Is it possible to eat bananas while losing weight: expert opinions

Nutritional value of the fruit

Bananas are considered a relatively high-calorie fruit compared to others. For every hundred grams of fruit without peel there are about 95 calories, and in one average banana there are about 120 grams.

Compared to a number of products, this is not so much, but if you compare, for example, with green apples or vegetables, you get an average figure.

The main harm of bananas is that most of the calories come from carbohydrates, and simple ones. The ratio of nutrients is approximately as follows:

  • proteins - about one and a half grams;
  • fats - about half a gram;
  • carbohydrates - about 20 grams, including 7 grams of sugar, 3 grams of fructose, 4 grams of glucose, the rest are complex carbohydrates.

At the same time, bananas are quite healthy due to the content of many important components, such as:

  • B vitamins;
  • carotene, vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • a number of other vitamins in smaller quantities;
  • magnesium, manganese, potassium and other minerals.

Important! Bananas are also rich in iron. And it is necessary for the normal course of the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and their transfer of oxygen to tissues. Also, consuming foods containing iron helps prevent anemia, and for those people who have it, it can significantly alleviate its course, or even get rid of the disease.

There are so many vitamins in bananas that one hundred grams of fruit will amount to 10 to 20% of the daily requirement. For example, it is especially rich in B vitamins, as well as minerals such as manganese, potassium and magnesium.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

The particular benefits of bananas are due to their high potassium content. This is due to the fact that this mineral is necessary for the normal course of all physiological processes at the cellular level. The reason is that potassium is the leading link in the potassium-sodium pump, a natural mechanism that ensures the entry of nutrients into the cell and the removal of toxic and unnecessary biological compounds from it. On the surface of each cell there is a cell membrane - a kind of “gate” through which some substances enter the cell, and others are removed from it. Potassium ions accumulate inside the cell, and sodium ions are located outside (the space inside the cell is limited from the space outside it by the cell membrane). The accumulation of ions with different charges on opposite sides of the cell membrane (potassium has a negative charge, and sodium has a positive charge) leads to a change in the charges inside and outside the cell: a negative charge is created in the cell, and a positive charge outside it. Whereas normally the cell charge is negative (approximately). For the normal existence of a cell, the charge must be equalized. It happens like this: upon reaching peak charges inside and outside the cell, special receptors located on the cell membrane are activated. As a result, the “gate” opens, and potassium ions leave the cell, and sodium ions enter it. The vital activity of every cell, and therefore every tissue, every organ in the body directly depends on the course of these processes.

The glycemic index of banana is 60 when fresh. After heat treatment it will grow significantly. This is an average, but many fruits are less important.

Important! The glycemic index shows how much carbohydrates from a particular food can raise blood glucose levels. And since glucose is a source of energy, knowing the glycemic index of a product, you can calculate your diet or quickly restore energy reserves. However, foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed with caution by those who suffer from diabetes. After all, abnormally high blood glucose levels are dangerous not only for health, but also for life. And with diabetes, there is a deficiency of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels.

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Beneficial features

You can eat bananas while on a diet, but you should limit the amount and time of consumption.

Bananas not only quickly saturate the body, but also have a number of beneficial properties that are determined by the composition of the fruit:

  • The fruit almost never causes allergic reactions, which allows it to be consumed even by small children. It can also be safely eaten by allergy sufferers;
  • quickly replenish blood sugar levels, which is necessary, for example, after a workout or on the road, when there is no other opportunity to have a snack;
  • rich composition, including a number of useful components, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart, skin, hair, and hormonal levels;
  • help fight depression and have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • relieves tension, fatigue, improves tone.

Fact! Since bananas contain a lot of glucose, they can be used in the treatment of hypoglycemia (a condition when blood glucose levels drop to health-threatening levels) in those people who suffer from diabetes. The condition can develop both with insulin deficiency and prolonged fasting, and if an excessive dose of insulin is administered. To restore the balance of glucose in the blood, a person with hypoglycemia should be given 1-2 bananas to eat as soon as possible. As a result, your health status quickly returns to normal.

Bananas are also useful for proper nutrition because they have a fibrous structure, which has a positive effect on digestion.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

The concept of fibrous structure means a high content of hard-to-digest dietary fiber - fiber. The latter has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It normalizes peristalsis (rhythmic contractions of the intestinal wall), thereby improving digestion. Also, regular consumption of foods rich in fiber will help you get rid of a whole list of intestinal diseases. Those who want to lose weight are advised to consume more fiber than the average person, as it prevents the absorption of toxins from food and speeds up their elimination. In addition, fiber improves the absorption of nutrients and allows you to quickly overcome hunger. The latter property is associated with the filling of the stomach, which has special receptors that respond to the stretching of its wall. Fiber leads to stretching of the stomach wall, in response to which special receptors transmit information to the brain about the need to stop eating. Fiber also regulates the balance of microflora in the intestines. It prevents the increase in the population of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms (removes them from the human body), thereby preventing the development of many diseases, and not only the digestive system. Those who suffer from dysbiosis should also consume foods rich in fiber, because the fewer harmful microbes in the body, the better conditions are created for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

Is there any harm

The harm of bananas is mainly due to the high content of simple carbohydrates. They are contraindicated on a diet, as well as for diabetics.

The relatively high glycemic index indicates that the fruit is not very suitable for weight loss, but is allowed in limited quantities.

Attention! Bananas can be harmful not only when losing weight, but also in other situations when there are certain diseases, for example, diabetes, allergies, varicose veins, and so on.

Bananas are also not recommended after a heart attack or stroke, as they can increase the risk of blood clots, and therefore can lead to recurrent disease. But the presence of allergic reactions to bananas is very rare, but sometimes it happens.

Attention! Those who have bradycardia (abnormally slow heart rate - less than 60 beats per minute) or other heart rhythm disorders such as blockades should not get carried away with bananas. In this case, eating bananas may negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

Chocolate muffins with banana

• Dark chocolate 70% - 100 g • Bananas - 1 piece • Butter - 100 g • Sugar - 200 g • Chicken egg - 3 pieces • Wheat flour - 200 g • Slaked soda - 1 teaspoon • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons

1. Crumble the chocolate into small pieces measuring approximately 0.5 x 0.5 cm, and cut the banana into the same pieces.
2. Grind butter with sugar and add eggs, mix. 3. Add chocolate and banana and mix. 4. Then add flour pre-mixed with baking powder, then slaked soda. 5. Place everything in muffin tins, filling a little more than half. 6. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 25 minutes. 7. After cooling, cover with chocolate glaze or chocolate cream. Detailed step-by-step

Who should not eat and why

Bananas are not recommended for the following people:

  • those losing weight in large quantities, as well as in the evening;
  • except in situations where there is an urgent need to increase blood glucose concentrations;
  • with an increased risk of blood clots, since eating bananas further increases the likelihood of blood clots;
  • if you have an allergy;
  • in case of heart rhythm disturbances in the direction of blockades or bradycardia;
  • if there are varicose veins.

If you have these problems, you should not eat bananas or carefully monitor the body’s reaction and consume them in very limited quantities.

Is it worth consuming the fruit with proper nutrition and while losing weight or not?

You can eat bananas on a diet, but the product should be strictly limited.

It is necessary to calculate the calorie content of the diet, the balance of nutrients, which will allow you to control the menu and calculate the permissible amount of simple carbohydrates.

It is also worth remembering that bananas are best eaten at certain times of the day.

Important! Bananas are not considered a very unhealthy food, but are limited due to their high carbohydrate content, including simple ones.

A healthy diet may include some simple carbohydrates. It’s better to eat a banana than to suddenly break loose and attack other sweets, such as cakes, sweet pastries, and so on. In addition, bananas are much healthier than any baked goods or sweets.

How much can you eat per day when losing weight?

During the period of active weight loss, it is worth monitoring the total calorie intake of the diet.

The permissible amount of energy is first calculated approximately, then determined empirically, since each organism has a number of characteristics (metabolic rate, hormonal levels, lifestyle, and so on).

It is also worth considering the characteristics of the body constitution (body type). Thus, in thin and most often tall people with long limbs (exomorphs), metabolic processes proceed the fastest. Such people are not prone to gaining excess weight, and even if they do gain it, they will quickly get rid of it. Short but large people who are prone to gaining excess weight (endomorphs) have the slowest metabolism. They are the ones who gain excess weight most easily, and getting rid of it is the most difficult for such people. People of average height and moderate “dimensions” (mesomorphs) have an average metabolic rate. They are equally prone to weight gain and weight loss. It is easiest for such people to correct their figure.

It is believed that one or two bananas per day with high physical activity will be acceptable. If a person losing weight moves little, then it is better not to eat more than one banana per day.

What time of day: morning, afternoon or evening

You should not eat bananas while losing weight at night, as they contain a lot of simple carbohydrates, which can be stored in the body as fat. Bananas are best consumed either in the morning or during the day. It is best to eat the fruit with breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

At a later time, bananas are allowed after an intense workout. The fruit will help restore glycogen reserves in the body, which will speed up recovery after physical activity.

Attention! In the case of hypoglycemia, bananas can be consumed regardless of the time of day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive quality of the technique is that it improves your diet and lifestyle in general.

  • For breakfast, you get the necessary energy that you will need throughout the day, eat by the hour and go to bed on time - the effect will affect not only your figure, but the entire body.
  • Accelerating metabolism helps to consolidate the achieved results. After completing the diet, if you do not deliberately overeat and indulge in junk food, your weight will remain stable.
  • Won't break your budget. You don't have to buy expensive exotic products that promise to get rid of wrinkles on your waist and hips. You need to eat as usual, but replace your breakfast, which usually consists of sandwiches or cookies, with bananas, which are inexpensive.

The disadvantage of the Japanese banana diet, oddly enough, is in its basic idea, that is, that you are allowed to eat any food, and a rigid system is not established. Because of this, some people do not plan their diet very correctly, and they are not happy with the result. If you really decide to lose weight, it is better not to rely only on a banana breakfast, but to change your eating habits in general.

Due to its high carbohydrate content, the banana diet may contribute to the development of diabetes in those people who are prone to it. In addition, regular consumption of bananas can cause problems in the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

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It’s obvious why you can’t build a diet on bananas alone - they contain a lot of carbohydrates and little protein, which is exactly the opposite of the principle of losing weight, when there should be more protein foods.

However, fasting days on bananas are allowed, as they will allow the gastrointestinal tract to take a break from eating heavy food and adjust to the subsequent diet.

At the same time, doubts about whether it is worth arranging such unloading when losing weight or not are quite obvious. A large amount of simple carbohydrates can be deposited in the body as fat, which will negate all past achievements. However, with such a fasting day, no other food will be consumed, and accordingly, the total calorie content of the diet will be small.

So, a person losing weight needs to eat a couple of bananas for breakfast, then for lunch, and one in the late afternoon, but not just before bed. In addition, you need to drink at least two liters of water per day. You should not arrange such a fasting often and for more than one day in a row, because excessive consumption of bananas can be harmful to your health, especially if you have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Important! The given volume of water is aimed at the average person. People with more or less than the average body weight need to increase or decrease their fluid intake by 0.5 liters, respectively.

The banana diet is considered short-term, that is, it is used for no more than a week in a row. It is necessary to select ripe fruits, avoiding green ones, as they contain even more sugar.

The simplest diet option that is suitable for beginners is a three-day diet. You need to consume 3-4 fruits a day, adding skim milk or kefir to your diet. It is not recommended to combine products; it is better to alternate. As a result, meals will be frequent, but low in calories.

The second diet option is a weekly one. During the day, only bananas and water are consumed, any other food is excluded. You can eat several fruits a day; if the feeling of hunger is too strong, you can add another one, but the last meal should be a maximum of 3 hours before going to bed.

Pork goulash with bananas

• Pork – 200 g • Bananas – 2 pieces • Onions – 100 g • Potatoes – 200 g • Olive oil – 10 ml • Herbs to taste • Meat broth – 1 glass • Olives to taste • Salt – pinch

1. Coarsely chop the potatoes and onions.
2. Add chopped pork and banana. Fill halfway with meat broth. 3. Place all ingredients in a saucepan or deep frying pan and cook over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Decorate the finished dish with banana and olives. Detailed step-by-step recipe
for the dish

Expert opinions

Experts believe that it is possible to eat bananas on a diet, but in very limited quantities and preferably in the first half of the day.

Due to their high carbohydrate content, bananas cause an increase in blood glucose, which is dangerous for those people who suffer from diabetes, because due to low insulin production or cell insensitivity to it, a health- and even life-threatening state of hyperglycemia develops.

At the same time, it is worth taking into account other possible limitations, primarily allergies, diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, digestive systems, and lack of enzymes that ensure the absorption of carbohydrates. In case of other disorders in the body, a small amount of bananas will not cause harm, unlike regular consumption.

Ekaterina Usmanova, fitness bikini

An athlete, winner of a number of titles and coach Ekaterina Usmanova, who performs in a fitness bikini, believes that bananas, like other foods containing sugar, can be eaten in small quantities in the off-season, even when you need to lose a little weight, the main thing is to carefully consider the total calorie content and do not eat bananas at night.

But during the drying period it is better to abandon them.

Mikhail Gavrilov, nutritionist

The author of weight loss methods and nutritionist Mikhail Gavrilov believes that bananas can be given to someone who is losing weight if there is a need for them. But you should always know when to stop, since an excessive amount will lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, intestines, and can cause allergic-type reactions.

Ekaterina Krasavina, fitness bikini

The winner of numerous fitness bikini competitions, Ekaterina Krasavina, believes that you can eat a lot, with the exception of the most harmful foods, which do not include bananas. But those who suffer from diabetes should not eat them in unlimited quantities, as this can excessively increase blood sugar levels, which can provoke a dangerous state of hyperglycemia. Also, those who have problems with the cardiovascular, urinary, digestive systems, or have previously had allergies to bananas, should not get carried away with bananas. It is better to eat bananas either in the morning or after training.

Essence and features

Many people fail to lose weight due to a slow metabolism. Sluggish metabolism does not allow food to be quickly digested, which is why even the most strict diets do not bring lasting results. A slow metabolism means that the body spends less energy on physical and mental activity, which is why fat tissue is not used, even if there is a calorie deficit from food.

Hitoshi Watanabe solved the problem simply - he began to eat bananas. The substances they contain, in particular B vitamins, help speed up metabolism and also have a positive effect on many other processes that directly or indirectly affect the condition of the figure.

The nutritionist suggests eating bananas for breakfast combined with warm water. All other meals can be composed of any products at your discretion. Even fried meat, potatoes and pasta, which are prohibited by other methods, are allowed on the morning banana diet.

Doctors believe that breakfast is the main meal of the day. It is during this period that the body should receive the greatest amount of energy, which will then be consumed throughout the day. Bananas are rich in carbohydrates (21 g per 100 g of pulp), so there will be plenty of natural “fuel”.

Regular intake of carbohydrates combined with fiber (indigestible plant fiber found in bananas) helps normalize blood sugar levels. There are no sudden jumps in glucose, so the body does not regard the situation as a signal for emergency accumulation of fatty tissue.

The increased amount of carbohydrates in bananas may lead you to believe that these fruits are not very healthy for your figure. However, in the first half of the day our body simply needs sugar, but in the evening it is better to refuse such food. The Japanese morning diet precisely guides those losing weight towards proper nutrition. Bananas should only be eaten for breakfast, but should not be eaten for other meals and snacks.

Interesting: Bananas promote the production of the happiness hormone - serotonin. If you eat them regularly, the habit of stress eating may disappear on its own.

In addition, these fruits contain fiber, which helps improve digestion. Of course, it is also found in other fruits and vegetables, but few of us include nature's gifts in our daily diet. The Japanese banana diet teaches you to eat in such a way that food brings benefits.

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