Old English diet for 5 days: reviews and menu

What is the Old English Diet for 5 days

This publicly available method for losing weight was first used in English boarding houses for noble maidens.
The proposed nutritional system simultaneously “killed two birds with one stone”: on the one hand, it helped to significantly save on food (and in those days they were not cheap), and on the other, it provided a sustainable dietary effect without harm to health. The girls of that time practiced the Old English diet twice a year and never complained about the problem of being overweight. In essence, this is a strict method for correcting a problematic figure lasting 5 days, which excludes complex carbohydrates from the daily menu and offers simple and universal food combinations to all interested parties. The Old English diet has a number of significant advantages, which for some modern girls become the main selection criteria:

  1. Dietary food provides a budget food basket, i.e. there is no need to spend unnecessarily on updating your daily diet.
  2. All permitted food products can be freely purchased in every store; there is absolutely no shortage of them.
  3. You don’t need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to create culinary delights; the proposed dietary recipes are distinguished by their simplicity and minimalism of food ingredients.
  4. In addition to quickly losing excess weight, you can strengthen the immune system, enrich the body with valuable vitamins, remove excess water and free radicals, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system and stool.
  5. You can lose weight in just 5 days, and significant changes in appearance are noticeable to the naked eye.

Diet history

The Old English diet has been known since the days of boarding houses for rich girls, who were taught that girls should have narrow wrists, a sharp mind and a thin waist.

The goal of the diet was to kill two birds with one stone: to save on groceries and to bring the young ladies into proper shape so that they could get married as soon as possible.

In addition, fashion, which everyone followed without exception, dictated its own rules: those with pale skin, melancholic looks and behavior, and incredible thinness were valued. Some boarding houses practiced the diet several times a year, without making any concessions for young beauties - these were the days when the girls returned after vacation, the beginning of spring, which most often brings with it the kilograms accumulated during the winter season.

There is an opinion that the diet was also used for spiritual education, and not just as a way to maintain a beautiful figure . The English Church has always valued the renunciation of all kinds of benefits, including food, and boarding houses for the most part were directly dependent on the approval of the religious clergy.


To lose 10 kg in 5 days, it is recommended to carefully study the specifics of the Old English diet. The basis of the diet is products popular in the UK, obtained through natural livestock and plant farming on farms and fields. This is necessarily oatmeal, butter, milk, cheese, bread, hard-boiled eggs, milk, legumes, vegetables, chicken, lean meat (beef, rabbit) and fruits.

The main features of the Old English diet are balanced nutrition for 5 days (not including weekends), lightness of the stomach, absence of heartburn and indigestion, and suppression of rampant appetite. There is no need to think about what else to cook tomorrow, since the food basket only includes simple recipes. Complex carbohydrates, which are found in buckwheat, rice, peas, corn and other bulk cereals and pasta, are prohibited. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and carbonated water, and choose green tea.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Dana, 27 years old

Due to a genetic tendency to be overweight, I am forced to use weight loss diets from time to time. I like Old English the best. Oatmeal has always been my favorite breakfast item, so having a diet staple is no problem. At first, the discomfort was caused by a meager and early dinner. But I managed to convince myself that this was a necessary condition in order to achieve some tangible result. Over time, I got used to the fact that I went to bed on a half-empty stomach. I follow this regime several times a year, as English aristocrats once did, and each time I lose 4-6 kg in 5 days.

Zinaida, 33 years old

I read rave reviews about the Old English Diet and am surprised. Excuse me, but have you counted the number of calories it provides per day? This is a starvation ration! It would be nice to do one or two fasting days on this basis, but here it’s practically a week! After 5 days of such a very meager diet, the body is clearly in a state of stress, and as soon as you start eating normally, it will become urgent to create new fat reserves. That's what experts say, anyway. Personally, I would not risk using this technique.

Alexandra, 43 years old

The good thing about the Old English diet is that it is not only suitable for young people. Since the age of 40, I’ve already sat on it several times; I couldn’t lose 10 kg in a five-day period, but I lost 4-6 kilograms. I’m quite happy with this result, and it’s a little scary to imagine how a quick change in weight by ten kilos could affect me. Instead of the regular beans listed on the menu, I sometimes use green beans or green peas. Instead of the allowed spoon of sugar, I put honey in my tea in the morning.

Benefits and harms

The Old English Diet for 5 Days describes many simple and at the same time delicious recipes prepared at home. Before using such a publicly available method for losing weight, it is important to study in detail its main advantages and disadvantages. It's worth starting with the positive points:

  • products are easily absorbed by the digestive tract;
  • food is quick and easy to prepare, while preserving the beneficial properties of food ingredients;
  • products improve metabolism;
  • the diet provides rapid weight loss;
  • the body goes into an economical nutrition mode;
  • the diet helps get rid of waste and toxins in the intestines;
  • nutrition improves complexion, quality of hair and nails.

If the choice fell on the Old English diet for 5 days, it is important to study all the shortcomings of the proposed nutritional system. The updated regime can be harmful to health, and you need to find out more about this:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases against the background of a radical change in taste preferences;
  • return of excess weight if you leave the diet incorrectly for 5 days;
  • the inability to drink large portions of black tea without sweeteners;
  • significant deterioration in concentration;
  • decreased effectiveness if you want to repeat the Old English diet.

Diets for weight loss

Today you will learn another way to lose weight - the Old English diet for 5 days, the results of which amaze everyone who tried it. In 5 days minus 10 kg – this is something new! First things first. But you can also go on a French or Japanese diet, which are also quite effective. Content:

A little history

This five-day diet was used in ancient times in England in boarding houses. At that time, slender and thin girls with a pale complexion were highly valued. This diet solved several problems at once:

  • Firstly, thanks to the special diet, money was saved on food, because at that time food was quite expensive;
  • Secondly, the desires of parents to have beautiful and slender children were satisfied in order to find them a good groom. Any guy at that time had a dream to find a beautiful, slender, wasp-waisted bride!

As a rule, boarding houses provided girls with such a diet several times a year (about three). Usually this was immediately after the holidays, as well as at the beginning of spring, when the excess weight accumulated over the winter was slightly visible on the figure.

The Old English Diet for 5 days was carried out not only for weight loss, but also as a factor in spiritual education. The English Church at that time welcomed the renunciation of goods, in particular, various sweets and delicious food.

The essence of diet

This method of losing weight is based on a combination of simple foods that are not rich in complex carbohydrates. Due to this, weight is reduced, which can lose 5-10 kilograms in 5 days. The Kremlin or kefir diet for weight loss can still give such results.

The main products of the diet are oatmeal, chicken eggs, butter, black tea, as well as milk, bread, legumes and fruits, that is, all products that are obtained through plant and animal husbandry in fields and farms.


Sticking to this diet is very easy for several reasons:

  • All the food on this diet is very simple, so you don’t have to look for complex recipes and stand at the stove for several hours;
  • The products provided by this diet will eliminate the feeling of hunger, and accordingly, the risk of breakdown and weight gain will be reduced.

Five-day diet menu, where there are 4 meals every day:

The first day

  • Breakfast: a small portion of oatmeal cooked in water (preferably rolled oats) + a cup of black tea (do not add sugar)
  • Lunch: a serving of chicken broth with a slice of dark bread + a cup of black tea (do not add sugar)
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of black tea
  • Dinner: 1 or 2 sandwiches (dark bread and a little butter) + drink tea

Second day

  • Breakfast: repeat the breakfast of the first day
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs + 1 sandwich (we use dark bread, butter and cheese for cooking) + black tea
  • Afternoon tea: as on the first day, we have a tea party
  • Dinner: 2 apples

Day three

  • Breakfast: 1/3 cup, that is, about 100 grams of any jam (can be replaced with preserves) and tea
  • Lunch: 1 boiled chicken drumstick + black tea without sugar
  • Afternoon snack: as in the first two days, tea drinking
  • Dinner: small portion of boiled beans

Day four

  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with water + strong black tea
  • Lunch: 1 boiled chicken drumstick + 1 glass of milk
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of black tea, as usual
  • Dinner: two pears

Day five

  • Breakfast: 1 sandwich of bread, cheese and butter and the usual cup of unsweetened black tea
  • Lunch: repeat lunch from last day
  • Afternoon snack: strong black tea without sugar
  • Dinner: two boiled potatoes and tea

This diet must be followed for five days (ideally from Monday to Friday), because at that time in boarding houses Saturday and Sunday were considered holidays on which it was not possible to maintain a sufficiently strict diet.


This diet is quite popular today, since on this diet, if followed correctly, you can lose over 5 kilograms. Some results showed greater effectiveness if salt was completely removed from the diet. Of course, in this case the food becomes less tasty, but beauty requires sacrifice!

Some girls lost more kilograms, for example, in 5 days they saw minus 8 kg on the scales, or even minus 10 kg. However, such a result can only be achieved if the diet is strictly followed for 5 days.

To increase the effectiveness of this diet, and also not to gain back the lost kilograms, it is necessary to organize the correct way out of the diet. To do this, you should not immediately lean on fatty, fried, sweet, spicy and salty foods, as well as sweets and processed foods. For 7-14 days, try to add familiar foods a little at a time, and it is better to avoid food that does not provide any benefit to the body at all, for example, processed foods, various sweets, lemonades, etc., for a long time!

Reviews of the Old English Diet

In general, the reviews are positive, because all the necessary products are available in every city and every village, and the food is quite balanced, so you will not feel a deficiency of vitamins or a constant desire to break out and eat a piece of pie.

If you look at people’s reviews about the diet, you can see the following picture:

Let's sum it up

Excess weight is always a problematic topic, and not only among beautiful ladies. And the Old English diet is just the solution to a common problem.

Yes, this diet is not the best and not a guaranteed way to consistently get rid of extra pounds, but positive reviews about this diet and the menu itself, which contains natural and healthy products, confirm the high effectiveness of the diet!

It's time to say goodbye to those extra pounds and start living a new life!


The proposed method for losing weight offers a balanced diet, so a person losing weight is full of strength and energy to do additional exercise in the gym. The main thing is to reduce weight on exercise equipment and control the body’s water balance. This is just one of the rules; other valuable recommendations are presented below:

  1. Following the example of English young ladies, you can choose sports areas such as swimming, cycling, roller skating, dancing, horse riding, aerobics, and long walks.
  2. If a person losing weight is not physically prepared, it is recommended to start the morning with 15 minutes of exercise and avoid heavy sports.
  3. It is required to adhere to the Old English diet for 5 days, after which you gradually return to the usual menu, but with a reduced calorie content.
  4. In addition to still water, you need to drink large quantities of black tea, which significantly dulls the feeling of hunger.
  5. Additionally, the Old English diet requires taking natural vitamins or multivitamin complexes in full.

Preparing for weight loss

Before you go on the Old English Diet, you need to complete a number of preparatory activities. This is important to avoid attacks of dizziness, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea in the first days of restricting the daily diet . So, 10 days before the nutritional correction you need to give up:

  • alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • pickles, smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products, preservatives;
  • sausages;
  • baked goods, sweets (except dark chocolate), confectionery.

Menu for 5 days

On the Old English diet, you have to eat in strictly limited portions, so you need to stock up on endurance and patience. An approximate diet for 5 days with main meals is presented below:

Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday oatmeal, tea without sugar chicken broth, rye cracker, tea tea drink sandwich with cheese and butter
Tuesday oatmeal, tea boiled chicken drumstick without skin, tea tea drink 2 apples or fruit cocktail
Wednesday berry jam, tea 2 hard-boiled eggs, sandwich, tea Tea with lemon boiled beans
Thursday oatmeal, tea 3 hard-boiled eggs, tea Tea with lemon 2 pears
Friday sandwich with cheese and butter, tea boiled chicken leg, 1 tbsp. low-fat milk Tea with lemon 2 jacket potatoes, tea


The Old English diet is not suitable for everyone; there are categories of people for whom it can significantly harm. It is important to consult a nutritionist first. There are medical contraindications that apply to:

  • some chronic diseases of the body;
  • periods of pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

It is important to temporarily abandon the Old English food system if local immunity is pathologically weakened due to a recent illness (viral or infectious) or strict adherence to a strict diet. This is a relative medical contraindication, which can be forgotten after strengthening the immune system with publicly available methods.


To make your waist slim and your figure graceful, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with hunger or intense physical activity. There are healthy and tasty recipes for every day that can not only quietly eliminate extra pounds, but also lift your mood for the whole day and improve your own body health. Below are interesting dishes that, if you follow the Old English diet, are sure to please even a true gourmet.

Scrambled eggs with boiled beef

This is the simplest recipe for the Old English diet, which makes an excellent breakfast for a person losing weight and does not require significant time or financial investment. In 5 days, such a dish does not get boring, but it provides a boost of energy after waking up in the morning for a losing weight person.


  • time: 15 minutes;
  • number of servings: 2;
  • calorie content of the dish: 150 kcal per 100 grams;
  • purpose: for breakfast as a side dish;
  • cuisine: Russian;
  • difficulty: easy.

This is a healthy and satisfying breakfast that provides a losing weight body with proteins in the amount of 10.9 g per 100 g of product, fats - 11 g, carbohydrates - 2.4 g. It is advisable not to use spices for cooking, minimize the dose of table salt. You can add greens before serving.


  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized tomato – 1 pc.;
  • boiled beef – 50 g;
  • butter – 10 g;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beef until tender, then chop into strips.
  2. Cut a medium-sized tomato into strips.
  3. Heat a frying pan in butter, break the eggs.
  4. After a couple of minutes, add boiled beef and chopped tomatoes.
  5. Fry the eggs for 5 minutes, serve hot with black tea without adding sugar.

Chicken breast with boiled beans

This dish is rich in protein, helps strengthen muscles and provides a feeling of fullness in relatively small portions. It can be consumed not only on the Old English diet, but also in the everyday menu.


  • time: 60 minutes;
  • number of servings: 4;
  • calorie content of the dish: 128 kcal per 100 grams;
  • purpose: as a side dish;
  • cuisine: Italian;
  • difficulty: medium.

The dish is healthy and contains a minimum of harmful calories. Its preparation does not take much time, but all family members can enjoy the piquant taste. 100 g of product contains 12.7 g of protein, 7 g of fat and 3 g of carbohydrates. This ratio of BJU helps you lose weight quickly.


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • raw beans – 400 g;
  • tomatoes – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3–4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 3–4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans for several hours, then cook until tender.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and simmer in vegetable oil.
  3. Chop onion, garlic, tomatoes, add to the prepared chicken fillet.
  4. Simmer for 5–7 minutes, then add cooked beans, salt and spices to taste.
  5. Keep on fire for another 10 minutes, serve hot.

Beans in tomato

This Russian dish is healthy on a diet, and you can use boiled or canned legumes to prepare it. The total calorie content changes insignificantly and does not harm the problematic figure. It turns out tasty, satisfying and very healthy.


  • time: 40 minutes;
  • number of servings: 4;
  • calorie content of the dish: 70 kcal per 100 grams;
  • purpose: side dish;
  • cuisine: Russian;
  • difficulty: easy.

The proposed dish is not for everyone in taste, it is rich and versatile as a side dish for every day. The recipe is simple, and even a novice housewife can prepare it.


  • raw beans - 1 tbsp.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water – 2 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the beans, pour boiling water over them and leave for 12 hours.
  2. Boil in a saucepan until fully cooked.
  3. Mix tomato paste with water, fry in a frying pan along with pre-chopped onions and fresh carrots.
  4. Mix the sauce with beans, add chopped herbs.
  5. Serve hot as a side dish.

Authorized Products

  • Oatmeal, cooked in water with a minimum of salt. In our case, it is convenient to use oatmeal, but it is more useful to take not highly crushed and processed ones, but simply crushed ones. They differ in size and cooking time. Chopped flakes are either left uncooked or boiled for 1 minute; more or less whole flakes are cooked for 7 minutes.
  • Boiled chicken eggs (fried, but without oil, are allowed).
  • Fruits: apples and pears.
  • Unsweetened jam (jam) according to the diet is consumed once every five days. You can replace it with fruit puree from the baby food series.
  • Wheat or rye bread 30 g per day (one day a week - 60 g).
  • Butter - one teaspoon on certain days.
  • According to the diet, milk is provided on the fourth day in the amount of 200 ml.
  • Cheese 30 g twice during the entire diet period.
  • Legumes. In the classic version, boiled beans are recommended. It doesn't matter whether it's white or red. If you prefer lentils, you can use those too.
  • Lean meat - chicken. It will not be a serious violation if it is replaced with turkey or beef. The meat is prepared by boiling, salt is added to a minimum.
  • Black tea without sugar. The drink is low-calorie and especially will not dull the feeling of hunger. In this regard, relaxation is allowed in the form of adding a teaspoon of not very sweet jam, but not at every tea party. If you are very intolerant of the diet, add 2-3 tablespoons of low-fat milk to your tea - this will slightly increase the calorie content, but will add taste, more or less saturation and greater benefits than adding jam. If you don’t drink black tea, replace it with green tea - it’s healthier, tones well and is allowed in all weight loss programs.
  • Modern recommendations supplement the diet with 1.5-2 liters of water. This will mechanically fill the stomach and somewhat dull hunger.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables legumes9,11,627,0168
boiled potatoes2,00,416,782



Cereals and porridges

oat groats12,36,159,5342

Bakery products

wheat bread8,11,048,8242
Rye bread6,61,234,2165


lingonberry jam0,80,759,0250
cherry jam0,00,056,5226
blueberry jam0,40,253,1214



Cheeses and cottage cheese


Meat products



boiled chicken25,27,40,0170
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Oils and fats


Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152
* data is per 100 g of product
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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