Chicken baked with vegetables according to the Dukan diet

Chicken breast recipes Dukan diet

Chicken is the main meat product used on the Dukan diet.
And the best part of it - chicken breast - is rich in protein, easily digestible in the body and contains a minimum of cholesterol. For all adherents of a protein diet, chicken fillet is a real find, because this meat can be processed in any way: frying, boiling, stewing and baking. To keep yourself in constant shape, there are various recipes according to Dukan. A chicken breast cooked throughout the day for breakfast, lunch and dinner will give you strength and saturate your body with essential elements.
So, chicken breast recipes for the Dukan diet.

Basic principles of the Attack phase

Dukan's attack recipes are based on foods with maximum protein content. By eliminating carbohydrates and fats, cells begin to replenish their energy reserves by breaking down adipose tissue.

The initial stage of the diet requires compliance with basic conditions:

  • mandatory consumption of 2-3 liters of any liquid;
  • inclusion of bran in daily nutrition;
  • When cooking, do not use vegetable oil, butter or any fats;
  • eating only acceptable foods;
  • physical exercise – at least 15 minutes daily.
  • There is a complete restructuring and acceleration of metabolism. Departure from the principles of diet can negate the entire process of losing weight.

    For lunch, soups, but without cereals

    In the pursuit of slimness, we must not forget about the body's needs for liquid food. First course recipes are very

    varied. And an excellent version of light Dukan soup is suitable from the first days of the diet.

    Soup recipes may vary. For example, make soup with pieces of boiled meat rather than meatballs. The egg can be pre-boiled, cut into cubes and then added to the soup. You can thicken the broth a little with cornstarch.

    Moving to the next stage of the Dukan Diet

    The strict protein period smoothly flows into the “Cruise” stage. In the second phase, any vegetables are allowed. Under the ban, only potatoes, beets and carrots are consumed in moderation.

    The essence of the stage is to change purely protein days with protein-vegetable days. The author of the diet recommends following the scheme: alternating days after one.

    If desired, it is not forbidden to eat differently: 2/2, 3/3, 5/5. The transition from “Attack” is carried out exclusively for a day with vegetables.

    Kebabs - a spiritual relaxation in nature

    Kebab recipes are well known - a marinated piece of pork or lamb, fried on skewers. But don’t sit away from your friends with hungry eyes. And the Dukan kebab will have a delicious aroma and will not affect


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