Wumbuilding? Only after examination by a specialist!

Myostimulation (electrical stimulation, neurostimulation, physiostimulation, myolifting) is the use of pulsed currents to treat and restore the natural functioning of muscles, tissues, nerves, and internal organs. Myostimulation is widely used as a method of rehabilitation treatment, which is based on electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles, carried out by transmitting current with specified characteristics from the myostimulator to the human body through electrodes.

This technique is in demand for the rehabilitation of patients after injuries, with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems, with urinary and fecal incontinence, in professional sports and cosmetology. In recent years, the method of myostimulation has become widespread in dermatocosmetology.

History of myostimulation

Since ancient times, people have used the electrical effects of amber and the discharges of electric fish to treat various paralysis, nervous and rheumatic pains. In ancient Egypt, electric currents produced by certain species of fish were successfully used to treat the pharaohs. Using this method, ancient people cured gout, complex neuroses and many other diseases. Doctors in ancient Rome kept stingrays in their aquariums; patients were treated by touching the stingray. People who lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea knew that touching the human body of certain species of fish, stingrays, eels, and catfish causes muscle twitching, a feeling of numbness, and pain relief. Electric fish discharges were used to treat patients suffering from headaches, joint diseases, gout, and paralysis. Even today, on the Mediterranean coast and the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, you can sometimes find elderly people wandering barefoot in shallow water, hoping to be cured of rheumatism or gout by the natural electricity of the stingray.


  • Obstetrics and gynecology Appointment with a gynecologist
  • Appointment with a gynecologist-surgeon
  • Pregnancy management Appointment with a gynecologist during pregnancy
  • Appointment with a gynecologist and registration of an exchange card
  • Doctor consultation on pregnancy
  • Cardiotocography
  • School of motherhood
  • Pregnancy management program "Standard"
  • Fetal DNA test
  • Fetal screening test
  • Ultrasound of the cervix during pregnancy
  • Treatment of the reproductive system
      Treatment of pain in the lower abdomen
  • Hysteroscopy
      Hysteroscopy of the uterus
  • RDV with hysteroscopy
  • Removal of a polyp in the uterus by hysteroscopy
  • Hysteroscopy before IVF
  • Vaccination against cervical cancer
  • Hysterosalpingoscopy (USGSS)
  • Women's intimate plastic surgery
      G-spot augmentation
  • Non-surgical intimate plastic surgery of the anogenital zone
  • Biorevitalization of the intimate area
  • Restoration of the hymen. Hymenoplasty
  • Intimate rejuvenation
  • Intimate thread lifting
  • Implanon
  • Menopause (menopause)
  • Infertility treatment
      Artificial insemination
  • Preparing for IVF
  • Treatment of uterine diseases
  • Treatment of cervical pathologies
      Cervical biopsy
  • Colposcopy
  • Laser destruction of cervical erosion
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Normalization of vaginal flora and restoration of pH
  • Perinatal psychologist
      Pre- and post-abortion counseling
  • Supporting families in preparing for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Psychologist for expectant mothers
  • Psychological support for loss of loved ones
  • Psychological assistance to women and couples with reproductive health disorders.
  • Surgical gynecology
  • Gastroenterology
      Gastroenterologist appointment
  • Gallbladder diseases
  • Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
  • Helicobacter pylori test
  • Urology and andrology
      Appointment with a urologist
  • Andrology and sexopathology
  • Treatment of male infertility
  • Solving potency issues Decreased potency. Treatment
  • Decreased erection, causes and treatment
  • Surgical urology
  • Treatment of varicocele with Marmara operation
  • Meatotomy
  • Circumcision of the foreskin
  • Removal of epididymal cyst
  • Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Prostate massage, prostate massage
  • Neurology
      Neurologist appointment
  • Acupuncture (Acupuncture) Auriculotherapy
  • Corporal reflexology
  • Microneedling
  • Superficial acupuncture
  • Non-surgical hernia treatment
  • Easy to quit smoking
  • Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • Treatment of headaches, body aches
  • Treatment of nerve and plexus diseases
  • Treatment of spinal diseases
  • Treatment of motor dysfunctions
  • Treatment of memory disorders
      Treatment of dizziness
  • Treatment of sleep disorders
  • Treatment of sensory disorders in hands and feet
  • Treatment of neuromuscular diseases
  • Treatment of general weakness
  • Treatment of sclerotic diseases
  • Treatment of seizures
  • Treatment of cerebrovascular diseases
  • Surgery
      Outpatient surgery Treatment of ingrown toenails
  • Hernia treatment
  • Pain blockade
  • Treatment of joint pain
  • Plastic surgery
  • Polypectomy
  • Surgeon appointment
  • Phlebology
      Laser phlebology
  • Laser spider vein removal
  • Proctology
      Desarterization under ultrasound control
  • Treatment of proctological diseases Excision of anal fissure
  • Coagulation of anal fissure
  • Ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings
  • Radio wave coagulation of hemorrhoids
  • Sclerosation of hemorrhoids
  • Mammalogy
  • Venereology
      Treatment of STDs in women Treatment of genital herpes in women
  • Treatment of STDs in men
  • Venereologist appointment
  • Prevention after casual sex
  • Dermatology
      Dermatologist appointment
  • Hair loss treatment
  • Treatment of skin diseases
  • Removal of skin tumors Removal of warts
  • Removal of condylomas
  • Removal of papillomas
  • Mole removal
  • Fibroma removal
  • Endocrinology
      Endocrinologist appointment
  • Insulin therapy.
  • Treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. Normalization of metabolism
  • Restoring thyroid function
  • Treatment of thyroid diseases
  • Cosmetology
      Hardware cosmetology Hardware cosmetology for the face
  • Hardware cosmetology for the body
  • Carboxytherapy
  • Microcurrents
  • Facial cosmetology
  • Contour plastic
  • Mesotherapy
  • Thread lifting
  • Peeling PRX-T33
  • Remove wrinkles
  • Body cosmetology
      Aqualyx - fat removal without surgery
  • Laennec - placental therapy
  • Non-injection mesotherapy
  • Cryolipolysis
  • Myostimulation
  • Melsmon obvious advantages
  • Peelings
  • Men's cosmetology
  • Calling a doctor to your home
  • Therapy
      Appointment with a therapist
  • Allergology
  • Flu Treatment
  • Treatment of ARVI
  • Treatment of acute respiratory infections
  • Treatment of colds
  • Cardiology
      Cardiologist appointment
  • Pulmonology
  • Nephrology
  • Day hospital
  • Hirudotherapy
  • Mud therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • LOD therapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Ozone therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Ultraphonophoresis
  • Physiotherapy
  • Electrophoresis
  • Otolaryngology
      Treatment of throat diseases
  • Treatment of nasal diseases
  • Treatment of ear diseases Hearing loss
  • Noise in ears
  • Treatment of snoring
  • Massage
      Visceral massage
  • Why do you need a massage?
  • Massotherapy
  • Massage treatment
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Yumeiho massage
  • Sculptural facial massage
  • Biopsy
      Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
  • Ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy
  • Cervical biopsy under colposcopy guidance
  • Ultrasound-guided thyroid biopsy
  • Medical certificates
      Registration of a sanatorium-resort card
  • Registration of a certificate for the swimming pool
  • Traumatology and orthopedics
      Blockades for pain syndrome
  • Reduction of dislocations
  • Treatment of arthritis
  • Treatment of arthrosis
  • Treatment of joint pain
  • Treatment of fractures
  • Treatment of ligament rupture
  • Treatment of sprains
  • Appointment with a traumatologist-orthopedist
  • What is myostimulation

    Some time ago, during the period of the formation of hardware cosmetology, it was the myostimulation procedure that opened up effective muscle training for women for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

    Over the years, this manipulation has been loved by clients primarily for its painlessness and effectiveness when used for weight loss, training the muscle fibers of the abdomen, thighs and deep gluteal muscles.

    What is meant by myostimulation?

    Myo- or electrical stimulation is the process of contraction of the muscle structure as a result of the impact on the problem area of ​​the body of painless electrical signals identical to natural impulses sent by the nervous system. Quite often, this procedure is also called “inactive physical education” or “passive fitness”, since it does not involve incremental physical training, but shows noticeable results in the rapid strengthening of muscle tissue and correction of volumes.

    Indications for use and effectiveness of the procedure

    For cosmetic purposes, myostimulation is recommended when it is necessary to increase muscle volume, correct figure imperfections, and also stimulate established muscle groups.

    This procedure remains the optimal solution for those for whom strength training is contraindicated and who do not have the opportunity to maintain physical tone through sports training.

    By combining the required number of myostimulation sessions with minimal physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, you can achieve correction of figure contours, increase skin tone and tighten it, and lose weight much faster.

    Consultation can be obtained by phone: +7(495) 961-27-67

    But do not forget that myostimulation remains a therapeutic procedure. In modern medicine it is used for:

    Cleansing the body.

    Eliminate muscle atrophy. Improving the functioning of the circulatory, endocrine, lymphatic, nervous and other systems of the body. Normalization of metabolism. Visual reduction of “orange peel” or complete elimination of cellulite.

    Facial myostimulation

    The procedure also shows effectiveness in stimulating facial muscles, maintaining and restoring their tone.

    The main effect of facial myostimulation remains the strengthening of muscle tissue, which entails correction of the facial contour, elimination of ptosis, stimulation of the muscles of the upper eyelid, reduction of “bags” under the eyes and swelling.

    In addition, the procedure allows you to reduce the number of facial wrinkles, smooth them out and improve blood supply to the skin and muscles.

    The effect of myostimulation remains long-term and stable, allowing you to achieve a beautiful healthy complexion, firming effect and rejuvenation. That is why cosmetologists often recommend this inexpensive procedure as a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

    Benefits of myostimulation at the Health Clinic

    The impact of myostimulation impulses using our modern equipment on the human body is characterized by significant positive aspects:

    No injuries, the ability to strengthen tone and muscles without straining the musculoskeletal system. Involvement of all muscle fibers during manipulation, which cannot be achieved with traditional physical activity. Increased blood supply to tissues, which is especially important during the rehabilitation period. Stimulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue, especially those affected by cellulite, which leads to a reduction in tubercles and smoother skin. Effective strengthening of atrophied muscles.

    The procedure must be carried out in a specially equipped room in compliance with the technique and methodology of electrical stimulation, because if the electrodes are carried out or applied incorrectly, the manipulation can cause significant harm, especially when using portable systems at home.

    The main disadvantage is that electrical stimulation can only help to correct volumes and lose a few kilograms, and we are not talking about global weight loss.

    Contraindications and recommendations for electrical stimulation

    Before resorting to the myostimulation procedure, you should consult with a specialist and also make sure there are no contraindications and certain diseases: oncology, pregnancy, pacemaker or arrhythmia, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis.

    The procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will give recommendations regarding food intake before the session, correctly determine the duration and conduct myostimulation in accordance with the norms and rules.

    In order to be in shape, today it is enough to choose a non-hazardous and painless myostimulation procedure and entrust its implementation to real specialists of the Health Clinic!

    Why are our dermatocosmetologists better than others?

    The knowledge and experience of our clinic’s doctors allows us to achieve amazing success in improving skin health and preserving youth.

    The Health Clinic has the most modern diagnostic equipment, which allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.

    Location in the very center of Moscow, within walking distance of two metro stations.

    Attractive prices

    Convenient time to visit a doctor.

    We work to keep you healthy.

    The principle of myostimulation

    Myostimulation is based on the effect of artificial stimulation of a muscle using an electrical signal, which is generated by a myostimulator device and transmitted to the muscle. The physiological effect of electrical stimulation is based on the basic principle common to the biotronic effect of all pulsed currents - short-term, rhythmically repeating supra-threshold shifts in the concentration of the main ions (Ma+, K+, Ca+, Mg+) near the semi-permeable membranes of nerve, muscle and other cells of various organs and fabrics. As a result, depolarization occurs of those excitable structures whose lability allows them to perceive the impacting pulse current. This leads to contraction of muscle fibers and restoration of cell function. Depending on the intensity of the pulsed current and its frequency, as well as the transit time in the tissues, the structural characteristics of the organs and tissues on which it acts, a different physiological effect occurs.

    About the procedure

    Microcurrent therapy is a physiotherapeutic procedure based on the beneficial effects of low-voltage electrical current pulses on the skin, muscles, lymph nodes and local circulation

    The main difference between microcurrent therapy and other methods of using electric current is the ability of microcurrent pulses to follow the path of least resistance. A current of significant strength does not affect damaged and “spent” cells, and microcurrents easily penetrate these cells, restoring them.

    The ability of microcurrents to heal cells

    tissue produces a number of positive changes in the tissues of the body: smoothes wrinkles, restores the ability of cells to retain moisture, improves blood and lymph circulation, tightens soft tissues, restores muscle tone, normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates swelling.

    Read on topic:

    Biorevitalization of the face

    What is a myostimulator?

    The myostimulation (electrical stimulation) procedure is performed using special electronic devices - myostimulators, which affect the muscles with electrical impulses. In modern practice, a myostimulator is used for figure correction, weight loss, strengthening and building muscles, for people who, due to certain factors, do not have the opportunity or time to exercise regularly. A myostimulator is a set of electrodes that are attached to the body and a main electronic unit. This block generates a current of a certain frequency and strength. Depending on the model of the myostimulator, the device can have different purposes (for the whole body, a butterfly, in the form of a belt or shorts, for stimulating the face), have different output power, the number of pairs of electrodes (and, accordingly, simultaneously trained muscles), the number of programs and additional functions . Myostimulation or electrical stimulation resembles “gymnastics for the lazy” - you are at rest, and your muscles are working. Myostimulation helps to involve all excitable structures. Excitation is transmitted “up” through nerve fibers to the brain - to the ward organs.


    In order for the myostimulator to properly affect the muscles and promote weight loss, you need to set the settings correctly.

    Remember that you are dealing with real electrical current, which can be hazardous to your health.

    Recommended Specifications:

    • pulse duration - 1-100 ms;
    • current strength: for hands and face - 3-5 mA, for other areas - 10-15 mA.

    For individual models, the application diagram may vary, but in general terms it looks like this.

    1. Apply electrically conductive gel to the problem area.
    2. Put on the myostimulator.
    3. During use, it is advisable to engage in, if not sports, then at least household chores.
    4. Don't be surprised by the tingling sensation. It doesn't have to be strong. This is explained by the fact that in 10 minutes of operation, the myostimulator causes muscles to contract about 500 times.
    5. Remove the device and remove any remaining gel with a napkin.

    Results depend on your weight, lifestyle and regularity of wear. On average, you manage to lose 3-4 kg per month.

    Indications for the use of myostimulation:

    • The need for figure correction.
    • Overweight.
    • Cellulite and stretch marks.
    • Flabbiness of muscles, skin.
    • Muscle atrophy, muscle wasting (weight loss).
    • Disorders of blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and innervation.
    • Neuromuscular pathologies.
    • Venous lymphatic insufficiency.
    • Sports medicine.
    • Muscle injuries.
    • Impaired sensitivity of the skin due to injuries and diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
    • Peripheral (flaccid) paresis and paralysis (limitation of active movements) due to injury and diseases of the nerves (neuritis).

    Contraindications to microcurrent body therapy

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system, previous heart attacks and strokes
    • thrombophlebitis
    • epilepsy
    • infectious and chronic diseases during exacerbation
    • oncological diseases
    • individual intolerance to current
    • violation of the integrity of the skin in the correction area
    • pregnancy

    Taking into account contraindications, the use of microcurrents does not cause side effects, since they do not have thermal or other traumatic effects on tissue.

    Positive effects of myostimulation in dermatocosmetology

    Myostimulators are fairly simple and useful exercise equipment. There are not many happy owners of luxurious figures. And those who seem to be “lucky” do not always find it easy to have an athletic body. Often behind a beautiful figure there is a lot of training and procedures hidden. Modern electromyostimulators are designed to help everyone who wants to correct their figure and achieve a beautiful, healthy body. The myostimulator is an ideal tool for maintaining and training muscles, in particular those that are poorly used during normal physical activity. These include the internal thigh muscles, longitudinal muscles of the back, oblique muscles and others. Even with all the desire, for example, with active walking, running or training in the gym, these muscles remain away from the overall process and can create the impression of flabby. In this case, myostimulation is a kind of lifeline for a person. Myostimulation helps to achieve good results with minimal stress.

    During myostimulation, pulsed electrical currents cause the muscles of the body to actively contract. At the same time, there is an effect on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, metabolism is activated and local lipolysis occurs. All this is an excellent way to train muscles. Electrical stimulation increases muscle tone, helps increase muscle mass, strengthens and develops, and also promotes the burning of fat cells. Currently, myostimulation is a popular procedure, and is actively used in many beauty salons, and is also used for lymphatic drainage.

    Myostimulation perfectly helps with difficult cases of weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in women who have given birth, restoring muscle tone. According to statistics, about 3-5 centimeters are removed from the waist. The optimal solution is the use of myostimulation in conjunction with other anti-cellulite products - wraps, massage. Stimulation of the thigh muscles also helps to achieve good results - the volume of the thighs and the appearance of cellulite are reduced.

    Electrical stimulation improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, tissue nutrition, activates metabolism, increases the permeability of vascular walls, reserve capillaries open, causes motor excitation and muscle contraction, and the formation of biologically active substances occurs in the stimulated tissues. The combination of these factors helps to reduce the volume of fat cells, remove products of impaired metabolism from problem areas (which is very important for cellulite), and strengthen even very weak and lazy muscles. Contractions caused by myostimulation, similar to the effect of massage, contribute to a more rapid removal of waste and toxins accumulated in tissues.

    The advantage of myostimulation is that it helps to reach muscles that are located very deeply, and which are quite difficult to train under normal conditions. These include the muscles of the inner thigh and back. Another quite tangible advantage of myostimulation for women is the ability to work on muscle mass without resorting to

    How is myostimulation performed?

    Since this procedure not only helps to lose weight, but also strengthens and tightens muscles, it is used in a variety of places. Myostimulation is done on the face, abdomen and buttocks. We decided to study each type of procedure separately.

    1. Myostimulation of the abdomen is an excellent solution to the problem of a saggy and loose abdomen. This procedure is especially relevant for women who have only recently become mothers. After all, during pregnancy, not only the skin, but also the muscles stretch. They cannot take their usual shape, they sag and become completely unaesthetic. However, intense exposure to currents helps women quickly regain their previous shape, tighten the skin, make it smooth and silky. And in order to achieve the desired effect even faster, it is better to combine myostimulation with various wraps aimed at tightening the skin.

    2. Facial myostimulation - well suited for both men and women who have just encountered the appearance of facial wrinkles. In addition, the procedures help prevent sagging muscles, restore facial contours, remove spider veins, treat acne and regulate sebum production. The number of procedures is always prescribed by a cosmetologist. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, in parallel with myostimulation, experts often advise using special medicinal cosmetics and doing a tonic massage.

    3. Myostimulation of the buttocks - did you know that the outer sides of the thighs and saggy “butt” are best tightened during such procedures? If not, then this kind of fitness is perfect for you, because to lose weight in this area you don’t need grueling workouts in the gym. However, you need to remember that such procedures are suitable only for correction, so you should not expect magic, thanks to which 10 centimeters of fat will disappear in a few sessions. The number of procedures is determined by the doctor - in mild cases, 5-7 procedures are sufficient; for more effective muscle development, sometimes about 20 procedures lasting 30 minutes are required. So it completely depends on the condition of the body.

    Improved blood circulation

    The impulses created by the myostimulator cause muscle contractions, like the hands of a massage therapist. Myostimulation has an effect on the walls of blood vessels, leading to improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and metabolic processes are activated. All this helps to more quickly remove toxins, accumulated toxic substances, excess intracellular fluid and broken down fat. As you know, with cellulite, blood circulation is difficult due to accumulated fat, so its activation is especially important.

    Myostimulation: contraindications

    Since myostimulation is a rather harsh procedure, undergoing it in the presence of contraindications can cause serious harm to health. A short list of contraindications for the procedure looks like this:

    • pregnancy;
    • thrombophlebitis and other venous diseases;
    • heart rhythm disturbances;
    • presence of a pacemaker;
    • the presence of metal implants in the body;
    • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
    • oncological processes in the body;
    • infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
    • epilepsy;
    • heavy menstruation.

    Receiving the procedure in the presence of these contraindications can lead to disastrous health consequences. Since usually in the salon some of the electrodes are applied in the waist area, and electrical impulses of varying intensity can spread not only to skeletal muscles, but also to the smooth muscles of internal organs, contractions of the peritoneum during pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, and during menstruation - uncontrolled bleeding.

    The heart pacemaker, both natural and artificial, operates on an electrical principle, so if it enters the area of ​​influence of the electric field, it can cause unpredictable rhythm disturbances, even flickering. Intense muscle contractions in the presence of blood clots or plaques in the vessels can lead to the detachment of the latter, which is fraught with the development of thromboembolism.

    It is known from a physics course that metals have a much higher level of electrical conductivity than living tissues of the body, therefore, if there are metallic inclusions in the body, the current will most likely go “in the wrong direction.”

    Contractions of the muscles of the urinary and biliary tract in the presence of stones (stones or sand) can lead to injury or even rupture of the ducts with all the ensuing consequences - literally and figuratively.

    At elevated temperatures, the electrical resistance of tissues changes, so the effect of myostimulator impulses in this case is unpredictable. And in case of epilepsy, a convulsive attack can be provoked by the action of any fields of artificial origin, especially if the effect is supposed to be applied to the muscles of the face and head.

    Cellulite treatment

    Many cosmetologists classify cellulite as a “secondary female sexual characteristic.” In this fatty tissue with uneven compactions, a woman accumulates a supply of energy “for a rainy day.” They try to fight the unaesthetic manifestations of cellulite, the so-called “orange peel”, in various ways - from surgical (liposuction) and quasi-surgical (electrolipolysis) to chemical and biochemical anti-cellulite creams and patches. To date, there is no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of medicinal methods to combat cellulite. Liposuction and electrolipolysis are very expensive and not always safe operations. Electromyostimulation (EMS) allows you to perform quasi-electrolipolysis without surgery, without the slightest risk to health and with an efficiency of at least 60% - 70% of electrolipolysis.

    Lymphatic drainage

    Excess fat deposits primarily disrupt lymph circulation - lymphatic drainage in the body. But it is the lymphatic system that ensures the delivery of nutrients to the body’s tissues and the removal of waste products. By ensuring good lymph circulation, metabolism and the general condition of the body, skin and muscle tissue improve. The activity of lymph circulation is determined, first of all, by the activity of the muscles, since it is their contraction that ensures the movement of lymph. Myostimulation can very effectively increase lymphatic drainage.

    Contraindications to myostimulation.

    • The myostimulation device is contraindicated for use by people who have a biocontrolled pacemaker implanted. It is also not recommended to use the device for those who suffer from heart disease, especially in the stage of decompensation.
    • The myostimulation device is not recommended for use during colds, flu or other viral diseases. It is highly not recommended to use muscle stimulators during pregnancy, because The effect of myostimulation on pregnant women has not been fully studied.
    • It is not recommended to use the myostimulator apparatus for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
    • The device should not be used by patients with severe mental disorders and persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. The device should not be used by persons suffering from cancer. If you have any chronic disease, you should consult your doctor before using the device.
    • It is prohibited to install electrodes on areas of the body opposite broken bones. The pressure of the muscle during its contraction can have a negative effect on the process of bone fusion.
    • Electrodes should not be placed on the sides of the neck or throat.
    • Do not place electrodes on inflamed skin, areas with cuts, fresh wounds, scrapes, skin breakdowns or burns, skin rashes, or areas that have recently undergone surgery less than 9 months ago.
    • Electrodes should not be placed on areas of the body affected by phlebitis. If you have thrombophlebitis, you should avoid the myostimulation procedure. Exercises with a myostimulator are contraindicated for people: with circulatory disorders more serious than the second stage, with renal and liver failure, with active tuberculosis of the lungs and kidneys, with hypersensitivity to pulsed current.
    • Do not perform electrical stimulation of the abdominal muscles within 1.5 hours after eating. The device for myostimulation is contraindicated for use in cases of dermatoses, bleeding, bleeding tendencies, high arterial hypertension, malignant neoplasms, acute purulent inflammatory processes, sepsis, febrile conditions, epilepsy, hernia.
    • You cannot use the myostimulator in intimate places, in the groin.
    • Women need to perform breast myostimulation with extreme caution. It’s a sad fact, but modern women often have neoplasms in the mammary glands, cysts, and mastopathy. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to use a myostimulator.

    Myostimulation of the body - gymnastics for the lazy

    Do you dream of an ideal body, but laziness takes over? Do you plan a morning run every evening, but every time you put off your “marathon” until later? Fortunately, a “magic” procedure has long been invented that allows you to achieve beautiful shapes without effort. Meet gymnastics for the lazy - myostimulation! What is it, what problems does the hardware method cope with, what are its pros and cons - read about this and more in our article.

    This is a cosmetic procedure based on the effects of electrical impulses. Mini “discharges” put stress on certain muscle groups, thereby “training” them while you rest quietly on the couch. In addition, the device uses hard-to-reach muscle fibers, which cannot be achieved with regular physical activity in the gym, no matter how hard you try. Agree, it’s not a procedure, but a dream!

    Previously, it was used for the rehabilitation of paralyzed and weakened patients after a long illness in order to prevent muscle atrophy. Later, astronauts became interested in the technique and began to actively use it after a long stay in weightlessness (to restore muscles and make up for weight loss).

    And today myostimulation can be done in almost any beauty salon or clinic. Why is she so popular? Girls love her for the opportunity to correct problem areas of the body without unnecessary body movements. For the stronger half, overall muscle tone is important, which can be achieved through myostimulation of the body.

    Myostimulation is carried out using a special device - an electric myostimulator. Electrodes are attached to problem areas of the body (abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, etc.), to which the device sends electrical impulses (5 mA for the face, up to 100 mA for the body). “Meeting” the desired muscle, the impulse causes it to actively contract - the strength of such a contraction directly depends on the strength of the discharge (don’t worry, if you experience unpleasant sensations in the first couple of sessions, they will go away by the 3rd procedure).

    Simply put, during such “gymnastics for the lazy,” your muscles work as if you were doing physical exercise. But there is one difference! Myostimulation involves those fibers that are difficult or even impossible to “pump up” with exercises.

    Let's give a small example. You want to strengthen your chest muscles to make your bust look more lifted (and fuller, to be sure), but you don't want to bulk up your arms and shoulders. Or you dream of tightening your buttocks and giving them shape, but you don’t have the opportunity to squat with a barbell (problems with your knees and back interfere, or simply “it’s not a woman’s job to lift iron”). Then all of the above can be done using myostimulation. And although you won’t achieve large muscle volumes with this procedure, you will certainly ensure tone, fit and elasticity to your “forms”!

    Procedures should be carried out about 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. In some cases, it is allowed to undergo “gymnastics for the lazy” every day (as prescribed by a specialist). On average, a myostimulation course consists of 5-10 sessions. In the future, maintenance procedures may be prescribed at intervals of 1-2 months.

    In order for the procedure to bring maximum results, and for the effect to last for many months (or even years), you should take into account the following recommendations.


    • It is recommended to consult a doctor before undergoing the procedure. He will assess your condition, select the individual strength and frequency of the impulse, and also advise how many sessions you need to attend.
    • Immediately before myostimulation, you should take a shower (to wash off the layer of cream or sebum), and also exfoliate to eliminate dead cells. Through clean and purified skin, electrical impulses better penetrate the muscles.
    • What you should not do before the procedure is visit a solarium, overeat, drink too much liquid, and get vaccinated. It is imperative to remove all metal jewelry: bracelets, earrings, chains, piercings, etc.).


    • No special care is required for problem areas after myostimulation. In order to consolidate the effect, it would be a good idea to balance your diet and introduce healthy foods rich in vitamins, minerals and protein.
    • It is worth adding physical activity to your life to make your body even more beautiful and sculpted.

    • flabby muscles lacking tone and elasticity, which makes the body look loose;
    • ​stretch marks after childbirth;
    • manifestations of cellulite;
    • violation of forms due to obesity (early stages);
    • violation of arterial or venous circulation;
    • muscle flaccidity after injury or surgery (myostimulation will help recover after surgery);
    • congestion in the lymph nodes;
    • ​desire to improve the contours of the figure and individual areas. Particularly popular is myostimulation of the abdomen, which allows you to achieve relief and tightening of the abdominal muscles;
    • to overcome the “plateau” when losing weight: when the weight freezes and ordinary physical exercises do not help move it down, myostimulation gives the necessary push;
    • the presence of muscle tension;
    • toning the skin and improving its appearance;
    • “pumping” hard-to-reach muscle groups - myostimulation copes with this task at 5+;
    • for osteochondrosis to strengthen the back muscles and ease the load on the spine;
    • lack of muscle mass;
    • elimination of soft tissue swelling.

    • blood diseases;
    • malignant tumors;
    • pregnancy;
    • kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
    • ​diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • presence of a pacemaker;
    • purulent processes in acute form;
    • lactation;
    • individual intolerance to pulsed current;
    • tuberculosis;
    • bacterial and viral infections;
    • the presence of sand and stones in the body;
    • for girls: menstruation period;
    • vein diseases, including thrombophlebitis.

    If you have no contraindications, feel free to use myostimulation to improve your body.

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