taken continuously.

    At what age can a child be given omega-3?

    Omega-3 is indicated for use from the first days of life. The pediatrician calculates the dose of the drug individually. Usually, during the first year of life, babies are given 0.5 g. For convenience, omega-3 is used in liquid form, adjusting the dose with a pipette. For older children, supplements in the form of chewing candies are suitable.


    Omega-3 is a combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids (ALA, DHA and EPA) that protect cell membranes and also prevent the destruction of the internal organs of our body.
    These beneficial fatty acids ensure the full functioning of the immune system, activate the synthesis of tissue hormones, improve metabolic processes, prevent mental disorders, suppress chronic fatigue syndrome, and are an excellent prevention of inflammatory processes.

    Omega 3 consists of three components:

    · ALA (alpha linoleic acid), found in foods of plant origin;

    · DHA (decosahexaenoic acid), found in fish;

    · EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is found in both fish and seafood.

    To fully saturate the body with a complex of these biologically significant elements, it is necessary to take Omega 3 in capsules.

    How is omega-3 different from omega-6 and 9?

    The difference between Omega groups is their specific effect on the body.

    Omega 3 – prevent heart and vascular diseases, have unique properties, which will be discussed below.

    Omega 6 – contains eicosanoid acid, which directly affects the formation of immunity. A complex of fatty acids provides a person with energy. Excessive intake of omega-6 increases the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes and related diseases.

    Omega 9s are monounsaturated. The most common of these is oleic acid. The body is able to synthesize it on its own. Medical observations have shown that consuming foods rich in monounsaturated fats helps reduce signs of inflammation and increase insulin sensitivity. Omega-9 acids are found in large quantities in olive oil - about 80% of the total volume.

    Omega 3:6:9 ratio

    The diet of the modern population is dominated by the so-called Western diet, oversaturated with omega-6. It is deficient in omega-3. Before the industrial revolution, the human diet had a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 ranging from 4:1 to 1:4. Investigations by anthropologists have shown that during the process of evolution this ratio was approximately 1:1. In the modern diet of the population, the proportion is about 16:1 [1].

    The optimal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids ranges from 1:1 to 1:4.

    A natural question arises - what to do? There is only one solution - to reduce the consumption of foods rich in omega-6. This primarily applies to vegetable oils and processed foods high in omega-6 fatty acids. First you need to figure out which vegetable oils are healthy and which are not.

    The maximum amount of omega-6 is recorded in the following oils:

    • Sunflower - 40% (1:200).
    • Soy - 50% (1:7).
    • Cotton - 51% (1:257).
    • Corn - 53% (1:46).

    It is necessary to introduce healthy oils into the diet, which contain very little omega-6:

    • Coconut - 2% (winner).
    • Creamy - 3% (1:7).
    • Lard - 9% (1:9).
    • Palm - 9.1% (1:46).
    • Olive - 9.7% (1:13).

    Due to its pronounced medicinal properties, special attention is paid to:

    • Flaxseed oil - 17% (1:0.3).
    • Ryzhikov - 33% (1:1).
    • Hemp oil - 54% (1:2).

    Where is Omega-3 found?

    Omega 3 refers to fats.
    Omega-3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are also called vitamin F. You can see this in more detail in the classification table in my article Fats. The Omega-3 group consists of the following polyunsaturated fatty acids: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA or EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA or DHA) and A-linolenic acid (ALA). They are vital for human health. Two of them are considered the most useful and deficient for the body - DHA and EPA. They are found in fish oil. They are not found in land plants. Land plants contain another acid from the Omega-3 group - ALA, which is not particularly deficient for humans. Let's take a closer look at products containing Omega-3, breaking down the polyunsaturated fatty acids listed above.

    High content foods

    Omega 3

    A-linolenic acid (ALA)Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA or EPA)Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA or DHA)
    Contained in plants. And EPA and DHA can be synthesized from it Contained in large quantities in fish of cold seas and marine mammals
    Flaxseed oil Flax seeds (23 g/1 kg) chia seeds mustard oil rapeseed oil soybean oil walnuts pumpkin seeds asparagus beans, soya beans parsley mint spinach cilantroOysters, shrimp, squid, lobster Sea fish: 1. mackerel - about 50 g per 1 kg of weight 2. herring -30 g/1 kg 3. salmon -14 g/1 kg 4. tuna 5. trout 6. capelin 7. cod 8. mullet, etc. Seals, walruses

    To fully absorb Omega-3, you must also include a sufficient amount of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc in your diet. Vitamin E acts as a preservative for Omega-3; it protects Omega-3 fatty acids from oxidation. Therefore, Omega-3 consumption must be done in combination with the listed vitamins.

    The Huge Benefits of Omega 3 Fats

    Omega-3 fatty acids have been studied for quite some time. It has been established that they have a number of useful properties:

    • Reduce blood pressure parameters.
    • Prevents the development of arrhythmia.
    • They inhibit the formation of plaques in the lumen of the arteries.
    • Reduce triglyceride levels.
    • Reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
    • Reduce the risk of sudden death in people with heart disease.

    A healthy, balanced diet should include fatty fish at least twice a week. This diet is suitable for people with a low risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Benefits for the Heart

    Cardiac ischemia . The ability to reduce the likelihood of heart pathologies is most pronounced when omega-3 is consumed by patients with a history of coronary disease. In one study, more than 18 thousand subjects with high blood cholesterol levels were divided into two groups. In one of them, participants received 1.8 g of EPA and a statin daily, in the other - only the statin. After 4.6 years, the results were assessed. In the group receiving EPA, there were 19% fewer cases of serious coronary events than in the control sample. Unstable angina and cardiac disorders without death also occurred much less frequently in the first experimental group [2].

    Myocardial infarction . In the group of participants taking a daily omega-3 supplement, there was a significant 28% reduction in the incidence of myocardial infarction. Among African Americans, the decrease was 77%; among those who ate less than 1.5 servings of fish per week, the decrease was 40% [3]. According to another medical experiment, daily consumption of omega-3 helped reduce the risk of death from heart disease and blood vessels by 19%. In the placebo group, a similar effect was not recorded [4].

    The effect of omega-3 on the development of stroke could not be established. Some scientists believe that the expected effect could be observed by increasing the dose of omega-3. This volume of drugs should be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. Research in this area is ongoing.

    Reduced triglycerides . Daily consumption of omega-3 helps reduce triglyceride levels by 15 to 30%. This effect was more pronounced in participants with higher triglyceride levels [5].

    Protects against blood clots . Platelet aggregation underlies the formation of a blood clot. Omega-3 prevents platelets from sticking together, which means it prevents the development of a pathological process.

    Protection against atherosclerosis . Omega-3 prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Fatty acids protect artery walls from damage and ensure their healthy condition [6].

    Increases “good” cholesterol . Under the influence of omega-3, the volume of HDL in the blood increases [7].

    Cancer prevention . Published research on the effects of omega-3s on cancer development does not show any consistent pattern. Some experts say that high doses of fatty acids reduce the likelihood of developing colorectal and breast cancer.

    Breast cancer . A large Singapore Chinese study of 35,298 women aged 45 to 74 found that consuming omega-3s reduced the risk of breast cancer. After 5.3 years, the incidence of breast cancer in the group taking omega-3 was 26% lower than in the control sample [8].

    Another experiment involving 35,016 women aged 50-76 years lasted 6 years. The final results showed that women who took fish oil supplements reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by 32% [9].

    Bowel cancer . Several medical studies and subsequent analyzes have shown that consuming omega-3s reduces the likelihood of colon cancer by up to 34% [10], [11], [12].

    Protection against stroke and heart attack. In 2021, an extensive study was conducted that included 8,179 people suffering from cardiovascular disease. Initial laboratory tests revealed high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in all subjects. For 4.9 years, the first group of subjects received 4 g of Vascepa daily, containing 4000 mg of purified 96% EPA, and the second received a placebo. The results of the study showed that in the first group, the cases of acute cardiovascular pathologies - non-fatal forms of stroke, heart attack, unstable angina, coronary revascularization, and cardiac death - decreased by 25%. Finally, data were published on Vascepa's ability to reduce adverse outcomes:

    • Cardiovascular death - by 20%,
    • stroke (non-fatal, fatal) - by 28%,
    • myocardial infarction (non-fatal, fatal) - by 31% [37].

    How is omega-3 beneficial for women?

    Relieves menstrual pain . Gynecologists define monthly menstrual pain and cramps as dysmenorrhea. Most women are familiar with this condition, which is caused by strong contractions of the uterus as a result of the action of prostaglandins. Two authoritative studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can relieve menstrual pain. This is explained by the pronounced anti-inflammatory properties of the substances [13], [14].

    A gynecological experiment showed that consuming omega-3 eliminates menstrual pain much faster and more effectively than ibuprofen [15].

    Relieves rheumatoid arthritis . According to statistics, women are almost three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than men. As a rule, the disease develops in the middle age group.

    The results of studies in 2012 and 2021 showed that the use of fish oil preparations alleviates the feeling of morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, relieves pain, and alleviates the symptoms of inflammation. With omega-3, patients take NSAIDs less [16].

    Prevents osteoporosis . Postmenopausal women are susceptible to osteoporosis. The disease develops as a result of a decrease in estrogen. Studies published in 2012 and 2021 showed that omega-3 supplementation improves bone mineralization. When taken together with calcium, this effect is enhanced [17], [18].

    Protects against depression and. An analysis of 26 studies found that eating a lot of fish reduced the risk of depression by 17% [19]. It is noted that with severe depression the effect is not observed. Taking omega-3 helps reduce aggression.

    Moisturizes the skin, removes wrinkles . The body's own DHA is found in the structure of the skin. It ensures the normal condition of cell membranes. The healthier the cell membranes, the softer and more elastic the skin. EPA contained in omega-3 has positive effects on the skin:

    • Stimulates the synthesis of its own oils.
    • Moisturizes.
    • Prevents the formation of small red nodules that appear during the process of hyperkeratinization of hair follicles.
    • Inhibits the processes of premature aging.
    • Prevents acne.

    Omega-3 active substances protect the skin from the negative effects of solar radiation and prevent the destruction of collagen in the dermal layers.

    Omega-3 during pregnancy

    Medical research over several years has concluded that consumption of seafood by pregnant and lactating women has a positive effect on the health and development of newborns. DHA, contained in fish oil, stimulates the formation of hand-eye coordination in children under 3 years of age [20].

    At the same time, several other data were published. The organizers of 11 controlled experiments presented facts proving the absence of any benefits from the use of omega-3 during pregnancy and breastfeeding in relation to the formation of visual and cognitive functions.

    The facts remain indisputable that DHA is finally concentrated in the retina of the eyes by the birth of the baby. In the brain, the accumulation process continues throughout the first two years of life.

    Women who are breastfeeding are recommended to include at least 200-300 mg of DHA in their daily diet. A sufficient amount of valuable elements in breast milk is obtained by eating fish dishes 1-2 times a week.

    Allergy protection . Observations of pregnant women have revealed that regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids into the mother’s body protects the child from allergic diseases in the future [21].

    [Video] Nutritionist Ekaterina Didyk - why drink Omega-3 and how to choose it?

    Benefits for children

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) . ADHD is understood as a disorder of behavioral functions, which is accompanied by decreased concentration, impulsive reactions, and excessive activity. As laboratory studies have shown, children with established ADHD have lower levels of omega-3 in the blood than their peers without this disease. Following this, it was found that regular use of fish oil supplements helps mitigate the symptoms of ADHD.

    The administration of omega-3 has a calming effect, suppresses aggression, and softens the manifestations of impulsivity and hyperactivity. By influencing the child’s central nervous system, fatty acids stimulate attention and facilitate the performance of certain tasks and skills [22], [23].

    The obtained observational results showed that omega-3 drugs will eventually take a leading position in the treatment of ADHD [24].

    [Video] Dr. Berg - ADHD in children and adults due to nutrient deficiencies:

    Type I diabetes in children . Scientists have concluded that the intake of omega-3 within a year after the birth of a child reduces the likelihood of developing autoimmune pathologies:

    • Type I diabetes.
    • Multiple sclerosis.
    • Autoimmune diabetes [25].

    Benefits for various other diseases

    For eyes . The active components of omega-3, namely DHA, inhibit the mechanism of macular degeneration of the eye. Thus, fatty acids prevent irreversible eye damage with subsequent development of blindness.

    One of the medical experiments involved 2,275 people in the age group of 65 years and older, who were divided into two groups. The result showed that in the sample that ate fatty fish, the risk of neovascular age-related macular degeneration was 53% less likely than in other participants [26].

    Hepatosis is a disease characterized by fatty liver disease. The use of omega-3 improves fat metabolism and alleviates signs of inflammation [27].

    Improved sleep . A lack of fatty acids causes sleep problems in childhood. In adults, omega-3 deficiency threatens obstructive sleep apnea. Both phenomena are associated with low levels of DHA, which affects the concentration of melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep.

    Observations of subjects of different age groups prove that the quality and duration of sleep improves with the use of omega-3 [28].

    The benefits of omega-3 in sports

    Relieves muscle pain . Omega-3 acids relieve muscle pain, eliminate tissue swelling, and restore motor range after strength training. The combination of protein sports drinks with fish oil preparations alleviates signs of fatigue and reduces the symptoms of myalgia [29].

    Protein synthesis . Fatty acids are involved in the growth of muscle fibers, which is very important for athletes. The body converts protein into building material and energy - the most important components that ensure growth and physical endurance. In physiology, this phenomenon is called protein synthesis. Omega-3s stimulate this process due to the presence of EPA and DHA [30].

    Delivers more oxygen . Omega-3 active elements maintain heart health, which is very important for athletes. Observation of 16 cyclists proved that the use of fish oil normalizes heart rate and reduces the need for oxygen during sports activities. Experts have found that these processes occur without compromising performance and without harming the myocardium or skeletal muscle fibers [31].

    Improved response . Scientific experiments have proven that regular use of drugs with omega-3 preserves cognitive processes and accelerates the responses of the nervous system. The data were obtained after observing 24 female football players who, after a course of taking fish oil preparations, showed activity in neuromotor functions [32].

    Burn fat and reduce cortisol . Omega-3 has an inhibitory effect on the release of cortisol. Low levels of stress hormone directly affect the reduction of body fat and stimulation of muscle growth [33].

    What affects the omega-3 index?

    At present, the dosage of EPA and DHA to maintain a certain level of omega-3 index has not yet been established for certain, which is associated with various factors, for example, different pharmacokinetics of drugs [14, 47]. In 2015, we conducted a study, the purpose of which was to determine the proper dosage of EPA and DHA to achieve the target level of omega-3 index (>8%) in the Moscow region. Based on the results, it was concluded that a total dosage of EPA and DHA of 3500 mg per day for 2 months was sufficient to achieve the goal, while a dosage of 2000 mg per day was insufficient [57]. The level of omega-3 index, in addition to the consumption of EPA and DHA, is also affected by age (+0.50% per decade), diabetes mellitus (-1.13%, if present), body mass index (-0.30% per decade). three units of increase), gender, physical activity and a number of other factors, such as social status or alcohol consumption [14].

    Which foods contain more omega 3?

    For your convenience, we have divided the rating into plant-based and animal-derived products. Remember that plant omega has a significantly lower impact on human health due to the lack of EPA and DHA fatty acids in its composition.

    Plant sources of omega 3

    Flaxseed oil53.4 g

    Flax seeds22.8 g

    Chia seeds 17.8 g

    Walnut9.1 g

    Soy1.4 g

    Other herbal products (100 g) ALA content (g)
    Rapeseed oil 9,14
    Hemp seeds 8,68
    Soybean oil 6,79
    Mayonnaise 5,33
    Corn oil 1,16
    Cracker 0,96
    Multigrain crispbread 0,92
    Bulb onions 0,79
    Salo 0,48
    French fries 0,22
    Pistachios 0,21

    Animal Sources of Omega 3

    Mackerel2.8 g

    Cod liver oil 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 2.7 g + vitamin D - 34 mcg

    Salmon2.6 g

    Herring2.36 g

    Anchovies2.1 g

    Sardines1.5 g

    Fish roe 1 tablespoon (14.3 g) 1.1 g

    Other types of fish (100 g) Omega-3 content (g)
    Salmon 2,36
    Chinook 2,25
    Coho salmon 1,81
    Omul 1,76
    Whitefish 1,66
    Pink salmon 1,59
    Oysters (Pacific/Eastern) 1,58/0,58
    Saira 1,43
    Red salmon 1,39
    Trout 1,21
    Horse mackerel 0,98
    capelin 0,95
    Smelt 0,94
    Tuna 0,93
    Perch 0,92
    Mussels 0,89
    Catfish 0,83
    Squid 0,75
    Chum salmon 0,70
    Shrimps 0,60
    Sturgeon 0,59
    Carp 0,43
    Hake 0,41
    Mullet 0,32
    Atlantic halibut 0,23
    Pollock 0,20
    Som 0,14

    The concentration of omega-3 in different varieties of fish varies significantly. Fatty fish caught in cold sea waters, such as sardines, tuna, salmon, and mackerel, contain high levels of fatty acids. Much less omega-3 is found in less fatty fish - perch, cod, telapia. Small amounts of fatty acids were also found in shellfish.

    Farmed fish contain much less EPA and DHA than fish that live freely in the sea. The concentration of valuable acids depends on the type of fish nutrition. For example, farmed Atlantic salmon in Scotland lost significant amounts of EPA and DHA when natural marine ingredients were replaced with other ingredients. This trend was established after analysis of fish carried out from 2006 to 2015 [34].

    [Video] Dr. Berg - the benefits of fish for the brain and eyes:

    How is omega-3 from flaxseed oil different from omega-3 from fish oil?

    Let us immediately clarify that omega-3, which is part of fish oil, has more valuable properties than omega-3 of plant origin. Flaxseed oil is no exception in this sense.

    Of the three main types of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA and ALA), flaxseed oil only contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), while fish oil contains all of them. As stated above, ALA does not have the activity of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids and serves primarily as a fuel for energy production. The body also tries to convert it into EPA and DHA to make it beneficial for health [35].

    However, our body is not able to fully convert ALA. Of its total volume, only 5% is transformed into EPA, and only 0.5% into DHA [36].

    It should also be said that thanks to the record amount of ALA in flaxseed oil (8000 mg per tablespoon), even this 5% will satisfy 400 mg of EPA and 40 mg of DHA. If you take 3 tablespoons a day, you will exceed your requirement of these fatty acids even without eating fish.

    EPA and DHA are the most important acids in omega-3

    Omega-3 fatty acids include the following:

    • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a long-chain chemical. DHA is involved in the formation of neuronal synapses, which transmit signals between cells. The presence of DHA ensures the fluidity of cell membranes. The largest amount of DHA was found in the cells of the eyes (93%) and brain (97%), with the maximum in the sections responsible for attention and mental processes.
    • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has a long chain structure. The active substance affects the maintenance of health.
    • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has a short-chain structure. ALA provides the body with energy and protein to build DHA and EPA. Considering the fact that only 5% of ALA is converted to EPA and 0.5% to DHA, its daily dose should be quite high.

    Plant foods contain exclusively the fatty acid ALA. The exception is some seaweed.

    Foods rich in EPA and DHA

    Product (100 g) EPA, mg DHA, mg
    Red and black caviar (100 g) 3130 4340
    Salmon oil (1 tbsp) 1760 2470
    Cod liver oil (1 tbsp) 930 1470
    Mackerel 890 1400
    Salmon (Atlantic) 860 1100
    Fresh herring 910 1106
    Pickled herring 853 553
    Anchovies 800 910
    Sardines 870 529
    Bluefin tuna 364 1144
    Tuna canned 233 629
    Coho salmon 544 833
    Sea bass 208 562
    Shrimps 292 252

    Considering the high cost of salmon (trout, salmon) and red (especially black) caviar, be sure to include herring or mackerel in your diet. Just 100 grams of these fish more than meets the body’s entire need for healthy fats.

    What should vegetarians do?

    In the wake of the popularity of vegetarianism, the issue of providing followers of a plant-based diet with valuable fatty acids has become acute. This also applies to people who are intolerant to seafood. There is a solution - you should increase your consumption of nuts, soy products, various types of seeds, and green leafy vegetables. You can fully provide your body with omega-3 acids using vegan supplements that include EPA and DHA derived from algae.

    Products containing omega-3

    As noted above, seafood and fish are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The most generous animal sources of omega-3 are:

    • Sardine.
    • Salmon.
    • Cod liver.
    • Caviar (mainly black and red).
    • Mackerel.
    • Tuna.
    • Shrimp, oysters.

    Some plant-based foods also contain omega-3:

    • Flaxseed and rapeseed oil.
    • Chia seeds.
    • Walnuts.
    • Spinach.
    • Radish.
    • Almond.

    It is important to remember that polyunsaturated fatty acids are destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to include lightly salted fish, fresh vegetables, unroasted nuts, and vegetable oils in your diet.

    How to choose the right omega-3?

    • Do not buy fish oils obtained from fish livers. They contain less valuable acids than fish oil extracted from fish muscles, and contain an excess of vitamin A.
    • Choose supplements with lower levels of vitamin A—no more than 1 g per day (1000 mcg).
    • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not take vitamin A supplements in the form of retinol (which is found in abundance in fish liver). Vitamin A is considered safe in the form of beta-carotene (a plant form that does not cause overdose).
    • The body should receive at least 500 mg of EPA and DHA per day (in total). This dose corresponds to 140-200 g of oily fish per week.
    • Fish oil thins the blood, so you should consult your doctor if you are constantly taking aspirin, warfarin or heparin.
    • If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can take seaweed supplements.

    Read the label carefully before purchasing! For 1000 mg of fish oil, there should be at least 500 mg of EPA and DHA (the sum of both).

    Fish oil and fish oil - what is the difference?

    Fish oil is oil obtained from the liver of fish. This fat is always cheaper, but it contains a lot of vitamin A and D, and also consists of more than 70% of various other fatty acids in addition to omega 3. Its main advantage is its low cost.

    Fish oil is fat obtained from the muscle tissue of fish. This is a more refined product, higher quality, but also more expensive.

    Omega-3 drugs

    When treating functional disorders, it is recommended to take fish oil in a dosage of two to three grams per day, divided into three doses, while for prevention, a single dose of 1 gram per day is sufficient.

    Since fish that grew and developed in the natural conditions of cold seas is rarely found on the menu of the majority of the population, and flaxseed oil is rich exclusively in alphalinolenic acid, therefore, in order to fully saturate the body with DHA and EPA lipids, it is necessary to additionally add an omega 3 preparation to your diet capsules.

    There are two types of additives:

    • omega3 in liquid form;
    • omega3 capsule type.

    As a rule, vitamins in liquid form are more affordable. And the capsule form is favored by its protection from the destructive influence of the external environment.

    When choosing a supplement, look for ones with high concentrations of EPA and DHA.

    Top vitamins:

    Omega-3, Triple Strength (Solgar). The drug is in the top popularity among Solgar vitamins and it contains a triple dose of polyunsaturated acids, which are extracted from the muscle tissue of fish from the northern seas. The total amount of nutrients is 882 mg per capsule.

    Solgar Omega 3

    Omega-800 (Madre Labs). Soft capsules with a gelatin shell of organic origin. Rich in docosahexaenoic (320 mg) and eicosapentaenoic (480 mg) acids.

    Ultra Omega-3 (Now). Enriched with omega3 triglycerides, containing 500 mg. EPA and 250 mg. DKG. The capsules are coated with an enteric coating, which prevents nausea and an unpleasant aftertaste.

    Ultra omega-3

    Omega-3 - instructions for use

    Indications. Omega-3 supplements restore the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, therefore they are primarily recommended for people with cardiovascular disorders.

    In addition, omega-3 is indicated for:

    • Digestive dysfunction.
    • Normalization of the functioning of the endocrine glands.
    • Diabetes mellitus to restore physiological metabolism, restore lipid metabolism.
    • Stress.
    • Neuro-emotional stress.

    For complete absorption, omega-3 should be taken together with foods containing fat, fat-soluble vitamins E and D. Dietary fats ensure the absorption of valuable fatty acids. For example, DHA is absorbed up to 90% in the presence of fats, and up to 69% without them. The absorption of ethyl esters generally increases 3 times [38].

    What is krill oil? How is it different from fish oil?

    Krill oil is a product obtained from Antarctic krill. These marine crustaceans occupy a certain place in the diet of whales, seals, and penguins. In krill, as in marine fish, high concentrations of EPA and DHA are found.

    Still, there are certain differences from regular fish oil:

    1. Fish oil is characterized by a yellowish tint. Krill contains a natural antioxidant - astaxanthin (65 times stronger than vitamin C), which gives the oil its pink color.
    2. Krill oil fatty acids are absorbed more easily and in greater quantities than fish oil.
    3. Fish oil contains omega-3 in the form of triglycerides. In krill oil, the bulk of fatty acids are presented in the form of phospholipids, which greatly facilitate absorption and increase the effectiveness of omega-3.
    4. Krill oil contains more antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties and protect the heart.
    5. Krill oil is more effective in lowering blood sugar levels than fish oil. At lower doses, krill oil is better at removing triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol.

    Is it worth buying? Krill oil is superior to fish oil not only in beneficial properties, but also in price. The cost of the product is reflected in the method of collection and processing of ocean krill. Some types of krill are almost 10 times more expensive than fish oil.

    Fish oil in natural form or in supplement form is available in pharmacies and is affordable. Fish oil fatty acids are presented in complex vitamin preparations from different manufacturers. Finding quality fish oil is easier than finding premium krill oil.

    If financial resources allow, you can purchase krill oil. This way you will get an easily digestible product that is more valuable for the health of the heart and blood vessels.

    What other foods are high in omega-3 fatty acids?

    Keep in mind that sections 1-8 discuss foods containing the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are found in some animal products, seafood, and algae.

    In contrast, sections 9-12 include plant foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids ALA, which are inferior to the other two.

    While other foods don't contain as much omega-3 as the foods listed above, many do have decent amounts of these polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    These include eggs, meat and dairy products, hemp seeds and vegetables such as spinach, Brussels sprouts and purslane.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    Exceeding the recommended doses of omega-3 can cause the development of arrhythmia, bleeding, and atrial fibrillation. These phenomena are observed when taking more than 3 g of omega-3 per day.

    When purchasing, it is better to choose supplements with vitamin E. It prevents the oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids, which is manifested by a specific rancid taste. Store fish oil preparations in the refrigerator, where they are not exposed to light. Do not use expired omega-3 supplements. Old fish oil has an unpleasant odor.

    Should you worry about mercury in fish?

    In the natural environment, mercury in one form or another is found quite often. Industrial emissions contribute to its accumulation in the oceans and other water sources. When interacting with other substances, methylmercury is formed, which can be harmful. The toxic effect of mercury is dangerous for the fetus during pregnancy and for small children.

    It should be noted that some types of fish are capable of accumulating mercury, for example, shark, king mackerel, tilefish, and swordfish. For safety reasons, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of these types of fish.

    Pregnant women and nursing mothers should completely exclude the listed types of fish from their diet. Shellfish, small fish, and canned fish are allowed for them. A safe dose of fish for pregnant women is 350 grams of fish per week.

    Table of Omega-3 content in food products: fish, vegetables, oils

    Omega-3 tables per 100 grams of product. Separately for fish, vegetables, nuts, oils. To choose the optimal balanced diet.

    Table 1. Omega-3 content in fish and seafood

    ProductsOmega 3 content per 100 g
    Cod liver19,7
    Caviar black, red6,8
    Fresh Atlantic mackerel.2,70
    Atlantic salmon wild (salmon), fresh 2,5
    Atlantic salmon wild (salmon), prepared 2,2
    Mackerel is quiet. ready 1,8
    Whitefish, raw1,47
    European anchovies, raw1,45
    Coho salmon, wild raw1,44
    Farmed salmon, raw1,4
    Atlantic sardines, canned. In oil 0,982
    Trout, mixed species, prepared.0,936
    Shark, mixed species, raw0,843
    Swordfish, prepared.0,819
    Sea bass, prepared.0,762
    Fresh pink salmon0,69
    Flounder, prepared.0,501
    Fresh mullet0,5
    Halibut, Atlantic and quiet, ready. 0,465
    Carp, cooked, without liquid0,451
    Tuna, fresh, cooked, dry0,123
    Sea Bass, mixed species, prepared.0,324
    Haddock, cooked.0,238
    Eel, ready.0,189
    Catfish, ready.0,177
    Cod, Atlantic, prepared0,158
    Pike, northern, prepared.0,137
    Spiny lobster, mixed species, prepared.0,48
    King crab, Barents Sea prepared.0,413
    Shrimp, mixed species, prepared.0,315
    Mussel, blue, cooked.0,782
    Oyster, oriental, prepared.0,44
    The octopus is ready.0,314
    Mollusk, mixed species, prepared.0,284

    The content of omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids per 100 g indicated in Table 1 is approximate (may vary depending on the region and fishing season).

    Read More about Fish Oil and Omega 3

    Table 2. Omega-3 content in plant foods

    SourceALA (g) per 100 g.
    Nuts and seeds
    Hemp seeds9,3
    Chia seeds (dried)3,9
    Walnuts, black2,6
    Soybean kernels1,5
    Soybeans, green (raw)3,2
    Dried mint2,8
    Soybeans, mature seeds, sprouted (prepared)2,1
    Seaweed, Spirulina (dried)0,8
    Radish seeds, sprouted (raw)0,7
    Fresh thyme0,44
    Beans, sprouted (prepared)0,3
    Broccoli (raw)0,1
    Cauliflower (raw)0,1
    Soybeans (dry)1,6
    Beans, regular (dry)0,6
    Lima beans (dry)0,2
    Peas (dry)0,2
    Chickpeas (dry)0,1
    Lentils (dry)0,1
    Grains and seeds
    Wheat, germ0,7
    Barley, bran0,3
    Corn, sprouts0,3
    Rice bran0,2
    Wheat, bran0,2
    Oats, germ0,14
    Wheat, durum0,1
    Avocado, (raw)0,1
    Raspberries (raw)0,1
    Strawberries (raw)0,1

    Contents are approximate and may vary depending on growing conditions.

    Omega-6 and Omega-3 content in oils

    Table 3 shows the content of omega-6 and omega-3 fats per 100 g of product. And also the important ratio of omega-6 and omega-3.

    Fats and oils, 100 gOmega-6, gOmega-3, gOmega-3 : Omega-6
    Macadamia oil2,40no Omega-3
    Sunflower oil (refined)65,7020no Omega-3
    Cocoa butter2,80,11:28
    Grape seed oil69,5910,10,525
    sunflower oil (cold pressed)3,6060,1921:19
    Palm oil9,10,21:46
    Cottonseed oil51,5030,20,2201
    Sesame oil41,3040,30,1368
    Olive oil9,7630,7611:13
    Avocado oil12,5310,9571:13
    Corn oil53,511,1611:46
    Rice bran oil33,4021,61:21
    Mustard oil15,3325,901:02,6
    Wheat germ oil54,7976,9011:08
    Soybean oil50,2937,0331:07
    Rapeseed oil14,5039,13701:01,8
    Walnut oil52,89410,4011:05
    Flaxseed oil12,70153,301:00,2


    The intake of omega-3 into the body ensures the normal development and functioning of the brain and eyes. Fatty acids in fish oil eliminate signs of inflammation, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, and impaired brain activity. Supplements with omega-3 acids are useful for people with heart disease, blood vessels, and cerebrovascular disorders in a family history.

    It should be remembered that consuming natural products is healthier than taking pharmaceutical supplements. In order to provide the body with the necessary amount of omega-3, it is enough to eat two servings of fish per week.

    Fish is no less beneficial for human health than fish oil. However, omega-3 supplements are suitable for those who do not like fish or follow a vegetarian diet.

    Author of the article:

    Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
    Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

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