Foods high in pantothenic acid (B5)

Pantothenic acid (also known as vitamin B5) is an essential vitamin for normal human functioning. It takes part in hematopoiesis, converting food into energy.

Pantothenic acid is a water-soluble substance necessary for the production of its own coenzyme A (CoA), an acyl carrier protein (CoA). The latter plays an important role in the synthesis and absorption of fatty acids [].

The production of your own pantothenic acid is one of the functions of the intestinal microflora. However, today it is not completely known whether it affects the overall absorption of vitamin B5 by the body [].

  • Indications for use
  • Symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency
      At-risk groups
  • Risk of overdose
  • Interaction of pantothenic acid with drugs and other vitamins
  • Natural replenishment

    Vitamin B5 performs many beneficial functions:

    • is an integral part of coenzyme A, which is responsible for metabolism;
    • helps produce antibodies;
    • stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands and their production of hormones;
    • participant in the formation of neurotransmitters, substances that conduct electrochemical impulses from neuron to cell;
    • restores the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • reduces the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
    • regulates intestinal motility.

    The daily requirement for pantothenic acid varies in different countries, on average from 4 to 12 mg. For Russia, the norm is set at 5 mg. For children, 1 to 5 mg is recommended, depending on the age group. B5 is independently synthesized in the intestines and comes with food. To get enough vitamins B5 and pantothenic acid, you need to know what types of food contain large amounts of it.

    Now Foods, Pantothenic Acid, 500 mg, 250 Capsules

    RUB 1,181

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    The role of pantothenic acid in metabolism

    The specific function of pantothenic acid in metabolism is that it is an essential component of coenzyme A. This coenzyme plays a fundamental role in metabolism, taking part in such biochemical processes as the oxidation and biosynthesis of fatty acids, oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids, the citric acid cycle , biosynthesis of steroids, neutral fats, phosphatides, porphyrins, synthesis of acetylcholine, acylation of aromatic amines, glucosamine, synthesis of hippuric acid and a number of other transformations. In all these processes, coenzyme A functions as an intermediate acceptor and transporter of various acidic residues (acyls), forming so-called acyl derivatives of coenzyme A (acyl-CoA). The binding of carboxylic acid residues to coenzyme A activates them. Activation is due to the fact that acyl derivatives of coenzyme A are acylthioesters in which the carboxylic acid residue is linked to the SH group of coenzyme A, an energy-rich acylthioester bond: RCO-SKoA. As a result of the formation of acyl-CoA, the carboxylic acid residue rises to a high energy level, which creates favorable thermodynamic prerequisites for its use in reactions that require energy, in particular in the acylation reactions of oxy- and amino compounds. Since the transformations of carboxylic acids that occur with the participation of CoA end with the cleavage of the acylthioether bond with the complete or partial release of its energy, this ensures that the corresponding transformations proceed in the desired direction. In addition, the formation of a thioester bond between the carboxylic acid residue and the SH group of coenzyme A increases the positive charge on the carbon atom of the acyl carbonyl group. At the same time, the mobility of the hydrogen atom in the a-position to the carbonyl increases. The first circumstance facilitates transformations by the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution at the carbonyl carbon atom (acylation reactions), the second - electrophilic reactions that occur with the elimination of a proton in the a-position, for example, the condensation of acetyl-CoA with oxaloacetic acid during the biosynthesis of citric acid, as well as carboxylation reactions, in particularly the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA.

    Activation of fatty acids due to the formation of acyl derivatives of CoA can occur in the animal body in several ways. One of the ways consists of direct interaction of the activated acid with CoA in the presence of ATP and Mg. These reactions, catalyzed by various thiokinases, are accompanied by the breakdown of ATP into AMP and pyrophosphate:


    R—COOH + ATP + HS—CoA ——— R—CO—S—CoA + AMP + FFN


    Another source of acyl derivatives of CoA are the processes of oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids. In this way, acetyl-CoA is formed from pyruvic acid, and succinyl-CoA is formed from a-ketoglutaric acid. If thiokinases, which activate fatty acids according to the first type, are localized in the cytoplasm of cells, then the processes of oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids, producing acetyl- and succinyl-CoA, occur in mitochondria.

    The third pathway for the formation of acyl derivatives of CoA is the transfer reaction of CoA to a free acid, catalyzed by thiophorases:

    R1— S— CoA + R2— COOH —-— R1- COOH + R2— CO— S— CoA

    As noted above, the role of CoA and its acyl derivatives in metabolism is extremely important. A large number of different enzymatic reactions and key biochemical processes occur with their participation. Let's look at the most important of them.

    Oxidation of fatty acids is the main way of breaking down fats and utilizing the energy contained in them. The first stage of the oxidative breakdown of fatty acids is the activation already described above with the formation of acyl-CoA. The fatty acid residue associated with CoA undergoes the following transformations:

    • 1) dehydrogenation at the a- and b-carbon atoms, catalyzed by acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, resulting in the formation of a double bond at this position;
    • 2) hydration at the double bond by the enzyme enoylhydratase, leading to the formation of b-hydroxyacyl-S-KoA;
    • 3) dehydrogenation of b-hydroxyacyl-S-KoA (b-hydroxyacyl-S-CoA dehydrogenase enzyme) to form b-ketoacyl-S-KoA;
    • 4) cleavage of b-ketoacyl-S-KoA by b-ketothiolase, during which acetyl-CoA is formed, and the fatty acid residue shortened by two carbon atoms is transferred to a new molecule of coenzyme A and can again repeat the described cycle of transformations. As a result of the functioning of this cycle, the fatty acid molecule undergoes oxidative cleavage with the formation of activated acetic acid residues (acetyl-CoA), which are further oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

    Synthesis of fatty acids. Since all reactions of the fatty acid oxidation cycle described above are reversible, it was initially assumed that the biosynthesis of the latter is carried out by simple reversal of oxidative reactions. In fact, in this way, only the chains of preformed fatty acids are elongated by condensing them with acetyl-CoA in the mitochondria. Complete biosynthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA in the cytoplasm proceeds in a slightly different way. The main step is the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA by the biotin-containing enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase to form malonyl-CoA:


    CH3-CO-SKoA + C02 + ATP —— HOOC— CH2— CO-S-KoA + ADP + H3PO4

    Malonyl-CoA condenses with another molecule of acetyl-CoA. Simultaneously with condensation, decarboxylation occurs and acetoacetyl-CoA is formed, which is then reduced to butyryl-CoA due to reactions similar to the oxidation reactions of fatty acids, but proceeding in the opposite direction. Further growth of the fatty acid chain occurs through cyclic repetition of the stages of condensation of acyl-CoA with malonyl-CoA, decarboxylation and reduction of the resulting b-ketoacyl-CoA.

    In addition to the biosynthesis of fatty acids, acyl derivatives of coenzyme A are involved in the formation of triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, in particular cholesterol and steroid hormones.

    Oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids. During the oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids, catalyzed by complex multienzyme complexes (see Vitamin B1), coenzyme A acts as the final acceptor of the residue of the resulting acid. In the case of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid, the end product is acetyl-K.oA, in the case of a-ketoglutaric acid, it is succinyl-CoA. The first process ensures the inclusion of pyruvic acid, which is the end product of the glycolytic breakdown of carbohydrates in animal tissues, into the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the second ensures the uninterrupted operation of this cycle, which serves as the main source of energy in most animal tissues.

    The synthesis of citric acid occurs by condensation of acetyl-CoA with oxaloacetic acid.

    This reaction occupies one of the key positions in the general system of oxidative processes, since with its help acetyl-CoA, formed during the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates, is included in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, where its final oxidation to CO2 and H2O occurs. The enormous importance of this reaction in the energy supply of vital processes is evident from the fact that the total yield of ATP in the reactions of glycolysis and glycolytic oxidation of NADH2 is 6 moles of ATP per 1 mole of glucose, while in the reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and related reactions of oxidative phosphorylation, 30 moles of ATP per 1 mole of glucose. Similarly, when a fatty acid, such as palmitic acid, is oxidized to acetyl-CoA, the ATP yield is 34 mol per 1 mol of acid, and when acetyl-CoA is oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, it is 96 mol per 1 mol of fatty acid.

    Formation and metabolism of methylmalonyl-CoA. As shown above, the oxidation of fatty acids occurs through their sequential shortening by two carbon atoms to form acetyl-CoA. However, during the oxidation of fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms, the final stage produces not acetyl-CoA, but propionyl-CoA, an acyl derivative of CoA with three carbon atoms in the chain. Utilization of the propionic acid residue in the body is carried out by carboxylation of propionyl-CoA to form methylmalonyl-CoA, which is further isomerized into succinyl-CoA, oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

    The isomerization of methylmalonyl-CoA into succinyl-CoA is carried out by methylmalonyl-CoA isomerase, which includes the cobamide coenzyme derived from vitamin B12.

    Synthesis of acetylcholine from choline. Acetyl-CoA plays an extremely important role in the normal functioning of the nervous system, since acetylcholine is a chemical mediator involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. In addition, acetyl-CoA, along with other acyl derivatives of CoA, is a donor of the acetyl (acyl) group in numerous acetylation reactions of amines, amino sugars, amino acids, alcohols, etc. Participating in the synthesis of d-aminolevulinic acid, coenzyme A plays an important role in the synthesis of heme and porphyrins. Benzoyl-CoA is the donor of the benzoyl residue in the synthesis of hippuric acid. Acetyl-CoA serves as a source of acetyl residue in the acetylation reactions of aromatic amines and their derivatives, in particular in the inactivation of drugs such as sulfonamides or isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives by this route. Taking part in the acetylation of the amino sugars glucosamine and galactosamine, acetyl-CoA plays an important role in the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides of connective tissue.

    TOP 10 food sources

    Getting the required daily intake is quite simple - you need to include food sources containing the necessary substance in your diet. The prevalence of pantothenic acid is high, it is found in meat, vegetables, fruits, spices, and fish.

    The top ten food sources containing the most vitamin B5 are presented in the table:

    NameQuantity per 100 g, mg
    Brewer's yeast12,05
    sunflower seed7,6
    Beef liver7,17
    Chicken liver6,67
    Chicken egg, yolk4
    Egg powder4
    Low-fat milk powder3,32
    25% milk powder2,7
    Paprika, capsicum2,5
    Split peas2,3

    The largest amount of vitamin is contained in brewer's yeast, 12.05 mg, which is more than 200% of the daily requirement. But they cannot be considered as an independent source of nutrition, so you can compensate for the deficiency with the help of beef liver, which contains 7.6 mg, which completely covers the body’s needs. If you know of other members of the food basket that contain more B5, please share your information.

    Skin and its trophism

    There is no other tissue, or more precisely, system of tissues, more complex in purpose, function or regulation than the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The skin is, first of all, a barrier that quite realistically and clearly creates boundaries between the human body and the environment, a barrier that allows all parts of the human body to exist in a relatively stable internal environment, integrating primarily with each other and the internal systems of regulation of functions. Skin is not just an insulator; it also has direct protective properties, for example, mechanical protection from damage and an active bactericidal function against a wide range of bacterial pathogens that are potentially dangerous to humans. However, the skin is not only an insulating shell. It is also characterized by the functions of perceiving information external to the body and transmitting it to internal analytical systems. For this purpose, the skin contains sets of a wide variety of receptors. Through them, the most important properties of the environment are monitored for adaptation to it. And adaptation itself can also be carried out through changes in the condition of the skin. First of all, this relates to temperature adaptation - regulated heat transfer, without which a child or adult cannot withstand even relatively significant overheating and risks dying from heatstroke.

    Skin vessels are used by the body as a regulator of systemic blood pressure and circulating blood volume. In any acute situations with a drop in systemic pressure or blood volume, the skin with subcutaneous tissue and tissues of the musculoskeletal system, along with some internal organs, may be deprived for a long time of adequate hemodynamic and trophic support “to save” the most conserved and vital organs (heart, brain , adrenal glands). This phenomenon of the so-called centralization of blood circulation in protracted diseases occurs both with hemodynamic disturbances and with oxygen starvation. Relatively recently, it was shown that similar mechanisms of centralization of blood circulation are naturally activated during protein-energy and even isolated nutrient deficiency. Thus, the skin and its appendages may suffer, and their trophism may be disrupted not only as a result of the diseases themselves and the microcirculatory disorders and nutritional disorders that arise from them, but also as a result of adaptive and protective physiological reactions that significantly aggravate disturbances in local blood flow, microcirculation and trophism of the skin. In complex painful situations, some act of “sacrifice” is performed of tissues and functions that are of secondary importance relative to the cost of survival. This “double pathogenesis” of changes in the skin and its appendages makes them extremely easily involved in the clinical picture of a wide range of general (somatic) diseases, intoxication, and repeated stress conditions. It is natural to expect that in this case the magnitude and severity of local nutrient deficiencies, as well as deficits of energy carriers and antioxidants, will be expressed significantly more than their magnitudes and degrees reflected in the laboratory characteristics of the systemic blood flow. An objective reflection of these local tissue disorders, trophic and energy supply is only the course of the skin process, the degree of atrophy, dryness, elasticity and turgor disorders, sclerotic and cicatricial changes that occur as a result of the disease, the timing of manifestation and severity of the complex of signs of skin aging.

    It would seem that all the above-described patterns of trophic disorders are both natural and difficult to overcome, since the barrier associated with disturbances or limitations of microcirculation is very difficult to remove with therapeutic measures and is not always safe for the body. And here, suddenly, a very natural solution, the discovery of which goes back to the deepest origins of medicine and healing, turns out to be the use of external trophic support, the ability of the skin to become permeable to a wide range of substances, including nutrients and trophic factors that are vital for it. Such factors may include pantothenic acid and its preparations intended for external use, in particular Pantexol.


    Milk and its derivatives are consumed by adults and children. They are available in all stores and have excellent taste. The table shows which dairy products contain vitamin B5.

    NameQuantity per hundred g, mg
    Low-fat milk powder3,32
    25% milk powder2,7
    Roquefort cheese1,16
    Condensed milk0,8
    Processed cheese0,6
    Parmesan cheese0,45
    16.5% curd mass0,4
    Curdled milk0,38
    Milk 3.2%0,38

    The percentage of B5 is not too high. You will need 200 grams of milk powder to get the necessary replenishment.

    Egg products

    Eggs are one of the favorite human foods. The main criterion is freshness. They are consumed raw, boiled, fried. Below you will see which egg products contain vitamin B5.

    NameQuantity in one hundred grams, mg
    Egg yolk4
    Egg powder4
    Duck egg1,86
    Goose egg1,76
    Chicken egg1,3
    Egg white0,24
    Quail egg0,12

    Egg yolk and powder share first place in substance content - 4 mg each. This represents 80% of the daily requirement.

    Solgar, Pantothenic Acid, 550 mg, 100 Veggie Caps

    RUB 1,169

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    Meat products

    Meat as a food product remains held in high esteem by the world's population. Vegetarians refuse to eat meat, which is why they lose many essential substances - amino acids and vitamins. Which meat products contain vitamin B5 are presented in the table.

    NameQuantity in one hundred grams, mg
    Beef liver7,17
    Chicken liver6,67
    Goose meat1,83
    Beef kidneys1,56
    Fried chicken0,97
    Chicken breast0,92
    Rack of pork ribs0,75
    Beef tongue0,75
    Turkey meat0,63

    Despite the fact that liver contains 7.17 mg of B5, many cannot consume it due to the specific taste, chicken liver is perceived as calmer, and the pantothenic acid content is sufficient to meet the needs.

    Indications for use

    The pharmaceutical industry presents vitamin B5 in the form of calcium pantothenate (a salt of pantothenic acid). The following diseases and conditions are considered indications for the use of calcium pantothenate:

    • nervous system disorders (polyneuritis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, neuralgia);
    • pathologies of the skin (eczema, dermatoses) and hair;
    • bronchial asthma, inflammation of the bronchi;
    • allergic processes;
    • ulcers that appear on the skin due to disruption of trophic processes;
    • tuberculosis;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • chronic inflammatory processes of the liver and pancreas, stomach and duodenum.

    In the surgical field, calcium pantothenate is used to restore intestinal motility in the postoperative period. Also, taking vitamin B5 is recommended during the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.


    Seafood is not as accessible as meat. But in Russia there are many areas where commercial fish are found. Below is a list of which fish products contain vitamin B5.

    NameAmount in one hundred grams, mg
    Rainbow trout1,99
    Red salmon1,37
    Chum salmon1,0
    Pink salmon0,75

    The amount of vitamin was calculated in boiled and baked sources, with the exception of caviar, which is preserved in salted form. The richest representative of the fish kingdom in pantothenic acid is trout, it contains 39.8% of human needs.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Vitamin B5 can be combined with the use of other medications, but the specialist must take into account the possible effect of pantothenic acid on their action:

    • the effect of cardiac glycosides on the body increases;
    • the toxic effect of aminoglycosides and arsenic-based drugs is reduced.

    Vitamin B5 also effectively supports metabolic processes and reduces the aggressive effects of antibacterial agents and sulfonamide drugs on internal organs and body systems. Before using the dosage form, it is advisable to consult a specialist to confirm the need for use and select the correct dosage.

    Cereals and legumes

    Grains and legumes are eaten by everyone. The diet of vegetarians and those following varied diets includes this plant group. Which of these products contain vitamin B5 is presented in the table.

    NameQuantity per hundred g, mg
    Wheat bran2,18
    Oat bran1,5
    Brown rice1,49

    The leader in this group is peas, which contain 46% of the daily requirement.

    Top Vitamin Containing Products


    • Dried shiitake - 21.879 mg
    • Ready Shiitake - 3.594 mg
    • Shiitake raw – 1.5 mg
    • Roasted Shiitake - 1.36 mg
    • Winter honey fungus - 1.35 mg
    • Champignons - 1.1-.2.1 mg
    • Oyster mushroom - 1.294 mg
    • Chanterelle - 1.075 mg


    • Dried banana - 14 mg (raw - 0.334 mg)
    • Japanese persimmon - 7.6 mg
    • Avocado - 1.389 mg
    • Medjool dates - 0.805 mg
    • Dates Deglet Nur - 0.589 mg
    • Dried apricot - 0.516 mg (raw - 0.24 mg)
    • Kiwi golden - 0.5 mg (green - 0.183 mg)
    • Figs (fig) dried - 0.434 mg (raw - 0.3 mg, dried - 0.127 mg)
    • Prunes - 0.422 mg
    • Citrus fruits - ~0.2 mg
    • Other fruits - 0.1-0.3 mg (apples, pears, grapes - less)


    • Rice bran - 7.39 mg
    • Wheat germ - 2.257 mg (Do not confuse with wheat germ!)
    • Wheat bran - 2.181 mg
    • Brown rice flour - 1.591 mg
    • Oat bran - 1.494 mg
    • Brown rice - 1.493 mg
    • Rye, grain - 1.456 mg
    • Dark rye flour - 1.456 mg
    • Oats, grain - 1.349 mg
    • White rice - 1.342 mg
    • Millet flour - 1.267 mg
    • Buckwheat - 1.233 mg
    • Oatmeal - 1.12 mg
    • Whole grain soft wheat flour. - 1.011 mg
    • Wheat pasta - 0.984 mg
    • Wheat, grain - 0.85-0.954 mg
    • Boiled corn - 0.792 mg
    • Corn - 0.717 mg
    • Light rye flour - 0.665 mg
    • Whole grain wheat flour - 0.603 mg
    • Ready-made wheat pasta - 0.419 mg
    • Boiled white rice - 0.411 mg
    • Cooked brown rice - 0.392 mg
    • Boiled buckwheat – 0.359 mg
    • Ready oat flakes - 0.311 mg

    Nuts and seeds

    • Roasted sunflower seeds – 7.042 mg
    • Peanuts - 1.767 mg
    • Roasted peanuts - 1.395 mg
    • Roasted cashews - 1.217 mg
    • Sunflower seeds raw – 1.13 mg
    • Flax seeds - 0.985 mg
    • Roasted hazelnuts/hazelnuts – 0.923 mg
    • Hazelnut/hazelnut – 0.918 mg
    • Raw cashews - 0.864 mg
    • Hazelnut/Hazelnut Blanchere. - 0.815 mg
    • Pumpkin seeds - 0.75 mg
    • Roasted pumpkin seeds - 0.57 mg
    • Walnut - 0.57 mg
    • Pistachio – 0.52 mg
    • Roasted pistachio – 0.513 mg
    • Almonds - 0.469 mg
    • Roasted almonds - 0.322 mg


    • Dried agar – 3.018 mg
    • Dried spirulina – 3.48 mg
    • Wakame (Undaria pinnate) - 0.697 mg
    • Kelp (sea kale) - 0.642 mg
    • Nori (porphyra) - 0.521 mg
    • Raw spirulina – 0.325 mg
    • Raw agar - 0.302 mg


    • Lentils - 2.14 mg
    • Soy flour defatted. — 1.995 mg
    • Mung bean (mung bean) - 1.91 mg
    • Peas - 1.758 mg
    • Raw soy flour - 1.59 mg
    • Chickpeas (chickpeas) – 1.588 mg
    • Soy flour low fat. — 1.55 mg
    • Soy filler - 1.492 mg
    • Adzuki beans - 1.471 mg
    • Other beans - 0.7-0.9 mg
    • Boiled lentils - 0.638 mg
    • Boiled peas - 0.595 mg
    • Boiled adzuki beans - 0.43 mg
    • Mung beans (mung beans) boiled - 0.41 mg
    • Mung bean (mung bean) sprouted – 0.38 mg
    • Boiled chickpeas (chickpeas) – 0.286 mg
    • Other boiled beans - 0.22-0.24 mg

    Herbs and spices

    • Paprika - 2.51 mg
    • Dried spearmint – 1.399 mg
    • Ground black pepper - 1.399 mg
    • Dried parsley - 1.062 mg
    • Oregano (oregano) dried – 0.921 mg
    • Dried basil - 0.838 mg
    • Fresh parsley - 0.4 mg
    • Fresh spearmint – 0.25 mg
    • Fresh basil - 0.209 mg


    • Sun dried tomato – 2.087 mg
    • Endive - 0.9 mg
    • Baked sweet potato - 0.884 mg
    • Raw sweet potato – 0.8 mg
    • Cauliflower - 0.667 mg
    • Boiled broccoli - 0.616 mg
    • Parsnip - 0.6 mg
    • Garlic - 0.596 mg
    • Boiled parsnips - 0.588 mg
    • Boiled sweet potato - 0.581 mg
    • Broccoli - 0.573 mg
    • Boiled/baked potatoes - 0.509-0.555 mg
    • Boiled cauliflower - 0.508 mg
    • Green tomato – 0.5 mg
    • Jerusalem artichoke - 0.397 mg
    • Turnip leaves - 0.38 mg
    • Artichoke - 0.338 mg
    • Boiled turnip leaves - 0.274 mg
    • Other vegetables - 0.1-0.3 mg


    Does not contain vitamin B5.

    Products of violence and exploitation

    The data is presented for comparative/indicative purposes only. Remember: animals are not food! The products of their vital activity do not belong to humans. Read more…

    • Dairy - 0.1-0.55 mg; blue cheese - 1.729 mg
    • Chicken egg - 1.533 mg
    • Boiled chicken egg - 1.398 mg
    • Quail egg - 1.761 mg
    • Yolk - 2.99 mg
    • Cow flesh - 0.25-0.53 mg
    • Cow liver - 7.11 mg
    • Pig flesh - 0.4-1.1 mg
    • Trout, grilled – 1.99 mg
    • Salmon, grilled - 1.475 mg
    • Other fish - 0.3-1.3 mg

    All data above is taken from the USDA National Nutrient Database of the US National Agricultural Library (NAL, a USDA institution). Data were obtained from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory.

    Tip : for the convenience of calculating a complete vegan (plant-based) diet, use the nutrient calculator table.

    Fruits and vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables are constant sources of a variety of vitamins. Not all of them can be purchased all year round; in canned form, the content of nutrients decreases. The leading positions in concentration are held by the following:

    NameAmount per hundred grams, mg
    Paprika, capsicum2,5

    Paprika is at the top of the list with 50% of the daily value. But this type belongs to spices; it is impossible to consume 200 grams per day.

    What are the benefits of vitamin B3:

    • Reduces the harmful effects of antibiotics
    • Supports immunity by participating in the synthesis of antibodies, increases the body's resistance to various adverse factors
    • Accelerates wound healing, used for skin diseases such as eczema
    • Participates in metabolism, converting fats and sugars into energy
    • Necessary for normal adrenal function
    • Actively participates in the neutralization of alcohol
    • Helps remove excess water from the body
    • Prevents rapid fatigue

    Seeds and herbs

    Seeds of various plants are readily eaten. The seeds contain a large amount of nutrients beneficial to humans, but are very high in calories. Pantothenic acid is also present in the composition. Fresh greens successfully complement the diet and provide fresh vitamins. The disadvantage is the seasonality of the products.

    NameQuantity per hundred g, mg
    Sunflower seeds7,6
    Dried parsley1,06
    Dried oregano0,92

    Different sources indicate different levels of pantothenic acid, the amount depends on the degree of processing of the product. Leader - sunflower seeds, 7.6 mg. But the calorie content is 578 kcal.

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