The Clenbuterol and Yohimbine complex is used quite actively for weight loss. It is used by professional athletes during the drying period, in preparation for competitions. We are talking about performing bodybuilders. In other sports, Clenbuterol is classified as a doping drug and is banned.

Initially, this remedy was developed and actively used in the treatment of severe diseases of the lower respiratory tract. This substance is still prescribed to eliminate the effects of bronchial asthma. Who and when decided to use it to burn fat is unknown, but today we can say with complete confidence that impressive doses of Clenbuterol promote weight loss.

This substance causes a lot of adverse reactions, including tachycardia, hypertension, tremors of the limbs, fever, and headache. Many people who first experienced the effect of Clen compare it to a hangover. For the drug to work, physical activity is required. Without them, losing weight is impossible. Imagine how difficult it is to exercise in such a state, when your head is pounding, your heart is pounding, your whole body is either engulfed in chills or intense fever.

Sports nutrition developers have been actively looking for a product that could reduce such adverse reactions. Yohimbine has these properties. It also promotes rapid weight loss.

Many manufacturers produce products based on these components. These fat burners are not cheap. It is much more economical to purchase them separately and use them in certain proportions.

Doping status:

Clenbuterol has been banned by WADA for use in sports since 1992. Standard anti-doping tests usually respond to a urine concentration of 5-10 ng/L, which is observed 4-5 days after the last dose. More sensitive tests increase the detection time for clenbuterol to 2-3 weeks or higher (1-2 ng/L). The drug accumulates in adipose tissue and can be more actively released during exercise or competition.

One of the possible ways that clenbuterol enters an athlete’s body may be through meat, since in some countries (China, Mexico) it is used to increase the weight of fattened animals.

Several scientific articles report the frequent inappropriate inclusion of clenbuterol in fat-burning supplements.

Features of the use of Yohimbine

Yohimbine is a natural drug that is obtained from the yohimbe plant, which grows in Africa. It was originally used as an aphrodisiac and a treatment for erectile dysfunction. The drug has a positive effect on libido and male potency and is an antidepressant.

In addition, yohimbine blocks alpha receptors and promotes the rapid breakdown of adipose tissue. Separately from each other, these two drugs work, but together they give a huge synergistic effect, that is, the effect of the drugs becomes more active and pronounced.

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Yohimbine is offered by sports nutrition manufacturers as a separate supplement or in combination with other drugs. If you decide to experience the effects of Clen and Yohimbe, you must very accurately calculate the dosage of each component.

Mechanism of action:

As a beta-2 agonist, clenbuterol acts as a fat burner by binding to type 2 beta receptors in adipose and muscle tissue of the human body. After clenbuterol binds to the receptor, a cascade of biochemical reactions is launched that lead to an increase in the synthesis of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). cAMP, in turn, activates enzymes that mobilize fatty acids from adipocytes (fat tissue cells).

The action of clenbuterol on beta-2-adrenergic receptors of the presynaptic membrane increases the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline, which have a powerful fat-burning effect. Clenbuterol increases the level of basal metabolism by 20-30% of the initial level.

Clenbuterol inhibits the activity of lipoprotein lipase, as a result of which fat deposition in adipose tissue becomes impossible. Acting on beta-2 adrenergic receptors of the central nervous system, this drug enhances the secretion of thyroid hormones - the body's natural fat burners.

A unique feature of clenbuterol is that it is not only a powerful fat burner, but also has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, protecting muscles from destruction, which is very important during weight loss and cutting in bodybuilding. Studies have found that the anti-catabolic effect of the drug is due to blocking Ca2+-dependent and ubiquitin-proteasome proteolysis.

A 2012 study (Francesca Wannenes, Loretta Magni) confirms the ability of clenbuterol to block the mechanisms of muscle atrophy. A new 2014 study showed that β-agonists (catecholamines) released during intense exercise induce CREB-mediated transcription through activation of its obligate coactivators CRTC2 and Crtc3.

In contrast to the catabolic activity typically associated with sympathetic nervous system function, activation of Crtc/Creb proteins in skeletal muscle of transgenic mice results in enhanced anabolic processes and increased protein synthesis. Thus, in animals overexpressing CRTC2, myofibril cross-sectional area increases, intramuscular triglyceride content and glycogen content increase. In addition, there is a significant increase in strength indicators.

Due to the above mechanisms, the drug has a moderate anabolic effect, which has been proven in experiments on humans and practical use in bodybuilding.

Given the fact that the drug has virtually no interaction with beta-1 adrenergic receptors, there is bronchodilation and easier breathing, as well as a much lower incidence of side effects from the cardiovascular system compared to non-selective agonists such as ephedrine.

How fat burning processes start

To decide whether you need to use additional means for losing weight, it is worth understanding how the processes of fat accumulation and its subsequent breakdown are carried out in the body.

Fat is unspent energy that enters the body with food. If you abuse carbohydrates and lead a sedentary lifestyle, then excess consumption is stored in reserve. In the body, fat is stored in the subcutaneous tissue in the form of small “boxes” - liposomes. On their surface there are special receptors with which various hormones can bind to provoke metabolic processes in the body.

In order not to delve into the biochemical and physiological processes that occur inside us, it must be said that alpha-adrenergic receptors and beta-adrenergic receptors are located on the surface of liposomes. For the process of lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of fat, they must interact with two hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine.

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The interaction of these hormones with beta receptors provokes the active breakdown of adipose tissue and the release of fatty acids into the blood. Interaction with alpha receptors inhibits this process.

Clenbuterol is a substance that stimulates beta receptors. Adrenaline and norepinephrine, released in sufficient quantities during active physical activity, interact more quickly with beta receptors and trigger fat burning processes. If you take only Clen, then lipolysis does not occur as quickly as you would like, because hormones also interact with alpha receptors. This is why Yohimbine is required in this combination. This substance blocks alpha receptors, thereby accelerating the fat burning process.

Sometimes other components are added to similar schemes for weight loss and drying - Thyroxine, Ketotifen, L-carnitine. Concomitant medications are selected individually, based on the structural characteristics of the athlete losing weight, the type of physical activity used, and the tolerance of the active substances included in the complex.

Human studies:

A 2015 study by Lee P. was the first reliable evidence of the effectiveness of beta-agonists in humans. An analogue in the mechanism of action, formoterol (β2 selective agonist) at a dose of 160 mcg/day stimulated anabolism, increased protein synthesis, without causing side effects from the cardiovascular system, and these effects were more pronounced in girls.

In addition, Morten Hostrup (2015) found that the beta-2 adrenergic agonist terbutaline (10-15 mg/day) causes a statistically significant increase in lean muscle mass, increases strength and endurance at maximum load on an exercise bike.

Effects of Clenbuterol:

  • Burning fat and drying muscles;
  • Increased strength and endurance;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Mental activation;
  • Anti-catabolic effect;
  • Anabolic effect.

The low incidence of side effects (practice shows that irreversible side effects are almost completely absent) and a wide range of positive effects make clenbuterol one of the best fat burners in bodybuilding.


Powerful fat burners should not be used by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or are significantly overweight. The combination of these drugs is not a “magic” remedy that allows you to lose weight without additional effort. On the contrary, during the drying period it is necessary to work even more in the gym, alternating strength and aerobic exercise.

Be sure to read: Fat burner L-carnitine Power System - the choice of athletes

The proposed drugs place a significant additional burden on the cardiovascular system. If you have heart problems, you should not experiment with your health. The list of absolute contraindications also includes:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Any infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.

You should not drink alcohol while taking medications. It is advisable to reduce the amount of drinks and products containing caffeine to a minimum.

You can use such schemes for weight loss only after preliminary consultation with a doctor and a comprehensive examination of the body.

Clenbuterol course: weight loss or cutting

In men, the recommended dose of clenbuterol for drying and losing weight is 120 - 140 mcg per day. In women, the average dose of clenbuterol for drying and losing weight is 80-100 mcg per day. The course of clenbuterol has its own subtle features that must be strictly followed to avoid side effects.

The duration of a course of clenbuterol is usually 2 weeks, then addiction develops (receptor tolerance) and effectiveness decreases. After which you need to take a 2-week break using ketotifen, without it the break is useless, and then repeat the course; without ketotifen, the break should be much longer. The need for a break was scientifically substantiated back in 1990: desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors develops due to phosphorylation of receptors and through other biochemical modifications at the level of secondary messengers (kinases, G-proteins, etc.). It takes several days to update these structures.

The duration and effectiveness of the clenbuterol course, as mentioned, can be increased by including ketotifen. Sometimes, to prevent adaptation of receptors, a pulse course is recommended - 2 days of intake, 2 days of rest, but this scheme is less effective.

Do not forget to take enough protein, BCAA and other cortisol blockers during your cycle, this will significantly improve the result. Follow an appropriate diet for weight loss or cutting.

In 2010, a study was conducted that revealed a synergistic effect when combined with anabolic steroids, which confirms the advisability of including the drug at the end of the AC course. Many experts do not recommend combining the drug with anabolic steroids, as the risk of cardiac hypertrophy increases.

Clenbuterol course without ketotifen:

  • Day 1: 20 mcg (0.02 mg);
  • Day 2: 40 mcg (0.04 mg);
  • Day 3: 60 mcg (0.06 mg);
  • Day 4: 80 mcg (0.08 mg);
  • Day 5: 100 mcg (0.10 mg);
  • Days 6-12: 120 mcg (0.12 mg);
  • Day 13: 80 mcg (0.08 mg);
  • Day 14: 40 mcg (0.04 mg);
  • Break.

The dose of clenbuterol should be increased progressively during the first week. The optimal time to take clenbuterol is in the morning (so as not to provoke insomnia, and in the morning the effectiveness of the drug is higher). When increasing the dosage, start taking it in 2 doses: morning and afternoon.

Method of administration

Clen and Yohimbine are taken together, the dosages of the components of the composition are increased gradually. The duration of admission is 2-3 weeks, then a 2-week break is taken, during which it is advisable to administer Ketotifen.

The initial daily dose of Clen is 20 mcg. You should start using yohimbine with 5 mg. The maximum daily dosage of Clen is 80 mcg, Yohimbine is 20 mg. Both drugs are taken in the first half of the day. If you use them after lunch, sleep disturbances are guaranteed. The body will not be able to rest normally, metabolic processes will slow down.

The dosage is increased gradually. It is necessary to increase the dose within a week, then it remains maximum for 5-7 days, and again gradually decreases to minimum levels.

Clenbuterol + ketotifen course:


- an antiallergic agent with the unique ability to restore the sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors to clenbuterol. This property has been repeatedly proven in studies involving not only asthma patients, but also isolated lymphocytes. The mechanism of this effect is obviously associated not with histamine receptors, but with inhibition of phosphodiesterase, which regulates cAMP-dependent metabolism of all cells, which allows us to extrapolate the results obtained in work with lymphocytes to adipose tissue. Similar receptor resensitization effects have been observed with ketotifen and other beta-agonists, which has been confirmed by a large number of studies.

With the help of ketotifen, you can speed up the process of losing weight or drying by 10-20 percent and extend the course up to 8 weeks. In addition, ketotifen will help eliminate mental agitation, tremors of the limbs, insomnia and rapid heartbeat.

  • Day 1: 20 mcg clenbuterol;
  • Day 2: 40 mcg clenbuterol;
  • Day 3: 60 mcg clenbuterol;
  • Day 4: 80 mcg clenbuterol;
  • Day 5: 100 mcg clenbuterol + 1 mg ketotifen;
  • Day 6-27: 120 mcg clenbuterol + 2 mg ketotifen;
  • Day 28: 80 mcg clenbuterol + 2 mg ketotifen;
  • Day 29: 50 mcg clenbuterol + 1-2 mg ketotifen;
  • Day 30: 33-35 mcg clenbuterol + 1 mg ketotifen;
  • At least two weeks break.

Ketotifen is taken at night, clenbuterol - in the morning.


To maximize the effectiveness of the course, clenbuterol is combined with thyroxine. However, in this case the risk of side effects increases.

Side effects of clenbuterol:

Side effects of clenbuterol are listed by frequency of occurrence:

  • Palpitations (60%) - eliminated by beta-1 blockers. Take 5 mg of Bisoprolol or 50 mg of Metoprolol in the morning;
  • Trembling (20%) - especially pronounced on the first day of use, then gradually fades away. Eliminated by ketotifen;
  • Sweating (10%);
  • Insomnia (7%) - eliminated with ketotifen;
  • Anxiety (6%) - eliminated by ketotifen;
  • Increased blood pressure (6%) - eliminated by beta-1 blockers. Take 5 mg of Bisoprolol or 50 mg of Metoprolol in the morning;
  • Abnormal stool—diarrhea (5%)—as a rule, is observed only in the first days of taking the drug;
  • Nausea (3%);
  • Convulsions (in case of overdose or at the initial stage of taking the drug);
  • In individual cases, a headache is possible, most likely associated with increased blood pressure.

As you can see, many of the side effects of clenbuterol can be prevented with the help of ketotifen and bisoprolol (metoprolol). Also, it should be noted that most side effects are especially pronounced only in the initial stages of the course, and after a few days they subside or completely disappear.

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