Beef liver pancakes recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Liver pancakes: calorie content

In order to understand how many calories a finished dish will contain, it is necessary to consider the calorie content of all the ingredients from which it will be prepared. The table below provides a list of ingredients for one of the most popular liver pancake recipes.

Ingredient calorie content (Kcal)

4 tablespoons

Cream (15% fat)

4 tablespoons

0.5 teaspoon

7 tablespoons

From this calculation of ingredients it can be seen that the total calorie content is 3269 Kcal. In this case, the calorie content of liver pancakes per 100 grams will be 179.8 Kcal. If you use a different recipe, the calorie content will change.

Delicious PP beef liver pancakes

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