Is it possible to eat bananas at night and why can’t this be done when losing weight and dieting?

How many calories are in a banana?

Those losing weight need to remember that banana is a high-calorie fruit. It is high in calories due to its high carbohydrate content. 100 g of pulp contains about 90 kcal. Banana fruits come in different sizes and weights. There is a difference - to eat a small fruit weighing 150 g or a fairly large one, more than 200 g! For comparison, the calorie content of grapefruit is only 35 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of mango.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy necessary for normal life. 100g of banana contains 25g of carbohydrates. The aforementioned grapefruit contains only 11 g.

Nutrients in 100 grams of banana

Are there bananas or not: product composition

If you take into account the beneficial properties, then doubts about whether you can eat a banana at night will disappear immediately. The yellow fruit is a real treasure:

  • Among many minerals, bananas contain potassium, which helps maintain water-salt balance and remove excess fluid from the body. As a result, we have the prevention of cellulite and normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle. Eat a banana - cleanse yourself, eat two - replenish your daily potassium requirement.
  • The yellow fruit has an enviable composition of vitamins (E, B, A, C), which help rejuvenate, restore and nourish cells, and maintain immunity. Is it possible to eat bananas, which saturate the body with many useful substances? Undoubtedly.
  • The pulp of the fruit contains an amino acid responsible for the production of serotonin, the well-known “happiness hormone”. Vigor and vitality will prevent depression from even approaching. Are you sad? The answer is simple. To create a feeling of happiness, you need to eat a banana at night, during the day or in the morning.

These fruits are distinguished by their rare “independence”.
The product contains healthy carbohydrates (starch, sugar) and malic acid, which helps their absorption. Fiber has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, promoting normalization. The body has no difficulty asking whether to eat bananas or not. It is rare to come across an energy material so easy to process. Can I have bananas? Need to. Yellow fruit is an ideal combination of easy digestibility and a rich complex of nutrients.

Banana diet

There are two types of banana diet:

  1. Strict express diet, designed for 3 days. You are allowed to drink water and eat up to four fruits per day. In three days you can lose up to 4 kilograms. It is dangerous to follow a diet for more than three or four days.
  2. Classic banana diet. It includes bananas and skim milk or kefir. Different versions of such a diet allow additional products, and the duration of the diet depends on this. It is possible to lose about 3-4 kilograms in a week.

With any type of diet, water is allowed to be drunk unlimitedly. The amount of weight lost depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

The banana diet is effective if you follow it clearly and consistently.

One of the conditions of any banana diet is that the last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime. Let's look at why you shouldn't eat bananas at night.

Calorie content

Many people consider bananas to be a high-calorie product. But in fact this is only partly true. If you compare them with other fruits or vegetables, then yes, the calorie content will be higher. But at the same time, the calorie content ranges from 89 to 95 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on its maturity. And this is a very good indicator, since products with a calorie content of less than 100 kcal per 100 grams are considered low-calorie.

Another thing is that they contain practically no proteins and fats - from 0.5 to 1.5 grams per 100 grams of product weight - and the main part is carbohydrates.

Vitamins and minerals found in bananas

Should you eat bananas in the evening and at night?

The last meal of the day, dinner, traditionally raises many questions for all people interested in a healthy lifestyle.
To find out whether you can eat bananas at night while losing weight, you need to understand how the human body works. Eight hours of sleep requires approximately 480 kcal. The digestive system slows down at this time. If you load your stomach immediately before bed, some of the food will not have time to be processed, and in the morning you will be left with an unpleasant feeling of heaviness. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose, and since a person sleeps and spends little energy, it is safely converted into fat deposits. Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to eat bananas at night, we must give a negative answer.


  • Eating bananas before bed can help you get a good night's sleep.
  • Bananas are rich in magnesium, potassium, tryptophan, vitamin B6, carbohydrates and fiber, which can improve sleep quality through various mechanisms.
  • However, if you have trouble sleeping, you should try other science-based tips for improving sleep, such as maintaining a sleep routine, optimizing your sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: Bananas, Insomnia, Sleep

About the author: Anastasia Sheveleva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant. More about the author.

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Is it possible for a person who is not on a diet to eat at night?

Is it possible to eat bananas at night? – people who do not follow special diets are interested. For all those who do not suffer from excess weight problems, eating too much carbohydrate before bed can lead to similar problems in the future. It is important to feel in moderation here. If sometimes, at least two to three hours before bedtime, you eat a banana at night (but no more than one), such a meal will not affect your weight either positively or negatively.

If you are not interested in losing weight, eating one banana at night is fine. Should you eat bananas during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Is it possible to eat bananas at night?

It’s enough to remember a biology course to understand that adding bananas to your diet in the evening is not the best idea. During sleep, the internal organs also rest: their work slows down, and therefore the functions of the stomach are significantly inhibited. If food that has entered the stomach does not have time to be digested due to slow work, it will ferment until the morning, which is fraught with bloating and heaviness. Light foods are eaten several hours before rest.

Eating a banana before bed is also harmful due to different reactions to eating this fruit. If the gastrointestinal tract is normal and there are no problems with sugar, eating fruit can dull the feeling of hunger to achieve short-term satiety.

But you should refuse such a dinner due to the presence of changes in sugar levels. First, a person will feel a surge of energy, and then hunger will interfere with normal sleep.

Another pressing question about a banana at night is whether a child can eat it, even in small quantities. Children are more active than adults, so rest is most important to them. The digestive tract works slowly at night. If the stomach is loaded with heavy food before bedtime, some of it will not be fully processed, and in the morning the child will feel nausea and heaviness. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose, since a small amount of energy is spent during sleep, and all the accumulated calories from the banana will be stored in fat.

If you want to eat something healthy and not burden your stomach, it is recommended to prepare a special cocktail. To make it, take one banana, a couple of small glasses of milk, a couple of tablespoons of carrot juice and honey in the amount of 50 g. Honey is diluted in heated milk. The banana is thoroughly chopped, a milk-honey mixture and carrot juice are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed again.

This is a useful composition for the night, enriched with vitamins B6, A, C, PP. Honey will help you fall asleep quickly and calm the nervous system, and milk is also the key to sound sleep. But you need to drink the cocktail 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the whole healthy dinner will ferment.

Is it allowed to eat before bed when losing weight?

If a person is aiming to lose weight, then he should know whether a banana can be eaten at night while on a diet or not. The habit of eating high-calorie fruits in the evening will slow down the weight loss process, at best. Simple carbohydrates should enter the body in the first half of the day, when a person is active and moves a lot. Excess calories must have time to be processed.

Some women don't understand why they shouldn't eat bananas at night if they haven't eaten much during the day. The fact is that during fasting, the body’s protective reaction is to make as many reserves as possible for the future.

You can't make yourself feel hungry. This will lead to an unhealthy increase in appetite later on. According to this mechanism, so-called “breakdowns” are formed, when after a diet a person eats everything uncontrollably.

If you really want to eat something in the evening besides dinner, you don’t need to eat bananas; it’s better to satisfy your hunger with a lower-calorie fruit or vegetable, or drink water.

Why you shouldn't eat before bed

In order to generally understand whether it is possible to eat bananas or other foods at night, you need to know what happens in the body when the food enters the stomach and you go to bed. The body rests during sleep. Internal organs significantly slow down their work in order to replenish the energy spent during the day. In a dream they are restored. All biochemical processes also slow down.

The stomach, duodenum, large and small intestines also slow down their work. This means that food that enters the body before bed will lie as ballast; it will not move further through the digestive tract. Fermentation intensifies, a large amount of acid is released, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient.

Important! During the chemical fermentation reaction, toxins are released and enter the bloodstream. This significantly affects a person’s appearance. In the morning he is depressed and feels uncomfortable.

When food enters the stomach, the pancreas begins to secrete enzymes to break down digestive products, but due to the weak functioning of the duodenum, these enzymes settle in it, which can cause diabetes.

Bile, secreted for better digestion, also stagnates, which causes the formation of stones in the gallbladder ducts. The liver is also unable to function at night, and with a heavy evening meal, glucose accumulates in it, which provokes an increase in fat inside the body. This fat is mobile and can accumulate in any corner of the body.

As a result, we should say an affirmative medical opinion about why it is not advisable to eat at night - during sleep, growth hormone is actively produced, which is capable of breaking down fats. But it appears when insulin levels are low. And since when leftover food ferments in the intestines, its amount increases, which means there is no point in talking about overnight weight loss.

Important! It is considered optimal to take dinner or a light dinner two or three hours before bedtime. It is believed that during this period of time the food will have already been digested and descended into the large intestine, preparing to leave your body.

Main factors why you should give up banana at night

Let's present several reasons why you should not eat a banana before bed:

  1. High calorie content, which will become a hindrance at night when losing weight. 100 grams of pulp contains about 100 kcal. This is a high figure. Therefore, if you are losing weight, you should give up exotic foods. But if you don’t have the strength, then estimate the calories you eat per day and calculate how much pulp you can eat. Maybe half a fruit will be enough for you.
  2. It takes 40 minutes for the fruit pulp to be completely digested.
  3. Banana increases the rise in blood sugar.
  4. The diuretic effect of banana makes it necessary to exclude it from the list of nightly foods.
  5. Skip the banana milkshake at night, it causes strong fermentation.

Smoothie with orange, banana and pineapple

• Pineapple - 1 piece • Freshly squeezed orange juice - ½ cup • Bananas - 1 piece • Lime - 1 piece

1. Peel and core the pineapple.
Pass half the fruit through a juicer. Cut the other half into slices and place in a blender, add orange juice, pineapple juice and banana. 2. Squeeze the lime juice and whisk until smooth. Detailed step-by-step
. Bon appetit!

You will find even more unusual and simple recipes here

Is it possible to eat bananas for weight loss?

Before answering this question, you need to understand what benefits and harm bananas bring to a losing person. Apart from high carbohydrate content, there is no other harm. But remember that these carbohydrates do not equal the amount of sugar. That is, if you eat a banana, this does not mean that you have eaten 90 grams of sugar. This fruit contains glucose and fructose, which are not as harmful as refined white sugar.

The benefits are much greater:

  • control the production of estrogen, normalizing hormonal levels;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • help the body recover faster after training;
  • give long saturation.

This is only useful for weight loss. This fruit has many more beneficial properties for the body as a whole. The potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements they contain have a positive effect on almost all body systems.

Therefore, when losing weight, bananas can and should be eaten. Just limit their number to reasonable limits.

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