Experts tell us how to lose weight on water

Millions of people around the world are trying to lose weight. People are willing to pay a lot of money for wonderful products that will help them get the curves they want. But there is such a remedy, and it costs a penny - it’s mineral water. Read the article about how to lose weight using regular mineral water.

How water affects the body and why its lack is dangerous

Humans are 65% water. It participates in all vital processes occurring in the body. With a lack of fluid, organs stop working adequately, metabolism slows down and fat cells begin to accumulate. Therefore, people who want to lose weight are first advised to establish a drinking regime.

Mineral water is best for this. It is rich in salts, micro and macroelements, which serve as additional nutrition for a depleted body.

Mineral water for weight loss – which is better?

Say “no” to carbonated mineral water: it leads to bloating and increased secretion of stomach acid. Also, the carbonated version of the drink has a bad effect on the digestive process, slowing it down, which is why the unwanted accumulation of fat deposits occurs. Therefore, your choice should be non-carbonated mineral water - medicinal or table.

Medicinal mineral water

It is great for losing weight, but you should not get carried away with it too much, as it may be unsafe for your health. The water is rich:

  • bromine,
  • silicon,
  • iron.

So consult your doctor and let him prescribe a dosage based on the condition of your body.

Table mineral water

It is not so dangerous, so you can drink it as much as you want. It includes:

  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • iodine,
  • minerals.

Therefore, such water cannot damage. But to prevent the body from receiving an excess amount of microelements, it is necessary to drink plain water every day, which will have a positive effect on accelerating metabolism and improving digestion.

An excellent option when choosing water is artesian water, since it is saturated with oxygen. To speed up peristalsis, mineral water containing magnesium, sodium, and chlorine ions is perfect. To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, water containing iodine is indispensable.

How to choose

First you need to separate the concepts mineralized and mineral.

The first is drinking water, which, after purification, is enriched with salts.

Mineral is a natural product with a rich complex of elements (sodium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium) and salts, which man has not yet learned to create artificially.

Mineral water comes in several types, depending on the amount of salts it contains.

The composition and degree of mineralization ranges from 1 to 15 g per dm3. For regular use and effective weight loss, it is recommended to drink table (fresh) water. For healthy people, 1 gram of salts contained in it is a safe dose. It will help speed up metabolism and support a weakened body.

To consume other types of mineral waters with a higher level of microelements in their composition (they are called medicinal), a doctor’s consultation is required. With their help, you can cure gastrointestinal diseases, problems with the pancreas, constipation and much more.

The most popular brands in the CIS countries:

  1. Borjomi.
  2. Essentuki.
  3. Donat.
  4. Lysogorskaya.


Anyone who has decided to get rid of fat ballast in this way is faced with the question of which mineral water is best for weight loss, since its diversity on the modern market can confuse anyone. To solve it, you need to understand the varieties of the drink, since there are quite a large number of its classifications.

Mineralization and its degrees

  • Mineralized water is an artificial imitation. First, ordinary water is purified, then a certain set of salts is added to it.
  • Mineral - natural. Contains almost the entire periodic table in microdoses. Only it has healing properties, having a special structure that cannot be restored artificially in the laboratory.

Not all mineral waters are suitable for weight loss. Everything will depend on the concentration of beneficial salts and microelements in them.

This is how they distinguish:

  1. Fresh (mineralization 1 g per dm³).
  2. Low-mineralized (from 1 to 2 g).
  3. Low-mineralized (from 2 to 5 g).
  4. Medium mineralized (from 5 to 10 g).
  5. Highly mineralized (from 10 to 15 g).

Fresh drinks are also called table drinks - and this is the kind of mineral water that is best drunk by healthy people for the purpose of losing weight. It will not cause any harm to the body, activates metabolism and eliminates micronutrient deficiency.

In medicinal table drinks, mineralization ranges from 1 to 10 g. To lose weight with their help, you should definitely consult with your doctors and not use them yourself.

If a bottle of mineral water is marked “medicinal” (mineralization more than 10 grams), it should not be taken as a means of weight loss without the permission of a specialist.


Mineral water most often contains 6 main elements that promote weight loss: sodium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine, bicarbonate and sulfate. Their combination is different in different drinks, and their effectiveness depends on this. It is for this reason that it is recommended to consult a doctor before such a unique diet.

Table, as an example, of the chemical composition of the mineral waters “Narzan” and “Essentuki No. 4”:

For example, Narzan can be drunk by those who have either normal or increased stomach acidity, and Essentuki No. 4 - by those who have low acidity. Failure to comply with these indications will lead to unwanted side effects and failure to lose weight.

Medicinal properties

You should not choose mineral drinks for weight loss, which contain biologically active elements aimed primarily at treating certain diseases. For a healthy person, they can be dangerous, especially since weight loss requires drinking a lot.

Therapeutic brands include:

  • Zheleznovodskaya - siliceous, participates in the formation of bone tissue;
  • Jermuk - arsenic, used for the prevention of radiation injuries, atherosclerosis, gout, anemia;
  • Arkhyz - bromide, to eliminate depression and insomnia;
  • Semigorskaya - iodine, prescribed for thyroid diseases.

Considering the medicinal properties and mineralized composition of this drink, it makes sense to consult, if not with a doctor (the ideal option), then with a nutritionist exactly which mineral water promotes weight loss and whether you can drink it without harm to your health.

As for some specific brands and varieties, we bring to your attention a short overview of the most popular ones.

The oldest. Vincentka is the oldest mineral water in the world, extracted from a spring in Luhačovice (Czech Republic) since 1669.

Special drinking regime for weight loss

There is a drinking regime recommended by nutritionists, which should be followed by those who want to lose excess weight.

It looks like this:

  1. A glass of still mineral water is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. After 30-40 minutes you can have breakfast as usual.
  2. During the day, any snacks should be replaced with a glass of water. It dulls the feeling of hunger.
  3. Drink one glass of liquid 30 minutes before meals.
  4. After eating you are allowed to drink no earlier than 40 minutes later. You should not drink food during a meal.
  5. Stop drinking 4 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling and stress on the kidneys.
  6. Drinking alcohol during the diet is strictly prohibited.


This drinking regimen is safe and will only benefit the body. But there are several contraindications that are worth considering:

  1. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Period of exacerbation.
  2. Intolerance to a certain element in mineral water. In this case, you need to replace the brand with another one.
  3. Gallstones.

What to pay attention to

If you experience belching or abdominal pain while drinking, you should stop and consult a doctor.

The excess weight will not start to go away immediately. The body will need several days, and sometimes weeks, to adapt to new conditions. But almost immediately the effect of radiant, refreshed skin and excellent health will appear.


In a week in this mode you can lose 5-6 kg. At the same time, the general condition of the body and complexion improves, skin tone rises.

Beneficial properties of mineral water

It is beneficial for the body due to the following properties:

  • helps satisfy hunger between meals, due to the fact that it fills the stomach, relieving the feeling of emptiness;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • helps normalize water-salt balance;
  • Magnesium converts fat cells into salts that are not absorbed by the body, so it uses up other fat reserves - this actively promotes weight loss.

If you follow the drinking regime, mineral water allows you to lose 2-3 kilograms in a week! If mineral water is prohibited for medical reasons, lose weight with regular drinking water. The main thing is to remember that you need to be careful when consuming mineral water. To make the weight loss process effective and safe, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Mineral water diets

There are also more strict diets with the use of medicinal table water.

For example:

  1. Strict diet
  2. Balanced.
  3. On water and vegetables.


The point is simple. You can’t eat for 3 days, and you can only drink medicinal table water.

Not everyone can withstand this. But at the end of the third day, you can see minus 4-5 kg ​​on the scales. Mainly due to the removal of toxins and excess liquid.

Such weight loss is strictly prohibited for people with stomach diseases.


A delicate and gentle option to lose excess weight. It has no contraindications and is suitable for everyone, as it is based on the principles of healthy nutrition. Features a large number of dishes in the diet of those losing weight and

Here are its basic rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to consume flour, sweets, fatty foods, fried foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, black tea, coffee, sauces and spices. All other products are allowed
  2. The diet should include: fish, meat, eggs and dairy products.
  3. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of medicinal table water per day. In addition, sugar-free drinks are allowed: compotes, jelly, juices, but not more than 2 glasses.
  4. Meals (5-6 per day) should be varied. Last snack 3 hours before going to bed.
  5. The duration of the diet is from 15 days to a month.

On mineral water and vegetables

This food option is easily tolerated and safe for health.

Course duration is 5-7 days.

How to eat:

  1. During the day you need to eat 0.5 kg of vegetables and one plate of fresh (water, without salt and spices) oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge. Vegetables can be used to make soups, stews, casseroles and grilled vegetables.
  2. It is forbidden to make vegetable salads with the addition of sunflower oil, sour cream and mayonnaise.
  3. 30 minutes before and 40 minutes after each meal you need to drink a glass of liquid.
  4. In the middle of the week (for example, on Wednesday) there is one day when you can drink only medicinal table water (based on 10 kg of weight, 385 ml of water is required)

The weight begins to come off the very next day of dietary restrictions. And over the entire week, you can lose up to 7 kg.

Mineral water for weight loss: how to drink

  1. Mineral water will have the best effect on the body if you drink about 1.5-2 liters per day. But with heavy physical activity or in the hot season, you can safely increase this amount.
  2. However, be careful not to drink more than normal: excessive use of mineral water has a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys, creating additional stress for them.
  3. A glass of drink before meals will be very useful: it reduces appetite and helps the stomach prepare for eating.
  4. You should not rush or greedily swallow water, even if you are very thirsty. Drink slowly, in small sips.
  5. But you should not drink mineral water immediately after eating, as this can cause fermentation in the stomach.
  6. If you do sports exercises, you need to take 5 sips of water every 20-30 minutes.
  7. It is recommended to drink one glass of water a couple of hours before going to bed, as during sleep, moisture is released through breathing and sweat.
  8. Make sure the drink is at room temperature. Cold water increases appetite, and hot water promotes the active production of gastric juice.
  9. There are also fasting days on mineral water. Then you need to consume about 4 liters per day.

And to be even slimmer, it is recommended to add rose hips, cranberries, blueberry tincture or lemon juice to the drink. It’s also a good idea to make a very effective decoction for weight loss.

Lemon, garlic, ginger and mineral water for weight loss - recipe

We stock up on 2 lemons, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 ginger root about 2 cm long and 1 liter of mineral water.

  • Cut the lemons in half, peel the peels, and squeeze out the juice.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add lemon peel, and bring to a boil.
  • We send the peeled ginger and garlic there, cover the dish with a lid, turn off the stove, wait 20 minutes.
  • Strain everything into a glass container, pour in lemon juice, and cover with a lid.
  • We drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.
  • You can add a little honey.
  • The course can be repeated after 10 days.

The drink is effective for losing weight, as all its ingredients help burn fat. We have already talked about how to use lemon and ginger against weight on the pages of our website.

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