Is it possible to drink water before bed and during the night?

Is it possible or not?

In the absence of contraindications, drinking water at night is recommended by many therapists.
The required quantity is determined individually. After consulting with your doctor, you should start drinking water before bed gradually. On the first evening you should drink half a glass , following all the recommendations.

If the next morning there are no negative reactions from the body in the form of headache or swelling, you can drink 150 ml in the evening. Gradually the amount is increased to 250 ml at a time.

Is it possible to drink water at night?

26.06.2021 21:00


There are many opinions regarding whether or not you should drink water before bed. Some believe that this causes swelling, while others say that drinking water before bed is simply necessary.

Of course, here, as always, the key role is played by the analysis of the situation of each individual person. And yet, without going to extremes, let’s figure out what advantages there are from the habit of drinking water at night:

  • At night, during sleep, the body is cleansed of all waste and toxins accumulated in it. For uninterrupted operation of the cleaning functions, it needs liquid. Thus, drinking a glass turns out to be useful;
  • Despite the fact that we sleep, our brain continues to vigilantly monitor the condition of all organs, and if the temperature rises, it turns on the “cooling down” mode - sweating. Lack of fluid will deprive him of the ability to normalize his temperature;
  • During sleep, the body, along with breathing and sweating, loses a lot of moisture, which means there is a risk of dehydration. By drinking a glass in the evening, you can avoid this;
  • If you feel thirsty in the evening or your mouth becomes dry, this is a clear signal that the body needs water vitally. In this case, the best solution would be to listen to your body and replenish your fluid balance.

Another argument in favor of drinking water at night is improved sleep quality. Dehydration can deprive you of the deep phase of sleep, in which maximum relaxation and restoration of all body structures occurs. And strong thirst can cause a migraine in the morning.

Along with the listed positive properties, there are also negative ones. For example, in people with kidney and heart disease, excess fluid before bed can add stress to the organs instead of making them easier to function. In this case, you should consult your doctor.

There is another nuance. If you drink a little more fluid than required, you may be awakened by a natural desire to visit the toilet. There is nothing terrible about this, but the quality of sleep may suffer a little.

To ensure that the water you drink before bed really brings benefits, you should pay attention to several details:

  • Drink no more than 1 glass;
  • Drink 30-40 minutes before bedtime;
  • It should be warm;
  • Drink slowly, in small sips.

By following these simple recommendations, the risks of negative consequences will be minimal. But a favorable influence will not be long in coming.

Helpful or harmful and why?

Only excessive, uncontrolled consumption of water will cause significant harm to health. Such thirst occurs after eating salty, spicy foods for dinner and leads to swelling.

A systematic evening glass of water brings undeniable benefits to the entire human body, namely:

  • Stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Improves filtration of the body, flushes out toxins.
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Maintains water balance, filling cells with the necessary amount of moisture.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Important: If you suffer from nighttime leg cramps, 250 ml of clean water will prevent their occurrence.

More information about the benefits of water before bed in the video:

Water before bed: Benefits and harms

Everyone knows that water is a liquid that makes up most of our body. We cannot live without water, because it ensures metabolism in the body. Allows the body to function correctly. If there is not enough water, salts will begin to be deposited.

Drinking water at night, how beneficial is it??

The answer here is ambiguous. If you drink two liters of water before going to bed, of course, you won’t be able to sleep properly while going to the toilet. If we are talking about one glass of water before bed, why not? There will be no harm from this.

A small amount of water at night has the following benefits:

  • blood circulation is better;
  • better metabolism;
  • sweating increases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • the intestines are cleansed;
  • waste products are removed.

Many will disagree that drinking water at night is beneficial. This is due to the effect of bags under the eyes in the morning, with a swollen face. But, if you do not abuse salty foods for some time (for some, several days), then there will be no swelling from a glass of water before bed. Since there will be no excess salt, which retains fluid in the body.

Why you shouldn't drink water at night

Which one to choose?

In order to avoid health problems, it is recommended to drink warm water at room temperature, previously boiled.

Melted ice is ideal for consumption and must be prepared in a certain way:

  1. Fill 1 or 1.5 liter bottles. ordinary water.
  2. Place the container in the freezer.
  3. After 10 - 12 hours, after complete freezing, remove the bottles and thaw the contents under natural conditions.
  4. Carefully pour the water into a kettle or saucepan, leaving 100 - 150 ml in the bottles, which are then simply poured out.
  5. Boil and cool the water to room temperature.

Thus, the presence of harmful impurities is eliminated, the composition of the drink is improved, and the beneficial properties are increased.

Attention! Drinking ice water leads to constriction of blood vessels, a decrease in heart rate and a sore throat.

How to drink mineral water at the resort?

You can take it at drinking resorts only after consulting a doctor. Each type has its own indications and contraindications. Thus, hydrogen sulfide springs (in Pyatigorsk and Sochi) are prescribed for skin diseases, infertility, constipation, and also for weight loss. Alkaline (such as “Essentuki”, “Narzan” and “Borjomi”) - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gout, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Glandular (in Marcial Waters) - for anemia and weakened immunity. A complete list of indications and contraindications, as well as the chemical composition of the source, must be posted on the wall in each drinking gallery.

Read it before you start treatment!

Drinking regimen when drinking mineral water

If your doctor has not given individual recommendations (when and how much to take), then during treatment you should adhere to a general drinking regimen, namely:

  • Drink mineral water in a volume of 200 ml (one medium glass) half an hour before meals - 3 times a day.
  • Use it warm: the temperature should approximately correspond to body temperature – from 36 to 39 °C.
  • Drink slowly, in small sips.
  • Take this drinking method of treatment for the full course – from 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Drink mineral water right at the source. There is no point in putting it in a bottle for the whole day, since after half an hour the drink will lose its healing properties.

This is interesting: a mug with a spout

Today, most vacationers go to the springs with ordinary plastic or disposable cups. But true “adepts” of balneotherapy drink “mineral water” only from special flat mugs with a handle-spout. These unusual mugs first appeared in the 17th century in Karlovy Vary. Later, cups with a spout took root in Baden-Baden, and from there they migrated to Russia. Resort circles became most popular among vacationers in the 1950s-1970s, when vacations at resorts became affordable and widespread. Around the same time, mugs began to be branded with the names of resorts, making them popular souvenirs. By the way, the resort mug has a special name - “blouse bottle”, but few people know it, so most often they simply say “mug with a spout”. In its form, the modern “pump room” is no different from specimens of past centuries. It is made of porcelain and is complemented by a spout handle through which you are supposed to drink water. The mug has a flat shape so that it can be conveniently placed in a pocket or purse. And the “spout” protects the tooth enamel from mineral impurities and helps you drink gradually, in small sips.

Which mineral water is better to drink – carbonated or natural?

Of course, the effect of taking natural “mineral water” from a source cannot be compared with “soda” in bottles. But if your doctor has prescribed drinking treatment for you, but for some reason you cannot visit the resort, then “mineral water” sold in stores and pharmacies can help you out. Read about how water from springs is bottled and carbonated in our material “Soda from underground” here.

When purchasing, you should carefully read the label and pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the place where it was spilled. For example, if you buy a bottle of Essentukov, which says that it was produced in Moscow or the Moscow region, this indicates that the drink was obtained artificially - by adding salts and minerals in a certain proportion. It’s good if the production technology was followed, but it may also happen that the salt was put into the bottle “by eye.” In this case, it is unlikely to bring health benefits.

Medical or dining room?

When buying mineral water in a store, pay attention to its class. According to the degree of mineralization (that is, the number of minerals dissolved in one liter), bottled “mineral water” is divided into three classes:

  • dining room
  • medical dining room
  • medicinal

Table waters have low mineralization (1-2 g per liter), so they can be drunk every day, and a doctor’s permission is not required.
These include “Evian”, “Arkhyz”, “Senezhskaya”. Medicinal table waters have average mineralization (about 5 g per liter). You can drink them without a doctor’s recommendation, but not every day! These are the well-known “Essentuki-4”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Narzan”. Medicinal waters, such as “Essentuki-17”, have a high degree of mineralization (about 15 g per liter), so they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor! In any case, you should remember that “mineral water” is not a soft drink, and it is not recommended to drink it just like that, to quench your thirst. Text: Ekaterina Maslova.

How to use it correctly?

The negative consequences of drinking before bed arise due to improper use.

Not only temperature or volume is important, but also many other factors:

  • General health . The presence of cold symptoms and high blood pressure affect your well-being, causing morning headaches or swelling.

  • Age, weight and height of a person. Overweight older adults should be extremely careful when taking H₂O at night.
  • Presence of chronic diseases. Kidney problems are a limitation for evening use.

It is recommended to drink water slowly, in small sips, before going to bed. In this case, you should take a comfortable sitting position.

Reference! You should not drink H₂O while standing or running, as during movement the muscles and nerves are tense, this interferes with the complete absorption of water.

A glass of water at night: benefits and harms

Drinking such a small amount of water will only be beneficial. Yes, you may get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, but in the morning you will feel good. At the same time, there will be no attacks of thirst at night.


  • No night thirst
  • Sweating improves and salts are removed from the body
  • Blood composition is normalized
  • The body is saturated with oxygen


  • Possible swelling
  • Going to the toilet

A glass of water at night: benefits and harms

Do I need to add anything?

You can increase the beneficial effects of water on the body by adding honey to it. The recommended dose is 15 grams per glass. The drink is consumed immediately after preparation.

Several more beneficial properties of the evening intake are added:

  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • relief of headaches;

A few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice will not only add a pleasant sourness to the drink, but will also fill it with vitamin C.

How long before bedtime can you drink water?

Here the answer will be individual for everyone. If today you have eaten a lot of salty and smoked foods, it is better not to drink water right before bed, otherwise you will get swelling in the morning. In addition, it will be difficult for the kidneys to work.

If you eat moderately, correctly, eat more fresh foods in your diet, less salt, fried and fatty foods, or even eliminate them altogether, you can drink water right before you go to bed. In this case, water will play a positive role for the body as a whole.

Pregnant women, especially when the period begins from 7-9 months, should not drink water at night. Swelling is very likely. Water already accumulates quite well and swelling appears in the legs; drinking water before bed risks increasing the swelling. Of course, here the question is again individual.

If you feel well enough during pregnancy and there is no swelling, a glass of water at night won’t hurt. If you really want to drink and it’s nighttime, don’t torture your body by abstaining from water, so that swelling doesn’t appear, drink if you need to. Pregnancy is a special period where you need to listen carefully to what the body and the unborn baby ask for.

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