Watermelon in our diet for weight loss: the benefits of the largest berry

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Watermelon is a melon crop of the Cucurbitaceae family; its fruit is a false berry. It has a very high water content of about 90%. 0.7% of the edible part comes from proteins, 8.7% from carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides), 0.5% from dietary fiber, fiber and pectins.

Despite the beneficial properties of watermelon, you can’t count on a large supply of vitamins with it, but it contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and iron. Magnesium is necessary for the development of the nervous system, potassium helps maintain water-salt balance, and iron promotes hematopoiesis. However, if you eat 1 kilogram of watermelons per day, the daily requirement of vitamin C will be provided. Calorie content 38 kcal per 100 g of pulp.

To saturate the watermelon diet with essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, food diversity is introduced into the diet - the more varied the longer the diet is supposed to be.

A little about watermelon

For many, watermelon is associated with summer, and most people are probably aware of the benefits that consuming this berry can bring. Watermelon is famous for such microelements as magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, folic acid. The berry will help normalize the functioning of the kidneys and intestinal tract, serves as a good prevention of atherosclerosis and has an excellent effect on the immune system in general.

Some note that watermelon even helps to get rid of excess weight, because it is a fairly low-calorie product. Doctors advise eating berries even for those losing weight and people with diabetes.

Calorie content of watermelon

The calorie content of the berry is almost 40 calories per 100 grams. Watermelon is included in the list of the lowest calorie foods. The sugar contained in the berry does not contribute to excess weight gain, because it is perfectly absorbed and is not subsequently stored in fat.

Nutritional value of the berry - 100 grams contains:

  • 0.1 grams of fat,
  • 0.4 grams of dietary fiber,
  • 92.6 grams of water,
  • 0.6 grams of protein,
  • 5.8 grams of carbohydrates,
  • 0.1 grams of organic acids.

Moderation in consuming watermelon will not allow you to gain weight. In addition, you can stick to a mono-diet that lasts no more than a few days. Choosing this berry for dinner would be a good option.

Composition of watermelon

Many have heard about the microelements and vitamins contained in watermelon. The red pulp of the berry is a real storehouse of vitamins A, E, C, B9, B6, B2, B1, PP. It also includes potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.

Fructose is the main carbohydrate of watermelon (and not sucrose, as some lovers of the berry believe), which allows people with diabetes to consume the fruit.


  • calcium – 14 milligrams,
  • sodium – 16 milligrams,
  • iron – 1 milligram,
  • potassium – 64 milligrams,
  • magnesium – 224 milligrams,
  • phosphorus – 7 milligrams.

100 grams of pulp contains the following vitamins:

  • beta-carotene – 0.1 milligrams,
  • riboflavin – 0.06 milligrams,
  • folic acid – 8 milligrams,
  • thiamine – 0.04 milligrams,
  • pyridoxine – 0.09 milligrams and some others

Watermelon is useful for men, because it improves potency and prevents male infertility. This benefit can be explained by the fact that the berry contains lycopene, a component known for its antioxidant properties.

Watermelon juice and pulp are known for their strong choleretic and diuretic effects. The pulp contains a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, which is incredibly beneficial for the intestines. Frequent consumption of watermelon will improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and reduce the level of unwanted cholesterol in the blood.

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How to lose weight with watermelon, arranging fasting days

The rate of water consumption for a balanced diet (taking into account the water contained in drinks, foods and dishes) is about 30 ml per 1 kg of a person’s normal weight. For a person of average height, it does not exceed 2 liters. Since watermelon consists almost entirely of water, consuming more than 2 kg of watermelon pulp per day is not recommended for any diet.

The calorie content of 2 kg of watermelons is 760 kcal. This is the normal calorie content of a fasting day, which is advisable to do 1-2 times a week if you are overweight or obese. Even if you eat as usual for the remaining 5 days of the week, your net weight loss will be about half a kilogram per week.

That is, during the season of abundance of melons (August-September) you can get rid of 4-5 kg. And this is without being on a diet, only due to fasting days. This regime will be a good foundation for rethinking your diet from October and continuing systematic weight loss on a balanced diet.



35 kcal / 100 g.

Another “symbol” of August is the juicy, aromatic and sweet melon. It consists of 90% water. Most of it consists of easily digestible carbohydrates, which quickly provide a burst of energy. Fiber, which the fruit is rich in, stimulates intestinal motility and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Melon contains a large amount of vitamin C: in some fruits the concentration of vitamin reaches 40% of the daily requirement. Thanks to this, it helps the body resist colds.

In addition, melon contains a lot of silicon, so it improves the condition of hair and skin. The fruit contains a lot of iron, much more than, for example, fish or milk. It also contains magnesium, which is very beneficial for the heart muscle.

Why can't you eat in a hurry?

Melon should not be combined with dairy products and alcoholic drinks - this causes digestive system upset. Nursing mothers should not get carried away with the delicious berry, as this may cause digestive problems for the baby. It is not recommended to overuse the berry for those diagnosed with diabetes, gastritis or peptic ulcers, as it contains a large amount of sugars.

Watermelon diets for weight loss

Whether watermelon helps you lose weight or not, whether you lose weight or gain weight from eating it - everything will be determined by the calorie content of your diet. To lose weight, it is not enough to eat watermelon. Any diet will promote weight loss only if energy expenditure exceeds its intake.

It is hardly advisable to eat exclusively these melons for a week or two, but this product can become the basis of various diets, where daily, along with other products, you need to eat from 1 to 2 kg of watermelon pulp.

Watermelon diet with bread

Thanks to the availability of bread, such a diet can be planned for a week. To 2 kg of watermelon you should add 150 g of dried rye bread. The entire daily amount of food should be divided into 5 meals. In a week of such a diet, you can lose 1 kg, even taking into account a small “rollback” in weight.

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Combination diet

The diet is more balanced than the previous one and is designed for 2 weeks. The diet menu is as follows:

  • breakfast: porridge with water, egg, cottage cheese or cheese;
  • lunch: a portion of beef, fish or poultry (chicken, turkey), vegetable salad with herbs;
  • dinner: 1 kg of watermelon pulp.

Balanced diet

A balanced diet can be followed indefinitely, throughout the entire period of weight loss. The calorie content of the diet should be reduced by 400–500 kcal (for women and men, respectively). It should include a sufficient amount of animal proteins, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates.

You should avoid simple sugars, since a sufficient amount of them is contained in watermelon pulp, which should be included in the menu of each of the three meals in the amount of 300 g. Between main meals, you should make snacks: drink a glass of smoothie from the fruit itself or its juice. However, if you don’t have time to make a smoothie or juice, eat a slice of watermelon.

Contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of watermelon are incomparable. The benefits undoubtedly prevail, but if you have the following contraindications, you should not use watermelon for weight loss.

  1. Individual intolerance with allergic manifestations.
  2. Last trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Breast-feeding.
  4. BPH.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Diabetes.

Sometimes they ask whether it is possible to eat watermelon at night, whether it will be useful. You can - up to 1 kg for dinner, and provided that you do not eat anything else, and dinner is 4 hours before bedtime.

Is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight?

Watermelon fiber is known for its delicate laxative properties; it allows you to improve intestinal motor function, that is, cope with the hated constipation and cholesterol removal.

Before losing weight with watermelon, you should ask some questions:

  • Do you have diabetes mellitus, severe diseases of the prostate and pancreas, pyelonephritis, kidney stones? In this case, you need to limit yourself in the amount of product you consume.
  • Does the purchased watermelon contain nitrates? Otherwise, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are likely. Nitrates are extremely dangerous for people suffering from kidney diseases and children.
  • Is the watermelon clean? When in doubt, only eat the middle of the berry. This is due to the fact that nitrates usually accumulate in the peel itself and not far from it.

The benefits of watermelon for weight loss

Despite the many beneficial components of watermelon, the opinions of those losing weight regarding whether it can be consumed at night differ greatly. Some nutritionists support those who refuse this treat at night. They believe that otherwise, the body receives additional stress on the digestive and circulatory systems.

A fairly clear answer to the exciting question was found. Many people know that a diet based on the consumption of berries leads to better results. Its seasonality is considered a disadvantage, because, unfortunately, the berry is available only in the summer.

Watermelon is useful for people suffering from hypertension, which is so often a companion to obesity, due to its considerable amount of magnesium. For hypertension, fasting days are prescribed, strictly supervised by a doctor.

To obtain the required dose of magnesium, you need to eat approximately 150 grams of berry pulp per day, and if you want to get a healing effect - 2 kilograms. Watermelon goes well with almost all foods; many people consume it in unlimited quantities without harm to health.

How exactly does the berry help with weight loss?

  1. Getting rid of hated kilograms occurs thanks to its composition.
  2. It consists of 90% water and is known for its mineral components.
  3. Proteins and fats are practically absent.
  4. The berry also contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which gives the pulp that sweetness. These carbohydrates are instantly broken down, after which the body uses them, preventing them from being converted into fat deposits.
  5. In addition, water helps remove waste, toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful elements from the body.

Harm of watermelon for weight loss

Before eating the berries, you should not eat smoked or salty foods. This usually leads to swelling and not the most pleasant sensations.

It is not recommended to adhere to a watermelon diet for people who are allergic to pollen from certain weeds. After all, eating watermelon greatly increases the possibility of allergic reactions such as burning, itching or dermatitis of the perioral area. If such signs are detected, you should immediately contact an allergist.

Watermelon can also be harmful for weight loss and consumption in general if it contains all sorts of chemicals. You can avoid them by refraining from buying melons during the non-summer period. The natural ripening time for the berries falls in August.

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In addition, nitrate watermelon is strictly prohibited for consumption by those with various liver pathologies and pregnant women.

Watermelon diet No. 1

This diet allows you to include watermelon in various dishes, consuming it in unlimited quantities. With the help of this berry it is easy to prepare a lot of delicious food. You can temporarily forget about the usual consumption of watermelon by preparing watermelon puree, including lemon, watermelon juice, cocktails with the addition of ginger or herbs.

1 course of the diet lasts 3 days. In some cases, the diet can be extended up to 5 days, which is undesirable, because in this case there is a danger of considerable concentration of arsenic in the body. This substance is deposited when the berry pulp is completely digested. It is better if the duration of the diet is prescribed by a nutritionist.

Rave reviews from those losing weight show that this diet will help you lose approximately 4 kilograms.

  • green tea or coffee,
  • unlimited amount of watermelon,
  • a few pineapple slices.
  • salad (carrots with tomatoes),
  • baked fish,
  • a slice of watermelon.
Afternoon snack:
  • unlimited amount of berries.
  • small chicken breast,
  • boiled vegetables,
  • piece of watermelon.
During the diet it is strictly forbidden to consume:
  • sugar (replace it with honey),
  • eggs,
  • foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates,
  • dairy products,
  • cereals,
  • fats.

Watermelon diet No. 2

This diet option allows you to stay on it for about 10 days. To the daily dose of berries add a couple of pieces of rye bread (your choice: wholemeal or grain flour). Usually, the feeling of satiety does not leave a long period of time, as does a great mood.

To ensure that the lost weight does not come back, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly.

Advice: for this, it is recommended to eat fruits, cereals, lean meat, vegetables, various cereals, fish, dairy products for 2 weeks, both for breakfast and lunch. In the evening, 4 hours before bedtime, you can go to watermelon.

1 kilogram of watermelon accounts for 30 kilograms of body weight. An approximate menu for exiting the diet is as follows:

  • breakfast: muesli or porridge, cottage cheese with pear/apple, tea.
  • lunch: vegetable salad with herbs, seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice, 100 grams of fish/meat, 1 egg, coffee/tea.
  • dinner: watermelon at the rate of 1 kilogram per 30 kilograms of body weight.

The watermelon diet impresses many, so after trying it once, you want to return to it again and again, because it perfectly helps to get rid of a few extra pounds.

Benefits of the Watermelon Diet

The watermelon diet is known for many benefits, among which the most notable are:

  • easy calculation of the amount of watermelon consumed depending on body weight (which eliminates constant calorie counting),
  • low cash costs,
  • removal of toxins, salts and waste from the body,
  • valuable composition of the berry.

Unfortunately, like many other products, watermelon has a number of disadvantages, including:

  • high load on the kidneys,
  • the relative rigidity of this mono-diet,
  • at the beginning of the diet, the fat layer does not decrease, only liquid is removed,
  • in some cases, beneficial substances are washed out of the body (for example, potassium and sodium salts).

Read also: Is it possible to eat cottage cheese at night while losing weight?

Exit from the watermelon diet

If you are afraid of gaining weight , getting fat and gaining weight again after successfully losing weight, you need to know how to get out of the diet correctly. The easiest way to get out of a balanced watermelon diet is this. If you have not yet managed to completely lose weight to a normal weight, and the melon season is over, return to drinking traditional drinks at breakfast, lunch and dinner: tea, coffee, compotes, fermented milk products.

To exit the two-week watermelon diet, gradually, during a transition period lasting also 2 weeks, increase the caloric content of the diet and dietary variety. At the same time, bring the caloric intake to the level of normal weight loss or weight maintenance if there is no need or desire to continue the diet. An incorrect and too hasty exit from the diet will lead to the fact that you will be sure that the giant berry will make you fat, and will deliberately deprive yourself of a valuable product in the future.

Selection of watermelons

When asked whether it is possible to lose weight on watermelon, those who have lost weight on the watermelon diet answer only in the affirmative. But in order not to harm yourself by consuming low-quality melons with a high content of nitrates, do not start the diet too early, but wait until the height of the season.

How to determine the ripeness of a berryWhat to pay attention to
An indirect indicator of the oversaturation of a fruit with nitrates can be its weight.A mature watermelon weighs about 8 kg, no more.
You can also put a slice of watermelon in a glass of cold water.A watermelon oversaturated with nitrates will turn the water pink.
Pay attention to the appearance of the fruit.In a ripe watermelon, the stalk has time to dry, and when tapped, it makes a dull sound.
An additional guarantee that the fruit has been tested for nitrates will be the place of purchase.Purchase not at a spontaneous market, but at a supermarket.

The benefits of watermelon for weight loss are undeniable, provided that it is chosen correctly, contains no nitrates, and includes other foods in the diet to balance its composition.

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