Calorie content of country milk. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

How many calories are in different servings:




QtyA portionCaloriesIn the counter
1 glass = 244g122
100 g50
1 g0.5
122 1 cup = 244.8g122
15 1 fl oz = 30.57g15
489 1 liter = 978.86g489
8 1 tablespoon = 15g8
3 1 teaspoon = 5g3
227 1 lb = 454g227

Calorie content of milk 100 grams

The energy value of milk depends on its fat content, and that, in turn, depends on:

  • cow breeds,
  • animal nutrition,
  • industrial processing of the product.

How many calories are in store-bought cow's milk?

Store-bought cow's milk has different percentages of fat content, which affects its calorie content:

  • 0.01% (low fat) 29-32 calories,
  • 0,5% 34-36%,
  • 0,7% 36-38%,
  • 1% approximately 40-44 calories,
  • 1.5% 43-46 calories,
  • 2.5% 52-56 calories,
  • 3.2 58-60 calories,
  • 3,6% 61-63%.

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Milk from the store, depending on the degree of heat treatment, comes in several types:

  • Sterile is considered the safest, but also the most useless. During temperature exposure, all of its beneficial and harmful bacteria are killed.
  • Pasteurized is the most popular type. It does not contain harmful bacteria and retains most of the beneficial ones.
  • Ultra pasteurized is processed longer than pasteurized, but less than sterile. Therefore, there are no harmful bacteria in it, and half of the beneficial ones are preserved.
  • Ghee is exposed to temperature for a long time, so it has practically no benefit, but is also harmless. Has a pleasant caramel flavor.

In cow's milk

Homemade milk is considered to be the most beneficial in composition. At the same time, it may contain microbes dangerous to human health. If an animal is kept in good conditions and its health is carefully monitored, then there is little chance of harmful bacteria being present in it. However, doctors recommend consuming a product that has been pasteurized under gentle temperature conditions.

Homemade natural milk can be:

  • The whole product has undergone a homogenization process to smooth out the texture by passing fat globules through special millstones. The calorie content of 100 grams of this product is approximately 65 calories.
  • A normalized separation process of separating fats from liquid and further mixing these components to obtain milk is 1% 45 calories, 2.8% 59 calories and 3.2% 60 calories.

In goat

Goat milk has a high calcium content, almost 2 times higher than cow milk, and better digestibility. It contains literally all the beneficial substances necessary for the human body. It is also more nutritious than cow milk and 100 grams of the product has 69-70 calories.

In dry

Powdered milk can be full-fat or low-fat, which affects the calorie content.

  • Low fat 360 calories per 100 grams.
  • Fat 25% 480 calories per 100 grams.

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In condensed

Condensed milk is a confectionery product that is prepared by boiling milk for a long time with added sugar. It has a thick consistency and rich sweet taste. There are several types of condensed milk:

  • Regular condensed with sugar , calorie content per 100 grams of product is 320 calories.
  • From coconut milk with Jerusalem artichoke instead of sugar, 185 calories per 100 grams.
  • Boiled condensed milk 320 calories per 100 grams.

Calorie content is average; a more accurate indicator should be looked at on the product packaging.

In baked milk

Baked milk with 4% fat content contains 66-67 calories.

In soybean

Soy milk is extracted from soybeans and is an excellent substitute for cow or goat milk. It is very popular in Asian countries and America, and in recent years it is increasingly being bought by the Russian population. It is slightly sweet and overall very pleasant to the taste. Ideal for vegetarians and people with individual intolerance to animal milk. 100 grams of this product contains 55 calories.

How many calories are in coconut milk?

Coconut milk is extracted from the fruit of the coconut. This is a real find for everyone who, for some reason, does not drink cow or goat, and simply for those who love exotic tastes. Being a nut product in nature, it is very nutritious and fatty. Many people mistake coconut juice for milk, but this is a wrong stereotype. Real coconut milk is extracted by processing the coconut meat and diluting it with water to obtain a smooth consistency.

Calorie content of 100 grams of coconut milk is 155-160 calories.

In the chest

Breast milk is a unique product. Each woman has different properties and composition, depending on the needs of her child. It comes in several types, according to the chronology of lactation:

  • Colostrum for the first 3-5 days after the birth of a child is about 100 calories per 100 grams,
  • Transitional from colostrum to mature milk for the first couple of weeks, when lactation is established: 66 calories per 100 grams,
  • Mature milk from about the third week of a child’s life has 68 calories per 100 grams.

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Caloric content is very average. As for mature milk, it is released in two waves: the front one, saturated with carbohydrates, which is conventionally called baby drink, and the back one, which is fattier, which is considered baby food. To determine the calorie content of mature breast milk, these 2 types were taken into account.

“Milk” - in more detail:

  • Whole milk
  • Whole milk powder
  • Milk 2% fat
  • Milk 1% fat
  • Reduced fat milk
    • Low fat chocolate milk
  • Low fat milk
  • Cow's milk
  • Skimmed milk
    • Skim milk powder
  • High fat milk
  • Milk fudge
  • Condensed milk
    • Canned condensed milk
  • Skim canned condensed milk
  • Goat milk
  • Human milk
  • Indian buffalo milk
  • Sheep milk
  • Chocolate milk
    • Reduced fat chocolate milk
  • Low fat chocolate milk
  • Harmful properties of milk

    Milk, especially cow's milk, contains lactose and casein. Intolerance to these components is possible. The product may also cause allergies.

    ProductKcalProteins, gFats, gAngle, g
    Baked milk 4.0% fat672,944,7
    Sterilized milk, 2.5% fat content542,92,54,8
    Sterilized milk, 1.5% fat content4531,54,8
    Sterilized milk, “Mozhaiskoye” 3.0% fat content582,934,7
    Sterilized milk 3.5% fat6333,54,7
    Sterilized milk 3.2% fat6033,24,7
    Pasteurized milk, 2.5% fat542,92,54,8
    Pasteurized milk, 1.5% fat4531,54,8
    Pasteurized low-fat milk3230,054,9
    Pasteurized milk 3.5% fat622,93,54,7
    Pasteurized milk 3.2% fat602,93,24,7
    Cow's milk, melted, skimmed3230,055
    Cow's milk, baked 6%83,6364,7
    Cow's milk, baked 1%40314,8
    Cow's milk, with coffee 3.2%582,93,24,7
    Cow's milk, with cocoa 3.2%582,93,24,7
    Cow's milk, skimmed 0.5%30,830,054,9
    Cow's milk, protein 1%524,316,4
    Cow's milk, yeast acidophilus 3.2%582,93,24,7
    Powdered milk, skimmed in sealed packaging36233,2152,6
    Powdered milk, 25% fat content469,224,22539,3
    Whole milk powder, 25.0% fat content48324,22539,3
    Powdered milk “Smolenskoe”, 15.0% fat43228,51544,7
    Boiled milk60,533,34,9
    Milk, powdered, skimmed, with added vitamin A36236,160,7751,98
    Milk, powdered, skimmed, fortified with calcium35435,50,251,8
    Milk, powdered, skimmed, without added vitamin A36236,160,7751,98
    Milk, powdered, instant, low-fat, with added vitamin A35835,10,7252,19
    Milk, powdered, instant, skimmed, without added vitamin A35835,10,7252,19
    Milk, chocolate drink, hot cocoa, homemade773,522,3410,74
    Milk, farm, 3.7% fat643,283,664,65
    Milk, low salt613,13,464,46
    Milk, low fat, 1% fat, with added vitamin A423,370,974,99
    Milk, low fat, 1% fat, with increased protein content and added vitamin A483,931,175,52
    Milk, low fat, 1% fat, with added skimmed milk powder and vitamin A433,480,974,97
    Milk, drinking, with vegetable fat, with lauric acid oils633,333,44,74
    Milk, drinking, with vegetable fat, with hydrogenated vegetable oil633,333,464,74
    Milk, skimmed, with increased protein content and added vitamin A413,960,255,56
    Milk, skim, with added skim milk powder and vitamin A373,570,255,02
    Milk, skim, with added vitamin A343,370,084,96
    Milk, skimmed, fortified with calcium353,40,184,85
    Milk, skim, no added vitamin A353,410,184,85
    Milk, skim, 2% fat, with increased protein content and added vitamin A563,951,985,49
    Milk, skim, 2% fat, with added skim milk powder, no added vitamin A563,951,985,49
    Milk, skim, 2% fat, with added skim milk powder and vitamin A513,481,924,97
    Milk, skimmed, 2% fat, with added vitamin A503,31,974,68
    Milk, goat, solid45230,5235,592,17
    Milk, goat, semi-solid36421,5829,842,54
    Milk, goat, soft26818,5221,080,89
    Milk, breast701,034,386,89
    Whole milk, chocolate833,173,399,54
    Whole milk, dry49626,3226,7138,42
    Whole milk, 3.25% fat613,153,254,8
    Low fat milk, chocolate633,2419,94
    Skim milk, chocolate, with added calcium782,991,911,43
    Skim milk, chocolate762,991,911,43
    Indian buffalo milk973,756,895,18
    Whipped milk, dry38734,35,7849
    Whipped, cultured, skim milk564,125,3

    Skimmed milk powder36236,160,7751,98

    Ginger milk20,51,211,5

    New milk703,245

    Spoiled milk602,22,53,5

    Whole milk powder48324,22539,3

    Nut milk126,23,73,521,3

    Protein milk524,316,4

    Chocolate milk5549,834,750,4

    Skim milk30,830,054,9
    Camel milk8245,14,9

    Condensed milk1386,47,810,3

    Buffalo milk10647,84,9

    Powdered milk469,224,22539,3

    Sterilized milk6333,54,7

    Pasteurized milk622,93,54,7

    Baked milk672,944,7

    Goat milk66,734,24,5

    Sheep milk109,75,67,74,8

    Mare's milk412,215,8
    Cow's milk622,93,54,7
    Milk (Reduced Fat)503,31,974,68
    Milk (Low Fat)423,370,974,99
    Chocolate Milk (2% Skim)762,991,912,13
    Chocolate Milk (Skinned)563,420,2810,89
    Chocolate Milk (Whole)833,173,3910,34
    Milk (Completely Skim)353,410,184,85
    Milk (2% Skim)503,31,974,68
    Milk (1% Skim)423,370,974,99
    Whole milk603,223,254,52

    Composition of nutrients, BJU

    Milk - 1 glass (244g)

    For quantity: 1 glass
    — 122
    Calories from fat - 41
    Total fat content4.56g
    Cholesterol14.64 mg
    Total carbohydrate content12.3g
    Dietary fiber0g
    Vitamins and microelements
    A - 94.57 µgC - 1.51 mg
    B-6 – 0.1 mgB-12 - 0.93mcg
    D - 1.88 µgE - 0.1 mg
    Calcium 300.12 µgIron 0.15 mg
    Magnesium 28.11 mgZinc 1.02mg
    Potassium 385.52 mgSodium 146.4 mg

    Distribution of calories for BJU:

    Carbohydrates (41%)

    Fats (33%)

    Proteins (26%)

    Chemical composition of cow's milk

    The rich composition of cow's milk explains its beneficial properties. The natural product contains a lot of valuable components. Milk contains minerals – micro- and macroelements. Macronutrient ratio.

    1. The product contains a lot of potassium and calcium: per 100 grams - 146 mg and 120 mg, respectively. The calcium in milk is almost completely absorbed by the body - more than 90 percent.
    2. There is a lot of chlorine in milk - 110 mg per 100 grams, phosphorus - 90 mg per 100 grams.
    3. Sodium – 50 mg, sulfur – 29 mg, magnesium – 14 mg.

    Micronutrient ratio.

    1. Of the microelements, the drink contains the most zinc – 0.4 mg – and iron – 0.1 mg.
    2. Manganese - 0.006 mg.
    3. Other microelements are presented in micrograms. Aluminum – 50 micrograms, fluorine – 20 micrograms, strontium – 17 micrograms, tin – 13 micrograms, copper – 12 micrograms. Slightly less iodine - 9 micrograms, molybdenum - 5 micrograms, selenium and chromium - 2 micrograms each. There is a little cobalt - about 1 microgram.

    Milk is rich in important amino acids.

    1. It contains the non-essential amino acid serine. Serine is an important component, one of those that build brain proteins and myelin sheaths that protect cells of the nervous system from negative influences.
    2. Milk contains histidine, one of the most important amino acids in maintaining life processes on the planet. Histidine is a proteinogenic substance involved in the formation of protein, affecting the metabolic reactions of the body.
    3. The drink contains tyrosine, a non-essential amino acid, which is another component of proteins.
    4. Aminovaleric acid, arginine, which belongs to the essential acids, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Arginine is also found in cow's milk.
    5. The healthy drink is rich in the heterocyclic non-essential amino acid proline, which promotes tissue repair.
    6. The sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine, which is part of milk and dairy products, has the main positive property of helping the gastrointestinal tract and neutralizing toxic substances that enter the body.
    7. Milk contains glycine, which belongs to the group of simplest aminoacetic acids. Glycine stimulates mental performance, increases the rate of muscle formation, helps restore muscle mass, and normalizes sleep. DNA synthesis is not possible without glycine. Glycine reduces the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages and medications. Glycine is a probiotic that helps activate a person’s internal defenses.
    8. The product is also rich in other amino acids: tryptophan, lysine, methionine.

    Why does milk come in different calorie contents?

    The milk that is presented on store shelves can be whole, normalized or reconstituted. The fat percentage of whole milk during production remains the same as it was after it was given by the cow. In this case, this figure averages from 3.5 to 6%. It depends on the time of year, the breed of the animal and the food it was fed. Accordingly, the calorie content of such a drink will be the highest - 61-72 kcal per 100 grams.

    When producing normalized milk, the product is first converted into a homogeneous mass (homogenized), and then separated (separated) from the fat. Then cream or whole product is added back to the milk until the required fat content is obtained. In this case, the calorie content of milk with a fat mass fraction of 0.5% will be about 32 kcal per 100 grams, 1% - about 40 kcal, 2.5% - about 53 kcal, 3.2% - about 60 kcal.

    Thus, the higher the fat content of the drink, the higher the calorie content it is. And the calorie content of reconstituted milk made from milk powder is identical to normalized milk.

    What are the benefits and harms of plant-based milk analogues? More details

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