Dukan Express Diet - menu for 7 days, reviews and tips

The Dukan diet: what is its essence, what is the opinion of doctors about this diet, reviews and advice from women about the results.

For many years now, the diet of Pierre Dukan, an experienced nutritionist, has been extremely popular. Yu-moms also couldn’t ignore this unusual nutrition system and tried it out, sharing with us all the difficulties on the path to slimness and amazing results!

What is the essence of the diet?

The diet impresses with its multi-stage nature and variety of dishes. Due to the large number of permitted foods, there are incredibly many so-called “du” dishes, and this allows you to withstand such a long diet with honor. And as such, it’s difficult to call it a diet, because by this word we assume a certain restriction of food for a certain (usually short) period of time. If you decide to lose weight “according to Dukan,” then be patient - it will last a long time and with each stage an increasing number of products are allowed! The Dukan method is calculated individually for each person and, depending on the goals and results, the duration is calculated.

So, the diet itself is divided into 4 phases, each of them has a clear deadline, a set of allowed products and a goal:

1 phase

This is the shortest, one might say shock phase of the diet. You can only eat foods high in protein. Lasts 2-7 days, the menu of these days contains 72 protein products.

2 phase

It is during this phase that the greatest weight loss is expected. Protein and protein-vegetable days alternate, 72 protein products and 28 vegetable products are allowed, duration is 7 days for each extra kilogram.

Phase 3 – Consolidation.

The nutritional rules in this phase are no longer so strict; it serves to consolidate the result. Duration – 10 days for each kilogram lost.

4 phase

This phase is aimed at transitioning to a balanced diet, without strict restrictions, but subject to certain rules. Thanks to this period, those who have lost weight remain at their ideal weight, without fear of gaining it again. Duration - whole life...

Protein diet of Pierre Dukan: description of the stages of the diet

Pierre Dukan outlined his methodology in detail in his work “I Can’t Lose Weight,” which was translated into Russian in 2011. In just a few years, the book became a bestseller on the Russian market, and the diet attracted thousands of fans. What is the secret of Pierre Dukan's author's program?

In his book, the French nutritionist tells stories of weight loss that ended disappointingly: people were never able to lose weight. The whole point is that we don’t know how to lose weight, says Dukan. To lose weight comfortably, you need to eat certain foods, and there are as many as 100 of them in the Dukan table, and this does not take into account numerous additional ingredients. Fasting and constant menu restrictions will never lead to a slim figure, says a doctor from France.

Here are the main advantages of the Dukan method:

  • You eat foods containing protein whenever you want and in any quantity. You won't know what hunger is on the Dukan diet
  • The result is noticeable already at the first stage
  • You lose weight quite quickly, but without harm to your health
  • You lose fat mass while maintaining muscle
  • The condition of the skin, hair, nails improves
  • The last stage of the diet is as close as possible to proper nutrition. The diet teaches you the right eating habits, so that once you lose weight, you won’t gain excess weight again.

IMPORTANT: Pierre Dukan asks to completely avoid oil and fat, sugar and alcohol when preparing food.

The entire weight loss journey is divided into 4 phases of varying lengths: attack, alternation (cruise), consolidation (consolidation), stabilization.

The attack phase is a literal attack on the weight. This is the shortest stage of weight loss that gives the most impressive results. The duration of the attack does not exceed ten days, and during this time you can lose as much as 7 kg.

During the attack, you are allowed to cook only protein foods. There are 72 of these products in total, and they are listed in the table of 100 products allowed on Dukanovka. You can eat protein meals at any time of the day and until you are full. Dukan gives permission to eat even at night. Any other products are excluded.

For the aroma and correct consistency of dishes, Dukan allows you to include the following ingredients in unlimited quantities:

  • black, green, herbal tea
  • natural black coffee
  • drinks marked “light” - they do not contain sugar
  • sugar substitutes, excluding glucose, fructose and sorbitol
  • flavorings
  • baking powder
  • gelatin
  • vinegar
  • vanillin
  • lemon juice
  • natural soy sauce
  • cinnamon
  • greenery

IMPORTANT: An important commitment in the first phase is to consume 1.5 tbsp. oat bran every day. Bran can be eaten with fermented milk drinks, and you can prepare a variety of dishes based on it, including baking sweet buns.

When it comes to physical activity, a lack of carbohydrates in your diet is unlikely to give you enough energy to exercise. Dukan recommends daily brisk walks lasting 20 minutes.

The alternation phase (cruise) involves alternating protein and protein-vegetable days. In addition to 72 protein items, the menu now also includes 28 vegetables. Now your diet will become truly rich. You can still eat any dishes at a time convenient for you and until you are completely full.

Potatoes, beans, peas, corn and some other vegetables are prohibited on a cruise.

The stage continues until you achieve the desired result, that is, you lose all the extra pounds. On average, you will lose weight by 1 kg per week, at the end of the phase - by 0.5 kg per week.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to eat 2 tbsp. oat bran daily

To make weight loss even more effective, exercise yourself for at least 30 minutes a day. If you have no desire to visit the gym, walk briskly for half an hour every day. You should walk as if you are late for something.

Consolidation (consolidation) is a phase for fixing the achieved result. This is a very important stage, without which all your efforts will be in vain and the kilograms will return after a while. 10 days is how long it takes to maintain each kilogram you lose. Therefore, to calculate the time frame for the stage, multiply each kilogram you lose by 10.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to set aside one day a week for pure proteins. Let it be, for example, mandatory protein Thursday.

Every day you are now allowed to eat 1 fruit or a handful of berries and a couple of slices of hard cheese up to 40% fat. Treat yourself to lamb or pork 2-3 times a week. In the first half of consolidation, you can eat a product rich in starch once a week, in the second half - twice a week.

In this phase, a very pleasant bonus appears - a feast. A feast is permission to eat absolutely any food in one meal. It could be pizza or cake - any fatty and high-calorie treat. In the first half of the stage, feasting is allowed once a week, in the second - twice.

IMPORTANT: The norm of oat bran at the consolidation stage is 2.5 tbsp.

Don't forget about physical activity for 20-30 minutes a day.

So, 3 stages of the diet are completed, and you are now the owner of an ideal figure. The final touch remains - the stabilization stage , which lasts your entire life. Don't be afraid of the deadlines, because now you can eat any food. Pierre Dukan leaves a set of rules that will help you never gain excess weight again:

  • 3 tbsp. oat bran daily
  • one protein day per week
  • 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day
  • daily walking

What is the opinion of doctors?

Of course, like any method, Dukan's also has its supporters and opponents.

The strength of the method

we can call it multi-stage and clear elaboration at each phase. Anyone understands how much they need to lose, in what time frame this will happen, what results to expect (of course, subject to all the rules). Such transparency of the system is definitely captivating. The last 2 phases are especially important (for stabilizing and maintaining the result), because diets are generally limited to only the first phases, which leads to both rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain. Pierre Dukan, as it were, “leads” those losing weight further, beyond the limits of diet, supports them, offering nutritional rules. Further, the diet is not aggressive, there are many options for dishes, you can eat tasty and satisfying, both night and day.

Weakness of the method

Doctors believe it is unbalanced. Excess protein and lack of fat can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of someone losing weight. Headaches, dizziness, decreased immunity, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, increased heart rate, and a feeling of weakness occur. If in the process of losing weight a person suffers from the above symptoms, then this is a signal to change the weight loss system to another, more balanced one.

Failure on the Dukan diet: what to do?

IMPORTANT: A positive aspect of the diet is a huge number of dishes, including cakes, pizza and other delicacies, which can be prepared from permitted products.

However, even on such a loyal diet, eating breakdowns occur. Most often this happens when you are hungry and there are no necessary products at hand. Some women find it psychologically difficult to stick to a clear plan, so they break it and overeat.

In case of overeating, the main thing is not to despair and clearly continue the Dukan scheme. For the next 2 days, strictly adhere to a clean protein menu. The total duration of the diet will have to be increased by 3-4 days. Drink more fluids, get enough sleep and walk more.

Reviews from those who followed the diet

What do experienced women losing weight say? After all, only a person with experience can provide truly valuable information for the curious public and undecided losers!

Now, no matter what the opponents of this system write, there are a lot of people who have actually lost weight, without hungry fainting and unrealistic efforts of will, even here on Yu-Mama! Just read and be inspired by the results!

…height 156, weight 47…. lost almost 10 kg in 1.5 months...

... height 158, initial weight 68.8 - a month today exactly on a diet - weight 60.9.

I am 164 cm tall. My weight was 68 kg. Today is the month of the diet - weight 63.8 kg. But I’m not in a hurry to lose weight quickly - 4 kg in a month is enough for me. I’m going to lose weight until I’m 59, and then, if I like it, I’ll continue to lose weight.

As a result, almost 2.5 months of diet and minus 13 kg. Initial data: height 156, weight 57 kg. Now height is 156 cm, 44 kg. I'm moving on to stage 3.

And for me, virgins, today is a holiday - I weighed 900 g in a day, and I reached my target weight!

And my weight continues to go away. I’m not very happy anymore, this morning I was 43.5. So soon there will be nothing left of me! I actually planned to stop at 45 kg, but the weight fell off at lightning speed.

On the diet for exactly a month, initial parameters 57 kg, today 49,300

In general, the majority of yu-moms did not suffer from the specific nutrition “du”, because the main thing is desire, and then any mountains are up to your shoulder! And if we are talking about beauty, then a woman cannot be stopped! As experienced yu-moms say, the main thing is to survive the Attack; on a Cruise it is already much easier, and due to the duration of the Stabilization phase, you gradually get used to it, and you just want to eat right!

Girls. Height 164. Ruler calculation 60 kg. Started with 73kg on 02/5/13. Today's weight is 69 kg. Per attack weight loss 0 kg in 4 days. Cruise - stable 1 kg per week. Weigh-in on Saturdays. Nutrition - I take recipes from the group in contact. Favorite - cottage cheese soufflé. I eat soup, borscht, salads with “du” mayonnaise, stew cabbage, bake “du” bread, pancakes, and make a cake. I love this diet!

4th day in the morning I eat bran porridge - it’s delicious, even without any additives. While I’m alternating 2/2, today is the 2nd BO day, I decided that I’ll eat a cucumber for lunch and that’s enough - the rest is all whites.

Listen, how much I still like Dukan! I was afraid that I would switch to consolidation, and the weight would begin to gain slowly... but no! Yesterday I had pasta for dinner at around 8 pm and chicken - 1 carbohydrate-containing product is allowed once a week, this morning it was plumb again.

Virgos, I spent a week in stabilization. To be honest, I stepped on the scale today with apprehension. The weight stays at the same level, hurrah!!! I added whole grain bread, fruits and berries, cheese to my diet, once there was a feast and once buckwheat porridge. I'm happy like a boa constrictor!

Dukan Diet Rules: List of Allowed Foods

Basic rules of “Dukan” for each stage:

  • drink 1.5 liters of purified water without gas per day
  • move more: forget about the elevator, walk instead of traveling by transport, etc.
  • eat more protein and less carbohydrates
  • walk briskly every day for 20-30 minutes
  • Every day for the rest of your life, eat 1.5-3 tbsp. oat bran depending on the stage of the program
  • cook without oil or fat
  • boil, bake, stew, steam and grill and fry less

You can see the list of allowed foods on the diet in the table of 100 foods.

Table of 100 foods allowed on the Dukan diet

From the alternation stage, it is allowed to introduce 2 products per day into the diet from the list of ADOPs - additional products.

List of additional products on the Dukan diet. Allowed from rotation stage

Is everything so rosy?

However, rave reviews often come from those who quickly embraced the method, i.e. the nutrition system has organically woven into the lifestyle of those losing weight. But there are also those who are not ready to put themselves within certain limits, or simply cannot accept a certain set of products as the basis of nutrition. Often the result of this is poor health, apathy, breakdowns... Good health should not be the price of lost kilograms! This just means that it's probably time to look for something more suitable for yourself. Nutritionists warn that the transition from one diet to another should be smooth and after a break, otherwise the body will experience stress and the effectiveness of the new method may decrease.

...now I somehow jumped back through the workout - I have no strength at all....

...girls, I went outside, I got sick and dizzy...

…. Immunity is no good, I get sick and sick...

Well, this is my second day of attack, and I can’t. I’m shaking with small tremors... This is from a lack of carbohydrates - this happened to me on a low-carb diet. Shaking and dizzy.

My measurements today are Og 83, From 60, About 90, but I look so beautiful that they would put me in a coffin. Today I devoured a jar of meat baby food and 2 persimmons. I started taking iron supplements and absolutely all the side effects that were described in the instructions came out...

But something bad happened with my health, MS should have started 2 days ago and no... I got scared, took a test - negative, of course I breathed out, but it’s not happy. Previously, everything was fine with the cycle, who has heard anything about this?

Today I’m also on day 3 of my delay, but I can’t be 100% pregnant. I read that diet can cause cycle disruption.

Girls, how was your toilet situation during the attack?
It sucks both during the attack and after the attack too, a lot of water is lost...
...and I want something sweet - preferably chocolates. I don’t know what to do anymore - how anyone copes, everything is fine in the diet - but I can’t live without sweets!!! Yesterday I walked around the whole evening, looking for sweets around the house, knowing that there was none at home, I tried to eat something that was allowed - so that I wouldn’t want sweets - it didn’t help, maybe there are some sweets somewhere???

...by the way, on this system I feel quite great without my favorite bananas, bread and CHEESE!!! I almost don’t miss cheese, but I really want chocolate - it’s crazy, it’s good that we don’t have it at home - otherwise I would have eaten it...

Some yu-moms have encountered the problem of low results, i.e. when the weight doesn’t go away, or goes away slowly, or when it should be going down, it’s up... Experienced “Dukans” always advise strictly following the rules of nutrition, the proportions of allowed foods, their fat content and drinking regime!

I’ve been on a diet since February 11, now it’s the third week, I’ve lost 4 kg, but this week I haven’t even gained an ounce – I’ve even gained 100 grams. How much weight can it stand? (there are three of us on a diet (girls from work) - everyone comes every day, boasting that the weight is coming off every day, but me). Throw?

...on a diet for 3 weeks - I lost only 3 kg, and in the first week and a half, the weight stuck in place...

I've been on this diet for 12 days now and it only took me 1,300. Although the initial weight is very, very large. Why is that?

Everything is deplorable for me... The volumes are the same... I just don’t know, I’m giving up. Am I going to lose weight because of my diet? ...I don’t feel any lightness like some people do after an attack.

Failures have become a very common problem for those losing weight according to Dukan. There are many reasons, but the main ones are the duration of the method, low results compared to expected ones and poor health. Of course, against the background of this, the enthusiasm quickly fades, motivation decreases and, as a result, a breakdown!

Girls, I had a blast over the weekend... I went to visit, drank white dry wine there... and as a result, the next day I ate a lot of sweets, ate a bun... In general, I’ve been on squirrels for five days.

Girls, I ate a lot of fruit over the weekend and a piece of pie on Monday. In general, the whole attack is on the smark... I have no willpower. I decided to just try to eat less junk food, more protein and vegetables.

In a month I lost 5 kg on Dukan, without any physical activity at all. I quit the diet while on vacation and the weight came back...

Dukan diet - reviews

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Hi all! I've been on DD for 9 days today. In 3 days of attack, 2 kg were lost and in 6 days of alternation another 1.5 kg. The volumes began to noticeably melt. However, I additionally take Omega3 and during these 9 days I took lactobacilli and bifidobacteria for the intestines (brought from Germany) and vitamin C. There was only discomfort for the first three days. Apparently the body was being rebuilt. Everything is great now. Initial weight 68 kg with height 167 cm. Now 64.5 kg. Previously, I tried all the popular diets and failed at more than one due to poor health.


I’ve been on a diet for 2 weeks, I’ve gained 4 kg, although I don’t deviate from the rules and eat only approved foods, without overeating. At the same time, I feel very tired, loss of strength and aching muscles. I gave up sports due to poor health. I’m in a bad mood from this diet, there are no results, I’m going to quit the diet and go back to sports and proper nutrition (meat, vegetables and fruits).



Advantages: What advantages! Some minuses, on the scales)

Disadvantages: No

Hi all! I want to share with you about my achievements.

In 2008 I weighed 54 kg. That year I became pregnant and gained 32 kg during the entire pregnancy. After the birth of the child, I lost 11 kg. And that's it!!!! The weight didn't come off anymore. I began to experience prolonged dispersion. It seemed to me that everything, at 25, life was over for me. That I will remain in this jelly-like state until the end of my days. And nothing seemed to help me. I TRIED (key word for people without willpower) diets, gyms, hunger strikes, swimming pool. But alas and ah! My mouth and stomach had no connection with the brain))) On the Internet, I searched for “miracle remedies” that would make me lose weight in the shortest possible time, and at the same time I could eat whatever I wanted. But alas. The weight just kept getting to me. (there was an effect from these miracle remedies, but there were consequences, tachycardia, snoring, shortness of breath) girls and guys, really, don’t even try to take this into your body! I kindly ask you! You will only do harm, and the consequences will only make it more difficult for you to get rid of your “life preserver))))

During my entire stay in the lush state of the lady with raisins, I very often heard from clients and acquaintances about the Dukan diet. About the fact that this man is from France, and that he wrote a book. ALL!!! At this point my interest in his person became stale.

I love sweets, not like cakes. But really, chocolate. At the most inopportune moment (after work, at night), stop by a McDuck, and eat heartily and wash it down with a chocolate cocktail. But no!!!! I felt like a completely sane person! And this would have continued further if: they didn’t offer me a seat on the subway TWO times (thinking that I was pregnant), when I was standing in line for shawarma) they gave it to me for free (again, also because I was supposedly pregnant).

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine showed photos of her friend who lost weight on the Dukan diet. She showed me the first photo - before (of an overweight woman), and then when she switched to the next photo, I was simply speechless (only a third of this woman remained) I had a thousand feelings: shame (for myself), joy ( for her, and that I could do this too), a little envy, wondering why I hadn’t done this before, and then there was a sharp rethinking of everything! What am I doing wrong? Why am I in this body NOW? And for what? Why did I do this to myself?

In fast forward mode, I read Dukan's book overnight and part of the morning. Which further cemented my desire to eat right and thereby set an example for my child and husband.

On the first day everything seemed simpler to me!!! I thought, what’s wrong with eating chicken, kefir, cottage cheese and eggs for a week! Bullshit, I thought! I realized the full stalemate of the situation on the third day, when I ate a small bowl of cottage cheese with three cups of tea! The products simply did not want to pass beyond the mouth. And then I realized that I couldn’t survive without Dukan’s recipes and my own imagination. My dishes were all similar))) cottage cheese with yogurt, do not confuse yogurt with cottage cheese! I'm just kidding! But it was fun. I finally figured out the menu. At the end of the attack stage, I lost 7, no SEVEN kilograms of cargo. Which I was very happy about. I'm currently in the rotation phase. And I can say with complete confidence that I wouldn’t trade my beloved Dukan for any juices, sweets or chocolates!



I'm finishing my second week of the diet. I like everything, there is no heaviness, I constantly experiment with permitted foods and prepare food that is even a joy :) I like that the diet is not strict, I am never hungry, because... Protein takes a long time to digest and the feeling of fullness remains for a long time. It’s hard for me to judge by kilograms; with a height of 167, I now weigh 63, but given the fact that for many years throughout my life I have been doing sports every other day for 1-2 hours, there is enough muscle in the body, and they, as you know, weigh more than fat . Therefore, my goal is not to lose kilos with the help of a diet, but to normalize nutrition, improve the condition of the skin (tighten the skin on the stomach especially, which is a little sagging due to diets and sports). In general, judging by the clothes, I feel that the second idea is going well) I found a store in the city that sells products exclusively and specifically for the Dukan diet))) This has greatly diversified my diet) Desserts made from oat bran, cottage cheese and eggs with low-fat cocoa and vanilla they turn out simply amazing! According to calculations, my diet should end in 4-6 months. I want to hold out and reach the end, right up to the consolidation and adhere to the rules of the diet for the rest of my life. At first it’s always difficult and you feel limited and hungry, but then such eating becomes a habit and you no longer want to eat something harmful. Good luck to all! Eat right and you won't regret it!



Good evening everyone! I am very concerned about the digestion of such a quantity of protein products. Do you think this is not harmful? I understand that carrying around extra pounds. also very harmful, but that’s it

The Dukan diet is quite harmful due to the large amount of meat and lack of carbohydrates. Glycogen is taken from the liver, and when we start eating carbohydrates, the liver begins to store all the glycogen. It is very difficult to maintain weight after this diet. I checked it on myself. I easily lost 11 kg and gained 6 back. You need to monitor your cholesterol and drink a lot of water, more than 2 liters. Otherwise the kidneys will fly. The ideal is to eat a balanced diet, but then you need to count calories. But this is health. I used to go to the online diet website. Wonderful site. Free. It calculates your calories, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, you can easily fill in the amount of food, the food base is large, and it calculates taking into account your loads. But it’s enough to weigh the food. But this is the most correct way to lose weight. I think Dukan is a very bad diet, but I lost weight on it. because easy to follow. I do not advise.


Natalia Knyazeva

The best diet for a month and I lost 6 kg. Now there is no shame in wearing tight-fitting clothes. I stopped eating a lot of salt. I don't like fast food.

Yulia Nikolaevna

My height167 weight was 72, I was 32 years old, my child was 2.5, I decided to go on a diet, went through the Attack stage for 7 days, lost 4 kg, the end of the stage coincided with a professional examination at work, a urine test showed terrible results, acetone and red blood cells in the urine in urine), was healthy and drank enough fluids, tea, coffee, water. I don’t know what to do next, continue the second stage and worsen the condition of the genitourinary system or return to a normal diet, but I understand that this is dangerous due to double weight gain!!! what to do???? Help!



Hello! After reading all the comments I understood ONE thing!!! Everyone who feels so good from the diet will see ITS SADDER result a little later... This is not a scare, this is the actual REALITY! Nothing on earth passes without a trace... I don’t even want to tell my story, because... I no longer have tears and prayers for my former health. I will say this: whoever has hair will not have it; who has a good musculoskeletal system - say goodbye to him; internal organs will have to be treated for the rest of your days..., depression, headaches, insanely expensive tests and specialists of all stripes are GUARANTEED TO YOU!!!



Let me start by saying that I am overweight at least 23 kg. I've been on Attack for 7 days now. The results are incredibly pleasing - minus 6 kg. Although the dryness and odor in the mouth and frequent constipation are annoying. I also lost my appetite, it’s hard to force myself to eat even bran, I’ve been eating through force since the 3rd day. But girls, this is such a miracle, despite the side effects, now I am always in high spirits, my stomach is turning into a tummy. Now I run to the scales in the morning happy, before I avoided them for months! The diet after the 3rd day turned out to be very easy, the very phrase “I’m on a diet” now sounds with pride and does not harm the psyche. In general, I'm very pleased. Now I will constantly describe my achievements in self-improvement here so that others know what a great result awaits them. I'M 26 AND I'M LIVING AND HAPPY AGAIN, I'M GOING ON DATES, AND I'M NOT TRYING TO SHIK AT THE MIRROR UNDOES NOT BE DETECTED!!!



I tried Dukan after the buckwheat diet, of course the sensations were not so disgusting. But overall it's hard. I'm a meat eater, or at least I thought so. But she barely withstood the attack. I thought I would go crazy without vegetables. And then constant constipation and nausea began, so I quit. Result -5 kg.


Tatiana Dzis

After all the reviews. I don’t know what to think. I'm on Dukan + exercise for 10 days. After a week minus 1 kg. I adhered to it strictly, if my body is like this then there will be better results in the future.



I started the diet at the beginning of May, and in the first month and a half I lost 7.2 kg from 57.4 to 50.2. Then I added fruit, the weight stayed between 50.4-51.3 kg. In September, I stopped following the diet, except for one protein day a week; my weight was 52 kg. Now I go to the gym and my appetite has increased, especially after training. Now my weight is 52.5-53 kg, I continue my protein days. My result: the attack was very difficult, I sat on it for 5 days - I felt dizzy, weak, the weight almost didn’t go away - because there wasn’t much excess water, there was fat that you can’t remove in 5 days. Then I got involved. Of course I will continue, my goal is a stable 50 kg and muscle mass. I have hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis, this interferes with weight loss, since I have a slow metabolism. The main thing in this diet is to hold out during the transition from attack to cruise; the weight may increase slightly, but this is not scary, two or three days and the weight will go down. And second: eat a varied diet. The basis of my menu at that time was oven-baked chicken thighs, du bread, crab sticks and cola light. My kidneys didn’t hurt, but I’m also of the opinion that you need to see a doctor first.


Melissa A

The Dukan diet has its pros and cons.


  • The diet is easy to tolerate, there is no feeling of hunger and no oversaturation in the stomach, my stomach never hurts
  • varied foods (protein reduces sagging skin)
  • effective, you lose weight according to your schedule


  • hair may fall out (I advise you to take vitamins that contain: vitamin E, C, biotin, B vitamins, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Eat tomatoes, parsley, mushrooms, dairy products, beef, liver, seafood, cottage cheese, vegetables);



Advantages: quick results, weight goes off, you can eat at any time, no restrictions on quantity, no feeling of hunger

Disadvantages: vitamin deficiency, expensive, no fruits, hazardous to health, not suitable for everyone.

After I studied all the nuances of the diet, I ran to the nearest supermarket for protein products. Of course, there are no foods that consist only of protein (except egg whites), but you need to eat those that contain a large amount of protein and low levels of carbohydrates and fats. Eggs, chicken breast, chicken liver, beef, veal, fish, seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp), canned fish (only in its own juice without adding oil), low-fat cottage cheese, milk and kefir became my constant companions. You are allowed to eat lean ham and low-fat cheese, but I never bought them because I have never seen them in our stores. Also, to pamper yourself with baked goods, you will need to find soy protein isolate, skim milk powder, low-fat cocoa, psyllium, gluten, corn starch, sweeteners (Sukrazit, Stevia, Milford, Huxol, Fitparad). To satisfy the need for sweets, Dukan allows you to drink Cola Light and eat some Sula sugar-free candies. I think everyone understands that protein products are expensive, so you won’t be able to save money on this diet.

The next day, armed with protein reserves and a huge desire to lose weight, I started the Attack diet. To be honest, it was very difficult. The first two days I somehow held on, but on the third day I woke up with terrible nausea and discomfort in my stomach, after I forcibly stuffed eggs with cottage cheese into myself for breakfast, I felt completely ill. I felt nauseous and dizzy all day, but I didn’t give up and decided to go all the way. I didn't sleep at all at night because of the nausea, and in the morning, after I cut myself a big bowl of vegetable salad, I felt much better. I realized that there is nothing tastier in life than tomatoes and cucumbers. I think this was my body letting me know that protein diets were not for me.

I lost weight on Alternation for a month, but with minor disruptions. I managed to lose from 68.4 to 64.0 kg. Yes, in a very short time! BUT! Health problems began. Now about the personal and women’s, I don’t know how correct it is to write about this on the site, but if we reveal all the cards, then I will still tell you about the disadvantages of the Dukan diet:

  1. No critical days. Why? The answer is very simple: fats are very important for the normal functioning of the female body! Are you looking for low-fat cottage cheese and milk in supermarkets? Do you trim excess fat from meat? Worried about adding an extra drop of frying oil? Please, but just expect problems. Now I understand that I didn’t consume fats at all, although I needed at least a little. I did not fry anything, did not add oil (although 1 teaspoon per day is fine), and removed excess skin and fat from the meat. I was generally afraid to add fat anywhere, because I thought it would affect my figure during the diet. You can't eliminate fats completely! They just need to be limited. Lack of body fat leads to problems. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve never had problems with menstrual periods, I’ve never even had delays, so I attribute the lack of CD to the diet.
  2. Constant constipation. It happened that I couldn’t go to the toilet for several days. That's why I took pills, which is not very good. It is strange that Dukan writes in his book that this is the norm and regular consumption of oat bran will correct this problem over time. This is not the norm! And bran didn’t really help me.
  3. Problems with concentration and mental performance. I became very sluggish, it was difficult for me to concentrate, and I got tired quickly. I think this is due to a lack of carbohydrates.
  4. An unpleasant odor appeared from the body and from the mouth, which was not only noticed by me!



Advantages: gives good results, you can use various products, varied

Disadvantages: not suitable for everyone.

For myself, I can highlight the pros and cons of this diet. "+":

  • you are allowed to eat an unlimited amount of food from the permitted list, which helps to avoid hunger
  • this list is quite varied
  • some products for the diet are special, so to speak (for example, oat bran, skimmed milk powder), but now there are no problems with buying them - the diet has become very popular and stores have started selling it all
  • a very important difference from other diets is that there is no complete restriction in fat consumption (after all, this is so harmful for girls!), because the permitted red fish contains a lot of these fats, and they are also very healthy
  • After the diet, my eating habits completely changed - I stopped eating as much as I ate before, some food now seems very fatty and tasteless to me, so unhealthy foods automatically went off the menu and I don’t want them anymore, and what willpower was formed!
  • By the way, the code has become much cleaner and better, because sweets are no longer eaten in huge quantities
  • and many more benefits :)

but there is also a pair of “-“:

  • the diet is not suitable for everyone - people with kidney disease, liver disease, no, no
  • Some find it difficult to stick to this diet (eat a lot of meat), I’m a meat eater, so the diet was delicious for me
  • Still, you shouldn’t go to all lengths after securing, otherwise the whole thing can really grow. But do this with any diet; none of them gives permanent results without effort.



Advantages: safe if all rules are followed, weight goes off, gives good results, the achieved result is stable, you can eat at any time, you can do it while breastfeeding, there is no feeling of hunger

Disadvantages: like all diets, it requires willpower.

ADVANTAGES of DD: there is an effect, the skin does not sag or sag, there is no feeling of hunger, the food is varied and there are plenty of recipes.

CONS: takes a long time and requires willpower. My hair was falling out a little more than usual, but I’m not sure if it’s due to the diet. But in any case, I advise you to take vitamins. I drank ALPHABET mom.


Yulia Balashina

The Dukan diet is quite dangerous for the body, as I was able to verify from my own experience. Much more dangerous than the harmless therapeutic fasting. Oversaturation with protein is a powerful blow to the kidneys. But not only the kidneys suffer, but also the liver, pancreas, heart, thickening of the blood occurs, and general intoxication of the body occurs. I agree, it’s quite possible to lose weight on this diet, but what price do you have to pay for it? Moreover, I don’t think that the French body is somehow fundamentally different from the Russian body. Therefore, I simply don’t believe that this is how the French lose weight; in my opinion, this is just a well-promoted project, and promoted on a large scale.


Ordinary person

Advantages: safe if you follow all the rules, weight goes off, delicious!, you really lose weight, you can eat at any time, there are no restrictions on quantity, varied

Disadvantages: no fruit, hazardous to health, not suitable for everyone, you have to cook for yourself separately from others.

After only four months, thanks to Dukan and home exercise, I managed to lose 20 kg. Then, during the Zakrep stage, I lost another 2 kg. I was able to take pictures wherever and whenever I wanted, because I almost always looked quite pretty. There were no extra pounds, no excess sweating and no other problems associated with excess weight. Some people worry that such sudden weight loss has a bad effect on the female organs. I tried to formulate it clearly and softly. So, in my entire adult life I have never had a constant cycle, there are always more or less delays. When I reached the correct weight (I calculated it on the official Dukan website), the cycle leveled off and deviated by a maximum of a day. I didn’t have to take any special pills. So here it is. If you decide, the first thing you should do is get examined at the clinic and make sure that you are healthy (especially your kidneys, because excess protein is a big blow to them). Then study a book or just the entire theory that is available on the Internet. Find more attractive recipes and go into battle! You can do anything.


Nita Pepito

The diet turned out to be difficult for me.

Minuses :

  1. After 2 weeks, I began to suffer from constant thirst, even at night in my sleep I wanted to drink, I drank about 4 liters of water a day and it didn’t help me. I began to feel my thyroid gland, it became unpleasant for me to swallow.
  2. I sat on it for a month. By the end of the month, my hair began to fall out profusely, my skin became dry, especially on my heels.
  3. My CD didn't disappear completely, but problems appeared. I took omega from about day 7 of the diet. And it was necessary from the first day. Omega vitamins must also be taken.
  4. There were problems with the functioning of the intestines, and as a result, acne appeared on the forehead. Metabolism is disrupted.
  5. If you can't spend time at the stove, your diet will quickly become boring. And of course there are a lot of recipes, you can even cook pancakes and various cakes).


  1. The diet really gives quick and visible results, it really dries out both the body and the skin (!). Due to the abundant consumption of proteins on the Dukan diet, you can quickly model your figure if you include exercise.
  2. you can eat sweets (sakhzam), Coca-Cola zero, Sula sugar-free lollipops, sugar-free chewing gum and other nasty things of joy.
  3. can be eaten at any time
  4. a clear list of permitted products (many are difficult to find in Russia - minus), many recipes!
  5. The diet will not let you go hungry, it is quite filling.

The diet allowed me to quickly lose excess weight, but health problems appeared. I did not go through the consolidation stage, and I did not complete the alternation to the desired weight. By the end of the journey, if I had gone through the diet completely, I would have been slim, without excess fat, and also without hair, without kd and with acne. I cannot recommend the Dukan diet if you are in poor health like me. But if you consider yourself a strong, healthy woman, perhaps you will be among Dr. Dukan's fans. Who, by the way, was deprived of his doctorate in Europe. It is fair to say that they deprived him at his request, so that he could safely sell his diet.

How can we help each other along this path?

In the process of losing weight, yu-moms actively share with each other their findings and little tricks that help them on the path to perfection. Here are some useful tips:

1. Benefits of mineral alkaline water.

Let me tell you a secret: yesterday I bought alkaline mineral water, blew out half a liter - it cleaned it perfectly in the morning. I bought it because my skin began to dry out, I collected information - the food we eat now is acid, to neutralize it, you need to drink alkaline water and food is also alkaline, food is more difficult, but water is available.

2. Prevention of constipation.

Every morning I drink a tablespoon of Vaseline oil (sold at the pharmacy) - my problems with constipation are gone immediately.

3. To help those with a sweet tooth.

I also read that for hardcore chocolate lovers like me, you need to add a little cocoa to tea, coffee or just milk for the smell - the smell of cocoa powder gives the brain an impulse that chocolate is consumed.

...and if you consider that I conduct training at a fitness club, then it was a total waste of time, I had no strength at all, so I sinned - I could eat half a teaspoon of honey a day, or dried apricots, in short, something that contained sugar - and in an instant the strength appeared. I still sin now, on vegetable days I can afford to eat half a large green apple, or about 5 dried apricots, or dates - perhaps the weight comes off more slowly, but, firstly, I’m not in a hurry, and, secondly, it’s easier for me this way - I don’t allow myself any more weaknesses, only such ones - because before Dukan I was a terrible chocolate-eater.

4. What dairy products to buy.

Milk and cottage cheese “House in the Village”. Milk 0.5%, cottage cheese 0.3%. I take kefir 1% Kamensky or Polevskoy. There is Biobalance 0%, but its composition is poor. Sometimes I take Ayran or Tan “Dabrov”, they go for 0.5-0.8%. But they are great to drink in hot weather; they don’t suit me in the cold season.

I buy yogurt from Auchan, 0.1% Baltic. But it’s only used in sauce, I don’t like yoghurts.

I also take Valio liquid cottage cheese in a blue jar, 0.5%.

And liquid cheese in a green jar (like grain cottage cheese in appearance and taste), but it is 2%, so not often.

Dukan express diet for 7 days: menu

The express diet for a week was developed by Dukan for those people who have already completed all stages of his main program, but subsequently did not follow the recommendations and gained several kilograms. The 7-day version of the protein diet offers a more complete and balanced menu. This is a ladder, each step of which represents 1 day of the week with its own set of products. Every day 1 new product is added to the menu.

  • Day 1 - pure proteins
  • Day 2 - proteins and vegetables
  • Day 3 - add 150 g of fruit
  • Day 4 - add a slice of whole grain bread to all the listed products
  • Day 5 - Add 4 slices low fat cheese
  • Day 6 - add 220 g of starchy foods (cereals, pasta, legumes)
  • Day 7 - all the listed products, as well as one feast - a meal in which you can eat any dishes, including sweets, fast food, wine

IMPORTANT: Do not forget about the daily norm of oat bran in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons, 1.5 liters of liquid per day, as well as 30 minutes of physical activity.

The light version of the Dukan diet, designed for 7 days, will allow you to lose about 700 g per week. Repeat the “ladder” exercise until you lose weight completely. To consolidate the result, use the principles of the consolidation and stabilization stages.

Dukan diet: menu for every day, reviews and recipes

Reviews of those losing weight about the Dukan diet help verify its effectiveness. But a varied menu is a kind of guarantee of an excellent result. It minimizes the likelihood of diet failure.

The step-by-step recipe for making tofu soup is quite simple:

  1. You need to pour 1 liter of cool water into the pan. You need to put 1 chicken breast in it.
  2. The meat is simmered over low heat for 25 minutes.
  3. After this you need to remove the chicken breast. The meat is cut into small cubes and returned to the broth.
  4. Hard-boil 1 egg, finely chop it along with tofu cheese, add to the broth.
  5. The second egg is added raw to the dish. To improve the taste, you can add a little garlic and lemon juice, salt and pepper to the soup.

The Dukan diet, reviews and results of which inspire optimism among women, involves the preparation of meatballs. The recipe for the dish is as follows:

  1. You need to mince 1 kg of beef heart, the same amount of chicken breast, 1 onion.
  2. After this, add 2 eggs, a small amount of spices, 5 grams of baking soda, and a little salt.
  3. From the resulting mass, small meatballs are formed, which are rolled in oat husks.
  4. Pour olive oil into a preheated frying pan and add the meatballs.
  5. The dish is cooked under the lid. After the meatballs are browned on both sides, the dish is filled with tomato paste diluted with a small amount of water. They must be simmered until cooked.

Reviews of the Dukan diet often mention chicken pie. The step-by-step sequence of preparing the dish is quite simple:

  1. You need to take 4 tablespoons of kefir and bran.
  2. After this, add 0.2 kg of soft cottage cheese, 2 eggs, baking soda (in the amount of one teaspoon), and salt.
  3. The finished dough is poured into a convenient form, which is placed in a preheated oven for 8 minutes.
  4. At the same time, they are preparing the filling for the chicken pie. To do this, combine 450 grams of minced chicken with 1 finely chopped onion, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of milk, add a little pepper and salt.
  5. The filling is spread on the dough.
  6. The chicken pie is placed back in the oven and baked for another 40 minutes.

In reviews of people losing weight and the results of the Dukan diet, one rarely sees complaints about a sharp feeling of hunger. This is no accident. The diet includes quite a lot of meat dishes. You can prepare cheesecakes according to the following recipe:

  1. 300 grams of minced turkey or chicken are combined with onion minced through a meat grinder, 1 egg, pepper, salt, and a small amount of garlic.
  2. Pre-grated cheese is mixed with herbs and cottage cheese, spices are added to taste.
  3. The minced meat is formed into balls, which are evenly distributed on a baking sheet.
  4. Small depressions are made in the bottom of the glass, which are filled with curd and cheese mass.
  5. Meat cheesecakes are baked in the oven at a temperature of 180° C. The average cooking time is 40 minutes.

When preparing coffee ice cream, 2 yolks are ground with 10 grams of sweetener. After this, 1 teaspoon of ground coffee is poured into 100 ml of water. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and filtered. Then you need to add 400 ml of hot milk and mashed yolks. The resulting mass is heated until thickened over low heat with constant stirring. However, it does not need to be brought to a boil.

In order for the ice cream to harden, it is placed in the freezer. The delicacy must be taken out of the refrigerator several times and thoroughly beaten.

If you follow a diet, you can also cook shish kebab in yogurt. In this case, 500 grams of chicken fillet is cut into small pieces. Pour 200 ml of yogurt over the meat slices and add spices to taste. The resulting mass is placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After the specified time, the chicken pieces are threaded onto skewers made of wood (alternating meat with onion rings). The meat is baked in the oven in the “Grill” mode.

Separately fry 2 onions. They need to be filled with the remaining amount of marinade and used as a barbecue sauce.

Reviews of the Dukan diet at the “Attack” stage: the results of this stage

Alla, 25 years old, Voronezh

I want to share my opinion about the reviews and results of the Dukan diet at the “Attack” stage. Let me make a reservation right away that there will be no wild enthusiasm on my part. I read a lot of reviews about the Dukan diet: “Attack” seemed to me a very difficult stage. But I had little idea how difficult it would be for me. My friend lost 15 kg in 5 months on the Dukan diet. I even endured the five-day “Attack” stage with great difficulty. I followed all the recommendations. I drank at least two liters of water a day and ate my unloved oat bran. Yes, I lost 4 kg in 5 days. But how hard it was for me! There was constant severe weakness. My head was spinning, I became somewhat lethargic and inactive. The journey to the third floor via the stairs took at least 10 minutes. I rested on almost every flight of stairs. And this despite the fact that I am a young, completely healthy woman. In terms of diets, I’m far from a newbie. I've tried a lot of things. But on the Dukan diet, I felt like an almost decrepit granny, for whom it was difficult to even walk to my own apartment. Unfortunately, this diet does not suit me. I found another one for myself, with a more balanced diet. Despite all the rave reviews about the Dukan diet, it is not ideal at all. At least for me. I'm not going to try to lose weight with this diet anymore.

Elena, 35 years old, Tver

I've been chubby since childhood. My whole family is not particularly slim. At school age, being overweight made me a “target” for ridicule from others. Many years have passed since then: I received a prestigious education and found an excellent job. In family terms, everything is fine too: a loving husband, two beautiful sons. But being overweight still prevents me from fully enjoying life. I was on various diets. But the long-awaited miracle never happened. I managed to lose a maximum of 3-4 kg. With the Dukan diet, everything was different. She really helped me become slim and attractive. True, it took me six whole months.

Anna, 36 years old, Rostov-on-Don

I have long been attracted to the Dukan diet, reviews and results of those who lost weight, weight loss rules, menus - I carefully studied all this. Before this, all my attempts to lose weight ended in failure. I'll be honest, I love sweets. And I won’t refuse fried potatoes. Therefore, before this I was only on short diets, which helped me lose 1.5-2 kg at most.

During the “Attack” stage, I lost 4 kg in 5 days. In the first days I was terribly tired: I simply passed out while walking. But then I began to feel much better. At first, the rules for losing weight on the Dukan diet seemed unrealistically strict to me, but the reviews and results of those who lost weight became an incentive to lose weight. Over time, I realized that the menu does not look monotonous at all. You can find a lot of useful recipes on various forums. I even made sweets at home with my own hands. So delicious, you can’t compare with store bought ones!

To be honest, I sometimes broke the rules of the diet. I drank alcohol several times and ate too much bran. But the results on the Dukan diet are still excellent. In a month I lost a total of about 8 kg. If you follow all the rules exactly, you will lose weight much faster than I did! So good luck and patience.

Inna, 27 years old, Tver

The Dukan diet haunted me for a long time: positive reviews of women actively losing weight literally filled the entire Internet. I somehow don’t have any excess weight: 55 kg with a height of 160 cm. But recently my favorite black jeans stopped fitting on my slightly rounded butt. So I decided to go on a diet for a bit. I don't like meat at all. I can do without it for quite a long time. On the Dukan diet, already on the third day I literally felt sick just looking at meat dishes. In general, I suffered a little and decided – that’s it, stop mocking yourself! I can always find a few thousand for new beautiful jeans that are similar to my favorite ones. But they haven’t yet learned how to bring health to the store. All these diets are not for me!

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