Is it possible to eat sauerkraut on the Dukan diet on rotation?

We eat and lose weight: stewed cabbage according to Dukan

Obesity is a global problem in the modern world.
About 58% of the Russian population is overweight. Extra pounds provoke cancer, diseases of the respiratory system, inflammation of the gallbladder, and can lead to arthritis, osteoarthritis, and stroke. This is not a complete list of problems associated with fat deposits, so you need to get rid of them. An effective and painless method in the fight against extra pounds is the Dukan method of nutrition, which has gained popularity around the world.

Diet stages

Those who have had to resort to the Dukan diet claim that it is easy to lose weight on it. Eating a varied and balanced diet helps avoid stress and bad mood while losing weight.

The diet involves consuming large amounts of protein and is divided into 4 stages, the duration of which is calculated individually:

  1. Attack. Lasts from 1 to 5 days. At this stage, only foods high in protein are allowed.
  2. Alternation. Involves alternating protein and vegetable days. The duration is calculated based on the parameters, age and weight of the person losing weight.
  3. Consolidation. This stage consolidates the result obtained. The duration is calculated based on the weight lost: 1 kg = 10 days.
  4. Stabilization. The phase continues throughout life. There are no strict restrictions here, but there are several rules that are best followed to ensure that the kilograms do not return.

The good thing about the diet is that there are many delicious recipes for it from a variety of products (you can also eat desserts). Even ordinary Dukan stewed cabbage is prepared in different variations with the addition of different ingredients. This dish will help you painlessly reduce the level of fat and carbohydrates you consume at any stage of your diet.

Important! Before starting a diet, consult your doctor.

Is it possible to have sauerkraut on a diet of 5 tables?

This question is asked by those who have problems with the liver and biliary tract. And if the diet menu is quite strict in relation to many foods, especially those high in fat, then the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates is exactly recommended.

As for cabbage, with diet 5 table it is advisable to use not white cabbage, but red cabbage, both fresh and pickled, only lightly salted.

Doctors classify cabbage as a healthy food and recommend using it both for a regular diet and for weight loss. Only in the latter case, you should not abuse it and, when using a mono-diet on sauerkraut, you should limit yourself to 3-5 days.

Cooking recipes

There are many options for preparing cabbage for the Dukan Diet. The fiber contained in vegetables will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time, and additional ingredients will give the dish a special taste. Those losing weight can choose any recipe based on their own preferences.

With mushrooms

Cabbage with mushrooms can be eaten from the first day of the diet. Mushrooms are a great source of protein, and cabbage is pure fiber. This dish will not harm your figure.


  • 300-400 g champignons;
  • 1 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.


  1. Cut the onions and peeled mushrooms into strips, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and chop the cabbage.
  2. Heat a non-stick frying pan and fry the onion until slightly translucent.
  3. Add mushrooms and simmer covered for about 15 minutes.
  4. Add grated carrots and shredded cabbage.
  5. Pour in a glass of tomato paste, close the lid and simmer until tender.

Important! When choosing tomato paste, pay attention to the composition - there should be nothing but tomatoes, water and salt. It is ideal if you prepare the supplement yourself.

With cheese

The combination of proteins and fiber has a beneficial effect on the body and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. For the Attack phase, low-fat cheese should be used; during the Alternation phase, the optimal fat content of the product is up to 6.5%; at the consolidation stage, up to 20%; during stabilization, you can use any type of cheese.

  • White cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • bulb onions;
  • garlic;
  • homemade adjika;
  • cheese.

The proportions of products are calculated at your own discretion, with the exception of cheese. It is necessary to take into account the allowed amount depending on the fat content of the product and the stage of the diet.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Grate the carrots and finely chop the onion.
  2. Heat 1 tsp in a thick-walled saucepan. olive oil and add onions and carrots.
  3. Chop the cabbage and add to the vegetables, bring until half cooked.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with garlic and add to the pan.
  5. Pour in a small amount of homemade adjika.
  6. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Peculiarity! If a large amount of garlic is added to homemade adjika, it does not need to be added to the dish.

With buckwheat and lentils

Buckwheat and lentils are allowed on the Dukan diet from the third stage - Consolidation.

Required ingredients:

  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • buckwheat;
  • lentils;
  • cabbage;
  • bell red pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

The proportions of the products are not important. Here you can trust your own preferences.

Process steps:

  1. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a heavy-walled saucepan.
  2. Add chopped onion and grated carrots to it.
  3. Add buckwheat and lentils, fry.
  4. Chop the cabbage and add to the vegetables and cereals, mixing thoroughly.
  5. Simmer in its own juice for 5 minutes, then add water to half the capacity.
  6. Finely chop the bell peppers and tomatoes, add to the pan and simmer for about 15 minutes, covered.
  7. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Important! Do not add too much salt to the finished dish. A large amount of salt retains water in the body and interferes with the process of losing weight.

With meat for the “Alternation” phase

A light and satisfying dish can be consumed at the second stage of the Dukan diet.
You will need:

  • 500 g minced chicken or turkey meat;
  • 4 medium onions;
  • 500 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 1 tbsp. Greek yogurt;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Fry the onion in a cauldron until half cooked.
  3. Fry the minced meat with salt and pepper in a separate pan.
  4. Place shredded cabbage in the same frying pan and simmer everything over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  5. Transfer the contents of the frying pan into a cauldron with onions, add water and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  6. When serving, garnish with herbs and a spoonful of yogurt.

If the water evaporates during stewing faster than the cabbage is ready, add a new portion of liquid.


Cabbage diets and fasting

Experts consider diets that last no more than 3-4 days to be the most effective, since longer consumption of small amounts of calories can negatively affect health.

Three-day diet

1 kg of fermented product and 3 liters of clean water.

3 apples, 1 boiled egg and 700 g of sauerkraut.

Consumption of green apples and sauerkraut is not limited.

To get vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to add a bunch of greens to your diet every day - onions, parsley or dill. To speed up metabolism, it is allowed to use red hot pepper; it is usually added to a salad of apples and fermented product.

Supermodel Heidi Klum's diet

The famous supermodel of German origin conquered the world with her figure; she was the first to use the product – sauerkraut – for weight loss. This nutrition program is distinguished by its variety of products, usefulness and deliciousness.

It is worth remembering that with this diet, a person needs to drink more than 2 liters of liquid - this technique will help normalize the water-salt balance and dull the feeling of hunger.

  1. Breakfast - a slice of whole grain bread, 150 g of lean meat, pre-boiled, 1 glass of brine.
  2. Lunch – green apple salad with the main product.
  3. Dinner – boiled fish fillet with side dish.

This menu remains unchanged; snacks are allowed, for example, an apple or a glass of pickle.

Simple cabbage diet

The diet is completely balanced and approved by nutritionists and may exceed a period of 4 days, for example, the so-called light diet is designed for a week. On average, according to reviews of people who have lost extra pounds with this diet, they lose from 2 to 5 kg. Nutritionists also recommend it as a preparatory stage for the transition to proper nutrition. A simple cabbage diet is rational, thoughtful and varied.

The first meal is 10 g of low-fat cottage cheese, toast with fruit and peanut butter.

Second meal – 150 g of sauerkraut, broccoli puree and steamed chicken.

The third meal is a salad of fresh cabbage, cherry tomatoes and wine vinegar.

The first is oat porridge in water, a hard-boiled egg.

The second is chicken broth, quail eggs – 3 pcs. and cabbage – 150 g.

The third meal is 200 g cabbage and steamed fish.

The first is natural yogurt with fruit, such as apples.

Second meal – sauerkraut – 150 g, pumpkin puree soup.

Third - 150 g of sauerkraut and fried salmon fillet.

The first meal is Greek yogurt with dried fruits.

The second is cabbage - 250 g, chicken chop and carrots in Korean.

The third is the main product of the diet - 150 g and steamed vegetables (broccoli).

First meal – berries – 100 g.

The second meal is fish broth, cabbage along with cream sauce.

The third meal is boiled chicken fillet and cabbage-cucumber salad.

Breakfast – 2 scrambled eggs, toast with apple and cinnamon.

Lunch – boiled vegetables, cabbage and apple salad.

Dinner – carrot pancakes with cabbage.

The first meal is an omelette with red pepper and cauliflower.

The second meal is chicken broth, fresh cabbage and cucumbers with olive oil.

Third meal - baked dorado, cabbage, bread.


To ensure that Dukan stewed cabbage turns out both tasty and healthy, do not make the following mistakes in preparation:

  1. Use of prohibited products. If you are in the Attack stage and the recipe includes high-fat cheese or sunflower oil, replace the product or stop using it. Let your taste suffer rather than your figure.
  2. Adding a lot of salty seasonings. Do not get carried away with salt; in large quantities it will not bring benefits and will slow down the process of losing weight.
  3. Long simmering. To get the most benefit from stewed vegetables, simmer them for no more than 15 minutes. If the recipe uses meat products, it is better to cook them until half cooked in advance.


It is noted that, despite the large number of positive qualities, this product may be contraindicated. Thus, it is prohibited to use:

  • people who have peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • with gastritis;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • with hepatitis;
  • with cholecystitis;
  • for urolithiasis, etc.

When preparing this product, a large amount of salt is used; nutritionists do not recommend eating it if you have problems such as:

  • swelling;
  • kidney and gallbladder diseases;
  • gout, etc.


Compliance with all the rules on the Dukan diet will quickly bring the body into optimal condition and relieve excess weight. Millions of women have already lost weight using the French nutritionist's nutritional system, and you will not be an exception if you start right now!

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Stewed cabbage according to Dukan

The problem of excess weight is very relevant today. Many people have been making efforts for many years to lose extra pounds, but never achieve the desired result. Recently, the French nutritionist Dukan developed a universal method for quickly and easily getting rid of hated kilograms. At the same time, so that the weight does not return again. Thanks to this, the Dukan diet is now at the peak of popularity. With its help, many celebrities lose weight and perfect their bodies. Let's talk about how to cook stewed cabbage according to Dukan.

This recipe can be prepared throughout the diet, incl. and in the third phase of the Dukan nutrition system, which is called “Consolidation” or “Weight Consolidation”. It consolidates the results achieved. The recipe differs from classic stewed cabbage in that the dish is prepared without adding oil or fat. At the same time, following the Dukan diet, you can eat tasty and varied. For example, add healthy broccoli, cauliflower or Chinese cabbage to regular stewed cabbage. The result is a satisfying and vitamin-rich dish with a pleasant taste. You can make a large portion at once, store it in the refrigerator and reheat before serving.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 28 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • White cabbage - 0.5 heads
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Twisted tomatoes - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Beijing cabbage - 0.3 heads
  • Salt - a pinch

The essence of the Dukan diet

The name of nutritionist Pierre Dukan is known far beyond the borders of his native France. Among his clients are Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Gisele Bundchen and other “stars”. More than 15 million people around the world have managed to lose excess weight using the Dukan method. His best-selling book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” published in 2000, was second only to “Harry Potter” in terms of sales in France.

A neurologist by profession, Dukan became involved in nutrition issues when one of his friends needed help in the fight against obesity. A specially developed diet gave a noticeable result: in just 5 days, eating only protein foods and water, the patient lost more than two kilograms, and in the next 3 days - another one and a half. This marked the beginning of Dr. Dukan's career as a nutritionist. The next 30 years of practice only confirmed the effectiveness of the nutrition system he invented.

What is the essence of the Dukan diet? It’s about not just losing weight, but maintaining your weight within normal limits in the future. (The downside to most other diets is that as soon as you give yourself a break, the pounds you lose will come back on, ruining your efforts.)

The low-carbohydrate, high-protein Dukan Diet places no restrictions on the amount of food you eat per day, so you won't feel hungry or guilty about every bite you eat. However, the menu will have to be revised and include mainly protein products, from which it is quite possible to prepare a tasty and satisfying lunch.

Step-by-step preparation of stewed cabbage according to Dukan, recipe with photo:

1. Peel the carrots, wash and grate on a coarse grater. Heat a frying pan, pour 1 tbsp. water and add carrots.

2. Saute the carrots over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until golden brown. If necessary, add liquid.

3. Chop the white cabbage into thin strips and place in the pan with the carrots. Add a little water in which the vegetables will simmer.

4. Immediately add a few tablespoons of twisted tomatoes. If the tomatoes are fresh, grate them or grind them through a meat grinder.

5. Mix the ingredients and simmer the dish over low heat under the lid for 15 minutes.

6. Wash the Chinese cabbage, dry it and chop it into strips. Place it in the pan with the vegetables.

7. Stir, add salt, add water if necessary so that the food does not burn and simmer the cabbage according to Dukan for another 15 minutes. Serve the finished dish fresh or store it in a container under a lid in the refrigerator. The consistency of the cabbage will be soft, but at the same time a little crunchy.

Watch also the video recipe on how to cook cabbage according to Dukan.

Cabbage diet: option two

The cabbage diet based on cabbage soup is even more popular. This diet brings excellent results, but it can be more difficult to stick to for those who are used to a varied menu, even while dieting. However, in addition to soup, the cabbage diet menu includes fruits and boiled meat, so it may well be within your power.

Soup for the cabbage diet includes the following ingredients: white (or any other) cabbage - 500 g, carrots - 5 pcs., onions - 5 pcs., bell pepper - 2 pcs., tomato - 2 pcs., celery stalks - 4 pcs., brown rice - about 100 g raw, fresh herbs and pepper as seasoning - unlimited.

This is not the daily volume of food, and of course - not the volume per serving, it is simply a harmonious ratio for cooking.

So, the second menu option for the cabbage diet :

  • Day 1: soup, and before 15:00 - 1 any fruit, except banana and grapes;
  • Day 2: all day - only soup;
  • Day 3: soup, as well as any vegetables (except potatoes) in the form of a salad or steamed;
  • Day 4: soup, as well as 2 glasses of low-fat kefir;
  • Day 5: soup, as well as 500 g of boiled or steamed meat, chicken or fish;
  • Day 6: soup, as well as stewed vegetables (except potatoes), 200 g of meat, chicken or fish;
  • Day 7: soup, as well as fresh vegetables in the form of salad.

A few notes about this menu:

  • In a diet based on cabbage (or rather, on cabbage soup), fruits can be eaten strictly no later than 15:00;
  • The daily norm of half a kilo of boiled meat, chicken or fish does not mean that these 500 g should be eaten in one sitting. Vice versa! This amount should be divided into at least 2 doses with a time difference of at least 3 hours;
  • It is advisable to eat relatively small portions every 3 hours;
  • Every hour and a half, drink a glass of clean still water;
  • In addition to water and low-fat kefir, liquids you can use are loose-leaf green tea and ginger juice (it is brewed without sugar, but you can add pieces of lemon or orange zest).

Is it possible to eat stewed cabbage while losing weight?

In sauerkraut, lactic acid bacteria are formed, released during the fermentation period, and only they act as preservatives of microelements and vitamins beneficial to the body. Wanting to remove extra centimeters from the waist and hips, we resort to miracle pills and super newfangled diets, but simple and no less effective products often disappear from our attention. Let's take, for example, the sauerkraut we know.

It contains very few calories, but a huge amount of vitamins! We prepare low-calorie dishes based on vegetables, increase physical activity and voila, the extra pounds will fall off on their own by summer. And without any health consequences. Research shows that thanks to its composition, cabbage prevents weight gain and promotes the loss of unwanted fat deposits.

Just a spoonful of this cabbage has the daily requirement of vitamin K. All these elements have a beneficial effect on the body. Doctors are skeptical about such nutrition, because such a diet is considered a mono-diet. This means that the lost kilograms at the end of the diet can quickly return. Low-calorie diets cause a slowdown in metabolism as the body tries to maintain calorie expenditure.

After completing the regime, the slowdown in metabolism still persists for a certain time, since the body cannot immediately adapt to a diet with a higher calorie content. As a result, the resulting calories do not have time to be burned and are stored back into fat. After switching to a normal diet, we will gain weight again. Doctors advise that after completing the cabbage diet, in order to fix the weight, continue to adhere to a balanced diet for a while and, of course, do not reject physical exercise.

The advantage of this regime is that a person accustoms himself to consume more fruits and vegetables and smoothly switches to proper nutrition. Pros and cons of losing weight on cabbage. Do not forget that sauerkraut is not an independent fat burner.

It is great for those who want to lose weight, only in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity. Cabbage is also one of the foods with negative calories. That is, to digest a vegetable, our body needs more calories than it receives when digesting the product. Many people use salt when making sourdough. But it is contraindicated in large quantities for those who suffer from hypertension or kidney disease.

Advantages and disadvantages

In ancient times, before potatoes appeared, cabbage heads were the second main dish on the table after bread. Today you can find different varieties - from cabbage to Brussels sprouts. You can lose weight with this versatile vegetable. Vegetable diets are divided into two groups. Diets from the first half consist of salads, without dairy and protein foods. In a week of eating this way you can lose up to 6 kg.

The diets of the second half include salads, kefir or yogurt, sour cream, chicken, buckwheat porridge, broths, various protein and dairy products. Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: coffee or green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup or salad with vegetable oil (unrefined).
  • Dinner: either 200 g of fish or 200 g of meat. You can just drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.
  • In between meals, when you feel hungry, eat any type of vegetable, any quantity.

The list of benefits of the cabbage diet includes getting rid of toxins, waste, excess weight, and cholesterol. Swelling disappears from the face, the body rejuvenates, and the intestines work better and faster. The disadvantage is that it is not suitable for people with gastritis and ulcers. During a diet, a person losing weight has to drink a lot to avoid dehydration. You may feel weak or dizzy.

The body will receive only those vitamins that are contained in the vegetables it eats, so it is recommended to additionally purchase special vitamin and mineral supplements. Another drawback of such a menu is that not everyone can stand it, but the results are worth it. Unfortunately, the metabolism with a cabbage diet is not completely normalized, and after eating this way, you can regain the lost kilograms. Cabbage for weight loss is an ideal option if you use it for the daily menu and do not get carried away with fatty and stomach-heavy foods.

Is it possible to follow the Dukan diet with guards? Balanced diet menu for weight loss for a week 1200

One diet - one product Protein VS fat - Less food - less kilo Lose weight in 24 hours Effect without showiness Without sugar, no fat Fast and Furious - lose weight in 3 days Get slimmer in 5 days Create yourself a week 10 days before victory Half a month for beauty Kill fat in a month . We will not review the entire list of permitted products in this article. Here we will look at what cabbage you can eat on the Dukan diet. And since this technique has several stages, let’s consider at which stages you can eat and at which you cannot. Benefits of cabbage Cabbage is a very healthy product for our body. In addition to being a dietary product, it has some healing properties.

You can eat sauerkraut while on a diet. Reviews of breeches for weight loss hot

The busy pace of life today leads to the fact that most people do not care about their health. If we add to the above list the bad habits of alcohol, smoking, constant stressful situations, nervous overstrain, it is not surprising that the body regularly malfunctions. Inattention to health affects digestion in the form of disorders and inflammatory processes.

There is no salt in the juice of the heroine of the article; accordingly, it will not delay the removal of fluid. In addition, like cabbage itself, it contains the same set of vitamins and microelements, replenishing what is lost in the diet. In addition, cabbage juice has a healing effect on the body for many diseases, such as hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, and congestion in the bile ducts. Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice at least ml once a day strictly before meals. Its regular consumption cleanses the body of toxins, long-term toxins and accumulated radionuclides, which often cause the development of oncology. Sauerkraut is used for weight loss, usually in winter, when there are not enough fresh vegetables and fruits for the corresponding diets. Read about fresh cabbage as an assistant in weight loss here.

Video recipes Video recipes for delicious dishes. Sauerkraut for type 2 diabetes: can you eat it? For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, you must follow a special therapeutic diet prescribed. Cheat products: sauerkraut. Live healthy! But is it? This information is given to you for informational purposes!

In sauerkraut, lactic acid bacteria are formed, released during the fermentation period, and only they act as preservatives of microelements and vitamins beneficial to the body. Wanting to remove extra centimeters from the waist and hips, we resort to miracle pills and super newfangled diets, but simple and no less effective products often disappear from our attention. Let's take, for example, the sauerkraut we know. It contains very few calories, but a huge amount of vitamins!

The second stage of the Dukan diet - “Alternation”

The period when protein days give way to protein-vegetable days is called a cruise. Pierre Dukan recommends eating on a day-to-day basis, but you can choose your own combination: 4/4, 5/5.

Be sure to read: Dukan diet: alternating permitted foods - table, four stages in losing weight

Your meal plan depends on how much you want to lose. If you weigh less than 10 kg, alternating 1 protein day with a protein-vegetable day is suitable.

During an attack, rapid weight loss is observed, sometimes up to 4 kg in a couple of days. The second stage of the Dukan diet is aimed at the long term, so the process of losing weight is long. On protein days, intense fat burning occurs, and in combination with vegetables, glycogen reserves are replenished.

The scheme allows you to preserve muscle mass.

During the alternation period, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of clean water and include 2 tablespoons of bran in the diet daily.

Approved products are a prerequisite for effectiveness

The components of the list can be boiled, baked, stewed, or steamed.

What you are allowed to eat during the rotation period:

  • any dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal);
  • eggs;
  • dietary fish (chum salmon, coho salmon, pollock, salmon, carp);
  • shrimp, oysters;
  • classic yoghurts, skim milk, curd mass with a small percentage of fat content;
  • vegetables (beets, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, squash, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cilantro, dill, parsley, spinach, sorrel, radish, asparagus, lemon, legumes, rhubarb, mushrooms, onions, garlic, broccoli);
  • additionally (oat bran, sweeteners, tofu, soy, mustard, soy sauce, acetic acid, pepper, salt, gelatin, adjika, cheese 10% - 20 g, homemade ketchup);
  • drinks (chicory, herbal infusions).

On protein-carbohydrate days, you are allowed to combine ingredients to create one dish, for example, fish soup with broccoli, vegetable stew with beef.

Phase duration

How long the cruise will last depends on individual parameters and indicators.

On a note! If the weight suddenly stops and does not decrease within 2-3 weeks, it is time to move on to the consolidation stage. When we are talking about a lot of excess weight (about 30 kg), after consolidation, it is recommended to move into the attack phase. This approach will probably help you lose weight to the desired figure.

Second phase rules

To achieve maximum results, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • days of attack are replaced by days of alternation (day 1 you eat only meat and dairy products, day 2 – add vegetables);
  • if you ate for 3 days according to the principle of the first cycle, then for the next 3 days you eat the same, but with the addition of fiber;
  • eat at any time of the day, and portion sizes are individual;
  • drink more clean water (calculate the required amount - 30 ml per 1 kg of current weight);
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. oat bran – mandatory daily portion;
  • eat often and in small portions, 7 meals per day are allowed (but in this case it is better to drink light yogurt or kefir at night);
  • eat only approved foods;
  • for the best result, add physical activity: running, walking, dancing, Pilates, swimming;
  • You can boil, fry without oil, stew, bake.

Be sure to read: Dukan protein diet: food table, weekly menu, recipes

During alternation, disruptions are possible. If this happens 1-2 times, then you should continue eating in the desired mode. For regular violations, take a two-week break and start again with an attack.

Dukan diet - sensational weight loss

Oops I corrected it twice

Ahh I understand, squirrel day, squirrel and vegetables day

For some reason, I lost a little on Dukan, only 5 kilos, but then I started using this method together ≈ And as a result, in two months I lost an additional 14 kg. You probably need to change your diet periodically.

I found this diet difficult. I created a personal diet here so far I’m happy with everything. Much easier. They gave me a list of recommendations and a personalized diet.

Interesting article, thanks

Where can I buy Dukan's book and where are the recipes?

I’ve read a lot about the diet and am now already at the second stage, but I’m tormented by one question: can I have sauerkraut?

How many days should you go on a diet at each stage?

I’ve read a lot about the diet and am now already at the second stage, but I’m tormented by one question: can I have sauerkraut?

Or there may be protein poisoning with such a diet.


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