Lemon and cinnamon are a magical remedy for many problems

Each of us has heard something about the beneficial properties of honey in one way or another. Some people eat a spoonful of honey in the morning to “wake up” their stomach, others treat a cold with honey tea. But how many have heard about the beneficial properties of cinnamon, and also that water with honey and cinnamon is an effective way to lose extra pounds?

This article will talk about the beneficial properties of the drink and its help in losing weight, how to prepare and take it. We will also dwell separately on the contraindications of honey-cinnamon water.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon for losing weight

The famous spice cinnamon has a number of beneficial properties that promote weight loss . As a result of consuming the product, the following effects appear:

  • lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels;
  • stabilization of insulin production;
  • decreased appetite;
  • preventing the formation of fat cells;
  • activation of internal organs;
  • reducing the amount of sugar used in dishes or completely eliminating sweeteners due to the sweet taste;
  • inhibition of aging processes;
  • increasing immunity, reducing stress on the body;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • antiseptic and antiparasitic effect against pathogenic microflora of the stomach.

Cinnamon powder can be used for massages, wraps, and baths to cleanse toxins. Due to the content of vitamins C, A, PP, group B, the body's defenses are activated. The spice is rich in minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc. Thanks to its properties, it tones the body and gives energy.

To lose weight using cinnamon, choose the right types of product. There are 4 of them - Ceylon, Cassia (Chinese), Malabar and spicy (cinnamon). The best results in terms of weight loss are obtained by consuming the Ceylon type of spice. To avoid buying cassia instead, which is saturated with toxic coumarin, add iodine to the purchased powder. Ceylon spice will only turn slightly blue in some areas, while Cassia will turn a full blue-violet color. The artificial analogue of the spice, cinnamon extract, does not help you lose weight.

Cinnamon ensures good digestion of even heavy fatty foods and does not retain them in the intestines. Regular intake of cinnamon water eliminates waste and toxins, and eliminates the accumulation of unprocessed food debris. This helps to reduce the size of the waist, abdomen, sides, and make the figure slimmer. When losing weight, cinnamon helps convert glucose not into fat deposits, but into energy.

How does cinnamon water work for weight loss?

Cinnamon is a natural product, a spice. It is obtained from plants belonging to the laurel family.

Cinnamon helps with weight loss because:

Cinnamon improves metabolism, i.e. metabolism . Accordingly, fats and carbohydrates do not accumulate, but are converted into the energy needed by a person.

As you know, the higher the glucose, the faster fat accumulates. Cinnamon prevents sugar from accumulating in unnecessary amounts . The amount of sugar necessary for normal life is converted into glucose, and everything else is excreted.

For reference! Cinnamon supports essential blood glucose levels. For people predisposed to diabetes, cinnamon is an indispensable helper!

Cinnamon dulls the feeling of hunger and lets the stomach know that it is full . Not wanting to eat is an effective way to lose weight. By the way, cinnamon is very invigorating.

Water carries all the beneficial properties of cinnamon throughout the human body. If you eat cinnamon rolls, you won't be able to lose weight. But if you drink water, it’s the opposite.

Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of a large amount of fat by starting to eat food with this seasoning, but for a comprehensive weight loss program, cinnamon will be quite appropriate.


How to drink

Nutritionists advise drinking warm water with cinnamon on an empty stomach in the morning. You can repeat the reception in the evening before bed after dinner. The essential oils contained in the spice normalize sleep, invigorate you in the morning and provide a good mood. It goes well with fruit soups, smoothies, apples, quince, pears, and honey. Drinks with spices are effective for weight loss: milk, tea, coffee, compotes. It is better to prepare them immediately before use; prolonged infusion leads to loss of aroma. The amount of spice taken per day is limited and amounts to half a teaspoon of powder or one stick.

Cinnamon drink is good for breakfast and dinner. It is good for snacking between meals - it is healthier than bread and sweets. Taking the spice infusion lasts 2-8 weeks. During this time, the digestion of foods is normalized, the first results appear, so you can understand whether it is worth continuing further. In addition to water, you can mix other drinks with cinnamon . Here are some useful recipes:

  1. Kefir with cinnamon powder. Add a quarter teaspoon of spice to a glass of kefir, drink on an empty stomach in the morning and evening after dinner or instead.
  2. Kefir with cinnamon and apple. Mix a glass of low-fat kefir with two chopped apples without peel and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Beat in a blender. Instead of kefir, you can take any fermented milk drink: natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, matsoni, bifidok. If the mixture is too thick, add water.
  3. Supermodel cocktail to speed up metabolism and eliminate hunger. For a glass of kefir, take half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder, ginger with a pinch of chili pepper, and let it brew. This drink should not be taken on an empty stomach or more than once a day.
  4. Cinnamon milk to lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Heat a glass of milk, add a quarter of a tsp. spices, leave for two minutes. You can pour milk over the stick, boil and cook for two minutes, then cool. If desired, add honey to the serving.
  5. Cinnamon coffee. To soften the effects of caffeine and reduce nervous excitement, add a little cinnamon to your coffee. Pieces of spice can be poured with water, added ground coffee and boiled in a Turk until foam appears. You can add a quarter tsp. cinnamon powder right before boiling or directly into the cup. The drink goes well with ginger and nutmeg.
  6. Orange-cinnamon drink. This cocktail will come in handy in the hot summer as a cooling refresher. To prepare it, pour a glass of boiling water over a cinnamon stick or a quarter teaspoon of powder and cool. Combine the mixture with slices of two oranges, a sprig of mint and cold water to make a liter volume. Cool with ice, if desired.
  7. A drink with bay leaf that removes toxins. Brew 3-4 bay leaves with a liter of boiling water, after a couple of minutes add a cinnamon stick, leave for two hours, then let cool. Take the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, 100-150 ml of the drink daily. It removes toxins and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

Tea recipe

Another useful recipe is cinnamon tea for weight loss (green or black). It effectively lowers blood sugar levels . To prepare the drink, take unflavored tea - for 2 teaspoons of leaves, a quarter teaspoon of spice or part of a cinnamon stick. Brew with boiling water, add milk, lemon, cloves, vanillin if desired.

If green tea is used, it is brewed separately, then spice is added to it. If you add ground powder, the drink will turn out cloudy. Some types of tea infusion:

  • Apple. Normalizes metabolism, reduces weight. It is drunk cold or hot. To prepare, peel the apple from seeds and peel, cut into slices or cubes, place in a teapot with a cinnamon stick or a quarter teaspoon of powder. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Add lemon, orange, mint, ice, cloves or ginger if desired. Tea goes well with allspice and orange zest.
  • Vanilla. When hot, it helps cope with colds. Take a third of a vanilla stick, half a cinnamon stick, one dry clove inflorescence, 1 tsp. black or green tea and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss - reviews


I drank this. I don’t remember the proportions, I mixed water with honey and cinnamon in a glass. I lost the weight I wanted, but I also stopped eating many high-calorie foods and went in for sports. Therefore, I think that I would have lost weight even without cinnamon, but maybe it helped a little, I don’t know.



I drank on an empty stomach for 3 weeks. But! Gym 2 times a week for 2 hours! And no harmful things like fried potatoes, overnight pies, etc. The result is minus 3 kg! Did CINNAMON help or everything in combination? I can’t answer. But there was a result. For some reason my husband called it poison. But it tasted nothing to me.

(Aqwa.1978) Julia


Drink and lose weight


  • Natural composition
  • Result


  • Allergy to constituent components

Nowadays, the word lose weight is heard on all programs. And many strive for this for various reasons:

  • health;
  • for aesthetic reasons;
  • just be beautiful.

They are looking for a lot of ways to lose weight in a short time, without making much effort. I am one of these people. My extra pounds appeared after the birth of my second child. Due to lack of attention to myself, I gained ten extra pounds. The way to lose weight with the help of this drink seemed natural to me, so as not to harm your body as much as honey and cinnamon, these are harmless components of this potion. By adjusting my diet and drinking this drink, I lost five kilograms. My general condition has improved. More than enough energy. There was a kind of lightness throughout the body. These two ingredients helped reduce weight to normal.

Cinnamon has a fairly wide range of beneficial effects for:

  • arthritis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • reduces blood glucose levels.
  • Honey – promotes:
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • improves hematopoiesis;
  • regenerates;
  • tones;
  • disinfects.

Often used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and lung disease.

This solution helped me not only lose weight, but also strengthen my immune system and improve my metabolism. At the same time, my nails and hair became stronger. I have only positive reviews about him.

(Vesna_v_gorode) Alena


Fat-burning, pleasant drink for weight loss


  • Simple and affordable
  • Not difficult



  • The kilograms will go away in a complex
  • Allergy to ingredients

The most common spice for anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds is cinnamon. The benefit of it is that when it enters the body, it warms up and makes the metabolism work more intensively, which causes a positive effect.

A drink that is easy to prepare and pleasant to drink is a combination of water, cinnamon and honey.

How to cook it correctly:

It is best to choose spice sticks rather than ground ones, which lose their flavor and quality.

The best honey is one that has not yet been candied; it is safer to buy from a trusted beekeeper.

The prepared drink is drunk cold; it is not necessary to make it warm. It keeps well in the refrigerator for several days.

For one glass of clean water you will need half a teaspoon. crushed spices and a full spoon of honey.

Pour boiling water over it, stir and leave for at least 30 minutes, once it cools down you can add honey.

The recommended dose is 200 ml. It is best to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the evening.

Benefits of use:

  • General strengthening of the immune system.
  • Appetite decreases, and blood sugar levels stabilize.
  • The impaired metabolism is gradually restored.
  • Good bowel cleansing.

Not everyone will like the specific taste, but if you do not have a food allergy to at least one component in the composition, then such a drink will be a good preventive measure and, in combination with proper nutrition and dosed exercise, will help you get into good physical shape.



Cinnamon and honey have long been included in my diet and have taken pride of place in it. It is not only delicious, but also good for the immune system. I definitely have less colds, and if they happen, the illness is much easier, without complications.

But I’m not sure that by regularly consuming these ingredients you can quickly lose weight. At least it didn’t work out for me in 1.5 years. Perhaps this method is effective for more obese people than me.

My healthy recipes are simple: most often it is tea with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1/3 tsp. cinnamon. I drink it before every main meal.

Also, a very tasty dessert is made from airy diet bread. You can even make a cake from them, and instead of cream use a mixture of honey and cinnamon. The number of layers is to taste, sprinkle with nuts or coconut flakes on top and leave in the refrigerator overnight. It's much healthier than cookies or donuts.

In addition, honey and cinnamon help me maintain youthful skin. Once a week I always make a face mask - I apply the same mixture for half an hour and wash it off with warm water. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the tone becomes lighter - there is a whitening effect.

Water with honey-cinnamon mixture

An excellent mixture is cinnamon and honey for weight loss. Drinking water with the addition of such ingredients reduces weight, removes fat deposits from the abdomen , and makes the figure slim. The drink improves digestion and tones the body. To make it, pour a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a glass of boiling water and wait a little. Place a teaspoon of honey in warm water and add a slice of lime or lemon if desired. Take the cocktail in the morning on an empty stomach (half an hour before breakfast) and before bed.

Tips and tricks

  • Buy cinnamon in the form of sticks - in this form the spice retains more beneficial properties.
  • You need to buy natural honey, not pasteurized, since pasteurization neutralizes all enzymes.
  • Dark varieties of honey are more effective for weight loss than light varieties.
  • Choose only high quality products, without artificial colors or shock absorbers.
  • Consume spices and honey at least half an hour before meals.
  • Sweet and spicy infusions can be consumed without harm to health no more than 3 times a day.
  • You should not take more than 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day.
  • It is advisable to take a break after 2 weeks of the cinnamon-honey diet.

Water with cinnamon and honey for weight loss is an excellent folk remedy that will not only help you lose excess weight, but also relieve many other ailments. Most doctors believe that drinks made from cinnamon and honey actually help you lose weight. But remember that this method will not give visible results if it is not supplemented with proper nutrition, exclusion of fatty and floury foods from the diet and exercise.

With lemon

An effective and pleasant-tasting drink based on water, cinnamon and lemon will trigger fat burning processes in the body and promote weight loss. The classic recipe is to mix a liter of water, the juice of half a lemon and two cinnamon sticks, cut into pieces, in a glass jug. Place the drink on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 12 hours. Drink a glass daily half an hour before meals.

Do not prepare the infusion in advance, because after 24 hours its beneficial properties will decrease, which is not the best effect on your slim figure. To improve the results, you can supplement the resulting mixture with dried ginger powder (half a teaspoon) or grated fresh root of the plant (a piece 1-2 cm long). This will further speed up your metabolism. If the taste is too hot, replace the water with kefir, it will soften the bitterness.

How to choose real cinnamon

If you are in doubt about purchasing, it is recommended to take cinnamon sticks and grind them yourself. For some recipes, as well as for aesthetic appearance, whole fragments are also suitable, but their use is more expensive.

When choosing a powder, pay attention to its color. The real spice has a light, sandy color, while the Chinese fake has a brown, dark brown color.

Additionally, you can perform a simple test. The chemical properties of the substance are such that when interacting with ordinary medical iodine, cinnamon acquires a pale bluish tint, while the cheap analogue leaves its rich color.

With apple

A healthy drink based on apples and cinnamon reduces weight, tones the body and removes excess fluid, removing swelling. To prepare it, peel and seed one medium apple, pour boiling water over it, and add a cinnamon stick broken into pieces. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Instead of a stick, you can take ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder. During the day, drink a liter of the drink, one glass at a time, before meals. In winter, add ginger, allspice peas, and cloves to the mixture; in summer - ice cubes, lemon or orange zest.

Side effects

You need to consume this healthy spice in recommended doses, without exceeding them. Otherwise, this risks side effects:

  • digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • allergic reactions with hypersensitivity: urticaria, itching, skin rashes, hyperemia, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • a strong increase in blood pressure due to hypertension or vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • bleeding of internal organs (higher risk with gastric ulcers, varicose veins of the esophagus).

The spice is relatively safe and can rarely cause harm. Side effects are possible if a person has previously had cases of allergic reactions to cinnamon or components added to drinks (usually honey, ginger). Very rarely, when taking cinnamon water with honey, bleeding of the stomach and intestines occurs, and blood pressure rises sharply.

What can you achieve with the drink?

  • Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Honey and cinnamon are natural antiseptics and help restore intestinal microflora. In addition, this drink helps digest food and promotes gentle cleansing of the intestines.
  • Reduce weight (up to 5 kg per month).
    Cinnamon honey water helps convert glucose into energy instead of fat. It also reduces the feeling of hunger, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Boost immunity
    . The ingredients of the drink increase protection against viruses and bacteria, and also cleanse the lungs of mucus (it helps well against bronchitis and runny nose).
  • Improve skin quality
    . Consuming honey water adds smoothness, firmness and radiance to the skin.
  • Normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver and bladder
    . Honey and cinnamon remove excess water. In addition, cinnamon stick has a positive effect on the enzymatic barriers of the liver.
  • Improve overall well-being
    . A glass of honey-cinnamon water in the morning will start all processes in the body and provide a boost of energy for the whole day. The drink is indicated for people with increased fatigue.
  • Improve joint health
    . Drinking this water daily relieves inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthen the heart
    . The combination of honey and spices has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots (prevention of heart attacks).


Regular consumption of drinks based on cinnamon powder or sticks allows you to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight per month. For obesity or endocrine diseases, the use of spice is unsafe because it has vasodilating and warming effects. Before use, you should obtain the advice and approval of a physician. Other contraindications for taking cinnamon drinks are:

  • all trimesters of pregnancy (infusions stimulate uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth);
  • hypertension, hypotension;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • tachycardia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diseases of the central and autonomic nervous system;
  • significant blood loss, internal bleeding;
  • increased excitability;
  • high temperature due to infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (cinnamon in combination with honey is prohibited);
  • food allergies;
  • frequent surges in blood pressure.

Contraindications and side properties

No matter how good the reviews are about cinnamon with water as a dietary remedy, we must not forget about contraindications.

Which, of course, any product or product has.

  • First of all, you need to remember that cinnamon in an amount of no more than 2.5 grams per day (half a teaspoon) can be beneficial for the body. Too much of this product can cause headaches, nausea, nervous excitability, and causeless attacks of aggression.
  • Cinnamon increases blood pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients to minimize the use of this seasoning.
  • Cinnamon can thin the blood. Therefore, it can be dangerous for people with low coagulability. For the same reason, cinnamon is contraindicated for people with bleeding.
  • This product is also not recommended for pregnant women. In the early stages, it can provoke a miscarriage, and in the later stages, premature birth.
  • During respiratory infections combined with fever, it is better to avoid cinnamon. It has a vasodilating effect.
  • There is also such a thing as individual intolerance. Listen to your body.

It is better to consult a doctor before use.

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